
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,558 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON May 6, 2022 18:16:56 GMT
Callan Young Avatar


Callan Young



Age / 30-years old [break]
Occupation / musician [break]
Sexuality / straight [break]
App / Here

Callan is the lead guitarist of TERAVOLT, and a ranger under Hoenn. He is a tall, lanky man with ash white hair and blood red eyes. He is genial by nature and speaks with a low, collected voice that is slightly gravelly from cigarette use. While on stage, he is eclectic and explosive, in private, he is a highly reclusive individual that prefers the company of himself, his guitar and his Yamper to others for the most part. While he can be charismatic, he is prone to being melancholic.[break][break]

There are two things that Callan values above all else in this world: the love of his music and the love of his daughter. The first one has always been by his side, while the second one is a cause for much of his consternation. Prior to hitting mainstream success, Callan had given up on his dreams of musical success and had run a bar, which was destroyed, sending him into bankruptcy. [break][break]

In response, his wife left him, and he lost custody over his daughter. Much of why he struggles so hard to achieve in his ambitions is to escape that feeling of abandonment. A strong motivator to be someone that his daughter could be proud of, and in another respect, to 'win back' a relationship that has gone to dust. Only, he is starting to realize that achieving success has not mitigated his feelings one bit.



Missions / I'm always down to do missions or duo wilds with anyone, just let me know here or send me a DM on Discord.
Music / If your character loves any kind of music, or enjoys playing a particular instrument, or just geeks out about a certain band, Callan's always happy to talk about one of his favorite subjects. He himself is an extremely talented guitarist that i'm hoping to become the Van Halen of the Pokemon world.
Dharma / A key aspect I want to explore for Callan is the idea of letting go of one's past, and what that exactly means. He is a man of many self-destructive habits, formed by self-esteem issues and an addictive predisposition. Pulling him out of these addictions, the experience of going through withdrawals and their recovery, is something I want to roleplay out with. Perhaps you're a doctor, or a psychologist, a friend or a lover that's helping him through this.
Literally anything / I'm always down for a plot that's not listed above. When I wrote this plotter, it was off the top of my head, so there's plenty of areas where I'm missing something integral to my character. Hit me up for a thread or a mission!


That's all I got for now, but I'll be editing my plotter semi-regularly now that I have it up. Let me know if you're interested in plotting sometime! I'm always reachable by DM, thanks for reading!

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,406 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 4:24:28 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar


adrian malcolm & callan young

Can I just say that I'm really excited to have you spearheading the rock band for our characters. You've never been one to do things in half measures, and it already shows. I'm hoping I can lend myself to the enjoyment as we take this group forward, building on our characters' hobbies and even discovering some new music along the way.


it's a long life full of long nights