i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 6:30:17 GMT

❝We're not ready; I don't know when it'll come but it will come.❞

Even the League's premiere workhorse needs a breather once in a while. Fernando finds the best time to be during the recess between midnight and dawn. Out here, alone, he can come to terms with the turbulence of his own inner thoughts. It's the only withdrawal he can find, his only chance to avoid the demands of others and the responsibilities of the region at large.

Downcast street lights blink intermittently. The months of neglects from maintenance allows the fluorescent buzz to pollute the night's silence in the same manner that their sheen pollutes the air. It keeps the sky a hazy purple, never quite dark enough to hide away the troubles of the night. Fernando ignores them largely because trouble knows better than to confront him directly. Mischief always uses someone else as a medium. That's what makes it so vexing it's never straightforward.

A vacant road funnels him into the suburbs. Chipped asphalt melds into a smooth surface the closer you get to real money. Weighted heels no longer click against craggy cement. Not in front of the gentrified town homes that compose the neighborhood's innards. A lack of diversity tells a tale of an commercialism, devoid of personality with the same plain colors saturated into a cookie cutter builds. None of the houses look any different from one another to the point that even Fernando mistakes his residence with his neighbors.

It's an unknown sensation but something stops him from heading inside. Instead, he remains on the street, willfully ignorant to the shooting stars trying to point out his incoming misfortune. He finds their streaks whimsical, hustling a cigarette out from the carton on his pocket. The embers of the star's streaks encourage him to light his own fuse.

His doctor says he shouldn't but the tobacco promises him relief.

He gives in.

Self destruction always wins as long as it can promise him a short term buzz in the meantime.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2020 3:07:43 GMT
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there's no better time like the present. a elbow rested atop of an armchair, a head of silver hair rested upon porcelain toned knuckles. with one leg crossed over the other did he watch with a gentle smile. golden hues watched upon a holographic screen that would showcase what one could only assume was one of the four councilmen's home.

watching the screen with many rocket subordinates, cadis would speak from his throne, "today we will see what the power of man can accomplish through unity. with all of your help this would not have been possible, i humbly thank you." the man-made pokemon's first test run out within the field had been chosen. for rocket's creation, known as genesect, would be sent out to test its power against those of league. their chosen target was none other than the famous councilman, ; who better to test it on than the man deemed "one-army" within the underworld?

as cadis and company watched through genesect's eyes. little did those present know that there was more to genesect's current objective. a narrowed gaze hid a childlike curiosity, his grin never leaving. "shall we begin, genesect?" a simple robotic response was given. LOCKing ON , a purple beam from above the sky had begun to charge as genesect was currently in his saucer form. from above the sky one could easily see the gathering energy of light focusing upon 's current position, all it took was a simple glance over.

the gathered ray of TECHNO BLAST would come to be released within a straight shot. how he dodged was of not cadis's concern, he had faith in the councilman's ability to plan no his feet. after all, it would be boring if he died in one shot.

notes: here have a shtity post, hehe.


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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2020 10:34:44 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Stargazing is the last thing you'll find Fernando Silph doing after a hectic workday. Yet, somehow, here he is, loitering outside his home, sneaking a smoke that no one else knows he partakes in. And in that unique circumstance is an even more extraordinary situation. Up high, the night sky lights up in a brilliant display of neon purple lights. Darkness serves as the perfect camouflage for Genesect, allowing it to position itself without detection until it winds up its attack.

Fernando disregards the phenomenon at first, puzzled for a moment, before it dawns at him. No, there's no way that—

His hand reaches for a Pokeball and his mind stalls on making a rational move. Instinct keeps his eyes on the expanding light while his feet stumble backwards in an effort to push him away. In hindsight, he should've made a run for it immediately but panic takes over in the few seconds between the attack's charge and execution. He's barely able to throw the pokeball out by the time the TECHNO BLAST comes railing down on them.

Purple meets green and they stalemate for a moment before the TECHNO BLAST overwhelms.

There's a reason Fernando trained his Glalie to PROTECT upon being summoned. He doesn't use it often these days but during the Slateport Invasion it literally became his living shield. Unfortunately, that time has long passed and even PROTECT falters against the devastating power of Team Rocket's latest weapon. His Glalie is thrown aside, barrier shattered like glass, while Fernando is caught in the aftermath of the blast's impact.

His body is hurled backwards, clothing charred by the heat of the energy discharged, palms bruised and bloodied as he tries to stop himself from skidding against the cement. The pain is sharp enough to cause him to cry out in curses but that's just the eye opener he needs. It keeps him awake, steady, driving his fight-or-flight response into overdrive.

The smart thing to do is to run.

But his pain demands revenge and violence begets violence.

The first thing he needs to do is to even out the playing field. He reaches for the closest ball to his hand, jabbing his thumb in desperation against the capture mechanism. It lets out his Noctowl which flutters a few feet in front of him.


He's not quite sure what they're dealing with but whatever it is, it's using the cover of night. Until Fernando knows where it is, he's both a sitting duck and stuck without recourse. Thankfully, the Noctowl's FORESIGHT allows it to see clear as day. It gives out an alarmed hoot while staring directly at the strange Pokemon.

Fernando doesn't wait for his Pokemon to find it. He starts running the moment the bird Pokemon is brought out, fishing to release his next Pokemon.

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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2020 4:10:41 GMT
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"it is human nature to run from that which is unknown," cadis musingly pronounced, "but that man is a running contradiction." to flee in the face of adversity was unheard of from the councilman. classified as "one man army" within rocket's database, cadis has had his sight set upon the councilman for sometime. as he ran, cadis could only assume that councilman fled in order to assess the situation and provide a favorable outcome.

"this region may be without champion, but that does not mean they lack a symbol. these symbols hold great notoriety, should something happen to even one? i don't think that would go well within their next meeting, the scent of despair would easily permeate the room." fear was such a cheap tactic, it was boring and it wasn't cadis's style. what he wanted was more than that. "but that's an objective for another time, what i want is the mythical creature he withholds; what i desire resides within the vessel." as long as cadis achieved one goal tonight victory was assured. as he watched and puppeteered the mechanical creature, he would lay out its next order.

"initiate combat mode, seek your prey; be sure to preserve his body, but do what you must in order to apprehend." red hues shined vibrantly. switching from partial mode to full, genesect would land heavily upon the surface, the earth itself shaking. genesect would LOCK-ON to the target--. upon the street there was a nearby flaming vehicle. with its might genesect would pick up the flaming jeep, and with it raised over his head he would toss it toward the fleeing councilman.

landing upon impact with the surface, the car would EXPLODE in attempt to ensnare both councilman and noctowl within the flames. a wall of fire was made within the process as genesect began to hover after the duo on the other side. though the wall of flame hid what was on the other side momentarily, the genesect would not let up and released, blindingly and from vibrant red eyes, a SIMPLE BEAM. attempting to hit whatever or whomever may have been on the other side.

notes: here have a post.


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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 8:05:45 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Run. Get as far away as possible. Buy time to change the field to suit your advantage. What the enemy has in surprise can be contained by sheer numbers. Get your team out, Silph!

Battle routine set.


The meager peace attained since Verdanturf may have rusted his guard but held within the sheath of Slateport is a blade crafted for war. All Fernando needs to do is draw it, letting muscle memory and routine propel his body. Like clockwork, it all comes back, each stumbled step paving the way for a giant stride, hand settling onto his Pokeball as it all comes back to him. He can barely activate it when it all comes undone by the Genesect's landing. The tremors from the Pokemon's raw speed causes him to lose his balance, tripping over his foot, dropping the ball clumsily, as he catches himself in time to power through his sprint.

Fuck! An amateur mistake. He has no time to dwell on his butter fingers, immediately reaching for the next one to take its place.

Left without orders, the Noctowl is left to handle the situation however it sees fit. When the situation calls upon a burning vehicle being hurled its way, the Pokemon responds with a decisive MOONBLAST, looking to incinerate the projectile before it can squash the much smaller owl. The action is born out of panic, an immediate reaction, but it proves as wise as the Pokemon's acclaimed visage. The MOONBLAST punctures the thin metal plates of the vehicle with ease, causing it to split, landing much sooner, and inadvertently causing the ruptured engine to combust in an EXPLOSION.


Flames and metal debris alike buffet the duo. A loose door, torn off its hinges, swats the Noctowl away like a mere insect, squashing it as it lands several feet away on bare asphalt. Fernando is also blown away as well, landing on his back, and rolling away due to the momentum of the blast. Intuitively, he raises his arms up to shield his face from any possible shrapnel, while his sleeves catch on fire from the lingering EXPLOSION.

It hurts all over. Terribly so. But there's no time to rest. If he doesn't react he'll die. Despite the throbbing, heated pain spread across his back, Fernando rolls over, wheezing out MISTY TERRIAN, while reaching for another Pokeball.


Screaming makes digesting the pain easier. In the same vein of pushing his limits on the last set of weight lifting, Fernando powers through swinging his arm to his waist, smashing the next Pokeball against the ground in a desperate effort to crack it open. Anything'll do so long as he can get it out.

On the other side of the fire is Fernando's Rhydon. As their first line of defense, the Pokemon is struck by the SIMPLE BEAM, oblivious to the nature of the attack, but enraged enough to roar in defiance. In a show of clear vindictiveness, the Pokemon digs its hands into the ground, uprooting the road and throwing the sheet of broken cement into the air before punching at it repeatedly. Each chunk becomes a potential ROCK BLAST set to pelt the enemy from afar from behind the obscuring curtain of burning gasoline.

His last Pokemon, Porygon2, remains by his side, DOWNLOADING a map of the area to better adjust for combat. It remains unaware of their predicament, barely able to locate the bodies of Fernando's injured Pokemon by the time the second ROCK BLAST is launched.

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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 5:31:37 GMT
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and so the battle ensued. retaliation was met by hot rocks. electricity begins to manifest throughout the genesect's metal coating--MAGNET RISE. as a surge of static coats its entire being, the pokemon becomes immune to ground-types. hovering over the fire and rising to meet the group. the ANALYTIC metal bug takes note OF THE WHEEZING FERNANDO.

genesect would analyze and DOWNLOAD information on the avatar. he was thus considered a threat, and due to being considered as such initiated genesect's ability to enhance its physical parameters. the purple bug proceeded to prepare for TRI ATTACK. gathering the necessary energies of ice, fire, and lightning, it would come to LOCK-ON the following: porygon2, rhydon, and the pinned noctowl. but before it could finish charging, it would come to hold itself in place.

this was due to .

"fernando silph..." a DISTORTED VOICE, cloaked, spoke the councilman's name. "i've waited for the day to meet you, sadly it could have been under better circumstances. but that's alright, it's not as though this is our first meeting." the origin of the statement would come to manifest from the genesect. it was implied that they've once met before, "you're probably wondering who i am, why i'm doing this, and what could i possibly want from you?" he'd pause before continuing, "let's just say i'm someone close, you have something i want, and 's head would suffice as well in place of what i desire from you." cadis was a kind man when it came to bargaining. he wasn't some monster, but he was willing to do whatever he needed to get what he wanted.

"i hope we can come to an understanding that what i'm doing is for the greater good. you are apart of something amazing, you will be a hero." the power that had was very important to cadis. cadis had hoped that this could end peacefully, but if he continued to fight then he would have no choice but to respond with extremities. "of course, i'm a reasonable individual and i am willing to call off my pet. if you're willing to make a deal with me that is..."

notes: here have a post.


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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 7:03:55 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]It can talk?

Fernando doesn't have time to question the phenomenon in front of him. Surviving is his only concern. The bleak respite granted by his opponent's monologue is enough tfor him to grab his bearings, dedicated to planning his next route of attack while remaining still, buying as much time as possible without putting up any obvious resistance. Let them talk. The longer he entertains the idea the less valuable their element of surprise becomes.

"Surely killing must be easier than ambushing me to get me to do your work for you."

In any other circumstance, Fernando would've answered with the same brevity he spares those that annoy him. However, he needs to string them along a bit longer. Enough to mentally count his Pokeballs and confirm where his next one is. It's the third one from the left. Now if only he could unhook it faster than the enemy can attack.

"Then again, she's a stubborn bitch. Probably went through as many assassination attempts as I have back in Kanto."

He doesn't outright decline. Not yet. Not while there's still a smoking gun still aimed at his body. But buy too much time and the enemy will grow tiresome. He needs just enough for the rest of his Pokemon to familiarize themselves with their setting and the positions of their allies.

"Who are you? What's the terms to your deal?"

Pretend to go along with it to lure the enemy into a false sense of security. Not because they have anything to worry about but because that slight moment where they take the chance to answer him gives him a split second to haul ass and get back onto his feet. Fernando throws another Pokeball out, revealing his Mimikyu which remains beside him. Unaware of the severity of the situation, it giggles, TAUNTING the only person it could deem as an opponent: Genesect.

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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 7:52:32 GMT
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the genesect's charge came to an abrupt end. electricity continued to surge, but the tri attack was no more. as fernando continued to hold cadis's attention. the boss watched through the eyes of his creation. eyeing the councilman from above within his base. a narrow gaze stared at the screen as gave a retort.

"yes, yes, i've heard. just like a beast she's hard to kill. hence why the closest person to her is the best option, you can't blame me for trying, haha."

just like a primeape he was stubborn. it was to be expected. he was a councilman for a reason. to expect anything more was a mistake for a rookie, and too bad for the councilman for that was not what the boss was. he had all the information he needed on what sort of individual the councilman happened to be. he did not expect for their rodeo to go over so smoothly, personally cadis didn't exactly wish for it to get anymore ugly than it should--clearly did not feel his sentiments.

"i would hate---"

the call of another pokemon: mimikyu. a ghost-type well-known for their TAUNTS, too bad genesect's possessed a MAGIC COAT. its metallic body made for situations like this, situations for those who relied on tricks and gimmicks. the taunt would come to be nullified and redirected, like a mirror, back onto the mimikyu. "i'm disappointed in you, . i thought you were smarter than that. do you truly not wish to make a deal with me? do you take me for some obsessive stalker? i'm trying to give you a way out, a chance to save hoenn. yet you treat me as though i were some sort of child creating a tantrum."

genesect's orbs began to glow. "i do not like to repeat myself, councilman . if need be my creation can do far worse than what you've seen so far. i suggest you cooperate with me, if you continue to defy me i'll have no choice but to take extreme measures. you're a smart man, . you may not be aware as to who i am, but i am capable of creating quite a messy situation for you. we wouldn't want the incident that occurred back in january to have a repeat this very moment we?"

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 8:18:49 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"You're asking the impossible from me while pointing a weapon in my face. You should know better."

His last stand of defiance is tapping the last Pokeball on his person, releasing his Gyarados to serve as both a meat shield and his primary offense. Like the rest of his Pokemon, it comes out swinging, coiling up in a show of INTIMIDATION while its DRAGON RAGE swells from between the beast's jaws. It fires off the attack immediate as a show of force, dead set on creating spacing by blast it backwards.

And in this time, Fernando books it, forcing distance to get a better view of the area while removing himself from the danger zone.

His Porygon uses GRAVITY and everyone becomes tethered to the ground. Even his Gyarados is tugged closer to the floor, still floating but unable to slither through the sky freely.

Out of sight, his Noctowl uses the torn off car door as a shield, taking a moment to ROOST to recover its energy.

By now, his Glalie has shaken off its initial shock. It floats back into place, firing multiple ICE SHARDS at the Genesect from where it landed after the TECHNO BLAST.

Mimikyu takes the chance to disappear into the ground with SHADOW SNEAK, unaware of the TAUNT taking effect.

And lastly his Rhydon remains out in the open. The burly beast demands attention and pools a blue orb of water into its palm. Once the energy peaks at a respectable level, the Rhydon thrusts its arm out toward the Genesect, unleashing a gigantic SURF from out of nowhere.

With all the piece on the board, Fernando's battle routine slowly comes to fruition. If it wasn't for the perilous nature of their encounter, he would've loved to dissect the battle from a more strategic standpoint. Anything to find out what makes this newfound Pokemon tick.

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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 5:16:17 GMT
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gravity caused genesect to become once again tethered to the surface. it was then pushed back by dragon rage! his team started to gather one by one, surprising the genesect. shards of ice pierced the genesect's back. there was no need to look over its shoulder in order to understand the origin of said shards. "well isn't this a surprise, i believe you would call this 'checkmate'."

the genesect would not retaliate. it wouldn't even go into a defensive stance. it simply recorded all that was needed. "as fun as this was..." a gardevoir would enter the battlefield. teleporting in with a starmie. the starmie, focused on , would utilize SPOTLIGHT. fernando had now become the center of attention, any attempt to harm the group would merely be redirected to him.

"with this experiment out of the way i can say it was a success, though the battle...didn't go exactly as planned, but this was indeed fun. you may have this win, . do consider my proposal. give yourself up for a greater cause or take dahlia's life, your choice; either way you're doing this region a favor. remember, i'm always nearby and watching. we'll be in touch."

and with that they were gone. teleporting off of the scene.

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[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #a695ca; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 5:33:11 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Precision and routine keep him alive. Despite the painstaking effort to even out a sure loss, Fernando some how comes up with a draw. The fact that his opponent can TELEPORT Pokemon onto the scene instantly serves as a firm reminder that surprises come by the dozen. It goes without saying that this was premeditating and aimed at sending him a message.

Fernando Silph is just as vulnerable as anyone else.

And, once they disappear, fear takes hold, jolting across the rattling noise of his bones and fingers. But Fernando does not dwell or hide from fear. He embraces it with a mounting frustration that's muffled by the ongoing fire outside. Someone else has taken up his role during the Slateport Invasion. They're stalking him, observing him, and utilizing everything they know to pick at him until he becomes undone at the seams. It's his textbook behavior — just never thought of to be on the receiving end.

"Someone beat me to it."

Someone beat him to Avalon.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]