cj's ships & plots

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
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TAG WITH @ceejay
CJ Mizikar
cj's ships & plots
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2022 22:28:06 GMT
CJ Mizikar Avatar

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cj mizikar




self destructive on a rollercoaster fireball

cj's got some healing to do. they're very sociable and tend to get along with everyone. they can also be very annoying and an acquired taste.

hide moriya

i just met this nerd and they're super cool! remind me a bit of [redacted]-- no, cj, can't go there. nope nope nope.

aleana talbot

she's nice!



cut her tongue, don't believe a word she says

see also: people who are mean to pokemon. or just mean in general.

firstname lastname

internal monologue.



a bag full of hope that was only for me and you

cj has a gentle heart and tends to wear it on their sleeve. bonds with both feet. propensity for getting hurt and also, denial.

rhysand cygnus

why are they so hot? that's illegal.

isaiah argent

very hot? why am i like this?


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