Festival Fantasies [Mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 21:11:31 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

To be honest, Josh had a really hard time coming back to Slateport after what had happened last he was here. But he knew that just as the people of Slateport needed to move on, so did he. Trying to push the events of that day out of his mind, he had taken his family to Slateport's holiday festival. The night sky had already begun to cake Slateport, so it would be getting close to the bedtimes of the children, but Josh supposed they could stay out a little bit longer before they went home.

Josh and Izumi had each taken a child and headed toward different attractions, planning to meet up later. On Josh's right was his Raichu, Lightning, while on his left holding his hand was a young boy, who looked to be around three. The trio passed by a group of dancers, and stopped to marvel at them a moment. Lightning though, looked toward the child before looking to Josh. "Rai!" Lightning called up to Josh, extending a hand. Seeming to get his meaning, Josh laughed a little as he would take his paw with his free hand. While Lightning had evolved and matured some, the Raichu still was like a child at times. And that was fine with him.

"Hey" Josh spoke softly toward his son, who jumped a little at the sudden speech but soon looked up to his father curiously. "Do you want to see if we can catch any Magikarp in the stalls over there?" He asked as he motioned to a stall where people were wielding small rods and trying to catch Magikarp in a tiny aquarium. The child stared at this a moment before nodding his head, and Josh smiled as he started to head over.

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 21:16:48 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
Orion feels like some kind of undercover agent, standing at the booth with the too-small fishing rod in hand and trying his best to blend in as just another festival-goer as he secretly observes the treatment of the trapped Magikarp.

His line tugs, and he pulls a wriggling orange specimen out of the aquarium.

Under the guise of admiring his accomplishment, he inspects the sheen of its scales and its plump figure. It appears healthy, if a little aggravated at having its swim interrupted. Its white barbels let him know it's a female: he carefully removes the hook and deposits her back into the aquarium.

He might have been elected to the council, but Orion still had the heart of a ranger.

The approach of a father-and-son duo catches his eye. The stall's full up by this time, and they're directed to wait in line, but Orion clears his throat to draw the attention of the booth attendant.

"He can take my spot." Orion holds the fishing rod out to the child, gives the father a nod. "I was just about to take a break."

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played by


Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 17:11:25 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

When they had arrived, it seemed that the queues were full. While disappointed, Josh wasn't all that surprised either. He supposed they would just have to wait until an opening came up. But it seemed they didn't have to wait long, as suddenly a young man would give his spot to them. Josh perked up in surprise, looking to the source of the voice, just as the man stated that he was just about to take a break anyway. While unsure if he really was about to take a break, he appreciated it nonetheless. He smiled gingerly as he took the rod and leaned down to help his son grasp it. Josh picked him up, urging him not to let go as he brought him up to where he would be able to see the tank below.

"Thank you"
Josh spoke toward the man, though quirked a brow when he recognized his face. "Orion?" He inquired, then smiled slightly. "It's good to see you" He remarked, remembering the Ranger from the Fiery Path. "This is my son, Zachary" He introduced as he made a few motions to Zachary, before the black-haired boy (Who probably got the hair from ) would cast his line, starting to giggle a bit as the Magikarp started to swim around it curiously.


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 19:54:45 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
He'd not recognized the other at first due to the glaring light from the sun overhead and the fact that he was accompanying a child, but recognition clicks and the ranger smiles.

"Oh, hello! It was Josh, right?"

He meets so many people thanks to the two jobs he tries his best to balance that it's a wonder he can remember his own name, sometimes. But his impressions of Dragomir had been positive enough that it takes but a moment to recall.

He directs his gaze to the kid, smiling as he watches Zachary giggle over the fish.

"Enjoying the festivities so far?"

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11.5px;background-color:#444444;padding:20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.orion b] color: #4ab97b; font-weight:lighter;[/newclass]
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 19:27:37 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

The Ranger had been a positive meeting for him, so it was easy enough for him to remember a friendly face in this case. He hadn't met much of those in recent years, so someone like Orion stuck out easily. He wasn't really offended that Orion didn't seem to recognize him at first. If he recalled, he had called himself a Ranger, so he probably saw a slew of faces on the constant. He smiled gingerly and nodded his head.

"Aye. We met in the Fiery Path."

He looks to Zachary who while he hasn't been catching anything so far, the child seems quite happy just watching the Magikarp move about.

"We are" He spoke in response to his question. "If my wife and daughter happen to come around, you might get a chance to meet them. But at the moment it's just Zachary and I" He remarked as he would slightly loosen his grip on the rod to let Zachary get used to using it on his own.

"You're here on your own?"
He inquired toward Orion.


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 21:17:43 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
He'd not recognized the other at first due to the glaring light from the sun overhead and the fact that he was accompanying a child, but recognition clicks and the ranger smiles.

"They're here too?"

It's a guess, based on Josh's phrasing. Orion watches Zachary quite happily fail at catching Magikarp; a faint smile tugs at the ranger's lips. He's never been the best with kids, seeing as he was the youngest in his family and socially awkward to boot, but there's a certain charm in carefree youth.

His gaze returns to Josh as a question is posed. He nods.

"Old habits die hard. I always try to attend these big festivals and make sure the Pokemon are being treated right." He keeps his voice low enough so as not to be overheard by the booth attendant, not wanting to offend. "Everything seems all right this year, so far."

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11.5px;background-color:#444444;padding:20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.orion b] color: #4ab97b; font-weight:lighter;[/newclass]
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played by


Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 23:16:19 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

"Aye. Somewhere on the other side of town. I'll probably swap places with her before the end of the night to see what the festivities on the other side are like with the little one here. I don't know when she's coming around, though. If I see her, that just means it's time to switch."

Josh takes a breath before showing Zachary how to wiggle the line a bit. While there isn't a clear indicator of why to Zach, there was also no reason for them not to follow and keep doing so. Before long, a Magikarp grabs the line. Zachary lets out an array of squeals and giggles, and Josh places Zach's hand on the reel, getting him to grip before starting to spin it.

"Good" He spoke softly toward the Ranger when he had lowered his voice while mentioning that he had been ensuring that the Pokemon were being treated right. "I'm glad to hear that. It's as you said before. These are their homes too. They should be treated as equals."


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2020 20:30:23 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

"Haven't been over that way myself yet," he admits, lifting his shoulders in a shrug. The night was still young. "Besides, I'm trying not to make myself too obvious."

Unfortunate as it was, his public position as a councilman and what fame he'd accrued as a ranger made him enough of a recognizable face to be worried about drawing the suspicion of the vendors if he simply hopped from one stall to another in rapid succession.

He's glad, at least, that Josh understands.

"The Magikarp seem really healthy," he says, leaning over to watch one of the rare golden-scaled fish expertly dodge a woman's hook. She seems disappointed, but in high spirits. "You can tell by the luster of their scales, see?"

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11.5px;background-color:#444444;padding:20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.orion b] color: #4ab97b; font-weight:lighter;[/newclass]
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 3:45:54 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Josh nodded his head, seeming to understand what Orion was saying. Not making it obvious that he was patrolling seemed like the way to go, though overcaution could also mean that he was missing a big issue out in the open somewhere. Though he hadn't heard any noises of the kind yet, and he was sure that if there were, Izumi would have let him know right away. She was no slouch on the field of combat. She was strong, and resourceful. She'd know what to do if it came to it. And she would prioritize protecting Zach and Lyra.

Orion pointed to a Magikarp with golden scales and Josh smiled lightly as he realized it was a rare breed. What were the odds? Either way though, his priority was on what Zach was doing. Zach followed instructions, tugging and reeling in the line. Luckily the aquarium wasn't all that deep, and the Magikarp would come up out of the water before long. Zachary cheered in delight, and Josh grinned wide. "Alright! You got one! You got one!" Josh cheered, encouraging this sort of joy. "Let's bring him back to his home, okay?" He remarked then as he would release the Magikarp back into the tank. "Maybe one day, you can get a Magikarp of your own, huh? Would you like that?" He inquired toward the child who, while he didn't wholly understand, seemed to just like the idea of Magikarp and giggled in turn. Josh looked to Orion then.

"Pokemon and people. It's a hard job protecting both. But it has to be done, to preserve precious moments like these."


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 2:11:51 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

Orion watches quietly as Josh interacts with his son, encouraging him with his cheers. It's sweet. He doesn't know a lot of people with kids, doesn't often get to see them interacting with those kids besides, but Josh is the sort of father Orion wishes his own had been.

Pushing that rather unpleasant thought aside, he gets the attention of the booth attendant with a silent wave of his hand, gesturing at the father-son duo as Josh helped Zachary to release the Magikarp back into the pond.

"Looks like we have a winner!" the attendant cries; his enthusiasm no doubt forced, but convincing enough. To Josh, the man asks, "Would the little guy like to pick out a prize?"

The prizes for hooking a golden fish were the most extravagant, of course, but off to the side there were an array of smaller ones for those who'd hooked a regular old 'karp. Mostly themed around the fish themselves, of course. The Gyarados plushie for hooking a gold fish took up half the stall.

we're clear to end this whenever you'd like! (both got 5 posts)

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11.5px;background-color:#444444;padding:20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.orion b] color: #4ab97b; font-weight:lighter;[/newclass]
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played by


Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2020 3:23:09 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

"Thank you" Josh spoke softly toward Orion when he got the attention of the booth attendant, which Josh had forgotten to do in the spur of the moment. Josh would have liked to have hooked the Gyarados plushie for Zachary, but he knew that with everyone else vying for it... That wouldn't be something he could do before it was time to switch sides. But he hoped that whatever Zachary picked out, knowing it was his and something he'd won would be satisfying enough. Maybe one day he'd get him a big plushie though... He'd have to look at prices later. Whether soon, or when the kid was bigger, he wasn't sure yet. The plushie on the stall was bigger than his kid was.

But something did catch Zachary's attention. A tiny little plush Magikarp on a keychain. He reached toward it once Josh had indicated for him to pick from that section. That seemed to be message enough he had chosen, and Josh chuckled as he indicated to the booth manager that he'd be taking the little keychain. He was handed it, and he handed it to Zachary, who squealed with glee. Josh turned to speak to Orion, but a beep on his HoloWatch caused him to tap it and peer toward the holographic interface, nodding his head a moment as he then looked to Orion again.

"It looks like my wife and Lyra are switching over, so we'd best be heading to that side too" He admitted. He smiled softly. "Thank you for giving him the spot. We both appreciate it.

If you happen to meet a woman named Izumi while you're here, give her my regards."


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Festival Fantasies [Mission]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2020 0:15:42 GMT
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 75 poké, 5 infamy, 1x rainbow shard.