i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @admin
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 9:05:19 GMT
ADMIN Avatar




YOUR TURN[break][break]

  • @logan appears outta nowhere and uses his metang to HYPER BEAM the rocks, then regirock's face. the attack destroys a few rocks but nowhere near enough. a carefully timed rock shields the titan's face.
  • 's gothita uses FUTURE SIGHT and PSYSHOCK, which destroys some of the rocks.
  • 's pidgey's QUICK ATTACK dislodges the glowing stone, causing it to fall onto the ground. rockruff's STONE EDGE manages to free ava.
  • ' sandslash manages to break a few of the rocks with SWIFT. slowpoke escapes his death with a WATER GUN.
  • 's castform's WEATHER BALLS manage to stop quite a few rocks, stopping the titan from healing. chandelure's HEX makes the flame burn brighter, causing regirock to groan in pain.
  • @silvia's bastiodon falls victim to the STONE EDGE; the impact almost knocks it out, but its STURDY keeps it in play. carbink uses POWER GEM to destroy a fair few of the rocks.
  • pulling in that clutch 99 roll to have her dragonair DRAGON RAGE the majority of the rocks. wow.
  • 's kabuto uses AQUA JET to target the rocks. it only hits a few.
  • 's togekiss manages to avoid the STONE EDGE. how lucky! it even manages to destroy some rocks. the kommo-o strikes the titan with SKY UPPERCUT and CLOSE COMBAT but doesn't do nearly enough; it simply annoys and staggers.
  • isn't able to get the explorer to talk; the man freezes and shuts up as the battle rages on. his absol's PSYCHO CUT slices away at a large number of the rocks.
  • 's aegislash gonna go thru some shit. it manages to take away the precious life the titan seeks only to be hit with a STONE EDGE. it comes close to fainting. espeon tries a PSYCHIC that only manages one or two rocks. cute kiss thoooo.
  • @alexander's torterra sucks away with MEGA DRAIN but that's all it does. suck.
  • @yiannis: umbreon dodges (wow) and attacks, managing to break a large number of rocks. its confuse ray misses again, however. cloyster's AURORA BEAM and ICICLE CRASH breaks two rocks. gigalith's STONE EDGE continues to chip away at the titan, doing a fair bit of damage. nice kiss too.
  • GREAT ROLLS lucario dodges with eaaaaaaaaaaase and COUNTERS with AURA SPHERE, destroying a large amount of rocks.
  • again w this terrain shit wow sylveon's MISTY TERRAIN manages to overpower the SANDSTORM in play; the sandstorm starts to fade away. MOONBLAST, HYDRO PUMP, and SHADOW BALL destroy some rocks.
  • llol get cucked ur FUTURE SIGHT isn't powerful enough to do anything. and TRANSFORM continues to charge very slowly.
  • @andromeda fire boi gets hit, close to fainting. fire gal dodges it. gj posting.
  • @joey L O L u dead
  • @arlette furfou's HEADBUTT knocks away rocks and vileplume's GIGA DRAIN sucks away at regirock, doing decent damage.
  • PROTECC fails and before flygon is able to do anything, it's hit with a sudden STONE EDGE. the damage is minimal but it's enough to interrupt whatever attacks flygon was going to do.
  • IRON TAIL does shit but AQUA TAIL hits hard, managing to make the titan lose balance.

REGIROCK'S TURN[break][break]

teamwork is still absent, but the rescue team works towards a common goal: to stop the titan. their attacks are enough to stop the titan from healing itself; rocks are destroyed before they can reach regirock, and as the fire continues to burn brightly, it's clear regirock is weakening. it loses its balance, faltering for a moment but it doesn't fall.[break][break]

enough with this.[break][break]

its seven eyes glow intensely: its mouth opens, and not a moment after, a HYPER BEAM erupts. the large area of effect beam does a one-eighty degree sweep, targeting the majority of the pokemon. the intensity of the attack is enough to cause ROCK SLIDES and STALACTITES to fall, calling for the rescue team's concern, too.[break][break]

and then, it rests.[break][break]

  • regirock's HYPER BEAM targets the majority of your pokemon. this round is all about avoiding being hit by it (or maybe you want to get hit, idk).
  • you need to roll an 60 or higher to survive being hit by it if you choose not to do anything.
  • you need to roll a 40 or higher to successfully combat against the attack (protect, avoid, attack vs hyper beam, recall, etc).
  • anything lower than a 20 and your pokemon dies.
  • please roll once for each pokemon that are out on the battlefield.
  • please roll for your character as well as they may need to avoid ROCK SLIDES or STALACTITES that fall. successful roll for this would be above 50. you won't die (unless you want to) if you roll below, your character will simply get injured in some way. mod will decide this next post.
  • if your character rolls exactly a 1, they die.


  • please do not roll your rolls first then go back and assign them!
  • in total you should roll once for each pokemon in play, and also once for your character.
  • please use the roll function whenever your character does an action against regirock: attack, dodge, etc.
  • bulbapedia says regirock is 5'07" or 1.7 m. fuck that. it's about 32'8" or 10 m.
  • the chamber is about the size of two football (american) fields and is about 65 feet high or 20 m high.

[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 9:33:03 GMT
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That hyper beam big as shit, what the fuck. Alex's gardevoir uses psychic on Alex and herself to bolster their movements in an attempt to dodge the attack.

tldr: This goofy ass sentient rock got me fucked up. i'm tired and in bed, leave me alone.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 10:37:05 GMT
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The evavise efforts of her Bastiodon are not enough to prevent the stone edge from colliding into the side of the prehistoric pokemon; the blunt edge of stone forcing the pokemon down onto the hardened floor of the chamber– a critical hit that proves ineffective against the stubbornness of her Bastiodon.

There is a sense of relief bound with concern as she watches the fossil pokemon rise from the ground and how it seems to stand with a semblance of pride against the titan pokemon that threatened to extinguish its life; her Bastiodon is safe for now or at least until the chamber rumbles with an unkempt fury.

The room is engulfed in a furious light moments after the room threatens to crumble, a hyper beam sweeping the interior of the chamber and attempting to cut down those that lie within its wake; there is no time to think other than to avoid the demise that seems to unfold before them.

“Brace yourself with an endure, Sten!” Her command is far more panicked as she instructs the fossil pokemon to hold onto the life that it barely seemed to cling to all while she attempts to return him back into the security of the pokeball should he stand strong against the barrage of attacks.


Her attention soon shifts over to her Carbink in a panicked frenzy, another instruction fumbling from her lips, “Sona, use stone edge to create a protective barrier!” Her call is panicked all the same, as she watches her the Carbink set to work; rocks jutting out in an attempt to protect against the direct hit of the attack.

The last of her concerns soon focuses on herself when stalactites threaten to fall on those trapped in the confinements of the room and she moves, albeit a bit clumsy, in her own efforts to avoid the rocks that fall overhead; she did not intend on dying here, not like this at least.

› Bastiodon braces with endure while Silvia attempts to recall him back into the confinements of his pokeball.

› Carbink uses stone edge to create a makeshift barrier against the hyper beam in its own attempt to avoid direct damage from regirock’s attack.

› Silvia attempts to avoid the falling stalactites and possible rock slides from the sudden hyper beam that sweeps the chamber.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 11:57:23 GMT
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Ian is buried under a pile of rocks and stalactites. Ouch.

Umbreon is a clever girl and dodges the attack. Clearly, she's an honor roll student.

Cloyster uses Protect but the shield cracks through.

Gigalith is damaged even through its sandstorm defense buff. He's very angry, almost explosively so. Watch out, foes and allies.

• ian is probably not okay
• umbreon is safe
• cloyster uses protect but is not completely safe
• gigalith takes half damage by the normal type attack, boosted by sandstorm. he's also fuckin pissed

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she / her
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 12:03:47 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar
there's too much energy in the room, a searing force that sounds like screaming in her ears. persephone staggers, falls to one knee. with the earth shuddering underfoot, she could only look at her relicanth ( her mother's relicanth, her grandmother's relicanth ... ). wincing at the pain in her arm, she gathers rigel in her arms and runs, near blind, from the falling debris.

perhaps overconfident, prosper leaps from spot to spot in a series of pirouettes, a barely visible blur given the quickness of his movement due to his extreme speed.


rolls for persephone, lucario and relicanth. i rolled before posting properly so idm how they're allocated! my intentions were pure ;^;
lucario attempts another sweet dodge with extreme speed?
persephone grabs relicanth off the floor and runs towards the rest of the group to try outrun / avoid the hyper beam + collapsing shit?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 12:13:46 GMT
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★ everyone dodges – alternatively, everyone tries to dodge
★ short post this time
the light of hyper beam passes through spectral wisps. aegislash is a ghost, but this does not mean it is safe from other terrors of the cave.


the espeon’s attack barely affected the stone. there is that cry of frustration, before ailie has to twist her head. her gem gleams under the light of the hyper beam. a. her gemstone glimmers as she tries to cast morning sun in the sandstorm cut through by a jet of convulsing light. another psychic pulses as she attempts to move a rock to block the beam.

malcolm does not know whether he will regret the kiss. there is little time to dodge. cloyster’s protect cracks, and he is separated from his husband in a desperate attempt to stay alive.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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january 3
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did i close my fist around something delicate?
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zeke rainey
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 13:21:13 GMT
zeke rainey Avatar
The crevice he jumps into is not deep, but it is enough to protect him from any stray boulders with a quick duck. The pinching releases from his arm and the Kabuto leaps out of the protective bunker. He allows his Pokemon to do as she pleases but watches her closely, mouth open in preparation to call her back to him.

And call her back he does. "Get back here!" blinding light suddenly fills the stormy area, a Hyper Beam erupting from Regirock('s gaping maw?). With a sweeping motion, it is meant to cleanse the area of its intruders in one fell swoop. The trainer painfully realizes there is no time for the Kabuto to leap into the chasm. 

"Marin, Endure!" his Pokemon is small enough in size that pure chance is likely to protect her from the beam's wrath, but Zeke is no gambler, especially today. His own head disappears into the crack he's hiding in and his heart nearly bursts from his chest.

for zeke: _9svoanH for marin:

The beam passes over the duo mercifully, missing both as stalactites begin to come down around them. Marin's bravery has run out and she clings again to her trainer for comfort, his eyes moving up and over the edge of the crack like a Furret scanning its surroundings. 

He hopes he doesn't find any dead bodies -- or what little would remain of one after that shit.

- they both get off easy and look around to see if anybody (else) is dead.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 14:17:30 GMT
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Riley managed to make the regirock groan in pain from all of Chandelure's hex attacks. That was at least a little accomplishment right? It didn't seem to matter too much though, it didn't really look like they were doing as much damage as he wished they were to the legendary pokémon.

The group would have to try something different at this point before the regirock really retaliated. It was too late to try anything new though, right after Riley thought maybe we should switch up tactics the Regirock went on the offensive with a massive hyper beam attack. With his eyes widening Riley looked over at his two pokémon, calling out with a touch of panic in his voice.

"Quick move! Try to fly out of the way of the beam!" He wasn't sure if regirock had something special that would let hyper beam even hit Chandelure but no wasnt the time for risks. Now that his pokémon were moving to avoid the attack Riley had to make a move of his own, the attack caused rocks to fall from above the chamber they were all in and one was heading straight down for him.

Turning on his heel Riley ran and just sort of dove out of the way, flopping onto the ground hopefully away from the falling rock that endangered him.

[newclass=.echo]width:82px;height:82px;-webkit-transition:all 0.7s ease;transition:all 0.7s ease;[/newclass]
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/work mobile post cause suspense is killing cha boi
/castform and Chandelure tried to fly around to avoid the hyper beam
/Riley tried to dive out of the way of falling rocks



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golden boy
september 23
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 14:23:32 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Continuing to slowly suck away at the honey stick, Kim would stifle a smile in Arlette’s direction.

I am in a lot of pain right now. Right now the only thing I want to do is drop to the floor and pass out, but if i do that it would be unneeded work for others, so I don’t. Also the sugar helps a lot in terms of ignoring that urge.

He’d pause for a bit, sucking a bit more out of the tube before continuing.

I’m pretty sure my arm is broken by the way.

A glint of light would reflect off his eyes as the hyper beam shot from the regi, his eyes widening as he watched others pokemon get decimated within the hyber beams wake. Quickly, his eyes would turn to the gothita, his teeth clenching as his muscles screamed out in pain, refusing to budge from the spot where they rested. His first reaction was to go for the Gothita’s pokeball, but the quick movements only forced a cramp in his only good arm, doomed to watch his pokemon put up a psychic wall for protection, unable to safely return her before the attack neared. Even if he wanted to move, his body wouldn’t allow it.

Kr197woP lol kim
hahahahaha gothita

• watch him fucking die

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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 15:18:03 GMT
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300 for @phix

Logan tsk'd when he saw that the Hyper Beam did absolutely nothing. He glared at his Metang. "Try harder next time." he told it.

He tsk'd even harder when the Regirock decided to repeat the very same attack that Metang used against it. This one was much bigger than Logan's Metang's, however. The Regirock's Hyper Beam created a shockwave throughout the entire ruins, causing rocks and other structures to crash down from the sky.

"Dodge!" Logan ordered his pokemon. While his Metang tried to avoid the devastating beam, Logan tried to avoid the rocks that started to fall around him.

> Metang tries to dodge the hyper beam

> uhvDBskq

> Logan tries to dodge the falling rocks


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 15:44:55 GMT
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[attr="class","snowtitle"]→ DESERT RUINS RAID ←

[attr="class","snowscroll"]As Nails' paws hit the ground the arm crumbles from around her body, leaving her to fall gracelessly to the ground. Her shoulders hiked themselves a bit higher as the seat of her pants met with the hard surface of the ground.

She was quick to get to her feet to avoid setting prone, hand pressing to the ground and forcing her up before she stepped to gather the glowing rock up into the cradle of her arm, her head turning to check over her shoulder in hopes of seeing that the regirock slowed. What she saw instead was a flash of lights, and a hole of a mouth opening to reveal a devastating glow. The hair at the back of her neck stood straight as her eyes pulled a fraction wider. Something big was about to hit.


The call to her pokemon was urgent as she rushed to press her back flat to the pillar she had initially hidden behind, her pokemon moving swiftly to follow after - Nails by paw and Sniper with a sharp beat of his wings.

She glared over her shoulder, staring with knotted brows to the other side of the room as she prepared to give the order to fortify their defenses - but it was too late. With any luck the stone pillar would hold without the rockruff's aid.

- @raid -



[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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✔ ava grabs the stone
✔ party runs to hide behind a pillar

ava / rockruff / pidgey
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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 16:09:42 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar




Tink–who had just avoiding the wrath of the stone edge attack–is forced to dodge once more. She must avoid the wrath of the raging legendary. The marshmallow fairy tucked her wings and swept down toward the ground, attempting the sharpest aerial maneuver she can perform, to duck beneath the sweeping hyper beams; she prayed that she would avoid the attack and return to Bailey's side when this was over.[break][break]


Kommo was still latched to the Regirock's leg as it began its temper tantrum. The scaled dragon clutched desperately to its leg, hoping that his close proximity to the rock monolith would spare him from the sweeping attack.[break][break]


And poor Bailey, who had to watch everything as it unfolded, prayed for her pokemon and for her life as she pressed against the scarp; it was her only cover from the sweeping attack.[break][break]


[attr="class","euterpetag"]FOR THE RAID


please be okay. please be okay.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @daniel
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 16:44:52 GMT
[GoogleFont=Old Standard TT]

[attr="class","monsterexo"]HYPER BEAM.

destructive, unforgiving, it seeks to make everything in its path nonexistent. wiped out from the face of the earth. daniel walker will not allow it, not as long as he remains standing.

no time can be spared for his partner; all of his attention lies on the two that have been with him the longest. they're his family: alpha and gaea. he won't let anything happen to them. he can't.

"dodge it!" 

it's a useless cry for help as he realizes he's powerless against the titan: what can a mere human do against a legendary. the beam sweeps across the room and suddenly, he's no longer safe in his crevice.

he makes a move out of it, to sprint across somewhere, anywhere his legs would take him as he seeks salvation. acting out of pure instinct, he runs towards because that's the only place in the chamber he feels comfortable.

where he feels safe.

he hopes for the best.


» roll order: aggron, dragonair, daniel.

[newclass=.monsterexo]line-height:14px;text-transform:lowercase;[/newclass][newclass=.monsterexo b]color:#f08658;[/newclass][newclass=.monsterexo a]color:#f08658!important;[/newclass]··
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TAG WITH @dallas
Dallas Rhodes
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 19:09:33 GMT
Dallas Rhodes Avatar


[attr="class","cmonbody"]He was given mere moments as the Hyper Beam began charging to react.[break]
“Dune, dig us some cover.” The Sandslash did so, creating a trench for himself and his trainer to dive into. They could only hope the path of the destructive beam would not land directly into it.[break]
“Bom! Water Pulse away.” Similar to its use of Water Gun, the Slowpoke formed a ball of blue energy at its mouth before firing it into the ground. Creating a small crater and launching Slowpoke into the air. Hopefully above and out of the way of the Hyper Beam.[break]
As it ravaged its way through, Dallas ducked deeper into the trench. Hoping to avoid any debris with cover and some luck on the side.[break]
Slowpoke59zES6Xl Sandslash Dallas

@raid – 123 – Slowpoke Water Pulse's away. Sandlish digs a trench for cover, Dallas dives into it.

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:9px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]··
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 21:09:36 GMT
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It was obvious that the assault was weakening the Regirock but it was still standing despite its injuries. As the sandstorm faded away and it became clear to see again, Leo realized that the Regirock was charging up for an attack. It was too late to run anywhere and even if he did, the thing was aiming everywhere. “Use Detect and dodge it!” It was a desperate attempt to protect his Absol who was standing closer to the giant than he was. Knowing there was nothing he could do, he quickly got up and ran back towards where Cupcake was standing with Arlette. He wasn’t going to get there in time but the least he could do was shout at them. “Get down!” The hyper beam hit and suddenly everything exploded around them. He could hear screams and cries from attacks and others coming from around him as the room shook like crazy. Cupcake, hearing her trainer’s command, quickly grabbed Arlette and Kim covered them.

Absol | Blissey | Leo


• Absol uses Detect to try and dodge the attack
• Blissey tries to protect @arlette and by grabbing and covering them from flying debris
• Leo hauls ass and tries to run for cover
