Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2024 19:55:24 GMT
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Lilycove was packed. The Vital City Tournament had supercharged the city with a festive air. When people flocked somewhere, it didn't take long for vendors to come to peddle their wares and sell them to the gullible. It was an exchange of currency, of culture, of history.

Howard Slayte reveled in it. He loved haunting stalls filled with wares from pawn shops. Occasionally, he found a treasure there that he could sell to a museum for his monthly rent. Now, he simply did it for the fun of it. Rocket filled his pockets, so he filled his heart with the joy of shopping and treasure hunting.

Yet in this precise moment, he wasn't looking for something, as much as he was someone.

Freya Morningstar was in the city, and he intended to find her. He had wanted to get his copies of Dragonology signed, and after seeing the prices at online auctions, it almost seemed easier to risk all of Rocket's resources to raid Ever Grande, drag her out, and force her to sign.

At least then, he wouldn't have to pay for shipping. Alas.

"Excuse me! Miss Morningstar! Councilwoman!" Howard waved a thick stack of books as he cut through the crowd towards her. "Hold on..."

He took a deep breath, then his eye sparkled and gleamed as he looked at Freya.

"Can you please sign my Dragonology Compendium? I'm a big fan of your work!"

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2024 19:51:47 GMT
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the front cover is a watercolor piece by the late sophia morningstar, scanned and resized to stretch over the cover of the book. dragonology: a compendium of dragon-type pokemon is embossed in gold filigree and she stands at her booth, running her fingers over it, still taken with the realness of it. 

trainers have flocked from all over to partake in the tournament and when the information had crossed her desk, she'd asked after the possibility of obtaining one of the booths. 

she'd texted her whereabouts in an attempt to catch up, though she has a feeling he's busy participating in the tournament.

so here she is, with a welcome reprieve from the battling landscape, although she's drawn more of a crowd than she thought possible. when she'd published the book, it had been for herself. for her late mother and father. for all she'd lost and all she's yet to gain. but to see that it's touched so many people - she struggles to fathom it. 

most of her signings are short interactions, a strained smile because she's never been very good at niceties. she's tired by the time this man pushes his way through the front of the crowd and looks down at her, jubilant. 

she blinks upward. the illumina dratini resting on one of the hardcover copies lifts her head and forks her tongue out, tasting his scent. 

"of course," she says and holds her hand out. "are you a dragon trainer yourself?" 
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2024 4:13:28 GMT
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"No, no! I couldn't train an Applin." Howard laughed nervously. Man, he was standing next to a celebrity. If Walsh or any of the Underbosses knew that Howard had gotten close to Freya just to ask for an autograph, his head would end up on a spike.

"I'm a historian and translator. Your section on Draconid runes was a massive breakthrough in my field. I've referenced it in dozens of articles and papers. I never had a chance to make my own translation, but I can appreciate the work you put into it."

After several long months of screaming, crying, and banging his head into a desk, Howard could appreciate the work that went into translations. Few people thought about how long it took to make something like this. Instead, they took it for granted.

The archaeologist went to shake Freya's hand, before looking at the book and chuckling. He handed his copy and an Aerodactyl pen to Freya. What, did he think that she'd want to shake his hand? Idiot. He was going to take a Swanna dive off of Sky Pillar when this was over.

The reflection of Freya's Illumina Dratini gleamed in the archaeologist's eye.

"Could you address it to Dr. Howard Slayte?"

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 1:30:59 GMT
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"applin are feisty creatures," she says, smile warming. her own are devious little things and have caused no little amount of mischief in the draciary. 

in the face of appreciation, she suddenly realizes she doesn't quite know what to do. being on the council is a thankless job. most of her time is spent putting out fires - literally and figuratively. and with her nose stuck to the grindstone, she's always been satisfied with finishing a job and walking away. 

"it's not work if we love what we do, right?" she says with a bit of a forced shrug. she's glad for the materials in her hands. she clicks the aerodactyl pen - and the wings go up a bit! cute! - and opens up the front cover to scribble on the page. 

the name rings a bell.

the pen pauses. throden vel is the start of the phrase, but she stops, brow furrowing. where has she heard his name before. 

"slayte. slayte." and then she brightens. "oh, i know you. from the fireside chats. your...shipments were in transit, right? i hope all your artifacts arrived safely, dr slayte."
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 19:51:41 GMT
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"I was!" Howard's eye widened in surprise. "How did you know it was me? I left that comment anonymously."

He looked genuinely baffled, and he was. Was the League's spyware so advanced that it could trace a phone that was ten years out of date? He knew that Rocket had a series of techies who tried to tap into the League's communications, but that was a different matter entirely!

He had signed his name, admittedly, but the account had been anonymous! He really needed to teach him how this whole 'computer' thing worked.

"They did, though. Thank you for asking! Amongst them were pieces that I'm connecting to Sky Pillar." He held out his fingers, counting off. "Meteor fragments from Meteor Falls... Hoyeon wood carvings... Star charts... Effigies... It was a fantastic shipment!"

Much of which was currently sitting in an apartment above a laundromat in Rustboro.

"But I suppose you're more knowledgeable than me about Sky Pillar and Meteor Falls, hm?" Howard laughed. "Will you be publishing more papers and books on the subject?"

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 21:02:51 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
"i - you signed your name," she says, blinking. she's bad at technology too, but that's a whole new level of misunderstanding. maybe it was an auto-response and he didn't realize it was included on the message? no idea. 

the attempted anonymity, she thinks nothing of. people are weird about their accounts, especially when it comes to public correspondence with the league. 

she finishes her signature while he talks - throden velkais - freya morningstar and then closes the cover. she rests her palm atop it, fingers tapping away at the emboss, rather than return it immediately. 

"i'd love to take a look at them at some point, if you're able. and i'd love to invite my colleague. he's more of an expert on tangential artifacts."  would be ecstatic over the opportunity, she's sure. 

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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 10:52:44 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I did!" Howard blinked at the councilwoman with his one good eye, seemingly confused. "Yet the account was anonymous, so it should've hidden it, no?"

Several thousand years of Draconid bloodlines could not have prepared Freya Morningstar for this. Dozens of battles, council meetings, and years of hard work had allowed her to reach the spot she now held. Yet all of that wouldn't prepare her for the absolute mindfuck that was about to bounce off her as the prior sentence sprang from Howard's mouth, much like a Dratini leaving its underseas den.

This man was an idiot. Forget a 'whole new level of misunderstanding'. Freya's level was at the ground floor, and Howard's was at the top of Sky Pillar.

"You're more than welcome to!" Howard beamed at her. "I plan on making a donation to 's museum. I work there, after all. As for Calcifet..."

Howard chuckled nervously, eye flitting from side to side. His expression was very clear: do not.

Bad blood?

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 3:03:27 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"i don't think that's how it works? anonymous just means your account is anonymous." are there any lights on in there? he seems smart enough, given the whole being a successful archaeologist and all, and knowing people like

she'll give him the benefit of the doubt. 

at the mention of calcifet, she cocks a brow. he is smart, if he's able to piece together who she's talking about so quickly. his hesitation is understandable. there are many who still don't trust him following his defection. 

"i can assure you that is a stand-up gentleman, but i wouldn't want to put you out." and in case he wishes not to linger on the subject - "have you been to sky pillar yourself?"
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 10:48:20 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
There were only so many archaeologists of note in the League. Freya Morningstar was a Dragon-type specialist. was chosen by Zekrom. Howard knew almost every archaeologist and historian in the region, and it wasn't too difficult to sniff out Rocket's first Admin Fox. His stench permeated the highest part of the League.

No matter where Remiel went, his shadow would follow him. His failures would not allow him to walk away from Team Rocket. If Remiel was a shining beacon of Galar, Howard was the shadow that basked in that glorious light. The stains of Admin Fox would never wash out. Not now, not ever.

Remiel had been born lucky. Everything he had was due to circumstance and fortune. Howard didn't have that, so he was still in Rocket.

"Oh, I'm aware that he is. We work at the same museum, after all." Howard blinked once. The two had danced around similar projects while the Crown Prince was in Hoenn. Remiel had always placed in higher positions. "He's one of the smartest men I know. I'm glad that he's on our side."

That piece of shit.

"I have, actually. It's a marvelous piece of architecture, and one of Hoenn's grandest displays of pride. You can't be a historian here and not visit it." Howard chuckled good-naturedly, glad to leave the topic of Remiel drowning in the trash. "But I confess, I'm worried about its integrity. It's so close to Sootopolis..."

The threat of Team Rocket, as always, remained dormant, swinging overhead.

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 22:02:15 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

so why the sudden animosity? she lets sleeping dragons lie. she doesn't know the environment surrounding academia, but she does know is an expert in his field. that status can't come without jealousies, surely. still, she's pleased to hear a civilian say those words aloud - i'm glad that he's on our side.

hope for the program burns warmly at the bottom of her heart, making the impossibility of a pardon for the man she loves seem just a bit more probable. 

her tongue runs along her teeth. "yes, it's close to sootopolis, but i believe our head professor is keeping an eye on it. anyone who dare trespass would see the wrath of her patron before they could utter the word glory." 

her expression shifts from nonchalant to terse. vengeful flames fan in her golds. had defiled the seas surrounding the pillar, bathing the ocean with the blood of freya's dragons. and that's the closest she'll allow rocket to desecrate the grounds.
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 22:45:55 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Really? Truly? That's excellent news!" Howard breathed a sigh of relief. "Protecting our past is how we preserve the future. Sky Pillar is far too important to let those hoodlums trespass onto!"

Interesting. Of course, Freya Morningstar would say that. She was a government official, sworn to defend Hoenn from any threats. A powerful dragon tamer, capable of commanding anything from the most feeble Tatsugiri to the greatest Salamence to kneel. She was the epitome of potential reached. There was one small snag, however:

Freya was a politician. Politicians lied.

Was Sky Pillar truly defended? Did Freya care about the Draconid site, or was it simply a ploy? He didn't know her. He couldn't verify it. As a historian, Howard liked to trust but verify. History needed to be held by those who respected it. If Freya didn't respect it, then she didn't deserve to hold a spec of Sky Pillar.

"Excuse me, miss Freya?" Howard chuckled nervously, eye flicking from side to side before leaning in. "The Head Professor you're talking about... It's , right? Could you..."

The words hung in the air.

"...get her to sign my compendium too? Please?" Howard's eye sparkled. He bowed his head. "Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...?"

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 4:45:39 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she'd like to agree to disagree, but there are things you can learn from the past. all she's ever done is run away from hers and look where that's got her. only now does she threaten to break the cycle by facing it and more than that - by digging her claws into the soil and scavenging for the roots. 

the book's about to be handed back to him, but at his request, she pulls it back and looks down. hesitation flashes briefly, alongside a soft smattering of pink on her cheeks, and then she turns her head. 

"eva? yeah, of course, if you don't mind me holding onto this for you a little bit longer. i'd be happy to bring it, signed and ready for your collection, the next we meet. unless you'd prefer i take your info and send it to you...?"
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 7:59:32 GMT
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It was impressive how quickly Howard's mind bluescreened. If Freya looked at Howard's single remaining eye, she'd see the last vestiges of sentient thought disappear into nothingness. It was like watching the sun burn away the last vestiges of mist in the morning.

Then, Howard's mind started working again. The sparkle returned to his eye.

"Seriously...? Howard asked, awestruck. "You'll get it signed? I can get my compendium signed by a Head Professor? You'd do that for me, a stranger?"

There were practically dancing Miniors floating around his head, Howard's eye was sparkling so much. If there was ever someone who embodied the phrase 'glowing with excitement', it was Howard Slayte in this precise moment.

"I'll meet you and pick it up! I have to go to Ever Grande in a few weeks, anyway." Howard thought about his deal with . His collection of signatures was picking up. Soon, it'd rival his collection of Kyle Lopez bobbleheads. "Besides, if you send it to my apartment, my landlord will probably throw it out."

The archaeologist bowed his head, deeply grateful. Maybe Freya was one of the 'good' politicians, after all. He couldn't gauge her authenticity when it came to being passionate about Sky Pillar, but he could appreciate this action. Even if she had spurned the past, Howard would not.

A fool chopped the trunk of history, a brute torn at the leaves, and a wise woman? She dug at the roots.

"Thank you again. I'd kill to meet Dr. Morales and ask her about Ursaluna biology, but I suppose that'll have to wait." Howard sighed and nodded at the book that Freya still held. "Keep it safe, would you? It was written by you, but it remembers me."

A book remembering its owner?

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freya morningstar
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 17:09:23 GMT
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she can't blame him, really. her brain similarly breaks when she thinks about the good doctor, and she would absolutely consider her a more rightful candidate to receive such admiration. she had already promised, but this solidifies a resolve - she will absolutely get him that signature. 

"your landlord sounds... well, ever grande will work just fine. i have open office ours every week so feel free to drop by to grab it. or you can get in touch with my assistant, and we'll make sure to coordinate."

would probably delight in knowing her work is being appreciated, but freya is a jealous creature at heart and the idea of giving away more of the doctor's precious time to, as he put it, a stranger, stays her from offering an introduction.  still, she gives him this - 

"we're usually in the office at the same time. you might see her around."

she tickles moxie behind her feathers. the dratini's scales glow faintly, pleased, and allows freya to slide the book underneath her. 

"don't worry. we'll keep it safe."
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howard slayte
Excuse Me! An Autograph, Please? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 20:50:37 GMT
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"?" Howard's eye widened in surprise, and then he laughed. "Good kid. She threw up in my hat, once. Keep an eye on her, would you?"

He omitted mentioning their trip into the Ultra Deep Sea. It probably wasn't ideal to mention that Howard was likely trespassing by even daring to enter that cursed place. Even if the League's security of the Ultra Deep Sea was a chain-link fence with a single security guard named , saying that Howard casually skipped down there wasn't a good idea.

"I'm glad you'll take care of it. That means a lot. I'll hash our meeting out with Tsubaki and let you know. We'll plan something out. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a sky disk I'd like to get at auction in about..." The archaeologist's eye flicked to his Aerodactyl watch. "Thirty minutes. Traffic in Lilycove has been dreadful as of late, so I should get going."

He whirled around and straightened his cowboy hat. After taking a few steps, he stopped. He turned his head.

"Thanks for your help, miss Freya. You're a good scholar."

He continued walking off, waving his hand vaguely in passing.

"Watch out for Applins!"