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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 15:07:17 GMT
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silvery locks are slicked back on his head, pressed against it with all the hair gel he could muster this morning. the suit he adorns is snug where it needs to be. the pant legs do not pool at his feet too much. he looks perfectly presentable for the public to see him in this position for the first time. he looks like a face worth trusting.

it's the least gilbert valeria can do when the rest of their world seems to be crumbling around them.

while the others sit in their lounge chairs, gilbert stands -- he does so when he's nervous, trying to recall his speech. even though he's given dozens of public speeches, appeared in numerous tournaments, and has finally joined the war effort by giving the liberty to conduct any and all necessary research at the mossdeep space center, gilbert feels out of place. less bloodied, less scarred, he has not bore the same strifes as the rest of them. he has done very little to prove that he belongs here, and yet here he is.

another man with another speech about something he's hardly experienced.

fernando breaks the silence, his anxiety about the situation dimly apparent beneath the question. gilbert's eyes flash from silph's to kim's, the man who will decidedly speak first. unlike the other two, he knows very little about kim cole other than the fact that he has garnered considerable respect from league officers. the superficial words that come from him do not reflect this, but gilbert nods in agreement. "sure, makes enough sense. i guess it doesn't matter though!" the polite tone that often coats his words is present in tenfold today. the last thing he wants to do is step on any toes before their joint leadership even begins.

"i feel like we're waiting for our number in the talent show or something. and that people are going to hate us at first no matter how this goes."

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gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 2:19:05 GMT
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he travels deeper, feet crushing more pebbles as he makes his way down a smaller tunnel veering off of the main path.

it threatens to choke him with its stale, claustrophobic air as the walls narrow in even further. reached out, both arms can touch either wall, but curiosity drives him deeper. as if by divine intervention, an idea strikes him -- did a pokemon make this?

rumbling begins, its timing impeccable and uncanny as the pebbles at gilbert's feet tremble at the vibrations. everything occurs in an instant.

a blast of wind picks granite shards off the walls of the tiny cave. the sandstorm creates a wind tunnel that threatens to push gilbert back, out of this pokemon's home. his feet dig in, a hand up to protect his eyes while the other releases his slowking -- aranea. her psychic activates instantly, eyes aglow as the sand begins to move around the two of them. she is his guide as they venture forth, his protector.

he realizes it doesn't matter; he doesn't care what it is down there. stopping the sandstorm trumps his curiosity. all it takes is a single water pulse from the slowking, enough power thrusting it down the length of the tunnel that when it hits whatever is in the way, it stops the sandstorm.

they walk on, both stepping past the hippowdon that protects whatever lies further to discover just what treasure awaits them.

@ solo wild
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gilbert valeria
les amis [ closed | past ]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2018 3:17:29 GMT
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he manages a stale laugh while the alcohol seems to start swimming around in his head. gilbert can feel it beginning to wrap its fingers around his brainstem now. it will grab hold of his entire brain in a short time, and he has no intention of stopping it now that he's started. "i'm fucking old, dude."

"you say this stuff as if you didn't deserve it, nikolai. she always liked you. so did i." nikolai's shot is in the air in front of him -- gilbert grabs his and nods his response before tossing it back more easily than all the previous ones. the shot clinks back to the bar top ceremoniously before the hand that held it moments before climbs back up to gilbert's lips to clean them of any spilled tequila.

he chuckles because the memory he wants to remember comes so quickly. "one time she made a powerpoint trying to explain memes to my father. she was so...exasperated. and she was never funnier..."

was, was, was... the past tense is fresh on his unfocused mind, the uncomfortable thought serving only to cloud it further.

he leaves the shot glass on the table, filled but not wanted in this moment. he studies nikolai instead, the man who called him old. "why do i always feel like you're older than me when I know you're not?"

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gilbert valeria
mastic [ closed | past | wild ]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2018 2:42:55 GMT
gilbert valeria Avatar
walls close in gradually, their walkway limiting them to a single file line before the distance between walls settles. gilbert walks carefully, feet treading along the slippery pathway slowly, but his resolve does not falter. he's exhilarated, really, though shows only in his shallow breaths that hopefully do not land on nikolai's neck.

"oh? people?" coming in, gilbert would have bet it was an angry pokemon making the ruckus. "i wonder just what they're messing with down here...can't be good." natural gas?

are they messing with valeria from underneath somehow?

the question is unanswerable, but he follows suit and hovers a hand over a pokeball as he follows behind nikolai. again, he's grateful the gym leader is here.

the walls begin to open back up again. they spread out once more, resuming the origin formation. chatter drops to radio silence, tension filling the air like a carbon monoxide ready to ignite.

water laps somewhere not so far away, its rhythmic ebb and flow the only sound to fill the otherwise dark and quiet cavern. gilbert stops, a hand gripping to the back of nikolai's shirt -- stop, it tells him silently.

"what's keeping them hidden?" the words are barely an audible whisper, but they reach nikolai's ears with a sense of mystique and curiosity attached.

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gilbert valeria
les amis [ closed | past ]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2018 0:46:35 GMT
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when they break through the entrance to the rundown bar soaking wet, gilbert almost laughs. it comes to no surprise that nikolai brings him here. he himself has never been here, despite hearing about it. his tastes are more expensive than nikolai's, but the change of scenery is welcome.

the first shot goes down quickly and smoothly, and he orders them a second -- tequila, this time. more people that were at the funeral would likely be at gilbert's type of bar, anyway. they don't need to see him drink like this.

lime in one hand, salt along the thumb, he locks eyes with nikolai before a soft laugh erupts from his throat. "i haven't done a tequila shot in at least half a decade."

muscle memory kicks in and he throws it back with ease, ignoring whether or not nikolai takes it or leaves it in favor of his own drink. it's cheap tequila in a cheap bar, and he's a rich man with almost everything.

the tequila will work quickly, but not quickly enough to keep him from ordering another shot of it. he already feels numb to the sadness: two days of watching people cry does that to a man. he wants to be more numb.

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gilbert valeria
mastic [ closed | past | wild ]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2018 0:31:15 GMT
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a friendly smirk meets nikolai's chuckle, gilbert's tone easily matching nikolai's. "that depends, is it working?" without much more jest, they move deeper.

as they walk, gilbert eyes nikolai curiously. he feels like the full truth eludes him, that nikolai is withholding information. he doesn't press for more -- he's never been pushy, and he knows nikolai. if they were in over their heads, gilbert would know. that, or nikolai would have turned him away. instead his lips remain pursed together to allow his friend to lead them on.

his own heart picks up, the sound of the mudbray's call enough to startle him. lucis' serpentine form immediately moves closer to gilbert: its protective nature keeps it close enough to protect his master while assessing the threat. tail flicking playfully, the serperior slithers into action along the sandy surface, a single leaf blade enough to bring down the enemy pokemon. another squeal and the mudbray falls to the ground; gilbert can see nikolai capturing the bergmite. he, too, pulls out a spare pokeball and tosses it at the mudbray.

"just about..." faux rushed, he walks over, feet smashing the sand that lucis had already carved his path in. pokeball in hand, he grins at nikolai.

"shall we?"

+ catching mudbray

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gilbert valeria
les amis [ closed | past ]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2018 15:12:12 GMT
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the rage has been welling up and overflowing from within periodically since her death; it wells up again once he is given an opportunity to become vulnerable. to feel anything today would have been a mistake, and he knows that for all those people to see him truly mourn would have allowed them to lose control. he had no interest in making the affair any more dismal than it was destined to be.

nikolai diffuses him quickly; gilbert chuckles once before looking back to the heavily trodden grass beneath him. "you might need to beat the daylights out of me. but for now, hold off on the punches."

comfortable silence lingers between them for an instant, filled only by the sound of rain hitting the foliage that surrounds the mossdeep cemetery. the place emits a quiet tranquility from the tree branches, one he's noticed in the past during other funerals. it feels muted today -- everything feels muted.

"a drink...would be nice." his feet fidget again, perhaps willing him to leave the graveside.

"standing here long enough won't change anything." if he could will that to be true, it'd be true already. but rosalie is still dead and he's still soaking wet and alone.

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gilbert valeria
mastic [ closed | past | wild ]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2018 4:07:28 GMT
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gardevoir acts as their vanguard while serperior brings up the rear. shoal cave is a place he's been many times, but tonight its air feels different on his skin as he marches through it carefully. the rumbling of shoal cave has been the talk of the town in mossdeep for a week or two now -- to have someone like nikolai assigned to investigate it feels like a gift they don't deserve.

"oh, thanks for letting me come. i really needed to see what was going on for myself." the overly-polite disposition comes so naturally that he easily forgets he is in comfortable company.

he's felt the vibrations a few times, but nothing substantial. they are a growing concern, though, and he wonders if the rumbles will become something large enough to threaten valeria's structural integrity from deep beneath the island.

"it's a relief to know you're the one heading this up! who knows what's down here these days."

water laps at the shore within the cavern, eagerly reaching for his feet as they move him further into its depths. he looks at his clock: the hand points to the 1. "it's a little past 1 in the morning, so low tide will give us plenty of time to see what's going down in the deeper areas."

they won't have much time before the water begins to rise once again, threatening to trap them far within the misty lumen of shoal cave.

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gilbert valeria
les amis [ closed | past ]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2018 3:16:14 GMT
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he's heard the name rosalie hundreds of times today. he's seen her face even more times -- it is beautiful, but not hers anymore. made up for a paler complexion, one that lacks fresh blood. rosalie and her rosy cheeks, buried in the ground once and for all.

today, the world revolves around her. people circle the grave as the casket lowers into it, the planets in orbit to mourn the death of their precious sun. at some point on this day, all of the planets realize that they, too, will burn out eventually.

gilbert valeria feels like a moon closely orbiting the sun while everything almost orbits around him.

rain drizzles down on the shoulders of his suit, black tie aligned perfectly as his stares into the hole in the ground. it's all he can do; there is no laughing today, no smiling. this is not one of those funerals in which people celebrate a life.

it comes as the product of tragedy and shock. the rain merely frames the already somber mood. he just stares.

the ending of the service brings him a few inches closer to reality but by no means cures him of the haze that plagues him.

the rain does a good job of chasing most of the mourners off, and he wonders if it is rosalie sending him a well-deserved moment to mourn on his own. he's not sure how to take advantage of it.

it was a nice service.

his eyes raise in surprise that anybody remains in the weather. a fake, proud smile forces itself to the surface of his otherwise crushed visage. "it was beautiful. thank you, nikolai. and thank you for coming."

his feet shuffle uncomfortably, uprooting for the first time in an hour to squish the soaked grass beneath them again. he isn't sure what it means to deserve or not to deserve, at least not today. what is simply is.

a hand runs through the ivory locks that begin to stick to his head. "it is what it is, i guess. i'm glad i have you around." the smile this time is less forced, but it vanishes into the misty, rainy air almost instantly.

"i'm just fucking furious, you know?" the words pour out like they've broken through the floodgate after eagerly awaiting the opportunity. in the choice company of a close friend, he can stop painting roses and daisies.

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gilbert valeria
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2018 14:02:56 GMT
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the earth beneath him does not yield for the man that traverses it. sharp and weathered stones alike attempt to break through the sole of his boot and pierce his skin as he walks somewhat uncomfortably.

gilbert valeria is not much of a cave traveler, but he makes a point to visit rusturf tunnel. rocket, too, is unyielding, the world is unyielding, uncompromising. to sit out any longer would have been immoral, but to come into this unprepared would be unintelligent.

he is alone; now that he has returned from his slateport excursion, there is no need for an escort. they'd snicker at him anyway as his pampered, beach-loving form tries to go through the cave.

he can battle though. and he is prepared to do just that.

@ solo wild
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gilbert's pc
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2018 3:44:51 GMT
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i looked back once, and all i saw was his face smiling - the needle crying. walking out of his room with mirrors, afraid i heard him scream, "you'll never get away!" cold and shaking, i crawled down alleys to try and scrape away the tracks that marked me. slammed my face into walls of concrete. i stared - amazed - at the words written on the wall: don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name.













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gilbert valeria
valeria, gilbert
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2018 0:54:02 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namegilbert valeria
hometownmossdeep city

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK council

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM archer emiya from FATE SERIES

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




my mirror sings to me. the world is my reflection. [break][break]

last night i shattered the mirror. i cannot accept the imperfections that live beyond my island home. [break][break]

blood runs down my knuckles but the whispers don't stop: i cannot silence it. i cannot turn away from it. cannot, cannot, cannot.[break][break]

i cannot accept the imperfections that stare back through its singing shards.[break][break]

i will piece them back together, one by one, until my hands are covered in blood and i see my imperfect world born anew.[break][break]

[break]the name valeria is bolted to the face of the mossdeep space center. when you grow up watching your mother and father send rockets into space for a living, you become uncontainable.[break][break]

surrounded by water, mossdeep is not your prison. it is your home, and its community raises you and your twin sister. you are smart, but she is smarter. she grows up and sends rockets into space with your parents while you watch. you gain a penchant for running the place and soon it becomes yours to manage when mother and father lose interest in the world beneath their rockets.[break][break]

running the space center morphs into more and more, its presence twisting into the identity of the city more with each passing year. the city looks to you for more responsibility, more visibility. you accept because you love mossdeep, and it is you that brings it ever forward.[break][break]

four months ago, your fiancee jumped from the top of the space center, reasons unknown. they all say that it's nobody's fault, but you take ownership. you could never help her. you grieve while you watch the rockets fly. you grieve while hoenn fights off invaders.[break][break]

you don't stop grieving until you get a call from the league to join the council as a representative of oceanic hoenn. in the wake of slateport's invasion, "fresh perspectives" are needed in "leadership roles." you take it as a calling to fix the unfixable, to right the wrongs.

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