marcel's plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 20:40:03 GMT
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[attr="class","spsname"]MARCEL MAEDA


[attr="class","spsabout1"]"KOSUKE SATO"




[attr="class","spsabout1"]ROCKET ADMIN

[attr="class","spsabout1"]HEAD OF INTELLIGENCE


From his teens Marcel had been caught up in Team Rocket, a reckless decision he could never take back. As an investigator, he adopted a number of identities to collect the information his bosses wanted. Years later, lies come instinctively to Marcel; there is a unshakeable awareness of other people that he, whether he realises it or not, uses to his advantage in all his interactions.
A mission gone wrong lost him his wife at the hands of the same people he worked for: a punishment, a warning. From then he kept his head down, working diligently through his resentment. When the disbandment of Team Rocket came, he ran. There was no hesitation. It was not hard, by the nature of his work, to settle comfortably abroad as Kosuke Sato. Still, old habits die hard and Marcel soon found himself with a morbid longing for his past life. People, it seemed, could not change for the better.
[break][break]It was with much regret he made his return to Hoenn to re-join Team Rocket. Despite some reservations, he was accepted within their ranks due to talents shown during his time with the old Rocket. Continuing as Kosuke, Marcel maintained a civilian identity that began to taper off since his promotion to Head of Intelligence.
The war provided a perfect excuse for the destruction of his bookstore. Kosuke Sato has retreated to his quiet life, rarely seen by the outside world, while Marcel Maeda lives out the majority of his days within Rocket's base.


Marcel can be warm, witty, and (at times) charming, but his personality's is usually kept hidden under whatever guise he's decided to take on. His persona has been crafted to deflect as much attention as possible. What you see is often a set of half-truths; Marcel is also notoriously evasive when he wants to be. While his kindness is sometimes forced, it's rarely ever truly insincere--though despite a gentler demeanour than what's expected of a Rocket admin, Marcel is very familiar with putting his feelings aside for the sake of his work. Something about him seems to encourage conversation; he appears ready to accept, ready to listen. Still, company for long hours at a time can exhaust him.
To any lower-ranked members, he's kind when he can afford to be, even if he's reluctant to trust the newcomers of the organisation. Those of higher stations receive a more distant treatment, out of polite habit more than anything. To any of his civilian acquaintances, he's known to be generous and always ready to lend a helping hand.


Marcel does not like conflict nor does he like enemies--still, sometimes he finds his hand's forced. Quite happy to lie if it means avoiding any ill feelings, though a blunt nature means thoughts often escape through the filter, landing him in the bad books of some. Hostility is only ever openly shown to those aware of his alliance, for it allows some truer aspects of his personality to come out. While he's still adjusting to his authority, Marcel will assert himself without hesitation if he feels himself being compromised. Doesn't appreciate people standing in his way, but without much ambition such figures are hard to come by; those who fall into this category are often just 'nuisances'. His resentment for Team Rocket has lessened greatly, given such a drastic change in leadership and the fact he is now there entirely of his own free will.


Though the death of his wife is still a bitter memory, enough has busied Marcel for him to slowly recover from her murder. Still, he's slow to trust and slower to open up. Doesn't feel as guilty as he probably should for rejoining the organisation that killed her (but can it really be counted as the same?). Attempts at a new relationship were made during his time abroad to not much avail. Romance is still a struggle for Marcel.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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Katherine Fairburne
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 5:27:46 GMT
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[googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Noto Sans]

okay so. idk how good this idea is but i figured i might as well throw it at you!

seeing as how marcel is quick to deflect attention away, i feel like if he and kat ever crossed paths, she'd totally be on his case. prodding and teasing until he lets her see more of him (willingly or not). why he's so 'weird' in her eyes, or just what gets to him. whatever she finds out first will likely amuse her. since they're both rockets, i figured they could probably be paired in some mission together-- but meeting outside of work also works. i just think an interaction between them would be interesting. lmk what you think!
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
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dominic sinclair
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 17:36:03 GMT
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marcel + dominic

hey kay! i'm super overdue posting here, but i've always admired marcel and your posts from afar but couldn't justify getting in touch bc i've been slacking so hard. HOWEVER, i'm here now. let's plot / thread <3

in summary, dominic is old-school, kanto rocket. he was underboss when rocket needed someone to really enforce orders and he helped them expand into hoenn (and then promptly stabbed the previous boss in the back). in short... honestly? i'm not trying to be cute when i say that he really is not a great guy. think of a wild dog that you can temporarily throw food at but probably shouldn't pet.

i personally prefer established relationships because i think they're much more interesting to thread out, and i think it can be quite organic to do so with these two!

so my proposals are basically... maybe old coworkers? idk how involved marcel was in kanto bc dominic hadn't left the region until hoenn, but perhaps they've collaborated before there! alternatively, dominic generally side-eyes people who don't complete their objectives properly (yes, it's hypocritical) so any displays of... mercy or anything like that that he becomes aware of will bring some scorn. having said that! dominic also played a role in the change of leadership, so if marcel is aware of that, that may flavour their interactions too?!

i'm just "thinking aloud", but please feel free to suggest something else entirely!! my dms are open if you prefer that method too!!

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 22:51:59 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

marcel +

super down for all this!! though i never decided on much on the details marcel did play some part in the kanto takeover. this would have been quite soon after the death of marcel's wife (maybe the mission he messed up was to do with kanto?) so their first meeting would have certainly been...interesting lol. when his grief was fresh i feel marcel was a lot more openly resentful of his bosses, a part of him not caring about what would happen to him. still, his standard of work was near impeccable so idk he probably pissed some people off but his hatred only came out in his words and i feel like his bosses couldn't give a shit about his emotional outbursts so long as he was performing asjdnkak.

ofc dominic might have reacted differently, maybe he threw all that hate back at him and fed 'me vs them' mentality marcel was starting to latch onto. either way he was def the villain in marcel's eyes, and his ruthlessness 100% backed up that moral superiority he was working to justify. eventually though marcel lost the will to fight (if he could have really called it that) and learned to just keep his head down and work. maybe after working together in kanto there was some stretch of time before they ran into each other again--i think it'd be neat for dominic to see that evolution from an angry, grieving man to a pretty much perfect (if somewhat weary and hella cynical) employee. i feel like any work they might have done together in that period would have had marcel coming off as a kinda dull, soft-hearted man. his empathy may have gotten in the way of some missions but not to the point of compromising them--if there's a kinder alternative that would be preferable. idk how willing he would have been to voice those thoughts around dominic but nonetheless it would have been something he probably would have picked up on through his body language or whatever. tbh marcel normally toughens up on the field but i feel like dominic's presence would have done smth to counteract that since he def generated some underlying fear from marcel cause...well it's dominic man.

fast forward to new rocket and marcel's position as admin def seems ironic. for someone who despised the organisation so much, though not openly (save that brief period in kanto) and took the opportunity to desert ship when it came for him to come back seems v hypocritical tho idk what dominic would have made of that. marcel, once again, has undergone some changes but ultimately he's still the same deep down. i'm not too sure on what their current dynamic would look like so i'd love to see what u think! replied in my plotter since my initial thoughts always end up being a big ol' wall of text (god this came out so much longer than intended...) but if u wanna carry on thru dms that works for me!

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 19:48:52 GMT
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Howdy. Oscar's on the prowl for jolly cooperation, 'cause you can never have enough friends in this line of work. I feel like he'd get along well with a fellow Kanto original, especially since they're both the mellow type. I bet they can get up to all sorts of casual (or criminal) high-jinks. It's a loose concept but if you're interested in giving this burglar a friend let me know!
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2020 4:30:28 GMT
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hi i just wanted to say i love u
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
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Katherine Fairburne
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 21:40:39 GMT
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omg yes yes yes pls. this sounds so fun.
i could also really use a good explanation as to why she keeps netting all those new jobs despite being so annoying and rude towards co-workers. totally just marcel promising that he has someone who can help with work and then she ends up leaving a week later. askjfks. i love it. she could also always more mentors to help her mellow out how dumb & reckless she can be. (e.g: her just smashing stuff and attacking everything in littleroot as long as she thinks it helps).

it sounds super fun and she def has a lot of room to grow & learn from others so i'm excited for where it can go!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2020 9:52:04 GMT
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@carmilla +

hi, i'm latching onto marcel because i feel like he and carmilla are in similar circumstances in that they lowkey have Complex feelings about rocket (who were the cause of both their spouses) but the organization has changed them so much that they're incapable of living normal lives at this point.

tl;dr: carmilla joined team rocket a few years after one of their officers murdered her husband. she intended to find out his identity and assassinate him. she was promoted a few times, but despite displaying clear traits for leadership and being fairly ambitious in her day-to-day planning, she refused any offers to be promoted to admin. now marcel is an intelligence guy. i'm thinking it could be interesting if he eventually caught wind of her goal, but didn't breathe a word to it because of his sympathy (empathy?) for the rocket who is actually trying to get revenge for her dead spouse.

maybe marcel didn't rat her out either when she finally murdered the officer responsible for killing her civilian husband, but he knew. carmilla would have been wary of him and planned for someone like him to retaliate. so now their present day relationship can be a lil awkward, like "do you know that i know that you know" kind of deal. anyway, she's back because she was still damn good at being a middle-management rocket. we can have super awkward hangouts that carmilla attempts to diffuse through sheer social skills.

lmk what you think!!!!
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
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Cillian Quinn
marcel's plotter
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2020 16:53:21 GMT
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friendly holiday reminder that i love marcel and MISS U KAY
rocket is not the same without my favourite admin </3