warboy [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2023 2:33:21 GMT
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Mauville. The home of THE game corner, and other similar establishments. It was so not him, but Dylan had a flair for the dramatic, and picked their destination for the simple fact of its mood lighting. A sickly yellow befitting a 90s music video.

Dylan had an important meeting, sure. He'd opted for it to be at a bar. And bars come in two flavors: dark and quiet, or dark and loud. He opted for the louder variety, a place with an outdoor patio, and rows of pinball machines inside. He wore an all-white denim ensemble, with black stitches lining every seam, and his beloved platform boots.

Watching Callan walk over, Dylan raised his tall cup to greet him. A yellow sleuce, paint-thinner vodka and an energy drink. He had a flippant attitude about the whole thing, feet on the table and a nicotine vape clearly bulging out of a shirt pocket. "You made it. First round's on me. I love this place."

He said, stonefaced. If Callan looked close enough, he could see a distinct lack of fingerprints, and dark circles around his eyes so wide they looked like smiles.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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an anxious object
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2023 10:13:40 GMT
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There was nothing quite like a Mauville night life. He had spent the first 20 years of his life in this city, and knew everything like the back of his hand.

The bar was new, but the vibe was the same. Corporate projects and neon lights and cleaned up streets now dotted its skyline, but the filth was just concentrated into the grimier corners. It was exactly the same type of place as it used to be.

He had no need for a suit, no need to look presentable as Callan Young the Elite Four. Here, he was a Mauville rat once again. A button shirt with a black feather pattern, ripped jeans, jewelry from his neck and his rings, and his piercings all on display. Those who knew him avoided him, those who could see the signet rings on his right hand would know even better not to touch him.

"Dylan, hey." He says, arriving at the bar, the youth was about as wild haired and fundamentally Mauville as he could see.His boots lay on the table, vodka that could double for medical grade antiseptic, and the showmanship of not caring.

"Thanks," He orders a neat whiskey. He didn't trust anything lower than 30% in an establishment like this. "Nice boots man, where'd you get them?"

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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spikemuth, galar
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I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2023 21:58:44 GMT
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Any dark place, even when bathed in neon lights, was his kind of place. While he lived down by the waterfront on the opposite coast for health reasons, this place kept howling his name. Every establishment open well into the wee hours of the morning, every sign a siren call to a 20 something.

Dylan raised a brow, sure. But looking him up and down, he couldn’t help but muster a little smirk for Callan. He was all ready to be flippant around a suit and bully him a little, but this guy may have been cool, just a little bit. The camp-collar was a nice touch. “Callan? I’m so glad you could make it.”

Without asking if he could do it, Dylan hit his nicotine pen, a square shaped thing that left the vague smell of matcha powder on the air as he exhaled. If the words “I don’t care” ever escaped him, it’d be with a real checked-out, unbothered quality rather than the bitterness of someone yelling it. He looked like sleep was a foreign concept to him.

He flipped it over, offering the little rounded cube to Callan. At the mention of his boots, he smirked, and crossed a leg over the other to make room for both their drinks. "I have an app for shopping secondhand clothes online. I think this brand does a black and a red, if those are more your speed."

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2023 12:53:52 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"Platform boots aren't really my thing, thrifting though used to be."

Callan pauses, his eyes turning towards Dylan. "I heard some of your stuff, by the way. Were you interested in a contract?"


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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
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I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2023 19:05:35 GMT
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Platforms weren’t his thing. But secondhand clothes? That’s where they could really link and build. “You strike me as a menswear type. I have a favorite shop I’d like to take you to.”

Dylan paused and sipped at his nicotine pen again. He then looked over at Callan. He broke into a little smirk, imagining him sitting down and listening to it. To that angelic choir giving way to a heavy metal guitar and idle threats. "I was interested in a contract, yeah. I didn’t… word it diplomatically, but that’s what I said on that dating app."

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2023 12:51:35 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"I'll take you up on that sometime."

"Didn't sound that bad to me." Callan shrugged, "Just seemed like you were authentic, genuine, it's hard to be that when you're in a corporate setting I know."

He nods, "Your work, from what I listened to," Calllan pauses, "Sounds like a depraved Frankenstein of drill, house, and black metal, and then you decided to add a deep fried effect to it."

"I love it, when would you be free to drop by my office?"

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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spikemuth, galar
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5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2023 16:45:06 GMT
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He blinked.

The corporate setting of an app people use to do jello shots together. His DMs were a minefield, to put it charitably. While Callan had a real power and charm to him, Dylan opted to filter out anyone who couldn’t get the flavor of weird he is. “It means a lot to me that you’d hear me out, either way.”

Dylan paused and sipped at his nicotine pen again. Ribbons of mist trailed out of his nose. He eventually sat up, carefully taking his feet off the table, so as to not spill their drinks. As Callan paused, he grinned. “…Singing and dancing just wasn’t in the cards for me.”

His eyes widened. "I’m not that busy, all things considered. Is there a day that works for you?"

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
warboy [m]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 1:26:50 GMT
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"Come to this studio here, I'm free tomorrow morning." Callan replied, as he quickly takes out his phone and flicks the address to Dylan, before sending another to his assistant to pencil it in.

His Mauville office was a little less chaotic than that of his Slateport office. This one was a toed down half-studio, accompanied by an office table that housed nothiong but takeout food and a single, lone computer screen. Callan was awaited Dylan with a black sheet of paper by his couch, gently picking a tune with his guitar.

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 2:18:30 GMT
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He spaced out for a second there. Was he in? Was this really it? Dylan had to make himself focus. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and with that, he headed inside to pay their tab. Buuuuuuut, not before snagging their unfinished drinks off the table.


Dylan slowly pushed the door open. While the studio was walled off, the office was right there. The smell of the cooking oils filled the air, and there Callan was. Waiting for him on the couch. Dylan sat opposite to him at the table, steepling his fingers infront of his mouth. His morning-voice, his menthol murmur, stayed at every time of day. “…Good mornin'.”

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
warboy [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 7:05:44 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"Morning Dylan." Comes Callan's reply. He stands up, claps Dylan on the shoulder and then takes a seat once he's with him.

His secretary comes in, placing a bottle of water for the both of them. Callan slides two sheets of pitch black paper towards Dylan, "Take a look at this, lemme know if you feel there's anything that's out of place or you're not comfortable with." Callan smile, before taking a pen from his pocket. "If you're comfortable, or got no questions, you can sign. It's honestly a formality, but I'd be cautious to check the print even if it's boring."


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This agreement is made and entered into as of July 10, 2023 by and between Teravolt Records, an independent music label company (hereinafter "Label"), and , an individual (hereinafter "Artist").

Term: The term of this non-exclusive agreement shall be for 5 YEARS from the date hereof. During the term, Artist hereby grants Label the right to record and commercially release master recordings of Artist's musical performances in ANY genre.

Delivery of Recordings: The Artist agrees to deliver to the Label 1 completed master recording of Artist's musical performances (hereinafter "Recordings") within 1 YEAR from the date of this agreement. Recordings shall be of a level of technical quality that can be assembled into and made suitable for commercial release. Artist retains full ownership of the master Recordings.

Royalties: Artist shall receive a royalty of 40% of retail list price per copy of phonorecords sold or 40% of wholesale price per copy sold for Records made from the master Recordings delivered under this agreement and distributed and sold worldwide. Royalties shall be paid quarterly at the foregoing rates with a statement of accounting within 30 days after the end of each quarter.

Creative Control: Artist shall have full creative control over material selection, artistic direction, and visual aesthetic for all Recordings. Label shall not make any changes without Artist's written consent.

Ownership: Artist shall retain full ownership of the copyrights and intellectual property rights of the master Recordings. Label is only granted the license to commercially distribute, sell, and stream the Recordings for the term of this agreement. Artist may approve all licensing requests.

Termination: Artist may terminate this agreement anytime with written notice to Label. Label may only terminate for cause. Upon termination, all rights revert back to Artist.

By signing below, Label and Artist acknowledge and agree that the terms and conditions outlined in this recording contract are legally binding. Label agrees to fulfil the duties and obligations as the commercial distributor and licencor of the Recordings.

Artist agrees to deliver the minimum number of Recordings on the agreed schedule in a technical quality suitable for commercial release. This agreement is made willingly by Label and Artist with full understanding of their commitments and the rights they are granting or obtaining.


Delwyn Sayer

Callan Young
Teravolt Records
Label Representative

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
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I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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warboy [m]
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 7:20:08 GMT
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Dylan felt his hand clap his shoulder and grinned a little. The two sat down, met with a secretary offering water. Dylan blinked, looking up at her. He then looked back to Callan. “…I'm used to working for 'exposure'. You're really rollin' out the red carpet for me.”

He said, eyes scanning over the document. Royalty percentages, the barrier to entry being extremely low... Dylan looked up at Callan in disbelief. "I already have my old tapes, but... I'll have something new for you to show the public. It'll be ready in September, in fact." Dylan reached for the pen, scratching out his name at the bottom. His med-student background showed, his signature was barely legible, like a Frankenstein's monster of cursive and a pharmacist's shorthand.