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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 4:19:06 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Explosions ring out through the hills their echoes reaching the ears of locals and league officials alike. The word was plain and simple, a horde of Forrtress had run into a a horde of Ferrothorn, both clans getting into a dispute over land in no time flat.

While usually human intervention is unneeded in events as natural as a dispute over land between pokemon, this one was rather… explosive.

So the rangers were sent out, their expertise on quelling pokemon related circumstances seen as second to none- But as the booms continued further into the day, their explosions sounding out louder and louder, a decision had to be made.

And after much deliberation, the only decision that could be made was for a councilman to make an appearance himself. (Totally not because he had nothing better to do. ) So with his usual chagrin, Kim landed on the scene, teleporting in with a Kirlia to his side sipping on a smoothie.

What have you guys been doing all this time?” Kim asks the first ranger he could.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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Oliver Shrakes
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POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 20:29:26 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver had gotten there late to the party. No one could have predicted that things would be so bad between rivaling Pokemon. Otherwise this would have been settled in a matter of hours. But nope, instead the battling continued, and a little too close to towns and cities. His Dragonite was beside him as he talked to the lead ranger of the advance group. His current superior was off to the side, wanting to see what the red head could do. Besides looking a tad unprofessional with his ear piercings. And evidently, the idea to put the whole lot to sleep didn't occur to them. Luckily, they had the Pokemon to do it. The bigger issue would be finding the leaders of each faction. That could be a problem.

When the lead ranger straightened up and frowned, Ollie knew something or someone was coming. The voice made him make a face. Turning around with an already annoyed expression, he looked over the guy. Politician? "I just got here, along with another small group of rangers. We are going to do our jobs, we just need to hammer out a few little details, then we can start on an operation. You on the other hand, are not a ranger. You're a civilian. Probably some politician, by the looks of it. But either way, you need to go back to town. For your own safety." Despite his cheesy, almost polite smile, his tone was anything but. Condescending? Yes. Aggressive? Most definitely. Highly annoyed? Also yes. And he was completely fearless. Despite the heavy sweating of his superior off to the side and gaping mouth of the shocked ranger he was just talking to.

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golden boy
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2022 6:22:48 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Sharp eyes look over the ranger, silence overtaking the councilman as he continued to observe the man, gaze unbreaking. An explosion would shatter the silence, Kim’s lips slipping easily into a sly smile.

I like your spark.” He says easily before moving to the side. “How would you handle this situation then? I want your input on the matter.

His arms cross over one another, body turning towards the two rivaling groups as his eyes stayed on Oliver, allowing him to further his ego through the presentation of a plan.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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Oliver Shrakes
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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2022 18:35:25 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Seemed the man was equally used to such interactions. Which, if he was a politician, wouldn't be too surprising, Ollie guessed. What he didn't seem to expect was the man's compliment and wanting to know more. "For reference, I'm from Johto, Blackthorne City specifically. It wasn't uncommon for Ursaring and Donphan to get into quarrels over territory. The best way to handle it was to put both groups to sleep, separate them, and find the alphas of each group and start communicating and negotiating for territory with a Pokemon mediator. Often something that can fight both alphas no problem or on equal terms with one. The problem in this situation is the prominence of Self-Destruct and Explosion attacks. Powerful as they are, they leave the Pokemon knocked out, but the issue is that the shockwaves sends spores in directions that we don't necessarily want. And finding said alphas can be...challenging to say the least.

One part of good news, is that we have enough containment to put each group's members in. We don't always have a whole lot of flyers, but I also try to keep enough equipment and cameras to put on them to better see which Pokemon is giving out the orders in each group. That said, it can still take some time. We have enough Pokemon that can use Sleep Powder or other sleep inducing attacks..."
Moving over, Ollie let the man take a look at the map. They were between the nearby town and the rivalling groups. Between two sections was a red block. "The red block is where most of the fighting is taking place. It's also where most of the viable food sources are for each Pokemon. Even though scouts report significant sources over here. It's a good trek to be sure, but could be a good to point it out. The main details is just figuring out where to start our blitzkrieg of sleep. Since we really don't want this to drag out longer than we have to." Ollie was more professional this time. If the mayor or whatever this guy was wanted to see that they had a plan of action, then so be it.

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2022 6:56:48 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
As Oliver spoke, Kim held his tongue, unwilling to interrupt the man and his planning as not to stifle his thoughts and dilute them any further with his own inputs. Instead he smiled slightly and nodded, whether he agreed with his plans or otherwise. It was only his place to silently judge, not infer.


Would be the only word uttered in the break of his planning- Kim otherwise silent.

Once Oliver had finally concluded his speech, Kim simply nodded before he began to speak.

You have one chance. If anything goes wrong whatsoever during the employment I’ll take over and disciplinary action will be taken.

He raises his voice over the booms and draws attention to himself.

Everyone, this recruit here will be taking over this operation. If you heard his plan start to put it into action, otherwise partner up with him for another rundown.

Following this, Kim sends out a Gothorita, the psychic type quick to react when he takes a seat back in midair, PSYCHIC levitating him as if he were in a chair as he crosses one leg over the other.

I’m expecting this to work, cadet, and I’m expecting it to work fast. It won’t be long until this scuffle reaches a nearby settlement and a close call won’t look good for either of us.

Though unseen, a Hoopa stations itself downhill, preventing any debris or landslides from reaching where it shouldn’t- a safety precaution taken preemptively.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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Oliver Shrakes
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2022 0:42:30 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Ollie's eyes narrowed, and his temper started to flare. He had no patience for bullshit like this. "I'm pretty sure you have no authority to do that-" His supervisor piped up. "He's a councilman." Shrugging, Oliver continued. "Then you know he doesn't have the power to do that. Most he can do is put bullshit political pressure on you, and that's it. If you have a spine, you can tell him to promptly fuck off. Secondly, something will go wrong. It always does, it's a fact of this line of work, especially in situations like this. My old boss back home once said "the second you think you're in control, nature will prove otherwise." And that form tends to vary wildly, but nature does tend to give you that message loud and clear. It's how we react to it that defines us. So just stay out of the way."

Hopefully he made his own point loud and clear. Crossing his arms and glaring down the man, Oliver thought maybe the guy would stand down. Instead, he boomed his voice and essentially gave what everyone was basically understanding already. Ollie was the up and coming newcomer to the area. And one that had already garnered mixed reception due to one part how he reacted to Greyson Connors and his actual successes. Then the councilman floated in the air, stating more bullshit. "Close calls in something like this is a fact of life. It'll be fine. Failure is what will look bad on me and my supervisor, and only us. You only run things and pass or fail policy." The duel colored haired man was very dismissive. Going over the plan and more and, they got things ready. His Dragonite and Braviary got prepped as did their other flyers. His Dragonite had three jobs. Carry his Weepinbell to spread Sleep Powder spores, keep an eye out for the alphas of each group, and potentially convince them to do a parley. His Weepinbell was hardly the only one to emit Sleep Powder. A couple Butterfree and other Pokemon that knew the attack and Hypnosis and Sing were also there.

Dragonite was still the fastest. And Weepinbell's Sleep Powder would be a little thin, but should lower the numbers enough. The plan was set. Now to see what nature will throw at them besides a bunch of suicidal Pokemon.

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
swing & a miss
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2022 20:06:24 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Once more, Kim steeled himself, allowing Oliver to alleviate the swelling in his brain through his mouth with a lengthy monologue on how Kim holds no power in this situation, he’s not their authoritarian body, blah blah blah; it’s all lost in translation.

Instead, Kim pulls out two pairs of shades, one for himself and one for the Gothorita, eyeing the man that positioned himself against him as he slid the glasses comfortably onto his face, a smirk adorning.


Is all that leaves Kim’s mouth before his attention is turned towards plans being put into action, explosions being successfully quieted; ceasing altogether after a minute or two.

With the job completed, Kim gives a small clap with his two index fingers, a light, “Bravo.” following suit.

Though this celebration would be cut short in a matter of seconds, a voice ringing out from the mountains, an UPROAR stirring the slumbering anarchist awake.

From the forest, an Execcutor reveals itself, each head barking its name excessively, seemingly late as it continues to prattle on, to itself.

Walking amidst the Ferrothorn, two of the heads begin to argue, continuing their UPROAR as another begins launching the barbed pokemon at the opposing Forretress, their explosions ringing out more violently in the process.

And from this, a Metagross, annoyed at the going-ons below, revealed itself, beginning to hurl Forrtetress with its own explosive force, the full on show of force between both sides quaking the earth the rangers stood upon.

Kim all the while, sucks at a honey stick, the cylinder slowly flattening as he supped upon it; the Gothorita, finishing hers in no time flat, soon requesting another.

I’m still counting this as your one chance, cadet.” He comes to a stand pulling a Honey Stick from his pocket and handing it over, taking the empty tube from his Gothorita and pocketing the trash. “If you have another plan put it into action now.

Or… allow me to help as I had planned to do so from the beginning.

One way or another, Kim would have to intervene sooner or later, things were certainly getting out of hand.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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Oliver Shrakes
swing & a miss
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2022 1:17:01 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
A twitch at occurred in the blazing red head. If he could get away with it, he'd clock that arrogant bitch right in the face. He could handle jackass superiors being dismissive of him...but civilians, not so much. Still, he went back to work.

The first pass helped, and Dragonite and Weepinbell kept going. Still, no one was having any luck in finding the Pokemon in charge. After most of them were fast asleep, and the others stopping surprisingly quick, he knew something was going on. The ground started to shake and a more terrible outburst started. An Execcutor and a Metagross! Blinking, Oliver was a little surprised. Some Pokemon did accept other kinds or didn't mind other kinds with each other, but this was...different. Well, time to get the party really started. Ignoring the asshole above him, likely looking over his shoulder, it was time for his two stars to put a stop to this. "Showtime. Weepinbell, when the opportunity arises, put both of them to sleep, try not to get Dragonite or Bravairy. Drag, go after the Metagross, Brave, you got the Execcutor." His two most senior members of his Pokemon team knew how to handle themselves, him having practically raised them since he was a kid or teenager. He knew their locations, too.

The councilman's comment irked him. "If I need it, I'll ask. Until then, stay out of the way." The guy didn't know how to listen! The black and red haired young man started to run towards the two commanding Pokemon and his own team. The battle would be well underway.

Bravairy dodged the first thorned Pokemon, and used Shadow Claw on the grass and psychic type, quickly getting its attention. Even with the super effective attack, the Pokemon still tried using Psychic and Seed Bomb to reach the bird Pokemon. Braviary continued to attack with Slash and Shadow Claw, with instances of Steel Wing. Dragonite gently put Weepinbell in a tree, then went guns blazing with a Dragon Rush first on the Metagross. The metal meteor, countered with Bullet Punch. The dragon slid into a twist, Fire Punch at the ready. The two battles were near each other. By the time Ollie arrived, it looked like the Execcutor could go down at any moment, as did the Metagross. Both Dragonite and Braviary did look worse for wear, but held up extremely well. "Stand down, now." Both Dragonite and Braviary backed off, but were at the ready whenever. With what little Forrtetress and Ferrothorn that weren't asleep watching, Ollie stepped forward. Both Psychic-types turned their attention to him, bloodlust not letting up.

The Execcutor jumped up, using a Stomp on Ollie. Only for the man to avoid it with a jump to the right. Metagross zoomed behind him, slamming down with one of its metal legs. Only to hit dirt...the Johto Ranger had turned sideways and hopped away. Both Pokemon were in shock, but they continued to attack him, only to hit air, tree, ground, or even each other. Sighing heavily, Oliver thought it was time to end this. "Are the two of you sure you should be focusing on me?" With a snap of his fingers, Dragonite used another Dragon Rush, followed by a flurry of Fire Punches, and finishing off the Metagross with a Hyper Beam. Braviary got stared down as he used Sky Attack on the grass-type, followed by a Brave Bird. Both Pokemon were knocked out. The few rangers witnessing it had their mouths agape at what Ollie just pulled off.

"If I remember right, this isn't the ideal environment for a Metagross. That one probably needs to be relocated. Everyone else needs to be aware of the trouble they're causing..." With a few demanding barks from his Dragonite and screeches from his Braviary, the two main culprits that weren't asleep gathered. Luckily, Ollie hadn't needed his Weepinbell yet. But getting the Execcutor and Metagross alone to talk to them were much easier now...

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Mar 24, 2022 5:58:19 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Idly standing by, Kim allowed the man his time in the spotlight, mentally admitting the impressiveness of the young man’s actions as well as his willingness to throw himself in the fight as he did. But something itched at the back of his head during the entire ordeal: Why these two pokemon to lead?

It wasn’t long before his question would be answered, the winddown of the entire altercation giving him the reason behind the why.

Upon fainting, the two leaders would initiate their own final attacks, a bright light shining in their core as they each prepare to release EXPLOSION- one final momento as to cement why they reign over their own respective packs.

He got himself in there, he can can get himself out.” Was a brief thought that ran through Kim’s mind before the Gothorita gave him a nudge, berating the thought with the small gesture.

With a roll of his eyes and a wordless command exchanged with the unsighted Hoppa, a TRICK ROOM encompasses the area surrounding Oliver; time coming to a near standstill as a Kirlia TELEPORT’s into the area.

Giving a slight wave, to the man, the Kirlia gets to work, TELEPORTing Oliver’s pokemon out of the immediate area and nearby the other rangers before finishing off her rounds with him, the man placed in his previous positon before he had so willingly flung himself into battle.

And with him now a safe distance from the danger, the TRICK ROOM lets up and a PROTECT envelops the multitude of explosions that cluster from the ignition spurred on by the two horde heads.

As everything comes to a standstill and the dust settles on the bodies of the Ferrothorn, Forretress, and their respective bosses, the Gothorita huffs heavily, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead- the strain it took to hold her focus with the plethora of attacks clearly taxing on her mind.

Kim ruffles her hair before picking her up and draping her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, holding the Kirlia’s hand as he looks around at the rangers.

Everyone good? Good. I’ll leave the cleanup to you all. Great work… Oleander?

Are his final words before he is teleported to the nearest settlement, the job of further crowd control now falling onto his lap; his pleasing words further backed by the fact that he was present for the going ons uphill.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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Oliver Shrakes
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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2022 1:19:08 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Satisfied so far, once they two Pokemon woke up, someone would also have to find out why they led the Pokemon group. But maybe the others would be willing to talk. Suddenly, his shadow started to expand. Looking back, both leaders were glowing with Explosion and/or Self-Destruct. His Dragonite was already near him to take him away. Everyone else was also trying to gain distance or use defensive moves. Only...time started to warp. And him and his Pokemon and everyone else transported away. The last of a few explosions. It ticked him off that in the end, the councilman did actually help them. At the comment though, the cyan eyed man glared. "It's Oliver, shithead." With that, the councilman left. Of course, didn't bother with the cleanup. Scoffing, they had a lot of work to do.

The next two days were a whirlwind of finding out why those two Pokemon led the packs, negotiations, and safely relocating Pokemon. Not to mention assessing damage done and what can be done to repair it. They had a good plan going, and a few rangers had some good ideas that Ollie was quick to pick up on and let them lead, while he played a supporting role. It came to them via their supervisor that a party was being held in their honor. In the nearby town's city plaza, with food and drinks. Rangers ate and drank for free. Including more...intoxicating drinks. Ollie made a mental note to pace himself and not do a repeat of the last time he got flat out drunk that no one should ever ask or know about. Aside from the sweetheart that he happened to break into their house by accident. Well, apartment. Either way, the mayor would be there, as well as several affluent members of the town and a lot more. Not that he cared too much about that. Free food and beer!

And so here he was with a few other rangers with him, along with several locals having thanked them for their hard work and everything. A kid even hugged his Dragonite, who hugged the tyke back. Thankfully, after the ceremonies and rounds of applauds, everyone was free to as they wished. Oliver found himself at an outside bar, enjoying the night air as his buddies enjoyed the attention from both people and their Pokemon. He did see that councilman, now identified as Kim Cole-Essam a couple times after the brief speech, but had since lost track of him. Thank Arceus...

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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2022 0:36:43 GMT
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