shuck off [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 1:23:30 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Bailey threw the bucket to the warm sands, wedging it down so the tide wouldn't be able to pull it away.[break][break]

“Alright, Lucas. After today, my debt will be paid,” she would say would a flat, lazy tone as she gripped a shovel in the other hand; in a stripped one-piece bathing suit, the Elite Four member seemed like she was more dressed for the beach than actual hard work.[break][break]

In the distance, by a propped beach chair and umbrella, Piggie Smalls would bounce in the shade and lazily slurp on his giant blue slushie—a big straw hat situated over his strange, malformed pearl just to provide extra protection from the sun.[break][break]

The spoink still had thick dabs of sunscreen on both cheeks, just to show that Bailey had been responsible when she had arranged for this beach outing.[break][break]

She looked to Lucas Lane with a hint of a scowl, knowing that she had no choice to finally pay off her debt. “The more clampearls we can dig up, the more pearls we can get... and after Smalls gets to make his pick, we can sell what's left and you'll get the cash. Deal?”[break][break]

Clampearls liked to wash ashore and bury themselves in the warm sands. Why? She had no fucking clue—she wasn't the scientist here.



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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 0:23:49 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

"You make it sound so dramatic," Lucas says as he slips on his water shoes. Pushing himself off the his beach towel Lucas leaves his three anoriths in the shade of his own umbrella. Each of their bodies are submerged in the sand save for their heads and tails.

"Works for me, but what's wrong with his current one?" Lucas glances back towards the spoink drinking its weight in slushie. The pearl looked fine. Though without taking a closer look he wouldn't be able to tell if it was plagued with cracks, or some other unknown issue. "Or is this some aesthetic thing?"

Lucas reaches over to his upper right arm and rubs in the last smudges of sunscreen over his victory star tattoo.

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 6:21:05 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



“Well, I mean, yeah,” she said in defense of her drama. “It's kinda serious. I think?”[break][break]

Bailey would turn to glance back at Piggie Smalls, sparing a wave to the psychic type as he lounged like a glutton. “He gets... kinda sick when he uses his current pearl? I dunno. Hard to explain. I think it's cracked or something.” At that twisted angle, the accentuation of her victory star mark was visible across her skin.[break][break]

It cut like a scar at the collar, v-like divide diving to the heart with its spear-tipped shape.[break][break]

“I've been trying to keep him from battling... and fatten him up. He was doing pretty rough when I found 'em.” She took her own shovel and drove it into the ground, looking to get the work started after she saw the sand bubble with an odd persistence.[break][break]

“I dunno. Guess I wanna make up for that somehow. Make things better.”



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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 20:37:19 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

"Are you sure it's the pearl that's making him sick?" Lucas glanced back at piggy smalls and his slushie. "I just," he sucked in air through his teeth. "I kinda think it might be the slushies. It can't be healthy for it to drink that much sugar."

Lucas wasn't usually one to comment about how other people raise their pokemon. But he knew spoinks already have enough health problems as is. So why risk giving it another?

When Bailey twisted around Lucas caught a glimpse of her victory star mark. It looked identical to the one on his arm. He opened his mouth to ask about it but quickly closed it. Bending down he grabs a shovel.

"You know if you want I could always take Smalls to a pokemon center, get him checked out. It'd be free of charge too." Lucas is quick to add the last part.

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 20:52:59 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



She gave a roll of the eyes, timed with the protest of a single clampearl as it tried to escape from the mound of dirt her shovel displaced.[break][break]

“Do you think I'm that stupid? I know how to take care of my pokemon.” She sounded more exasperated than defensive, because she was used to Lucas' and his jabs.[break][break]

“He was underweight. Got the little guy on a high calorie diet. Multiple small meals a day, but they're dense. High fatty stuff like acorns. Like, healthy fats. A nurse at a pokemon center told me to do it,” but nothing in that diet mentioned treats. That was something extra.[break][break]

Bailey glanced back to Lucas and scratched her cheek. “I mean, a little sugar won't... hurt nuthin. Just a treat every once and awhile. Not like I let him chug those down all day.”[break][break]

Piggie Smalls was still below his target weight.[break][break]

“But, yeah. They couldn't figure out the pearl situation. Said it looked weird, but he wouldn't let them get close to it. I figured I'd just get him a better one and see if that improves anything—that, and I've been trying to keep him from straining himself, and that seems to be helping?”[break][break]

But she wasn't sure, and she dumped the dirt into the bucket where the campearl could burrow but be unable to escape.



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played by


Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 21:30:36 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

When Bailey asked Lucas if he thought she was stupid he fought back a nod. He did think she was that stupid, with some things at least. But he didn't dare say it aloud.

"Well if the nurse says it's alright then I guess it's alright." Lucas said with a shrug as he walked towards a football sized depression in the sand. He pounds the sand next to it. A few seconds later water squirts out of a hole, a sure sign that a clamperl is beneath. Lucas plunges his shovel in deep.

"Well if whatever you're doing looks like it's working keep up at it." Lucas wiggled the shovel back and forth in the sand in an attempt to thrust the buried clamperl upwards. Failing to do so he begins shoveling away the sand. "Say, when Smalls picks a replacement pearl do you mind if I keep the old one? It may be broken, but it'd be a great conversation piece for my collection. I'll even polish up the replacement pearl for you if you let me."

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played by


the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 21:40:00 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Bailey laughed at his request. [break][break]

“Fuck off,” but there was no venom to her words. “You already get all the pearls that he won't want.”[break][break]

Another dig with the shovel. Another clampearl uprooted from the warm, water laced ground. “I'll keep it on a mantle, and next time you come to my house, I'll letcha have a look at it... if you're nice to me.”[break][break]

In truth, she didn't care—it was only because Lucas expressed an interest that she figured she'd keep it.[break][break]

With time, the bucket began to fill with the frustrated, squealing Clampearls. She doused them with saltwater from a rushing wave, just to cool them down, as she started to walk over to where Lucas had been digging.[break][break]

The water-pokemon looked up at her with a frustrated expression, opening and closing just to hide their pearls. “Aight, so... uh... I guess we just gotta convince them to cough 'em up, huh?”[break][break]

She knelt down. “Anyone that wants out of the bucket better pay up, ya hear me?” She rubbed her fingers together, as if signaling that only pearls would do. “We don't gotta waste each other's time.”



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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 1:43:56 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

"Yeah but none of them have as much good a story behind them." Lucas was diappointed when Bailey said no but he didn't argue. He knew Bailey well enough to know it'd go no ware.

"I suppose I could keep some of the other pearls instead though. Or even send them out as Christmas gifts. Though I'd need to think of some puns that aren't rock related to go along with them if I do." Lucas made a mental note to put one of the pearls away for as he rambled on. He was sure she'd appreciate it more than the geode and card he gave her last Christmas.

When Lucas heard Bailey approaching he'd put the last clamperl in his bucket and drop his shovel. Between two spindly arms he carried his bucket towards her.

"So you," Lucas took a labored sigh as Bailey harassed the clamperls. "Know how to open these up? Just shock them?"

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the volatile
August 15th
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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 2:36:17 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Shock them? “What? No. That'd be mean.” These weren't Rapidashes asking to be hydro pumped.[break][break]

She always had more sympathy for the smaller pokemon.[break][break]

Bailey would depart. Walking across the warm sand, she would pause by Piggie Smalls to root through her beach bag. While she was there, she'd pat down the Spoink, just to secure his sun hat and make sure he was sticking to the shade.[break][break]

When she returned, a pokeblock canister was in her hand. With a shake, she'd dispense one of the condensed berry blocks. “Bribery works better.”[break][break]

She would offer a handful to Lucas, before she would resume her kneel.[break][break]

A block for a pearl. That was the exchange rate as she passed the treats to the wild pokemon between her pinched fingers.[break][break]

If one was stubborn, maybe it'd earn two.[break][break]

With time, that was all it took to get a collection of pearls. “Oy! Smalls! Cm'ere and have a look!”



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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
shuck off [c]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 19:07:51 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

When Bailey departed Lucas dropped the bucket. When it hit the ground it wobbled before tipping over. "Shit." Lucas rushed to return the spilled clamperls back into the bucket. He managed to return all but a quarter when Bailey returned with the bribes.

Lucas gingerly offered a block to each clamperl in exchange for their pearl. For the ones quick to snap at his fingers Lucas offered a generous two block bribery. With one frighteningly mean clamperl Lucas offered three blocks for the pearl and two blocks to release his trapped finger.

When Bailey called Piggie Smalls over Lucas held up a pearl for it to see. "Come on. Look, pearls!"

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October 13
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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2020 8:06:08 GMT
shiv Avatar

deal or no deal

 briefly, piggie smalls contemplates the idea of the pearl. head scientist 's presence is not intimidating. it disarms the spoink and it relinquishes the orb. briefly.

the spoink shakes its head and returns the orb atop its head. despite its initial hesitance and reserved nature, the pokemon seems to have warmed up to both and to an extent, . its bounces are more light, more frequent, as if to indicate the pulsing of an amiable heartbeat.

quickly, the spoink begins to oink. it seems to be saying, "there's something else. something else." with a snort, the spoink begins to bounce away. it stops in place, bouncing as it peers back. piggie smalls snorts as if beckoning for the two to follow...

[attr="class","reward"]thread complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 10 pokédollars & 1 infamy.