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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2019 7:04:41 GMT
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it had taken some clever wordplay and light manipulations here and there to wrangle jayde into a proper date. it had been absurdly difficult to manage it - for the older male was remarkably intelligent - but she had somehow convinced him to enjoy a meal with her. cait had even disguised it as a simple outing, but had urged him to dress snazzy for the occasion since she had secured reservations at mauville's best restaurant. 

how do i look?"

her gardevoir had only just done her hair, the mane of textured green curls now falling freely over her slim shoulders. she very rarely wore it down nowadays, and hoped that the atypical look would appeal to the man's personal tastes.

wish me luck, alright?

cait adjusted her dress as she peered at her reflection in the mirror, the dark and silky fabric snug around her frame and offering her a more mature look. the freckle-faced gym leader's makeup had also been done up to perfection, the girl expertly wielding her tools to ensure her features were enhanced to a noticeable enough degree without being overwhelming. she balanced herself upon high block heels, her steps appearing well-practiced as she took leave of her place of residence and began to make her way toward the dining establishment.

the restaurant was situated on mauville's top floor, and she had secured a window seat that would allow them access to a marvelous view whilst they ate. additionally, they had a wide range of meals that catered to the needs of both vegetarians and dedicated meat eaters alike. 

'let's just hope he finds something he likes,' she thought. 

they were to meet just outside of the restaurants glass doors, cait having decided that they were to be seated together as opposed to her claiming the table early on and by her lonesome.

'i'm a few minutes early,' she thought, glancing down at her slim time piece. 'he should be here pretty soon, though.' 

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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2019 1:21:40 GMT
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he wasn't used to this.

for the most of his life, jay stood at the very bottom, the grimy unkempt and forgotten world that so many refused to look at. it was his bloodshed that reveled in their nightmarish reality and it was also why he chose to hide so far from the public eye — especially now. 

league knew his face. the near onslaught of murdering a gym leader, only to be saved by another seemed odd. what was more odd was him agreeing to this outing. he should've denied, despite the offer coming off like a broken record, there was something nostalgic about the girl. something that ushered up approval

jay let out a sigh, kneading the temple of his head as fira looked at him, baffled and curious. it wasn't everyday the figure of cruelty took the time in looking presentable. he wore a dark blazer, underlined by a grey dress shirt and snugly fitted slacks. disheveled strands were forced back, kept from his tanned features. 

"don't look at me like that." he said, although the charizard did not comply. her recognition for her trainer's innocent discomfort had her feeling amused. eventually the pair were soaring forth, over towns and cities that dazzled in the closely brought evening. the beast landed a few lengths from the awaiting cait alfric, eyeing her with the same hateful look it had always had.

although he saw her, his gaze didn't linger. the companion disappears into its capsule as soon as he makes for the ground, approaching the girl. 

"you look nice," mentioned simply to be polite would've been an understatement. for a moment, jay didn't recognize her. "lets go." he says quickly, breaking the fact that he'd even complimented the gym leader. in his seemingly mysterious mind, he was hoping to get this over with. lest — anyone recognize him.

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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 2:57:22 GMT
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her expression lit up the moment he came into view, the woman - for only a moment - having considered the possibility of him not showing up.

'i don't think i'd be able to blame him, either.'

despite her being aware of his past transgressions, she had made the decision to remain outwardly oblivious of the fellow's history. something about him drew her in - like a moth to flame - and she entertained the notion of ignoring all else in favor of enjoying his company if only for a few moments. 

'we're normal for tonight; just a man and a woman doing what men and women do.'

cait smiled brilliantly in reaction to his greeting, having derived a certain amount of amusement from his stilted praise. 

"thank you," she chimed. "
and you look very handsome.

she nodded and escorted him into the restaurant once he had hurried them along. it was an absurdly expensive experience yet considered well worth the price they asked in exchange for their cuisine. they only had to wait for roughly several minutes before being seated, cait allowing for a brief silence to settle between them before she decided to speak.

thank you for coming out with me tonight."

the woman said this as she settled into her seat and set her purse aside.

i'm guessing you don't dine out too often?"

airing on the side of caution, she decided to pick a relatively safe topic. jayde was a mysterious fellow, after all, and she wanted to pick his brain without making it obvious that she was doing so. 

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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 1:32:10 GMT
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dully — the expression remains.

the cool persona is bound to his outward display, what flounders about in that mind is an absolute mystery. chattering hovers above him as though he'd been drowning, it is suffocating and uncomfortable. 

this is the last place he'd like to get chased within. in more ways than one — part of him wonders if cait was truly aware of his intentions. would she jump boat if she knew how deep the waters truly were?

"not usually..." he answers, slowly, his voice rough yet gentle all the same, "what about you?" jay changes the subject quickly, directing her interest elsewhere. if he can even manage such. the gym leader is truly persistent — a forward innocence that permits him from never acting out. 

those rules never stay.

"—and don't mention it," a flip sided approach to her words, he looks towards the nearby window. mauville truly has a remarkable sight as the evening creeps ever—near, "i should be the one thanking you." difficult to wager on the truth, he remains absent of expression. 

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 17:38:55 GMT
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cait prided herself on being a woman who had a comparably easier time reading others. this allowed her the  wonderful opportunity of detecting emotion and the subtle shifting of verbal tones and body language. but jayde proved a challenge, his metaphorical walls so impenetrable and effectively built that she struggled to peel back the layers that could expose what may or may not lay beneath. 


their conversation came to a temporary halt when they were made to place their order, cait having already decided upon a farfalle with a creamy mushroom sauce that came with a side of steamed and lightly seasoned vegetables. her chosen drink was notably plain, fruity and non-alcoholic. 

"since becoming gym leader i've taken to eating out on a bi-weekly basis. 
it's become a guilty pleasure of mine, actually. i get so little time to myself nowadays that moments like these are all i have to really look forward to.

additionally, with so much fine dining a mere 'stone's throw' away it proved difficult to resist the urge to sample all manner of rare and pricey dishes. 

i never really had the opportunity to enjoy restaurants and the like when i was younger. not that i'm complaining about my childhood; it's just the novelty of it all roped me in."

both of their drinks arrived first and cait took an experimental sip of her own, the taste that splashed against her tongue both expected and welcomed.  

are planning on moving on soon?"

she had noticed his focus shift toward the remarkable view of the city.

life's been busy as of late, i imagine," she continued, following his gaze. 

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 1:03:12 GMT
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jay listens.

despite never expressing his sheer fascination at the present conversation, he listens, quietly. the drink is a pretext to prevent him from speaking. bitter alcohol burns at his throat, though, he relishes in the taste.

its been awhile — he thinks, nearly downing it all. 

the girl catches his eyes however. the wandering gold that watches the city before them. jay doesn't respond for a few, measly seconds. there is simplicity to the eventually answer, surprisingly it leaves him thinking. 

"no choice," he says, quickly following suit, "just doing this now is dangerous. especially for you." understanding the logic behind someone associated with the league, willing to be—friend a criminal was something he had yet to comprehend. 

then again, it wasn't like the league was all good.

"life is always busy," lastly, he looks towards cait, his gaze unnerving and cool, "for both of us...i can imagine." the girl hadn't always been a gym leader. from the way she'd spoken earlier, he assumed this duty was completely new. not that it deterred her of her worth. everyone started somewhere. 

others — in a much darker place.

he doesn't press onward. exposing his duties would probably leave the girl feeling sick. as much as jay willed at the back of his mind to leave, there was something nostalgic about the girl. something he simply couldn't afford in hurting. then again, he was always one to break such inward oaths. 

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 1:23:14 GMT
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cait peered at him and calmly processed his words before allowing the corners of her painted lips to tug upwards into a simple smile.

"i know."

she didn't deny his statement, because only raw truth had saturated his calmly spoken words. 

and it's silly what i'm trying to do here. childish, even."

but despite the likelihood of him living up to his reputation, cait felt only a potent wave of calm wash over her as she met his gaze.

but its moments like these that make it all worth it."

she indicated the spectacular view - the comfortable warmth - the enticing scents which filled the air as their meals arrived. the girl sought to emphasize the present, hoping to somehow veer his focus away from all else.

life can be really short.

cait grabbed her utensils, popped a piece of steaming broccoli into her mouth and chewed slowly. a hint of lemon and garlic added onto its taste, causing her to hum with pleasure. once she swallowed, she'd grin broadly. 

so why not enjoy it while it lasts?"

she offered him an invitation of sorts, the girl desiring to develop a tentative friendship with the man. he was an older fellow and hardened due to what he had experienced thus far, but cait felt as though there a person beneath that shell of his. 

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 8:57:49 GMT
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how the expression never faltered. how the hunger for what she wanted persisted; jay looked elsewhere as if bothered by such a bold display.

the figure before him had been just the same.

although their first encounter was met by the calamity of a false god, she didn't seem to care. cait was — strangely so — a both curious and foolish girl.

he regards it well within his mind but, processes it by taking a bite out of his meal. the meaty opposite to her plant—loving choice. they live in two opposite worlds or at least, they lead two very different lives. 

"life is short," jay repeats, pausing to chew down another fragment, "but, it is also fragile...if we don't treat our lives with care. we could end up destroying them. pokemon and human alike." jirachi flashes through his mind, alongside the empty and flame tempted vessel. it forces him to pause — feeling bitter.

"you're right though, i guess," to say he truly basked in the glory of all that his life offered. would've been a lie. 

he won't feel satisfaction till he reaches his goal. only one is capable of the answers he desires. the cure to a heart gone missing and the cruelty of his nature. another image races through his mind but, just as quickly it is gone. 

jay takes another bite.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 9:29:32 GMT
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a surprisingly comfortable silence befell the pair, the words that followed sparse as they commented on either the view or the food. cait polished off her meal in good time - as well as her drink - her belly satisfied by the delectable combination. she felt at ease as she sat there, the freckle-faced female relaxing further within the man's presence once she ate. 

"it's strange that i can call a place like this home."

she leaned back in her seat and blinked slowly at her empty platter. 

i never imagined i'd make it this far early on in my life."

cait had expected that she'd be in middle-ages or at least in her late twenties before she indulged in this kind of lifestyle. but she wasn't one to complain - especially since she felt as though she had been blessed by opportunity.

i hope you visit," she commented, seeking out his gaze once more. "but i'll understand if you don't."

she payed for their meal and tipped generously due to the good service that they had received for the duration of their stay. they'd soon after exit the restaurant together with cait offering him one last smile for the night, the look genuinely fond as she began to bid the man farewell. 

try to stay out of trouble," she recommended, a hint of amusement in her voice. 


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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 5:08:02 GMT
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finishing just as quickly or before the girl could fully absorb the entirety of the meal, he lets out a steady sigh. there is nothing overbearing of the breath that retreats from his lips and as such it goes unnoticed.

the last thing he needs — the last thing he wants — is to be the center of attention. for the most part it is that alone that compels him.

lucky, jay thinks, the stifled envy rising up like a soft gust. her life had barely begun and all at once it was just the start to something greater.

gym leaders was not all there was to the world around them. his obsession had driven him into madness and for her sake — he hoped she’d remain laxed. enjoying the gratification of the good life.

at least for her — it had also been the happy one.

”trust me, we’re destined to cross paths again.” there may be the slightest of reassurance in her odd hope. though he knew their future dilemmas would force the idea of friendship elsewhere.

”i’d say i would but, i don’t think you’d believe me...would you?” surprisingly the lips poise upwards. giving show to a self-righteous smirk.

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 6:57:50 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
receives the following: 50 poke, 1 infamy, 10 heart scales (first completion).[break]
receives the following: 5 heart scales.