everybody's fool [p]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 3:47:19 GMT
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She fidgets, papers shaking in unsteady hands.

Why does she have to be so nervous? It's not like the entirety of her career rides on the back of this tiny presentation. Except it does and she's definitely in panic mode.

Having signed onto the scientific team for the League, she expected to have pressure put onto her. The stakes are high as far as discovering goes and she's afraid she won't live up to the expectations placed upon her shoulders. She's brilliant, sure, but these other scientists... They're incredible. Each one with a brain and work ethic to put hers to shame, prizes and discoveries nestled under their belts. Her? She only has theories and notes to base her research off of and sometimes, mere theories aren't enough to keep a job.

She sighs, chest heaving as she struggles to keep calm. She needs to be collected, not panicked. Her anxiety will probably be her undoing if she doesn't manage to get it under control. Besides, it's not the best idea to casually puke over public speaking right? God, she feels sick. Running a clammy hand through loose dark hair, she glances down at the papers. They're trembling in her hands, rustling against one another. What if she fails? Will they fire her if she can barely get a word out? Oh god, there goes her dream of becoming an impressive scientist. Her parents would have her head for ruining the family name... She gulps and casts her gaze toward the door. In there, she'll have to present her ideas to the entire room and pray she manages to do it without completely destroying her work. No easy feat...

With another gulp of air and a moment to gather herself, Illeana tries to steel her nerves as she moves closer to the door. "You got this, Illie," she mumbles under her breath. Pep talks are her only comfort and while they help some, they aren't enough for what's at stake. And so, with one last shake of her head, she turns the doorknob and walks into the lion's den, plastering her best smile upon her lips and offering a polite greeting.

"Um, hello. I'm Illeana Reyes, the new intern. Thank you for coming today," she begins, gun metal eyes sweeping the room before falling upon the man who she hopes to impress the most. Fernando Eliard Silph, possibly the most important man in Hoenn. Her parents would be beside themselves if they could see her now... God, she better not blow this... "If you're ready, I could get us started!"

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2019 0:13:33 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "Thank you for coming out today, Miss Reyes."

Fernando Silph heads today's audience as both the moderator and the highest profile individual in the room. While the League's science and research department falls outside of his jurisdiction, the like of , , and prove too busy for a presentation of this level. Fernando's renewed interest in the League's discoveries and scientist along with his experience in talent acquisition makes him the next most suitable candidate for such an event. The others in attendance are scientist and personnel at various levels, most of them more interested to see why the councilman has made an appearance than Illie's speech itself.

"Whenever you're ready and comfortable. We look forward to what you have for us today."

Fernando's smile is punctured with an extra dosage of mild mannered fluff. His depiction in the media has always been conflicting with supportive news painting him as an amiable, social representation of the League while the other portrays him as a cutthroat, cold businessman. For someone who's never met him, his current impression would lean toward the later, almost humbling to see a man of his stature so patient and welcoming.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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geneticist, alchemist
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who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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POSTED ON Oct 20, 2019 5:36:38 GMT
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this is like mostly speaking and probably makes no sense whoops i tried :c
One look in his eyes and she's certain he's the most intimidating man she's ever seen. The smile he gives her is kind, however, and she fidgets at the sight. He is patient, waiting for her to start and she can't fight off the nerves much longer. She needs to hurry and speak and pray she doesn't utterly destroy any chances she has at continuing her work. Her life's work, her pride and joy... It needs to continue.

She swallows and begins, plastering a gentle smile to her face, papers still slightly trembling in her hands. "Thank you, Mister Silph," she starts, pausing before glancing down at her notes, almost needing to gather the strength to continue. "Now, we know the basics of Pokemon genetics. Mostly, we use this knowledge for breeding purposes to figure out what pairings will give us the best results. Species pass down from the mother, while certain moves will pass down from the father. I, however, am more interested in how these genetics morph to give us different forms for the same species of Pokemon and what this means for how, say, a Pokemon will react to variants in temperature or climate or even the recently discovered Mega Evolution." She breathes, placing the papers down on the table before her and using her newly freed hands to grab for two pokeballs from her belt. In a flash of light, both her Ninetales and her Alolan Vulpix stand at each side, prime examples of her research on full display.

"Now," she begins again, glancing down to beam at the little Vulpix as it curiously looks about the room. "These two are of the same species yet are vastly different. One is a fire type while the other is an ice type. At first, I thought it was just living in different regions that caused these genetic variants. Recently, however, I took a trip to Mt. Chimney to test how both of them react to heat. Unlike the Vulpix originating from the Kanto region, this little guy cannot handle heat nearly as well. He forms icicles on his body to keep himself cool when exposed to spikes in temperature. I found this rather odd considering how Ninetales is so at home in hotter climates." Illeana pauses once more, taking a moment to glance around the faces of the room. God, she hopes they don't think she's utterly stupid. That'd be so embarrassing...

She smiles despite the running thoughts in her mind, moving to continue in her presentation and attempting to mask the unruly nerves she currently feels. "I believe that there have been changes in their genetic structures somewhere down the lines of their development that has caused these two to become different from one another. It's my theory that if we were to study the genetics of these Pokemon more closely, we could see exactly which genetic sequence is different and apply that knowledge to what we currently know about Mega Evolution. With the use of a Mega stone, a Pokemon's genetic structure morphs and changes into a new form. I'm curious to see if that form is already hidden within their DNA, waiting to be unlocked. It reminds me of Eevee, in a sense, and how it undergoes evolution in reaction to specific stones or environments to become an entirely new form. Between Eevee and these new forms of Pokemon, I'm certain that we could be one step closer to understanding Mega Evolution and how it genetically changes a Pokemon." Illeana lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she moves to bow, finally completing the hard part of the presentation. With her ideas all laid out, she has no idea if this will end in success or failure. To her, she feels as though she rambled too much, blabbering about her own Pokemon and the findings of another scientist when she should be focusing on the surface of a new topic. Despite this, she knows that her findings are sound, concrete evidence that the genetic structure of a Pokemon is just as important as what it can do. To her, genetics are the foundation of understanding how Pokemon work, how they evolve, how they develop and grow. She sighs, soft and quiet, as she waits. A pleasant smile is once again placed upon her lips and she eyes the room, hoping they'll respond with praise instead of negativity.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2019 7:21:51 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] The fidgeting, the way her hands tremble, the pause — Fernando reads the cues with a meticulous sharpness. Most of it stems from his own self assessment of his abilities to read people, bolstered from practice and reading into the psychology behind it, and the remainder is from how obvious it comes off. The nervousness is natural and Fernando doesn't count that slight against her, more intent on the contents of her speech rather than her delivery.

While Fernando has conflicting opinions on the subject, he shows respect by listening intently with matching expressions. There's a slight notion of acknowledgement when she brings up the point about her own Pokemon and he tilts her head at the inclusion of Mega Evolution. When it comes to an end, Fernando claps lightly while the rest of the audience remains silent. Naturally, he understands the deafening silence carries a great weight behind it and tries to defuse the situation by smiling accordingly.

"Good job, Miss Reyes," Fernando opens up the floor for feedback and he heads the first series of questions. "Your analysis is pointed in the correct direction but the common opposition to that point will be that Mega Evolution is a temporary phenomenon while the traits shown through genetics are consistent between species and linage."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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geneticist, alchemist
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who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 4:09:36 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar




Silence follows.[break][break]

Nothing but silence at first and she swears she could hear her dreams shattering. Everything she thought she was right about, thought she knew... Destroyed in the blink of an eye and she can't do anything but stare, mouth slightly parted.[break][break]

Mr. Silph claps despite his colleagues falling into disappointing silence. The polite thing to do, she knows. He's trying to be kind, right? He couldn't actually believe that was anything close to brilliant. No one does.[break][break]

Her eyes sweep across the room in a panic, darting between the faces. It's a lot to take in, really, and the composure she had at the beginning falters. It threatens to fall to her feet, to shatter across the tiled floor. Illeana struggles to keep it together, straining herself to keep from openly crying before the group.[break][break]

I'm a failure.[break][break]

Mr. Silph speaks, then, and she tries to hide the jolt of surprise, desperately attempting to not act like a spooked animal. Really, she just looks as stupid as she feels and there's no hiding it. Instead, she listens, a slow nod of understanding the only movement she makes. He's offering opposition, a good one at that, and she's simply unsure of how to respond. It's not that she doesn't understand the subject, doesn't understand what he's saying. No, it's simply that she hasn't bounced ideas off another person before. Frankly, she's unprepared in every way.[break][break]

And yet, she tries to explain anyway. Further down into the freshly dug grave for her dreams, perhaps? "Um," she begins, mind struggling to churn out thoughts that aren't self-deprecating. "Yes, it's true that Mega Evolution can prove to be a temporary phenomenon but what if it can provide us with more examples of the changes Pokemon are capable of?" Part of it just sounds made up, an excuse spun to make herself look less ridiculous in this situation. Still, she decides after a moment of silence to press it further, if only to give her ideas a shot at being understood, being taken seriously. "Pokemon are, without a doubt, extraordinary creatures. They change and undergo transformations that are hidden within their DNA just waiting to be unlocked, whether it's through evolution or climate changes. Even without Mega Evolution, the way they evolve to break through their physical limits, to alter their genetic sequences... It's something that deserves to be recognized, to be studied." The woman flushes, pausing to catch her breath. Passion lingers in every word she ushers out into the room, the depths of her interest in this subject bleeding through her sentences.[break][break]

Illeana knows she probably sounds ridiculous, offering no clear opposition to his rebuttal. She's merely talking in circles, floundering about like a fish out of water. It's disappointing and she wants to stop, wants to run from this, run from the failure. Instead she stays, panic rising with each beat of her thundering heart. It's practically drowning out the silence that follows her words, the silence of waiting for a dismissal, an acknowledgement of defeat.[break][break]

And so she stares, that once proud face falling, gaze dropping to her shoes. She can't look at him anymore, can't handle the possibility that his face will confirm that her hopes of becoming a respected scientist are nothing more than a child's fantasy. Instead she'll watch the floor like a child getting scolded, bottom lip wobbling from tears threatening to overflow.[break][break]

notes | hi yes i'm so sorry for the wait ;u; also idek what this post is??? she apparently can't handle criticism srry she's a baby


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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 9:23:21 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Her body language says it all. Fernando knows the type and prides himself on specializing in handling them. People like her, those that spend so much of their time behind theories and books that they forget that knowledge is meaningless without the means to present it. Fernando plays on the idea that he has her all figured out and react accordingly. People like this are easy to manipulate if shown an ounce of decency. He values kindness for what it's worth — a toolt o ensnare those who place value and trust on arbitrary feelings that stem from human emotion rather than fact.

"The world of science finds its foundation on the question of 'what if'. However, this question is so prevalent that we need sufficient evidence to justify pursuing certain school's of thought. While regional difference in Pokemon and Mega Evolution show us that we still have a lot to understand about Pokemon and their genetic makeup, these phenomenon are considered entirely separate in most respects."

While his statements opposes her own points his own body language implies anything but. With an enthusiastic clap, Fernando turns his head to look back at one of the scientist for approval before turning back. "Many of the people in this room have started from equally humble beginnings. It is through diligence that they've both proved their research and pursued their passion. Not all of their journeys have found success — in fact most of them have had their own bouts of failure, funding rescinded, shelved projects — but what is important is that they remain diligent and passionate even in the face of rejection."

Fernando remains seated with his hands folded neatly within his lap. Playing lip service has always been a task but it comes naturally to him, especially after years of practice. Despite what others may think there is a reason he's both highly respected within his own circle and found the rise to council so easy. Knowing how to talk to people at both their lowest and highest is a skill that proves invaluable in leadership. He sees Illeana as the same, someone who needs just a little bit of coddling before they take the bait.

"So where does that take you, Miss Reyes? Your sight is on how Pokemon break their physical limits, to alter their genetic sequence. What do you investigate next?"

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illie, sap sipper
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 22:04:29 GMT
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truth be told, she doesn't really know what to say anymore. the woman stands at the front of the room, looking like a lost child. unsure, upset, scared. it all flashes across her features in the brief moments that it takes for fernando to begin speaking once more. most of all, she feels failure clawing at her shoulders, threatening to drag her down. her parents would be disgusted if they could see her now. floundering in front of the brightest minds of science and perhaps the most important man in hoenn... it's a disgrace to their family name, their legacy. the reyes pride themselves on being the best of the best, the most intelligent people in the room, the brightest minds of their respective generations. with a single presentation, she managed to completely shatter that very legacy against the shiny floor. how awful.

illeana still can't bring herself to look him in the eye. her gaze stays trained on the floor, even as he begins to speak. she expects him to reprimand her, to bark out harsh laughter and mock her with the rest of the room. and as she listens, it sounds as though he is... yet something compels her to look up. it's quite the difficult task to rip her watery stare away from the oh so interesting floor tiles but she manages, steeling her eyes just a fraction if only to look less pathetic in front of such esteemed people. once she looks up, however, she sees something different than the sneering expression she expected. instead, she finds a welcoming posture and an enthusiasm she hadn't even thought possible after such a trainwreck of a presentation. it's comforting, a kindness used as a lifeboat and the woman scrambles toward the safety of comfort, of people actually believing in her.

she stays silent while he continues, his eyes traveling around the room as if searching for the approval of the rest. surprisingly, they give it to him, nodding solemnly without offering any comments of their own. they give the councilman the floor, subjecting themselves as mere observers while he commands the room with a certain dominance she could never possess. she flushes with a strange mixture of admiration and embarrassment once the man turns back toward her, his words beginning to sound more uplifting and motivational than critical.

she knows better than most of the failures scientists face in their careers. her parents are a testament to that, facing setback after setback on their path toward greatness. it never stopped them, never stopped any of the people in this room. she feels different than them, however... weak, stupid, pathetic. they're brilliant and intelligent, each one having a plethora of award-winning work behind them and what does she have? a failed presentation and plenty of tears. next to them, she's nothing but a little girl who's in over her head. and yet, fernando silph, in the flesh, is trying to motivate her, to pick her pride off the floor and dust it off with gentle hands. it's unexpected kindness from the man who seems to never falter, never stoop to someone like her's level.

and so, with rosy cheeks and a shaky smile, she finally breaks her silence. "thank you," she murmurs. "it's an honor to just be in this room with all of you. i appreciate your time." in an attempt to save face and appear less shaken than she already is, the woman straightens with a slight raise of her chin. put on your best face, illeana. this is when it counts. glancing around the room at the stoic scientists, she speaks once more, voice gaining a little smidgen of confidence as she goes. "i will try my hardest to follow your examples of perseverance and passion."

the question catches her off guard, so much so that she gasps slightly, cheeks deepening in color. truthfully, she hadn't thought that far ahead... she hadn't planned for what to do next once her ideas had failed her. what could she even do next? this had been a failure... wouldn't everything else follow the same trend? could she even be successful? anxiety picks at her skin, her mind. it's heavy, this feeling of uncertainty. the unknown is terrifying and really, what is she without this? without science, is there anything special about her? the woman stays silent for a few moments, eyes falling to the floor in contemplation.

she had one idea but... it's silly. it's unrealistic, foolish, childish, nothing more than a dream. and yet, she feels compelled to tell him. and so, with a soft voice and a meek smile, she glances back toward fernando, her ideas rushing out of her mouth before she can decide that now is not the time for her dreams. "there is one thing i have always been rather interested in," she pauses before hastily adding, "it sounds more like a dream than a goal or anything, though." it really does sound like a dream, something she couldn't possibly ever hope to achieve but maybe, just maybe, this man could point her toward the right path, toward the means to make her dreams a reality. "when i was a young girl, i had read books about a pokemon existing that holds the dna of every single pokemon within its body. it was such an incredible thing to think about and i -- i want to find that pokemon, to study that special dna. it's probably nothing more than a myth but..." she trails off, gaze dropping to the floor yet again. it's difficult to maintain eye contact when speaking of such a thing. "i don't know if i could do anything else besides chase a myth."
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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2020 7:44:44 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Praise.


They make up two sides of the same coin. The same coin that Fernando flips at a whim's notice only to wear as a mask depending on what the situation dictates. His bravado feeds on the genuine reaction that comes from her foolhardy acceptance of his performance. The stage is where he lays his groundwork and watching Illeana stammer is a testament to his prowess.

It is easy to crumple a child into nothing more than a sniveling mess. It takes true charisma to bring them up, to make them trust and hope. And it is that very trust that twists into a hook that can be used to wring them of their worth. Silph Co. is filled with like-minded individuals that share a unified faith in Fernando's pursuit of knowledge. They believe him to be a man full of optimism and that mistake is what allows him to extract from them every ounce of their ingenuity. They are more than numbers on a sheet of resources.

They are pawns — cogs of a machine that consolidates his path toward dominance and the future of progress.

"Do not follow," his smile is laced with just a smidget of his own ambition, a vision that should be shared among those who look to succeed.


There is an unspoken expectation behind those words but like the many before her, Fernando does not hold her to a standard. Hope is met with the harsh reality that he'll forget her in a month's time. She is a fleeting acquaintance in the bustling world of Pokemon but she has perked his interest.

Her dream is not one that she shoulders alone. He too shares in a dream that is far from realized. The Pokemon she speaks of is one that Fernando needs as a piece of a complex puzzle that the world has yet to realize. All he needs is the data from it. Whatever Illeana can provide to him, whatever research she uncovers in her pilgrimage toward understanding the world a little better, can be of use.

Unfortunately, he does not have the time to chase fairy tales so he'll have to entrust that onto someone else.

"They said that the great golems were once a myth. That proved wrong just last year. What's to say this is any different? If that is your dream then apply yourself vigorously! Silph Co. will be sponsoring another round of interns soon for personal ventures and you could very well make the cut."

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illie, sap sipper
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2020 20:31:44 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
the room falls into silence around them. it feels as though only fernando and herself are actually present, the rest falling away into blurred faces and empty spaces. they simply observe the blossoming conversation between the councilman and the meek scientist with curious eyes, intent on seeing this through until the very end. it had been a lot to handle at first, struggling under the weight of their gazes, but now she feels more sturdy, more sound. most of this is due to mr. silph and his words. sure, he poked many holes in her presentation but he also encouraged her, picked her up off the floor and made it known that she can do more, can be more. the motivation, the confidence, the reassurance. it all goes a long way with illeana and so, she smiles despite the failure, despite the mess.

it's difficult to keep a brave face on, that much she knows. and yet, it comes naturally, rising to the surface after the kindness she has just been shown. instead of him looking down on her for her ideas, he nurtured her, believed in her. she doesn't know him well, doesn't even know anything about him besides his status, but she knows that in this moment, she is grateful that he is the one at the head of this table. if it had been someone else, would they have shown her such consideration? the kindness he has shown her... will she ever be able to repay him?

he smiles at her, the facial expression laced with something she doesn't understand. it's foreign to her and she's distracted by the nice smile, the powerful words that filter through. do not follow. do not be a sheep in the herd. be greater. it's easier said than done, yes, but if others can break through their own limits, perhaps she could as well. "i won't let you down, sir." she offers her own smile, one that lacks the ambition of his own, but it's pure and honest and unashamed. she will do her best to be someone he's proud of, if only to show him that this entire presentation had not been for nothing. if not, well... she's used to disappointing people, right?

her dream originally started as a childish desire to understand, to make sense of the science before her. the teachings of her parents were cold and full of facts to be memorized but this myth? it wasn't proven, wasn't even considered to be more than a trick of the mind. and yet, it's alluring and comforting, full of promises that evolution and dna holds more than just what one sees with their own eyes. it defies the very things that she barely understands, holding itself above the rest as something of legend. she wants to be the one to find this pokemon, to see the mirage with her own eyes. if she could do that, then perhaps she could do anything, could prove everyone wrong.

how does one chase a myth, however? where does she go from here?

illeana stares as he speaks, enamored and filled with a newfound hope inspired by words alone. he believes in her, believes in the dream she holds close. "you're right," she murmurs, as if no one else could possibly say anything different. "i'll prove that this pokemon is no different than the golems of legend. i promise." she does not break a promise, does not go back on her word. she won't falter under the expectations that he holds for her, for her dream. "it would be an honor to be sponsored by silph co. and i appreciate even being considered worthy of your time," she awkwardly dips her head, deciding against fully bowing before them at the last moment. "thank you for believing in my dream, sir. i'll apply myself as best as i can!"

hopefully, her best will be enough for her dreams to become a reality.
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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2020 4:24:47 GMT
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[attr="class","reward2"]you receive the following: 10 pokedollars, 1 infamy.