i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 20:06:22 GMT
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He didn't want to leave his post, but he cannot deny that they were not bringing enough to the table to slow down the advancements of their opposition. The best they could do without back up was to be an annoyance, but with his team being easily overpowered by their Pokemon, Kyle knew that he wouldn't make a difference either way.

"Yeah, we probably should— Shit!"

He could see his Poochyena try to dodge the Hakamo-o's punches, and only then did Kyle notice the force that weighed him and his team down. Movement was hard, and dodging the Fighting-type's attack was harder for the pup. "Fucking sickos," he'd mumble under his breath. While he could easily disregard the assault to the workers as part of their job, he knew the Rockets were mentally deranged when they found no remorse in beating up the defenseless pups he employed.

"Oh. My savior's here."

He would've escaped the situation with Cait had the gravity not interfered with their mobility. Light would have to fight two against one as well should he leave him alone. With the Rockets seemingly having another objective than to fight them, he supposed that the Bug-type trainer would live for a moment or two. As for him, he knew his Poochies would be targeted once he turned his back on the enemy.

He'd have to fight with Light on this one. If Cait had gone to back up Malcolm or whatever, that was fine too. He just wondered if she had realized that he had not ran away with her.

"Charlie, Play Rough!"

While Kyle returned Bravo back to his ball from the beat down, the third Poochyena closed in on an opening made when the Hakomo-o just finished its attack. Regardless of whether the attack hit or not, flames would soon engulf the canine. The trainer's eyes would soon make its way to the Magmortar, to which he would quickly order his last Poochyena standing to attack.

"Echo, Yawn."

The intensity of his tone would die down to his usual unnaturally calm one. "Cait was with me. We were about to retreat 'cause this is obviously one sided but..." He'd scratch the back of his head, before returning to respond to Light. "Can we, uh, talk about that later?" He wasn't sure how to respond to those statements anyways.

  • Was about to run with . Stops when Poochy gets attacked.
  • Bravo gets beaten up and recalled by Kyle
  • Swoons at @light cause his mons are a good meat shield
  • Charlie attacks Hakamo-o with Play Rough. Gets burned afterwards with Fire Blast.
  • Echo uses Yawn on Magmortar.

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 20:38:14 GMT
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"d - dustox."

"what's wrong, boy?

the woman slowed to a halt, breathing somewhat heavily as she looked to her now wearied companion. for the oddest reason, she felt heavy, and the sight of her bug-type confirmed that she hadn't been the only one adversely affected by the unexpected introduction of 'gravity'. 

"i'm feeling it, too," she murmured. 

her gaze shifted, the cadet having finally noticed that had failed to follow her lead. he was no where in sight, and this expectantly put her on edge. 

'did he get sidetracked?'

cait was tempted to backtrack, but quickly realized there was little hope of quickly locating her comrade in this frenzy. 

'he'll be fine. he'll be fine. i hope he'll be fine.' 

"return, dustox. i don't think you can handle something like this for long.

'guess i'll have to do this on my own for now.' 

there was little hope of repelling rocket if this trend of upsets continued. the woman sucked in a breath, thankful that she was allowed a moment to do so. no rocket had yet to fixated upon her during this moment spent revering, which meant she could focus on investing her mental and physical energies toward locating her superior. 

'i have to find him. i can't fail at this.' 

the cadet continued onward, maintaining a hurried pace as her gaze frantically shifted to and fro. she just barely managed to avoid conflict as she searched, and would only come to a halt when she caught sight of the descent of a crane upon a ship. the girl froze in place before her gaze eventually settled upon the shipyard master. 

'that's him - that has to be him!' 


her voice was drowned out by the astonishing amount of noise pollution. 

"sir, thank the gods. you're alright!" she said, joy saturating her tone. 

she had managed to reach him somehow, despite the mass tide of moving bodies converged upon the port. 

"we have to get you out of here - there's - they’re trying to kill you, i think? i'm not sure.

cait sounded breathless, a thin sheen of sweat covering her freckled face as she neared the blonde-haired fellow. 

'something's wrong. i shouldn't be this winded.' 

[ added bellossom and vileplume to cait's two remaining slots ]

[ notices that kyle has decided to combat the trio of goons. ] 

[ cait returns dustox due to 'gravity' ]

[ cait located and urges him to escape. ] 

[ fails to notice that @aya may or may not be near ] 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 20:41:07 GMT
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upon watching from around the corner. the supposed "grounded" portals arose from the surface like a mirror, thus severing and obstructing the view of squirtle and vikoroth from not only @bliss , but their trainer, @alt , as well. for incineroar utilized darkest lariat in a charging motion, meaning he was moving with a tenacious speed already; therefore, it was practically near impossible for vikoroth to have been able to catch up nor endure the relentless assault that was meant for the pokemon's trainer. it was nearly inevitable for vikoroth to sacrifice itself in place of @alt .

though that didn't stop @alt from calling the assistance of its pokemon squirtle, even though he was practically wrapped up in incineroar's forearm; and as the squirtle utilized hydro pump in order to save its trainer, the hydro pump did successfully land its hit leaving a bit of injury upon the mighty incineroar's back. but the dark-type was determined to finish the mission given to him by his trainer and held tightly unto the villainous rocket members @bliss and @alt .

as the hydro pump was successful, it also gave a big push, or boost even, for incineroar to enter through the second portal. thus, allowing for incineroar's capture for @bliss , whose pokemon milktank and petilil were too busy performing their assaults upon the innocent workers. and let's not forget the tyrunt's location, to whom which went unmentioned and unknown due to lack of mention, was thus believed to be either off to the side assisting in the workers demise or regaining its health from the milk that was taken in by milktank.

anyway, as the second portal that was used for his escape came to open around the corner where light resided. light possessed a bold and bright expression, exclaiming, "good job taking that hit! next time you might wanna make sure you squeeze so tight that you break his jaw so he can't talk! this guy has a loud mouth and are nothing but the worse types." light stated speaking toward @alt who, alongside @bliss , had been tightly coiled in incineroar's forearms. he wasn't sure what to do with the capture prisoners at this time, and with drifblim and minun beside him. he'd pet the rabbits head.

"incineroar, make sure they don't get out of your grasp; cause the moment that they do, i want you to snap his neck!" pointing directly @alt , he'd look at @bliss and say the next, "as for best be prepared to cripple her and make sure she's unable to walk if she tries to run or scream--same for that guy too, the second he screams, i want his neck broken. you got the muscle strength for that after all," he'd continue, "and before i go, you guys better do as i say and wait right here. incineroar can get a bit crazy when someone has the nerve to step up to him. and you, mister loud mouth, look just like that type--you've probably never once had a smart thought in your life, so let's make this your first: don't do anything stupid and we can all be--" minun became to cry its name.

began to escape. "what...?!" peeking from around the corner, he'd notice the beautiful ravenette began to scatter. "shit, positive, let's go--drifblim follow me, and incineroar you keep these two at bay--remember, snap some necks if they start to cut the check!" rushing over to , he'd exclaim, " , hey, hey!" waving his arm toward the blonde male, he'd scream, "let's hurry up and clean this mess up, we have to go help sir captain nero!" and when he meant by "clean up" was take care of the squirtle, tyrunt, milktank, vikoroth, and petilil. "after that, we can go and lock these 2 rocket members up then go help sir captain nero, 'kay?" light stated.

"wha--kyle?!" he called out to as he got ignored, leaving light talking to himself. "you son of a bitch." he cursed underneath his breath. guess it was time to join the fray--unless an unexpected incident were to occur from behind. though he didn't have to worry for drifblim kept close to his back and minun his front.

  • penis notes.
  • no summary needed, no moves were used; still used incineroar, minun, and plusle. more or so a specification and explanation as to how the capture of @bliss and @alt were successful, basically an expansion of the previous post in the first and second paragraph of this one.
  • said some shit to @bliss and @alt , minun caught light's attention and light was too late to say what he wanted to say to esser. this time he told drifblim to come with him and minun, so incineroar is keeping @alt and @bliss groped by their head and neck; if they do anything unnecessary he was told to break one's neck and cripple the female by breaking her legs; at best one of them could getaway if they hit him in the side, but he'd probably let the one running away suffer the consequences of their action and the other, who he'd be holding during the other's escape, would be allowed to escape. b/c if you were to hit him in the side, he'd take that as a challenge and thus time to break some necks or legs.
  • ran out to greet and tell him let's get rid of squirtle, vikoroth, hakamo-o, milktank, petilil, and tyrunt together. though kyle ignored his ass.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 21:20:04 GMT
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Derek watched as the inceroar was buckled back by the force of both of his Pokemon. Given the rift had come from the ground (see last post on lack of specification anyway) his others had seen the Inceroar's emersion from the ground and attempt to attack. Regardless of if the Lariat hit or not it would be met immedately with with HYDRO PUMP from Derek's squirtle and knocked out of the way by a SKY UPPER CUT from his hakamo-o.

With that out of the way, he'd dust his hands and whistled. It would have been close, but given that Bonnie was already some distance away Derek had managed to save himself from the assault.

Whistling to himself he looked back at @light and winked at him. "You'll have to do better than that, else you'll end up like your pussycat, washed up and out cold."

after that uh, 's pokemon can hold the W as Derek noticed his hakamo-o get knocked down. 

--Keep in mind still have two Pokemon from behind. In essence @light 's last post was completely negated due to quite a few things the most telling being the lack of positional awareness from light and his pokemon. Even if the lariat hit Derek's other Pokemon were available to attack and their attacks cannot be ignored even if the portal came from thin air.

--For the sake of the timeline I'ma just call this a W or wait for a mod post with the Inceroar knocked out.

--Both the Hydro pump and Hakamo-o return were independent of rather or not Derek got hit as well thus the big cat is hit regardless.

--Also keep in mind bonnie already ran after Derek touched her utter.

--In short if we gone battle we gone battle.

-- Derek is now facing @light and ready for his next move low gravity or not. His Pokemon were still behind him portal or not, 

-also due to lack of specification not only as far as Derek knows are the portals coming from the ground but maybe a five feet wide? Inceroar is 5'11" thus both of Derek's Pokemon saw it even if the portal came from thin air. 

-with this being my last post before a mod post I'm going to hold inceroar is out of it and cannot battle anymore after taking two effective moves and the lack of dodge in light's secondary post.  Anything else is fair game. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 21:58:47 GMT
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seemingly out of nowhere, a crane comes down upon the docks with a reckoning. she can only watch from afar as it crashes, cracking the pier with its steely weight. aya herself feels heavy; gravity works against league and rocket alike for an unknown reason.

her taunting words are not enough to conjure the physical form of , but they bring forth his voice from somewhere above. eyes track upward to find the source of destruction, a mount where a crane once might have been, now replaced with jagged remains.

and then a voice calls out -- even amidst the chaos whirling around her, aya smiles. lord castilla-somerville does not allow for a response as he whips up a tempest. the winds threaten to knock her over and bury her beneath the increased gravity, but aya remains standing under the shadow of barth.

"there you are." it's a whisper this time, though no less venomous; aya looks up upon a ridge above her and spots him. the blond hair is unmistakable, undeniable as the noble form looks out upon the shipyard.

her renewed motivation gives aya enough strength to run despite the taxing gravity, her brain too preoccupied to question the source of the disruption. once a predator finds its prey, it will not stop. she does not stop.

she runs, throwing anyone that dare cross her path to the ground with a heavy thud. the distance between them closes quickly.

"nice to meet you, lord castilla-somerville. they're face to face, her eyes squinting in bewildered amusement through the mask that hides them. the once tight ponytail loosens from the wind, and hair whips behind her. she is painted as the merciless, yet barbarous, assassin that she is today. the drapion and bayleef are her retainers beside her.

"i'm supposed to bring you in to talk to my superiors, my liege." as comes into view, aya is outnumbered; she does not care. "maybe i can bring your friend in for some bonus points."

- finds hey bb
- ready to fight
- wants to take captive too
- i love every character in this thread???

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2018 22:30:21 GMT
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cait's gaze had almost instantly settled upon the rocket as she announced herself. those words of hers were presented as a smooth purr as she addressed the officer in a mocking sort of way.

"how -

'i didn't think she'd find him so quickly.' 

the cadet feared that the mask that adorned the criminal's face would be etched into her memory, her aura igniting within the green-haired woman a terrible sense of unease. admittedly, her reaction was a bit slow because of it - even hesitant - but she stepped forth, nonetheless. cait was bound by duty and moral obligation to defend and stand with castilla-somerville, even if that meant risking both her pokemon and herself. 

'i'm certain that he's capable of taking this grunt down,' she thought. 

she glanced away for a moment, taking in the scene that surrounded them on every side. 

'but it'll take too much time to do it. maybe i can take her on in his place if he'll allow me.' 

the risk of being captured was also ever present, but she doubted the rockets would waste their seemingly unlimited resources on someone such as herself. she was little more than a cadet and an individual whom had yet to adequately prove herself in the field; it was far more likely that she'd be killed. 

"you can't take us on - it's two against one," she said, scowling fiercely. 

despite her being the enemy, cait remained diplomatic, attempting to reason with the rocket no matter how unlikely success was. in hopes of further deterring the woman, the cadet plucked two capsules from her steel wristbands before tossing them, her vileplume and bellossom standing before their mistress moments later. 

[  stands between and @aya ]

[ attempts to reason with @aya , urging her to flee due to her being outnumbered ] 

[ bring out both bellossom and vileplume ] 

[ 'tis my third and final post my round ] 

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little sister
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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 1:53:19 GMT
undeterred, esser makes a successful escape. the looming combat behind her is an after thought, as is her magmortar. until the realization hits her. oops. the YAWN comes out from a poochyena, seeking to immobilize the magmortar, but that doesn't prevent it from attacking now. the pokemon's about to turn the canine into cinder when it's abruptly recalled. esser snatches it back into its pokeball from afar, still unused to having to keep track of all her pokemon amidst the chaos.

the sound of the crane coming down rattles her into her core. this isn't a regular pokemon battle. there's no turn based reactions that make the flow of battle transparent and foreseeable. no, the battlefield is a wicked place where one step means being crushed under several hundred pounds of cold, hard steel.

two against one?


esser arrives shortly after , sandwiching her in the same manner they had @aya . now things get interesting.

two against one and a half.

unfortunately, she won't be the reliable back up that @aya needs. that'd require some levels of competence. something that, like pokemon on the field, esser lacks.

≫ forgot about magmortar and recalls it
≫ scared but keeps running
≫ catches up to @aya , ,

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 2:36:01 GMT
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rain beats down like hail. heavy, vicious, it is nothing as the crane meets the dock. the metal groaning, the ground breaking or weather, it is all white noise now.

malcolm does not look at his destruction. he does not need to see the whole bay to know that they are overwhelmed with or without it. despite their superior efforts, the league will lose here and the rockets are endless as his challengers.

the air grows thick with stun spore. malcolm tries to rise a hand to cover his mouth but, already, his arm falters. muscles pull tight, spasm, and he splutters into the air. his fingers are rigid, taut, until he cannot feel them.

flamethrower cuts through the air towards aegislash. its saviour is the rain – the weather cuts through the fire. water is already dripping down the blade when the flame splashes against the sword. steam hisses through the air and the aegislash pulls up from the ground. it lifts into the air, the eye on its hilt narrowing on its trainer behind it.

malcolm has been forced to one knee, arm paralysed but able to crane his neck up to look at the aegislash. his throat tightens. it is getting harder to breathe, harder to talk. “king’s shield, sgian.”

the aegislash’s shield moves through the air. blade sheathed, the shield glows and, with it, a faint shimmer through the air spreads and a translucent wall glistens. rain splatters again king’s shield and the aegislash, as well as malcolm, are shielded from both attacks and the weather.

limber lets the persian move at ease. alisdair leaps through the stun spore as it jumps, barrelling forward to a prey it is more familiar with. he does not aim for the tiny, little bird – he leaves the best until last. sharpening its claws, he taunts the petilil, leaving only one option for the flower: attack or run.

“alisdair, stay ready.” whiskers twitch as the persian licks his mouth. alisdair is at ease as malcolm struggles to call to his politoed. “puddock, fire.”

politoed’s dance may have been graceless beneath gravity but puddock now spreads his arms in rapture against the heavy droplets. he is in bliss. opening his mouth, the politoed unleashes a hydro pump. a jet of water barrels across the bay towards torchic.

  • talks to cait alfric a bit abt escaping by boat might be a good idea for them
  • aya marlow is very fast it catches mal off-guard so speedy
  • aegislash moves to block off the space between he and ava. sacred sword into the ground to break it and make it a lil more treacherous to walk across
    then aegislash uses shadow sneak @ bayleef
  • tells cait alfric to fight
  • oricorio finishes off hurricane. depending on whether puddock's rain dance goes off, it might be pretty hard to avoid, but it doesn't have a set target bc its hurricane
  • goddammit spiral u posted just before me so uh hi miss half @esser mal probably hasn't noticed u
  • if this formatting is janky it may be bc i accidentally edited this post with my new post and had to c+p it all again FFS

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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 14:20:26 GMT
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  • recalls alpha's poochy. poochy E uses ROAR indiscriminately, and poochy C uses EMBARGO on @aya. he tells they should retreat before calling his poochy back. poochy b HOWLS and calls for back up.
  • @alt puts himself into @bliss's battle. he attacks 's HOWLING poochy (B) and calls for reinforcements as well. he's having a good time.
  • @aya's drapion attempts a CROSS POISON on venomoth. she speeds by , knocking over some workers to search for .
  • 's venomoth uses SILVER WIND to weaken magmortar's flames that have hit venomoth and beautifly. flames. her beautifly uses MORNING SUN to heal a portion of its health. venomoth is struck by drapion's CROSS POISON; venomoth and beautifly are returned and dustox is sent out; she flees with .
  • @bliss's tyrunt endures the GIGA DRAIN. miltank feeds a MILK DRINK on to tyrunt for healing. speaks to that he'll get and follows @aya to the shipyard master's location. she instructs miltank to use ROLLOUT on the workers alongside petilil's MAGICAL LEAF.
  • @winter lands on the deck with gliscor and switches him for aggron. tyranitar disposes of one of the three remaining rocket members in his area; greninja oversees the lower part of the fight from the front of the ship. nero faces the final two rocket members with aggron and tyranitar.
  • is a proud dad and grants @briar to fsu. his persian goes for a rocket, using FAKE OUT and PLAY ROUGH to dispose of the grunt. he speaks through a radio and his aegislash slices through a crane. politoed and oricorio are preparing their actions. he corrects @aya about his title.
  • @briar uses steelix to IRONTAIL the ship from above; arcanine assists with rescue, EXTREMESPEEDING with rescuees.
  • @light calls out drifblim and returns plusle. phantom force is used twice, one behind @bliss and @alt and another in front. incineroar performs DARKEST LARIAT, catching both @bliss and @alt next to each other, arms flying out from the portals.
  • watches run and attempts to escape, but is struggling due to GRAVITY. her magmortar uses FIRE BLAST on poochy c.
  • attempts to run with , but stops when poochy gets attacked. poochy b is beaten up, and recalled. poochy c attacks hakamo-o with PLAY ROUGH and then gets burned by FIRE BLAST. poochy e uses YAWN on magmortar.
  • returns dustox due to the GRAVITY. she locates , urging him to escape, while failing to notice @aya.
  • @aya finds , ready to fight. she is ready to fight too (oocly, she LOVES THEM ALL).
  • stands between and @aya. she attempts to reason with @aya, urging her to flee before sending out her bellossom and vileplume.
  • recalls magmortar and begins to run. she catches up to @aya, , and .
  • talks to about a potential escape by boat. @aya is fast, catching him off-guard. aegislash SACRED SWORDS the ground to render the terrain difficult to traverse. after, aegislash uses SHADOW SNEAK at bayleef. he instructs to fight; oricorio delivers an area-of-effect HURRICANE across the dock. he does not notice yet.



  • : your aegislash's precise slash takes down an entire crane. it falls, crushing rocket; but it seems like some league officers went to the prometheus school of running away from things and end up getting crushed as well! but yay! you got some rockets and even a ship! not the one nero is on, though. the impact rattles the docks but death only seems to make rocket more violent.
  • @light: unique plan! but unfortunately, when inceneroar has both @alt and @bliss in its arms, a sudden, unexpected attack from a rocket member causes inceneroar to lose its hold over the two. inceneroar vanishes back to where it came from, and the two rocket are safe. (note: if you have any concerns with this please pm shiv + noodles, thanks!)
  • if you are vigilant enough: the source of the GRAVITY seems to be coming from a DUSKNOIR near the middle of the docks! if you choose to engage please write the battle as if you are battling against staff; please don't assume your attacks hit!
  • : RAIN DANCE is in effect! with the adaded GRAVITY the rain droplets start to feel like pellets; harsh and hurtful as they fall from the skies.

destruction starts with the crane that falls ever so quickly and in that moment, rocket, league, none of them matter as they are crushed under the harsh steel. a few civilians and workers have successfully fled the docks, but as rocket forces continue to overrun the vicinity, it looks as though the league might have to abandon the docks, too.[break][break]

- switching pokemon will take one action from both pokemon switching out and switching in.[break]
- players should decide amongst themselves what hits and what doesn't. be reasonable and communicate![break]
- moderators will determine environmental damage.[break][break]

a) help workers evacuate via the main entrance. attempts can be made to be fled by water.[break]
b) attempt to destroy at least three ships in rocket's reinforcement fleet.[break]
c) follow the orders of as he takes charge of the situation, and protect him at all costs.[break][break]

a) stop as many workers from fleeing as possible, either dead or alive.[break]
b) destroy at least three league ships that are fleeing.[break]
c) capture alive.[break][break]

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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 15:43:17 GMT
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Not once had she ever felt a brush with death so...Intimately. It really was just a soft caress, her body tensing up as her eyes peered into a dark hole and then the feeling of a hot, firm, and fuzzy grasp on the back of her neck. Timed slowed then and she wondered where the fuck her pokemon were until she remembered that they were literally probably killing droves of people in order to stop them from running. If she had to guess the thing that was grabbing her was a pokemon, she couldn't see it but who the fuck would feel like that expect a pokemon? Such poetic justice. She didn't even have time to pray but it didn't matter because almost as soon as it came, it was gone. That hot fuzzy feeling was off of her and a weight as lifted off of her chest. She could feel her heart beating so loud and fast in her chest that she could hear it in her ears. Calling her pokemon to her side she grabbed her petlili in her arms and ran towards @aya and making it to their location just in time to see Aegislash make the ground just a little harder to move across.

You're coming with us Somerville.. As she spoke she recalled her Tyrunt and released her Torchic while ordering her Petlili to release a Stun Spore over and and ordering her Torchic to melt Aegislash with a blazing Flamethrower. Bonnie was really done with the shit now and she instructed her Miltank to stay behind her and keep it's guard up. She wouldn't be caught off guard like she had before , she was going home alive today, alive and victorious.


-Bonnie runs towards @aya & location after she is saved from Inceneroar, calling her pokemon towards her and holding her Petlili in her arms in the process.

- Upon arrival Sees Aeglislash use Sacred Sword

- Informs that he is coming with them

- Bonnie switches out Tyrunt and sends in Torchic.

- Has Petlili use Stun spore over and

- Has Torchic use Flamethrower on Aeglislash.

About That Smoke

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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 16:00:54 GMT
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she's zoned out completely.

the steelix, having been given only one order, carries it out faithfully: one IRON TAIL after the next, steadily dismantling the ship as several rockets tossed themselves overboard to avoid the destruction wrought by the giant iron snake. briar is watching this, but her mind is somewhere else. she's remembering the little VR scenes they did back in ranger academy, where they'd have rescue operations; or fights against raging pokemon.

this is different.

she watches a rocket, soaked to the bone, crawl out to the dock and stand up, ablaze in the heat of mob, run towards slateport as though chasing the dream of their lives. maybe they were. who was she to judge?

the comm lines are oddly quiet. there are no frenzied orders, no laws, and-- she turns to the crane as it falls, watching it crush league members and rockets alike-- certainly little justice. she finds the surroundings increasingly surreal, but her legs move (sluggishly) towards the fallen crane. she grabs hold of something, anything, but fins that she can hardly move her hands up, let alone lift the debris.


she looks up, eyes zoning in on a DUSKNOIR in the center of the docks. tch. she might not have any options for evacuation, but that didn't mean this was okay. a raging, gravity-using dusknoir. okay. she'll focus on the pokemon. she doesn't want to deal with humans right now.

briar tosses out nidoking and whistles. gira, who had been focused on the destruction of the ships, begins turning his maw curiously to gaze upon the dusknoir. "faint it," she orders, trying to pretend as though the running, fleeing and screaming is all just...background music.

the steelix SCREECHES loudly, excited at having found a target. it then opens wide with a CRUNCH and attempts to bite into the ghost-type. sven, though a bit more cautious, jumps into the fray with equal vigor, getting as close to the dusknoir as possible with two quick POISON JABS. the goal is to ensure the ghost type is preoccupied so that gira's more threatening offense will succeed.

notes in case anyone wanted

briar zones tf out and is kind of losing it.

briar changes gears and attacks the DUSKNOIR.

STEELIX uses SCREECH (def down!), and then uses CRUNCH.

ARCANINE still assists in rescue efforts, and anyone is free to attack or sabotage hiro's little EXTREMESPEED runs while he's carrying ppl.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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may 15
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 18:31:15 GMT
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the girl would breathe in the toxin that now lingered in the air in thick and potent clumps, the spores now clinging to the interior of her lungs and causing her to cough and gag.

'i can't - '

she collapsed upon her own knees, her muscles quivering violently underneath her now sweat-drenched skin and her vision going bleary at the edges.



she raised her gaze, the concerned faces of her companions filling her vision as they peered at their mistress. cait swallowed thickly, and feared she wouldn't be able to move properly for a short while.

"i'm okay, baby g-girls. i'm okay," she said.

cait coughed, wheezed, trembled and spat - cursing herself for not bringing along some kind of mask or at the very least making a better attempt at avoiding the 'stun spore'.

"i just need a minute. i promise. fight for me, okay?"

this somehow managed to convince the pair, whom shared a look before they moved to stand protectively before their mistress. the vileplume would act first, fixing the torchic with a withering glare before she summoned forth a cloud of 'poison powder' that sprayed toward both the flightless bird and aeglislash. thankfully, the sword-like pokemon was obviously a steel-type, and wouldn't be at all bothered by the toxin.


her bellossom would instead focus her attentions upon the petilil, wielding 'moon blast' in an attempt to directly bring harm to the smaller grass-type.

'gods, i feel sick.'

the girl struggled to regulate her breathing, her innards twisting and struggling to process the 'stun spore' as it continued to invade her system.

[ cait has been temporarily immobilized by 'stun spore' that was used by @bliss 's petilil ]

[ her vileplume uses 'poison powder' on bonnie's torchic ]

[ her bellossom uses 'moon blast' on bonnie's petilil ]

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 19:08:16 GMT
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The Poochyena's long fur managed to easily catch on fire, causing the pooch to run amok from panic. The quickest solution Kyle could think of was to recall him back to his Pokeball, which he promptly did. Now down to the last three Poochies, he ought to take care of choosing the right option now.

A glance from behind him, watching the other rockets take the opportunity to run past them, kept him distracted for a moment. "Wait, you needed me?" he'd absently ask, only noticing that Light had been talking to him just now. "You can go ahead. I think I can handle my own if it's just a one versus one. I'll, uh, catch up." Having the other three go ahead of them was already a blunder on their part, but it wasn't like he was in a position to stop them anyways.

His eyes went to the Rocket, meeting his eye with his. "I hope that's fine."

His hand went to his holster, taking out another Poochyena from one of his Pokeballs. "Foxtrot, you're gonna give me a Sand Attack on the Vigoroth. Echo, Yawn. Squirtle."

Worst case scenario, he'd just have to call for Light to help him once again. Not that he minded it though, given that the person seemed friendly enough not to get bothered with him asking for his assistance. Kyle did not aim for the worst case scenario, however.

  • Recalls the burning Poochy C back to Pokeball
  • Tells @light to go ahead so he can 1v1 @alt
  • Sends out Poochy F
  • Poochy F uses Sand Attack on Vigoroth. Poochy E uses Yawn on Squirtle

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 20:30:04 GMT
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Baron had narrowly defeated that Inceroar, had they not been saved he and Bonnie would have been goners! Things were getting too heavy, even for him. Sure, there were risks for everyone involved but people were still dying, families were losing loved ones in a war that made no sense to him in the first place.

He couldn't do this anymore. Team Rocket wasn't for him or rather all of this senseless murder wasn't for him. Yes, of course, he liked to fight, he loved to fight! The best feeling in the world was the little knot of energy that balled up in his chest and every attack that landed made it palpate with pure joy! But murder, killing others, that wasn't what he signed up for. During his time on the boat he had only knocked out his victims, yet Bonnie and the others... They didn't care if they killed. Bonnie, as beautiful as she was, as kind as she was, as much as he loved her as his friend she had been all business so far from what he could see. He wanted to have FUN, but if it meant costing lives he wouldn't let himself go that far.

When whipped up another Poochyena Derek hadn't noticed him just yet, not until his Vigoroth's eyes had become blinded with sand and his Squirtle was hit with a devastating yawn.

Derek only stared at his Pokemon. Vigoroth rubbed its eyes furiously, his Squirtle's spirits were still high but the sleep in his eyes was swiftly taking over as the water type nodded off here and there after the attack hit. Meanwhile, his Hakamo-o was steady to get up after that last attack but he was back on his feet and ready to fight. Sadly for the dragon, it wouldn't get the chance. The scarred male returned all of his Pokemon into their Pokeballs and looked at Kyle with a fond smile.

He'd hum before speaking, "It's over officer. You win." a beat, "I give up, I know how strong you are so there's no point in continuing this fight. I can't beat you."

The smile he wore wouldn't waiver, every word from his mouth was sincere. He'd get on his knees and raise his hands above his head.

"Call Miranda and tell her to come read me my rights." 

-Derek gives up(?)
-Admits Kyle is insanely powerful and if they keep battling he'd be defeated easily. 
-gets on his knees and raises his hands. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2018 21:17:04 GMT
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rain beats down like hail. heavy, vicious, it is nothing as the crane meets the dock. the metal groaning, the ground breaking or weather, it is all white noise.

malcolm does not look at his destruction. he does not need to see the whole bay to know that they are overwhelmed with or without it. despite their superior efforts, the league will lose here. rockets are endless as his challengers.

the air grows thick with stun spore. malcolm tries to rise a hand to cover his mouth but, already, his arm falters. muscles pull tight, spasm, and he splutters into the air. his fingers are rigid, taut, until he cannot feel them.

flamethrower blisters towards aegislash. its saviour is the rain – the weather cuts through the fire. water is already dripping down the blade when the flame splashes against the sword. steam hisses through the air and the aegislash pulls up from the ground. the eye on its hilt narrowing on its trainer behind it.

malcolm has been forced to one knee, arm paralysed but able to crane his neck up to look at the aegislash. his throat tightens. it is getting harder to breathe, harder to talk. “king’s shield, sgian.”

the aegislash’s shield moves through the air. blade sheathed, the shield glows and, with it, a faint shimmer through the air spreads and a translucent wall glistens. rain splatters again king’s shield and the aegislash, as well as malcolm, are shielded from both attacks and the weather.

limber lets the persian move at ease. alisdair leaps through the stun spore as it jumps, barrelling forward to a prey it is more familiar with. he does not aim for the tiny, little bird – he leaves the best until last. sharpening its claws, he taunts the petilil, leaving only one option for the flower: attack or run.

“alisdair, stay ready.” whiskers twitch as the persian licks his mouth. alisdair is at ease as malcolm struggles to call to his politoed. “puddock, fire.”

politoed’s dance may have been graceless beneath gravity but puddock now spreads his arms in rapture against the heavy droplets. he is in bliss. opening his mouth, the politoed unleashes a hydro pump. a jet of water barrels across the bay towards torchic.

  • malcolm is paralysed for sure, he cannot move as he is super immobolised
  • aegislash gets hit by flamethrower but the rainy weather lessens the blow
  • aegislash switches to shield forme as it uses king's shield
  • alisdair uses taunt on petilil
  • politoed uses hydro pump on torchic
  • any questions or smth pls message me KK <3