i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 19:25:14 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



"that's need-to-know, and you certainly don't"


PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE[break][break]

  • An aspiring trainer who has in the past rallied to Hoenn's defense by choice and not obligation, most think of him in a positive light, but to know him is to realize him for the cynical, crass individual he tends to be. Add the fact he's been involved in a few of Hoenn's more unsavory affairs, and Adrian can be seen for the self-serving man he is.
  • Formerly a musician and public performer, Adrian now enjoys the private life, but still writes music as a hobby in his downtime. He hasn't released a new single in quite some time however, fueling speculation that he is out of the game for good. Or perhaps these speculative remarks are simply a means to goad a beloved entertainer back into the limelight.


  • Adrian was present as the Ultra Beast Incident in Slateport on New Year's Eve. For his efforts he received a LEAGUE ENDORSEMENT.[break][break]

    Lost a treasured companion during a League operation looking into Pokemon trafficking. Regards the League in contempt for the accident.
  • Aided the League's forces at the MAUVILLE WARFRONT during the Three Day War, witnessing GIRATINA rising through the skyline.
  • THOMAS/LAURENCE knows that leading up to the invasion, Adrian and some 'co-conspirators' brokered a dark pact with an altruistic entity, which guided them towards illicit deeds in the name of the greater good.
  • A resident of Slateport, Adrian was victim in the incident known only as the BLACKOUT RAID, wherein many pokemon were slaughtered in the night by a mysterious entity thought to be an act of Megalopolan retribution carried out by a splinter cell holed out in Hoenn's wildlands.
  • During his cooperation with Team Rocket's EXCURSIONS, a LOCKE JAMISON had to identified him, and would later run into Adrian in the aftermath of the STAR SOIREE. Though not sworn to secrecy, perhaps Locke trusts in the age old adage, 'let a sleeping dog lie'.
  • During the expedition into the resurfaced DESERT RUINS, Adrian and RAZZ contended with KATHERINE and LAURENCE during a heated exchange concerning the safety and handling of certain remnants ejected from the titan after its initial defeat by their strength combined.[break][break]

    It served to drive a wedge deeper between Adrian and the League.


  • Garnering the attention of Team Rocket, and unbeknownst to him at the time related to one of its members, Adrian's exploits and profile became something of a novel interest to the syndicate. After finding an opportunity to win him over, the esteemed trainer became a member of Team Rocket under the authorization of GAVIN MERLINO.
  • Assisted Team Rocket in a couple of EXCURSIONS involving Mt. Pyre and an auspicious tree, though mostly because these were areas of special interest to Yveltal, his dark benefactor.
  • Operating in Sootopolis during Rocket's invasion, he was present for PALKIA'S meddling with space. It was only when Serena was imperiled that Adrian made any substantive actions during the confrontation, calling out Yveltal and razing the city inadvertently.

WHAT NOBODY KNOWS[break][break]

  • The reason Adrian left SINNOH and why he reviles his father.
  • Adrian discovered the FLAME PLATE alongside Kazimir, Orion & Valerio.
  • Adrian saw glimpses of Hoenn's history and later encountered DIALGA.
  • The REGIROCK REMNANT was infused within Adrian when it shattered.



it's a long life full of long nights