Aw Snap (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
Aw Snap (M)
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2022 0:15:46 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Another day, another job. This one was fairly simple: just get some nice photos of Pokemon.

There was just one minor complication: Hideo had no idea how to properly take a picture. He could press the button to take one, yes, but proper positioning, lighting, and all the other intricacies were lost to the blind.

Which was where his Pokemon could step in. With him, he'd brought three Pokemon: a Beheeyem, an Ambipom, and a small, pink Ribombee. With their combined effort, the three could do the work for him.

Though there was still the matter of finding the right situation to photo. That, only time could aid them with.

At least he wasn't the only person doing this today. "Nice to meet you again!" Hideo greeted - his had Beheeyem informed him this was a familiar person, and it was in relation to his Dragonite; someone he'd flown around for his taxi-ing gig. "Guess we're gonna be working together on this one! No flights today~"

Though he didn't know exactly who it was yet, but hearing their voice could help him with that.

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August 14
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Rae Rançon DOLLARS
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Rae Rançon
Aw Snap (M)
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2022 17:38:22 GMT
Rae Rançon Avatar

Rae’s completely lost. Somehow she’d stumbled her way into a photography studio and was offered money to get out there and snap some pics for them, but she hadn’t taken a nature photo since… ever.[break]

And not only that, but Thief the Skwovet was living up to his name and had taken the camera they gave her and ran up a tree with it, taunting her and laughing from on the branch. Rae’s stuck on the ground with Patches the Eevee, looking up at Thief with her hands on her hips.[break]

How was she going to get out of this mess?[break]

She’s startled when someone speaks up from behind her. She’s been paying no attention to anything going on around her so she almost jumps up the tree next to her Skwovet.[break]

She whips around, seeing the person who’d spoken up.[break]

“Oh, heyyyy!” She has no clue who this person is. He seems familiar, but she just can’t put her finger on it… But it seems he’s here to help, so she’s not about to turn that down. “You’re my partner? Great! I seem to have, uh, lost my camera. Do you think you could help me get it back?”

tl;dr: rae's skwovet stole her camera and she's too stupid to remember hideo's face (mostly because her eyes were shut for most of the flight last time lmaooooo)



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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Aw Snap (M)
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2022 22:55:52 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It's upon hearing her voice that Hideo could narrow it down - he could recall flying a girl to Slateport that sounded just like this. A sports player, if he recalled correctly. She'd given him a pretty hefty tip on that flight - a tip that didn't last long; otherwise, he wouldn't be here right now doing this job.

A shame he couldn't remember her name.

"Well that stinks," Hideo said, "You gotta have your camera to take pictures. Do you know where you last saw it?" The sooner she got her camera back, the sooner she could get some shots.

On that topic, Hideo could hear the *click* of his own camera a short distance away - they'd found a pair of Cutieflies that were willing to have their picture taken. "My Pokemon have my camera. They can take better pictures than I ever could."

Not an exaggeration: Hideo knew (some of) his limits, and picture-taking was one of them.

"Maybe I could pull one of them away to help you out? My Ribombee might be best, 'cause he can fly around fast and cover more ground."



it's a long life full of long nights

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