Tsuki's Testing Grounds

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Route 119/Fortree
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Tsuki's Testing Grounds
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2023 0:17:15 GMT
Ettie Avatar

Makoto Kurumi; Rocket


The Basics

Be-bop, to the girls who seem to disappear and hate the night
Two-beat, to the boys who hate lies and are about to cry

Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Nonbinary (They/Them)
Age: 21 (May 14th)
Faceclaim: Tieria Erde from Gundam 00
Occupation: Phantom Thief
Rank: Cadet

Who are they?

Dress-up, in the mirror I am Cinderella;
Too late to (be) reborn

Makoto is a young adult who hails from Ecruteak City, in Johto - though after running away from home at a young age, they gradually made their way to Hoenn. Shortly after having entered Hoenn, they'd end up falling in with Rocket - joining them to get the money for a roof over their head, and for a place of belonging. However, despite this, they ultimately struggle in being able to trust their fellow Rocket members - due to a mix of their natural suspicion for strangers developed on the streets, as well as Rocket being essentially a crime syndicate.

Overall, most people will see a courteous and friendly - but ultimately closed off - demeanor from them. They are genuinely kindhearted, yet feel unable to safely show weakness around others - and they will lie to themself that they are able to accept (and be a part of) the bad in Rocket in the name of survival. But anyone who manages to break through that outer shell of theirs will see them for who they really are - someone craving a sense of family, of stability, and safety that they have sorely lacked all these years.

When acting as a civilian, Makoto leads a rather simple seeming life - working as an assistant at a book-binding and print shop (that is a cover for a counterfeiting and forgery business) called Circinus & Sagitta in Sootopolis, run by (@)fern. They tend to wander on an occasion - be it in search of new pokemon, or to see the sights that Hoenn has to offer - and typically keep to themself, unless first approached. But even for all their closed-off-ness, they will welcome someone else initiating a conversation with them.

When acting as a member of Rocket, Makoto more often than not favors jobs that center around stealth, infiltration, and theft. They are no stranger to breaking into places to swipe anything that isn't nailed down and leaving before anyone knows they were even there in the first place - with nary a trace of their passing. Specializing in raising Zorua and Zoroark, Makoto is skilled at bringing out the most in their illusions - which are often used during thefts to augment their own disguises or otherwise obscure themself.

How do you meet them?

If you wanted me to speak, if you wanted me to think,
if you wanted me to carry on our dreams

Being a Rocket member, it's likely that other Rocket members may know them simply from talk of being the new grunt on the block - or from having been on a job with them before. They may not be the most social - and sometimes comes off as overly formal or distant - but they are otherwise respectful and diligent. Perhaps not one who has the ambition for the higher ranks, but nonetheless a useful and committed member all the same.

Otherwise as a civilian, they are more likely known either to those who go to Circinus & Sagitta on the regular, those who they walk into on the streets of Sootopolis. Less commonly, they also may be known to those they meet whilst wandering across Hoenn - be it on the routes, or in one of the different cities and towns. If they are not approached first, then their pokemon will more often than not do the approaching for them - particularly Kama, a friendly little sneasel of theirs. Overall though, they don't appear to be anyone special - just another face out of the many in Hoenn.

But as a thief, it's possible for anyone who isn't part of Rocket to have been a mark for one of their thefts - ranging from picked pockets, to infiltrated homes or businesses, even if one likely won't recognize Makoto as the culprit. Alternatively, it's possible for someone to have spotted a disguised Makoto in the act - and to have perhaps even tried to chase them down. With their adaptable and quick wits though, they can prove to be quite the slippery fox to try and catch...

Who do they know?

Hopefully, without saying goodbye -
One day, we'll meet again somewhere.

- Mimika
- Fern
- Amor
- Cathrine
- Nanette
- Lux

What's planned for them?

Alone in a lonely world, praying and hoping
Imagining a dream, you look to the future

- Friendship and Found Family -
Makoto, despite their generally friendly-but-distant reception towards others - especially fellow Rocket members - craves a sense of belonging and acceptance. This feeling is often at odds with their difficulty in trusting others after growing up on the street, as well as them feeling as though they have to avoid appearing 'soft' when in view of other Rocket members. However, if someone does manage to work their way past that exterior, it's likely they'd have a reliable and loyal friend in Makoto.

I would like for characters who can manage to get Makoto to open up to them - for better, or for worse. I am open to this leading to an unhealthy relationship (with proper OOC discussion) - in someone toying with Makoto's feelings - as much as I am to a genuine and caring found family. Though note that they have a H. Zorua and Zoroark who are often out with them - and are both quite protective of them...

- Cat and Mouse -
Makoto is a thief - and to have made it on their own for so long in the past, they had to become a good thief, and fast. Donning disguises and using illusions to their advantage, as they steal any valuables not nailed down, before departing with nary a clue left behind... It's become a bit of a habit for them, and after having joined Rocket It's almost like a career now, even if other options and avenues have opened up. As a result, be it either for a sense of financial security or for serving Rocket, they steal from others semi regularly.

I would like for people who could either act as partners in crime for Makoto (perhaps even tying into Friendships and Found Family,) or as potential rivals who are attempting to catch them in the act and stop them. I am not interested in them being arrested - as I don't want their civillian life to have to deal w an upheaval like that presently - but I'd enjoy the drama of both individuals trying to outsmart and outplay one another.

- Rocket and Tools -
With Rocket being a major - if not sole - source of livable income and a roof over their head, Makoto is keen on not being forced to return to the streets; and to this end, they desire to become more useful. Be it honing their skills, expanding the range of options they have in pokemon, or just making sure they perform at their best on any job they receive... Makoto may not have the aspirations to rise high in the ranks, but they will become reliable to Rocket - one way or another.

I'd like for characters who could aid in this - be it as training partners, as a mentor to them, or even simply an encouraging coworker. If your character is someone who could push the boundaries of Makoto's morals - encouraging/pushing them to take on acts that they otherwise would hesitate at - all the better! They respond well to positive reinforcement, and are generally open to hearing out suggestions from fellow Rocket members, especially their superiors.

I'd also like to work on M.A.G.M.A Division things with them - and am open to suggestions for threads to get more merits!

- Legendaries and More -
(I don't write my characters with the expectation of stuff like Avatarship being a for-sure, but a moon can dream ;w;/ I am mainly putting this down for my characters just as an excuse to ramble my personal thoughts + maybe-plans)
Makoto is not much more in-the-know about legendary pokemon than the average citizen, being a relatively new Rocket grunt - and they also do not have any particular interest or reason to wish to seek one out. However, of the legendaries that are available/unaccounted for, I feel like I'd go for primarily Lunala, with Galarian Moltres/Articuno, Meloetta, or Cresselia being a few other potential options if the moonbat isn't in the cards. (Though greatly unlikely given circumstances, Enamorus or Suicune could be cool too <:3)

As far as non-exclusive 'mons go though, it is likely that I'll have Makoto get a few UBs from the Wilds - Pheromosa, Nihilego, and Nagandel being the ones I think would be the most fitting, with Marshadow, Kartana, and Celesteela being maybes. There's also Magearna - but they're already working on that one. I'm also curious about potentially getting them a Spectrier, and maybe a Genesect, Type: Null, or Zeraora(?). Dunno. Makoto is flexible and it make my brain hurty, esp when I wanna avoid too much overlap w these 'mons between characters. XD


it's a long life full of long nights