Hats in the Wind [OPEN]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2020 18:19:53 GMT
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“What should we do today guys,” he asked his pokemon who walked slowly beside him, well not exactly slow, but slow for them. Aspear looked up and gave a delightful bark as passerbys gave heart eyes at the cute pokemon. The dog turned and jumped up at Billi’s legs before catching wind of something flying in the air. If only it was a breeze, but it was a leaf, or a piece of garbage, who knew, but the sparky dog was out like scooby doo. “Aspear stop! You’re running to far away!” the blonde called out pushing through strangers to catch up to his pokemon.

Dirty looks arose from people, as the jock styled man came to a full stop, only to catch jumping off a railing, with his hand on the dog's belly. A hat perked in the dogs mouth brought alarm to the Billi, “Aspear that was probably someone’s hat they lost to the wind,” Taking the hat from the pokemon who whined when it was taken away. Of course Billi was the kindest of Rotogram’s users and social media SENSATION, he went and posted a picture of the hat hoping someone would see it in Hoenn. Granted...who knew, hats were a dim a dozen.

“hmmmm well Aspear looks like we should look to see who’s lost a hat,” he spoke to the dog as Iapapa walked up to him, with her scolding attitude for the dog. Crossing her arms like she was done with their madness, because apparently she was here against her will. “Here Iapapa wear the hat,” Billi put the hat on the Mawile who got flustered and stomped her feet, only to have Rotom-phone take a picture and laugh at her.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 5:05:06 GMT
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it was way too hot. the sun was pretty intense and summer wasn't really quade's jam anyway. too much sun, too many chances to burn to a crisp, and while peeling was fun and weird the tender sensation of sunburn sucked ass. quade's phone was pressed between their ear and shoulder as they peeled a bit of dead skin off their arm, a delicate pink from falling asleep in the sun a few days before. their nose was also pink, but not peeling considering the obsession aloe application they'd been slathering on. they were annoyed, brows pinched and expression tight as they muttered under their breath.

"non non non. mama...."

quade tugged at the collar of their sweatshirt, sleeved pushed to the elbow and clearly not very comfortable despite their insistence on wearing it. they glanced inside and hummed, clicking their tongue into the phone as stulloona shifted and yawned. she blinked up at them and chittered softly before going back to sleep against their chest. quade murmured into the phone and ended the call shortly, sighing in vague irritation as they peeled off their beanie and ducked under the shade of a tree. fingers twitching a strong breeze blew by, providing a lovely breeze but causing them to fumble their hold on the hat. in a horrible twist of events the wind carried off the beanie (they didn't realize that could even HAPPEN!) and quade huffed and cracked their neck before taking off after it at a leisurely pace.

now technically quade was supposed to be on the lookout for rocket grunts in the area. theoretically, they'd been spotted running around like ants underfoot, not always totally undercover. technically speaking quade had spotted a few people who looked kinda suspicious, but one of them had been buying ice cream from a vendor and the other had been bouncing just behind waiting their turn patiently, so quade didn't feel bothered to do much about it.

what did make them pause, however, was the giant behemoth of a man putting THEIR hat on a mawile. quade squinted, their one good eye trained on the pokemon as the man snapped pictures, walking in a clear line right toward him. they took a moment to eye him up and down, vaguely impressed with the arms on the guy before stopping ....way too close. personal space was a boundary they had a difficult time understanding, their leg nearly brushing the mawile and just a bit too close to the guy himself.

"hey uhhhh...."

they smacked their lips and squinted up at him in the bright light, eyeing his arms for a moment before their gaze flickered back to his face.

"you got a permit for those? can i see it? please? thank you?"

they eyed the hat, fingers twitching in desperation to just snatch it.

"that's my hat. please return it? yes?"

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 5:25:34 GMT
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” HMPH” the distinct noise of disgust left the small Mawile as something pressed against her. She didn’t care nor wanted to understand why such an individual would do so to her. Iapapa’s eyes turned up as the beanie awkwardly covered her eyes. “MAWILE” he voice chirped up as the head in the back snapped at the air. Naturally Billi laughed and had his attention caught by a stranger. She was so annoyed it was unreal, not like she wanted to be near them anyways, so she waddled to Billi’s side.

The blonde noticed the human being in his space, that he never believed in anyways. Personal space, he didn’t often obey. It pushed boundaries and made him feel like he was more approachable and enjoyable. Touching things made them feel real to him and unlike any video he’d ever play. Billi could obviously see the height difference between them considering he was looking down, almost...directly..down at ants. “Oh hi,” Billi responded and grinned as he didn’t move.

People in hoenn were so weird and friendly, geez. Billi couldn’t just let these people pass him by, and besides that SCAR! Like wow. What a story that would be. Should he ask? Shouldn’t he respect that? Would they mind? Maybe they get asked that all the time. Golden eyes were met by Billi’s beady blue spectacles that radiated a pure, soft summer breeze, of joy and acceptance. In a way that a beach caresses your soul and just takes you to another existence. “Oh a permit for these” he was thinking as he reached into his pocket and laughed, nah he didn’t have any for his pokemon.

“I didn’t know I needed one,” he responded chuckling as his arms met his hips. Aspear ran around the new persons, as if to sniff and get them to do something. “No but what about you?” he responded back with a tongue out like his yamper, in a playful manner. “Oh it’s yours!” Billi knelt down, everything flexing, and took the hat from Iapapa. He awkwardly stuck it on the others head, “Yeah looks right on you!” words escaped his lips like they were loose cords. “I'm surprised I just posted about finding it and someone of your stature shows up! Just -whistle- wow!” open arms expressed his disbelief and near honor, even if the whistle gave an accidental flirty tone.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 18:07:15 GMT
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stulloona shifted inside the warm dim space inside quade's shirt, irritated by all the noise. she turned herself rightside up and crawled up, shoving her head outside the neckline and blinking against the harsh sunlight. she tittered, large ears twitching as she glanced around, quade raising a hand to gently cup her in place. the corner of quade's lip twitched and they briefly wondered if they were correct in the assumption that this dude was from galar, they could hear their mother ranting in kalosnese about the rudeness of those "idiots" if they tried hard enough.

stulloona crawled out further, squeaking rapidly while her wings twitched and her gaze locked on to the mawile. it seemed like she was yelling at the other - probably for disturbing her nap. quade ignored it for now, stulloonas little hands wrapping around their fingers to keep steady.

this dude misunderstood what quade had said. jackpot.

the joke could go on.

"uhhhhhh i can't let you go on without your permit? what are you doing here? are you supposed to be here?"

quade sounded a little suspicious, a little confrontational, a little like the annoying security guard itching for an excuse to kick you out of the venue.

they glanced down at the pokemon running around them, standing still and letting the small thing do whatever, not like it would bite....they hoped.

"me? i'm a ranger bro, don't need no permit. i'm allowed to be everywhere bro."

quade's eyes were intensely glued to the guy when he lifted the hat off his pokemon, their already flat expression becoming flatter as he shoved it on their head. quade took a moment to readjust the beanie, tugging it partially over their eyes to help with the sun.

"thanks dude, epic gamer moment right here. anyway, permit please?"

quade's gaze flickered to the others face, flat yet expectant.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 3:08:46 GMT
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The blonde eyes couldn’t understand the person’s words for permits. Did he actually need permits for his pokemon. Was it that clear that he was foreign, it wasn’t like he thought his accent was strong. Looking down he felt even more confusion as the other kept going on about more permits. “ I have my Visa,” he nodded, “I’m registered to work in Hoenn,” he responded cheerfully. He was a gentle giant, but his brain didn’t work right all the time.

He reached into his pocket pulling out his nice quality leather wallet with a cute little snap in the shape of a yamper. “You’re a ranger? Thats cool! You’re a bro!?” he cheered as bright blue eyes peeled open and his tongue stuck out like the yamper who started nipping at the strangers shoelaces. “Like bro! That’s soo cool? So you don’t need a permit or anything?! Like nothing?!” he stepped closer and grabbed the strangers shoulders, “like bro what do you even do? What do you need my permits for?! All i got is a visa but like I can call someone,” he smiled brighter.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 23:21:04 GMT
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"registered huh?"

quade squinted suspiciously.

"sounds uhhhh pretty sus to me. you uh, y- you here to uhhhhh you here to? steal? you gonna steal stuff? little-little thief boy? are ya?"

their eyes snapped to the wallet. cute, looked expensive. rich boy. quade filed that away for later but was distracted by this guy being way too excited about their sarcastic shitty gamer talk. they glanced down at the dog, blinking as it managed to untie their boot.


their shoelaces looked wet, which was....gross. their attention snapped back to the guy, lips twitching and just barely keeping their composure. this guy got excited for like, no reason.

"i do whatever i want, y'know? i do uhhh, you know, ranger stuff? like....like uhhhh-like keeping the peace."

they absolutely did not keep the peace.

"no permits needed nooooooo sir i'm a ranger y'know? i-i can just-i can do whatever. cause i'm a ranger. it's actually like, like illegal to ask me for a permit. cause i'm allowed to go everywhere anyway."

they didn't expect the permit thing to get this involved, but hell it was turning out to be funnier than they thought it would be.

"so, what are you doing here? answer please? thank you? also hey your dog is slobbering on my shoes and thats pretty gross. what is it anyway? you uhhhh.....you from galar?"

quade made sure to massacre the pronunciation of galar in a very classic 'i'm from kalos and on instinct i kinda hate you' move, with way too much of an accent and slurring half the word. they grinned up at the other guy, all teeth and mischief.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh
Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 23:41:00 GMT
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Truely he was dumb, he had to be dumb. No normal person would let a ranger walk all over them because they weren’t the police, nor did they have anything to do with border patrol. Billi was just a very dense man, so dense that no one could really argue or fight with the fact that between a rock and hard place he’d say “but the rock is hard.” and let the conversation go right over his head.

Even with the stuttering and the clear bullshitting, Billi was convinced that he was in legal trouble. He was fumbling his nice wallet, which looked expensive, and it was, perhaps his first purchase when he first made money. It was such an accomplishment because Rowap helped him make the money and it made him feel good to value his friend in a way of having a wallet. The button popped open as he fished through his stuff, “See! My visa! I don’t have my other papers with me, they’d be at my hotel.” he said awkwardly but the smile remained on his face. Blue eyes betrayed him as it showed awkward anxiety because he loved Hoenn and didn’t wanna leave.

“Keeping the region safe thank you so much!” words that seemed filled with respect and pride for the job. Rangers like him were the reason they had good relationships with pokemon. Galar was no exception. “I’m working for Pokemon Insider! It’s so much fun” Billi’s eyes lit up again as the Yamper moved to the next shoe and began to chew on those laces too. “Oh sorry! Aspear come here.” he called the dog and threw his pokeball so the dog could go catch it. “Yah I’m from Galar!!!! It’s my home. I miss it…. BUT I love seeing the world and new places it’s so fun ya know? People just live so different in different areas and I like meeting and talking to new people because it just makes me so happy. I used to be super awkward in person because I was a streamer and would only play online, and as a kid i was super small so I was afraid of people.” the man RAMBLED.

Listening to him surely was a task. It wouldn’t be like listening to a ted talk. No. This was a boring podcast about something terrible, like knitting. “People here really don’t understand me sometimes, or think i’m really WEIRD because of it but thats okay. I like my accent. I learned that it’s kind of unique to me ya know? Super….Galarian?” he didn’t notice the other Kalosian accent. “So uuhhh…...yeah I uhhh…” he paused hearing his Yamper get into something, “ASPEAR” he called out, running to grab it and come back, the Yamper in his arms making them flex.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 0:39:25 GMT
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okay okay okay hold up hold up.

"p-pokemon insider?"

quade squinted, what the fuck? pokemon insider? wasn't that some gossip magazine or something? their sister read that, surely this guy couldn't be serious right? what was this, a travel magazine thing? quade didn't even look at the visa, didn't bother to move their gaze in any way shape or form.

"idk man looks sus."

they sounded out idk with each individual letter, glancing down once the dog left their shoes alone. stulloona tittered in irritation and quade lowered the noibat to their shoes where she made a big deal of managing to retie them to perfection while wiping away the excess saliva. they crossed their arms as she climbed her way up their pantleg, snuggling in their arms and huffing with a small squeak.

"streamer huh? what would you stream? any uhhh big titles? you play uh-you play? you play-"

they smacked their lips as they tried to think of the best answer.

"fortnite? you do any fortnite dances? huh? show me, show me your moves. show me them dance moves. please? please, thank you?"

he ran off after the dog and quade frowned a moment, wondering if they should push the joke enough to follow after him. but he was back a moment later with the dog and quade's gaze became more intense.

"hey, hey, for-fortnite dance now?? yes? please? i need to see you dance."

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 2:26:32 GMT
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Billi held the Yamper that spased in his arms only stared at the man with an awkward bounce. The blonde held himself together as the dog and the stranger stared at him. Something had changed, maybe it was something behind their eyes. There was some distrust or at least something there of disbelief, but the man liked to see the best in people. So he turned his attention to the fact he brought up his job again. “Yeah I make cute articles for the magazine about the people here. I was hired back home off my social media, though my articles are mainly online! Like all trendy things these days,” he nodded as Aspear licked his face coating it a slobbery slime. “Aspear sttttoooooopppppp” he pushed the dogs face away.

“I have a lot of followers on Rotogram so…. They reached out to me. And I couldn’t do streaming anymore because I got sad being alone,” he frowned and had Aspear wiggled out of his arms and run around again. Iapapa glared at the stranger then the noibat that tied the shoes. Like what? Her brow raised as she moved to look up from her low point of view, “Ma-wile?” she whispered to herself, because she was a LADY, and invaded privacy politely.

He paused and smiled widely, because he did like his streaming job, and it was fun for a while until he lost everything, but that was a story for another depressing day. “ Yeah! I was Billion on like everything. I played so many games! And I loved it. YEAH and fornite but I only played it with friends,” he paused and rolled over the thoughts, before thinking about the dances and got awkward backing up some. “Y-yeah I don’t dance” he tried to hide his shame of dancing.

”I...i...y-you asked but I-imm not good at it….’” he awkwardly and very meekly, and as white as possible gave the cheesiest Fornite dance. Turning a bright red as his legs bent the wrong way, hands didn’t match up even if it was probably cute. Yamper barked and danced with on his hind legs. “BORK” it barked playfully making the man stop. Then stared, “y-y-yeah...s-so thats my best fornite dance. It’s terrible,” he looked down avoiding eye contact. “What about you….do you dance?” he asked avoiding eye contact.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 19:13:59 GMT
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rotogram. streamer. this kid was a full-on social media presence huh? there was a brief moment of jealousy where quade frowned. they'd kill to be back at home streaming day and night to make money, but they averted their gaze and refused to go down that line of thought. they remembered weathered hands and curly hair and bit their tongue until they could taste iron. fingers twitched against stulloona, who tittered softly and flapped her wings idly. she spared a glance down at the mawile again and stuck her tongue out, making a comfy spot in quade's arms and snuggling down.

they snapped out of their little moment and gazed blankly at the guy as he did the worst possible rendition of a fortnite dance they'd ever seen.


they mumbled, blinking slowly. it was their only comment but their gaze snapped to his face and then away when asked about their own dancing skills.

"'course i dance. i dance the best. great dancer, epic skills. award winning gold medal dancer. i dance so good i killed someone by accident because of how hard i popped off."

quade straightened up and looked as uninterested and nonchalant as possible.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2020 1:15:15 GMT
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Billi was a dummy, and with the raven haired person in front of him, confused him. He couldn’t dance and he was embarrassed at being a weirdo that couldn’t dance. Even more that he couldn’t understand how his legs could bend like a pool noodle and arms find a designated spot, just nothing made any sense when it came to body placement. It wasn’t like lifting a dumbbell, or working out all the time. He paused for a moment, taking in what the other said.

“You can?” he asked and blinked looking at him, then Iapapa waved to the noibat cutely smiling at it. “Mawile!” she waved happily. “Can you show me bro?” he asked, staring at him, adapting the other’s BRO language, with his own scottish accent peeling in. Blue eyes popped open, staring more intensely. “So me? I’m embarrassed,” he stated more.


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Hats in the Wind [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 4:19:49 GMT
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