The Border: BE #3

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 20:25:37 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

List of Prompts:

02 examine the broken seal to the east, found behind a roaring waterfall.[break]
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle).[break]
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.[break]
30 feel a throbbing temptation to pass through the border to the afterlife.[break]
** Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole.[break][break]


Beau: This is Border #3 and overall UW #3.[break]
Eddie: This is Border #3 and overall UW #3.[break][break]

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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 21:04:44 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau didn't want to admit it, but the longer he stayed in this place, the more bizarrely at peace he found himself with it. It helped that he had company, and Eddie's boisterous, upbeat personality had been probably some of the best company he could ask for if he'd known he was going to be spending time in some kind of weird pseudo-afterlife a month ago.
Though there wasn't really a 'sun' to set, technically, they'd made it through the night with very little fanfare and Beau had taken it upon himself to press on their exploration. From platform to platform, bridge to bridge, he led their hike, and was only now arrested by the presence of a rushing, white-capped waterfall on the edge of one such platform, the water descending into nothingness below.
He rubbed his chin as he surveyed the falls, glancing over to Eddie with a solemn expression. "This seems suspicious," he proclaimed, Torben nodding decisively behind him. "You play any video games, brah? There's always a secret room behind the waterfall."
Advancing carefully, Beau grabbed Torben's paw with one hand and carefully extended his leg, pushing his foot through the waterfall and feeling around for the continuation of the ground. Finding purchase, he took another careful step and vanished through the waterfall, coming through on the other side to an enormous cavern, at the center of which was a large stone seal, cracked and filling the air with a sense of...resentment?
"Whoa," he gasped, taking the sight in. "What happened here, brah?"



19 involve a waterfall in some way.[break]
02 examine the broken seal to the east, found behind a roaring waterfall.




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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played by


MAY 18th
Military Recruit
every bender
needs a blackout
6' 3" height
6' 3" height
i'm gonna make a gigantic mess, but it meant something important, i guess.
459 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 12:33:07 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","minimal eddieh"]

With the 'night' having passed without incident, Eddie found himself following dutifully behind Beau as he lead their expedition further into these spectral lands. He wasn't quite as antsy as he had been on some of their previous treks in these parts, but he still eyed their surroundings warily, staying vigilant in case the locals decided to start trouble with the both of them. [break][break]

As such, Eddie hadn't been consciously paying much attention to where they were going as he focused on keeping pace with his companion, so he was a little surprised when they stopped in front of the thundering waterfall. He looked up, grinning at Beau and his bear, [break][break]

“Yer damn right it is. Wanna check it out?” [break][break]

Now this was a proper adventure. He watched as Beau slipped through the thick curtain of water and vanished; considering he hadn't tumbled into the void below, Eddie assumed his hunch must have been correct. With childish glee, Eddie took a couple of steps back to give himself enough clearance to charge through the pounding waters, shuddering as the icy waves soaked his skin and saturated his clothes, [break][break]

“Why's the water so god damn cold?! he gasped with some indignation when he reached the other side, sputtering as he shook the water out of his hair like a Maschiff trying to dry it's fur. [break][break]

Before he could continue to bitch and moan, though, he was stopped by the object of Beau's awe. Big room, big spooky fuckin' rock; this shit looked haunted as hell, but weirdly familiar, somehow. Dark eyes traced over the stakes that bound the seal with chains, and followed the angular patterns of the lines along it's surface. Eddie was almost positive that he'd seen this somewhere before, a long time ago; was it in a movie? Or maybe in a book? Something back in school, perhaps, but the answer continued to evade him even as he stared at the structure. He frowned as a stray droplet of water traced along his jawline and dripped off the end of his chin, [break][break]

“Dunno, but it looks an awful lot like someone's tryin' ta keep somethin' in. I know we're supposed ta be explorin' out here, but I think messin' with it's a bad idea.” [break][break]

But maybe that was just the superstitious part of him talking, although in all fairness, it had never steered Eddie wrong before.[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
19. involve a waterfall in some way [break]
02. examine the broken seal to the east, found behind a roaring waterfall


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 3:29:37 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau could not possibly agree any more with Eddie's assessment of the situation if he tried, so he said so.
Yeah, no, we are not touchin' that," he affirms, skirting the seal in the center of the chamber and moving to examine the walls on the far side of the enclave. Blinking, he peers at something before turning to wave his companion over. "Hey, brah, over here!"
The walls of the cavern sweep inward to a narrow crevice, comfortable enough for the group to pass single-file if they wanted, but not much wider past that.
Beau examined the small passage carefully, only a bit more tentative than he had been in reaching the cavern in the first place. "Well, looks like this is the way forward. 'Least it isn't shaped like a person, I read that comic," he shivered. Setting his jaw, he dug into his satchel for a flashlight, clicked it on, and set off down the much smaller passage, Torben just behind him.
Fortunately for Beau, Eddie, and their pokemon, the passage was relatively short, if winding, and soon opened up onto the cliffside of another platform beneath the strange sky of the Border. Beau sighed in relief to see the light again, even if it wasn't a real sun, and let some of his fear and unease trickle away.
This respite was quickly disturbed by a gust of cold wind from an unknown source, and as he turned his head to look in the direction of the gust, he could hardly see anything beyond the battalion of spectral warriors that marched a lengthy parade in the air scarcely a dozen feet above him. Cringing - but not running - he took a step back as the group passed above, not even sparing a glance to anything below them, Beau and Eddie and their entourage included.
Two enormous percussive sounds ripped through the still air, space seeming to bend and tear in the middle of this progression as a pair of ruddy insectoid pokemon burst out of nothing, scattering the procession of spirits with a loud, droning buzz. Beau cried out in alarm, and the pokemon snapped their heads down toward him in unison, their pointed probosci zeroing in on him like target markers.
Wings buzzing in unison, they surged downward in an attack, and Torben leapt forward from behind Beau to meet the first with a DRAIN PUNCH that sent the strange pokemon skidding back on the end of the platform.
The second was homing in on Beau unchecked, however, and for lack of other options he squared up, raising his fists in a boxing stance and setting his feet firmly against the ground. "Alright, come on, brah, let's do this!"



21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.[break]
** Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole.




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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played by


MAY 18th
Military Recruit
every bender
needs a blackout
6' 3" height
6' 3" height
i'm gonna make a gigantic mess, but it meant something important, i guess.
459 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 12:50:50 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","minimal eddieh"]

Out of all of the weird things that the Border had offered so far, this was probably the weirdest one yet. [break][break]

Eddie had hardly noticed the procession of soldiers above until he saw the way Beau froze as he stared up at those marching men in the sky. He was about to offer some words of reassurance until, with a noise like rolling thunder, two alien creatures emerged to descend upon the ghostly masses, [break][break]

“The hell are those things?!” [break][break]

Some of the Ultra Beasts he'd been warned of before joining this expedition, he supposed, but Eddie had never heard mention of super buff mosquito men showing up in these shadowy lands. Maybe they were just as lost as the two of them were. He could almost sympathize with them, if one of them wasn't about to punch his friend's head off. [break][break]

With a flick of the wrist, Beau the bull emerged with a low of bellicose fervor, black fur alighting with sparks as he began a WILD CHARGE into the fray. Eddie charged similarly to join Beau the man at his side, ready to help punch a bug-man's lights out should they get past the raging Tauros. Eddie grinned in spite of himself; it was nice to be in the company of kindred spirits.[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
21. encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground [break]
**. Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".eddieh"] --accent:#d4a53c!important; [/newclass]
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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 3:12:14 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

What the heck was with this place? If it wasn't ghosts, it was freaky broken seals. If it wasn't freaky broken seals, it was...giant bugs with biceps bigger than his?
Beau was ready to go head to head against the thing lunging toward him nonetheless, as much to keep from being bug food as to keep the thing from zipping into the cavern behind him and taking Eddie unawares before he could see the thing and mount his own defense. For the first time since he'd been taking these trips into the Border with Eddie, he let a genuine grin curl the corner of his mouth - he didn't know which of the two would come out the victor, but there was a refreshing simplicity in a physical face-off, where he didn't have to think, didn't have to pick the right words.
He was spared - or denied - the opportunity as Beau the bull launched forward from somewhere behind him, slamming into his aggressor with electricity crackling across his body. When Eddie was at his side, scarcely behind his Tauros, Beau couldn't help but laugh - though whether from the excitement of the battle or the absurdity of the situation could've been anyone's guess.
"Got me, brah!" he answered in response to Eddie's query. "Look like they don't belong here, so figure we're doin' the place a favor by cleanin' 'em up, what do you think?" On the far side of the platform, Torben's opponent seemed to BULK UP, and the big bear countered by swinging his arm forward in a DARKEST LARIAT that sent the bug crashing to the ground once more. "Dang, these things can take a beating!"



** Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole.




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[newclass=".beauf4 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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played by


MAY 18th
Military Recruit
every bender
needs a blackout
6' 3" height
6' 3" height
i'm gonna make a gigantic mess, but it meant something important, i guess.
459 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 11:27:54 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","minimal eddieh"]

The bull didn't stop his assault at just the charge, even as the bug was nearly knocked from its feet. The Tauros LASHED OUT with horns swathed in dark, pulsing flame the moment the dazzling sparks dissipated. Eddie grinned with pride; he knew bringing his favored companion along would come in handy. [break][break]

But as the onslaught on both displaced creatures continued, they refused to relent even as they grew more weary. Eddie puzzled over this, stroking his chin thoughtfully as he watched the Pangoro swing at the other creature, [break][break]

“Y'ain't wrong. These guys are tough as hell,” he mused. Suddenly, Eddie beamed with a bit of boyish mischief, “Hey, speakin' of cleanin' 'em up, whaddya think about snaggin' one'a them? If they don't belong here anyway, we might be doin' 'em a favor. I mean, I wouldn't wanna be stuck in a place like this if I were in their shoes.” [break][break]

The Poke Ball was in his hand before he could think better of it, and before Beau had the chance to talk him out of it. Eddie was sometimes a man of impulse, for better or worse, and it was no less true now as he lobbed the capsule at the creature now staggered by the force of the Tauros' blows. [break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
**. Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".eddieh"] --accent:#d4a53c!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.minimal .pokeclass img:hover]background:var(--accent); transition:1s all; box-shadow:2px 2px #232323 [/newclass]
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played by


April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 23:39:03 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Eddie's impish grin was met with a bemused blink from Beau as he considered the other man's suggestion. "Whoa, you think?" He lifted a hand to shade his eyes as he peered at the enormous insects currently engaged in battle with their respective pokemon.
"Are those things even, like, actual pokemon?" Beau's nascent interest in the biological acumen of the invaders was abruptly halted as Eddie let fly with a pokeball, and the younger man could only gape as the Buzzwole dissolved into a spray of light that was swiftly ensconced in the capsule. It landed on the ground and wobbled - once, twice, a third time that nearly knocked itself off of the platform edge - and then lay still.
"Holy crap, brah, that was AWESOME!" Beau whooped, punching Eddie in the shoulder encouragingly. His attention was drawn to Torben as the big bear let out a guttural growl, pummeling his antagonist with a series of BULLET PUNCHES that had the bug staggering dangerously back. Emboldened by his partner's success, Beau threw a ball of his own that scored a direct hit on the buff mosquito, capturing it with no more difficulty than Eddie had.
Torben let out a relaxed sigh, shoulders slumping, as the threat was literally contained, and Beau cautiously wandered over to his prize, picking up the pokeball and turning it over in his hand. It seemed heavy, or...well, more rowdy than usual, he couldn't really explain the feeling, but it miniaturised and went into his belt pouch as easy as any of his close companions.
He pumped his fist in the air with another cheer and then offered Torben a satisfied clap on the back, turning to Eddie and offering a beaming grin that could've lit up the entire area. "Alright! Now we just gotta find the way out and I think we can call that a successful expedition, brah! The eggheads'll probably want to hear about this, 'cause that was weird," he pronounced very sensibly.



** Encounter/battle/capture two displaced Buzzwole.




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played by


MAY 18th
Military Recruit
every bender
needs a blackout
6' 3" height
6' 3" height
i'm gonna make a gigantic mess, but it meant something important, i guess.
459 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 12:46:24 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","minimal eddieh"]

“Ain't nothin' to it!” [break][break]

Eddie grinned, equal parts happy and cocky at that gregarious little bit of contact and Beau's impressed cry. Fuck yeah, everything worked out just the way he drew it up, and Eddie left Beau to his own capture as he turned to scoop up the Poke Ball housing his newest addition to the team. When the younger man turned back with his own new friend, proudly bearing a smile that Eddie was sure could outshine the sun, something began to take hold of him as Beau's words sparked some bittersweet realization. [break][break]

It probably was time to go, wasn't it? They had made decent progress out here, scouting the places they could and capturing their new prizes, but Eddie felt strangely reluctant to depart from the Border. [break][break]

What was there to even go back to, anyway? Their findings would be recorded, they'd be sent on their way, and that would be the end of it. No more perilous but fun little adventures together, no more comfortable and solid companionship. There was just a mostly empty apartment waiting for Eddie back in Rustboro, with only a few sparse additions to the place since he had moved to Hoenn in January. Eddie would go back to being just some faceless unknown trudging through his day-to-day, alone and adrift as he ever was back in Cascarrafa. It would be so easy to just stay here, he thought, suddenly tired as he turned over the Poke Ball in his hands. No one from the outside would even know he was gone, and he could just remain to luxuriate in this little bit of happiness until the end of time. [break][break]

… But that wasn't quite right either, was it? Eddie did have friends on the other side he had to get back to, and there was so much more waiting for him there; wild rides with , history lessons with , treks through the wilderness with , and quiet moments of understanding with . Eddie couldn't just throw that all away on some sad little whim. And besides, perhaps the future had more in store for him and one of his newest friends, too, [break][break]

“Yep, looks like it's time ta get the hell outta Dodge,” Eddie finally replied as he smiled back, feeling lighter than he had since they first arrived in this extra-dimensional space, “And we better make it quick; I think this place is startin' to get to me.” [break][break]

Eddie paused and watched Beau for a moment, and wondered briefly if he felt that terrible rush of melancholy, too. Beau was strong and kind, so it was doubtless that he had plenty of people that loved him back home and would miss him if he was gone. Surely he wouldn't have any reason to throw that all away and remain here as Eddie had been nearly tempted to. [break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
30. feel a throbbing temptation to pass through the border to the afterlife


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 20:14:29 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Riding high from the excitement of the battle - and their victory thanks to Eddie's quick thinking - Beau pocketed his ball and made his way to the edge of the platform, humming brightly to himself. The entrances and exits through this place seemed to come and go as they wanted, but he figured they'd come far enough that they were bound to stumble across one sooner or later.
Though...did they have to leave so soon, really? It wasn't as if they were on a timetable, really, and it was just so calm here. Beau cast his eyes skyward, taking in the phantasmal flickerings of the gilded spirits passing through far, far overhead, and breathed in the curiously tranquil air.
He wasn't missing much - Chaos could fend for himself for a little while longer, and it's not as if would notice if he was missing, as much time as the other man spent on doing fieldwork. Hell, even was probably being spared another fumbling conversation by getting some time to himself at his lighthouse.
Here, Beau didn't have the familiar tickle of anxiety that accompanied him - buried but present - everywhere he seemed to go. He didn't have to feel fear, he just had to wander around with his new buddy Eddie, and that didn't seem to be a bad way to spend his time at all. He even thought of the Skitty and its elderly owner from their previous trip here, and how peaceful the two had seemed as they ascended. Gosh, wouldn't that be the dream...
Eddie's comment jolted him from his reverie and he snapped his gaze downward, noting that one of his feet was now halfway off of the platform. Stepping back hurriedly, he shook his head to clear it and nudged Torben with his shoulder to anchor himself, ensuring his oldest friend was still there.
"Yeah, brah, you said it. I've had about all of this place I think I can take." He started off along the bridge to the next platform then paused slightly, glancing back over his shoulder to Eddie. "But, uh, maybe some grub when we get out? There's a killer Johtonian buffet not far from the base."



30 feel a throbbing temptation to pass through the border to the afterlife




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played by


MAY 18th
Military Recruit
every bender
needs a blackout
6' 3" height
6' 3" height
i'm gonna make a gigantic mess, but it meant something important, i guess.
459 posts
part of
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
The Border: BE #3
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 13:11:08 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","minimal eddieh"]

Eddie was relieved to see Beau was just fine, as far as he could tell, and already moving towards the next platform. He was caught a little off-guard when the younger man looked back at him over his shoulder, but Eddie was catapulted quickly from surprise to elation at the thought of good food shared with excellent company, [break][break]

“Hell yeah!” he beamed back, happy as could be. Eddie's stomach growled with similar eagerness, “Ya think they got unagi there? I'd kill for some'a that right about now.” [break][break]

Entrances and exits to the Border really did seem to come and go as they pleased, and thankfully, the fickle nature of this place worked in the men's favor as a whirling portal appeared on the far side of the next platform they came across. Eddie didn't think he could smile any wider if he tried; for all of his moping not long ago, he found he was quite looking forward to getting out of here after all. [break][break]



[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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