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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
violent voltorbs [m]
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 8:11:51 GMT
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Ashley trembled in place as her eyes scaled up the form that was Robin while she was trying to rationalize everything in her head. Nothing had been sensible in her teeny tiny mind. She was a Pokémon, damn it! Why wouldn't the Pokeball let her go inside?! Her annoyed and angry voice had managed to subside for the moment. Her hysterics had no doubt played a part in this development. The fabric of her sleeve had grown more damp as it mopped up the tears falling from her eyes. It wasn't until she saw the flash from her camera that Ashley snapped back into the situation at hand.

She had to leave. Go back to their hidey hole and just never come back!

"Gengar..." The blonde child took off in a dead sprint away from Robin. Her feet smacked the ground to a fast, steady beat while leaving her ghost pals in the dust. The actual Gengar looked over towards Robin again before hovering after her owner. The rest of the Spooky Squad followed in suit. The Shuppet bounces along after the leader of the group as did the Honedge. But the final remaining ghost-types, the Litwick and the Yamask, would each thank Robin in their own way. The Liwick's flames poofed out a plume of smoke in the shape of a heart, while the Yamask spun around Robin once to show its appreciation for her help. The two then bounded after Ashley and the rest of their friends.

She looked behind her again at the shrinking image of Robin until her form was a dot in the distance and swallowed by the buildings around them. Once far enough from people, Ashley threw herself into the nearest place hidden from public view and allowed herself to break down again. She didn't know what she even was. All those years, wanting to be the best Gengar ever, just like Eleanor, only to have this bombshell dropped on her. "G-Gengar..." she said through a voice filled with hurt.

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
violent voltorbs [m]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 22:01:30 GMT
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Ashley jumped for joy at Robin's agreement to have her join her for adventures! There was a lot of Hoenn to explore, so there was no doubt that the lot of them would be able to have! What kinds of fun would their new friend like to do first? Maybe pranking some of the locals in Driftveil or stealing some delicious donuts from the bakery around the corner? There fun was limitless and seeing the empty pokeball only caused Ashley to giggle so gleefully while she awaited the tap to send her into the ball where she'd be hers!


Ashley felt the cold hard bit of the Pokeball press against her head, only to be met with that red light emanating from the center alongside a shrill rejection noise. She blinked in confusion and watched the other girl try it against herself and then her Sinistea. The joy that had previously gotten her so excited was now all but dried up. Her eyes went to the red light while her entire being felt it being torn right out of her body. She reached for the Pokeball again and pressed it against her head. Another red light and rejection. Ashley tried again and again. Now five times later, and she stared at the Pokeball in horror. "G-Gen...gar?" Tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes while Robin had began to prod her for questions. She didn't react immediately, and it was only really due in fact to the thoughts that had continued to swirl around her noggin. Why didn't the Pokeball accept her? She was a Gengar, she was supposed to be caught by trainers! If it had rejected her so many times, was she not really a Gengar? The Shuppet moved to her trainer's side and brushed against her in some vain attempt to help cheer her up, but Ashley didn't budge.

Bitter, salty droplets fell to the ground as the child bit her bottom lip in a vain attempt to keep herself from bursting into tears. The empty Pokeball in her hand was dropped as she inhaled one moment before the waterworks started in full. She sobbed at the realization of what she actually was. "Geeeeengaaaaaaaar!" she heaved, the pain in her chest making her wonder if she was going to just suddenly have her heart burst from her chest. After a few moments of heavy crying, Ashley had paused her crying enough to then catch her breath some. She stared up at Robin with confused, vulnerable eyes as she sniffed to clear the mucus from her nostrils.

"Ge-Gengar..." she apologized with eyes closed and full of emotain turmoil. If she wasn't a Pokemon, then what was she? SOme kind of weird Pokemon mutant thingy

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
violent voltorbs [m]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 0:17:52 GMT
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With the final Voltorb taken care of, the threat to the small location in the city was saved. Ashley and her Spooky Squad had all let out a triumphant cheer. "Gengar!~" The Litwick's flames burst into open flames for a second before diminishing back into a simple wick. The Yamask chirped happily alongside everyone else. The Gengar that had once been carrying her trainer would have its paralysis ended as the Gengar threw Ashley into the air and caught her with a hug. Ashley cackled madly the entire way, nuzzling her head against the Pokémon. The great big dysfunctional family enjoyed their moment of glory just before the older girl walked towards the group as Ashley walked forward to meet her. The other ghost-types hovered behind her, with the Honedge still resting on her back and the Shuppet bobbing up and down beside her.

Not only was she super cool, but a ghost-type lover as well?! They had really hit the jackpot! The offer to join her in her adventures was pretty cool by itself, and there was definitely more chances to see about finding a place haunted manor to call home! SHe looked back at everybody for a moment, eager to begin all of their adventures across the world with their new friend and her Sinistea before grinning. "Gengar!" The littlest Gengar that wasn't a Gengar was as happy as a Spinarak in a webbed up hole! She presented herself to the Ranger and was ready to be caught!

She was oblivious to the most obvious reason as to why it wouldn't have worked in the first place, but the Gengar behind her would begin to take on a troubled expression.

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
violent voltorbs [m]
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 2:47:55 GMT
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"Gen...gar?" The Honedge and Shuppet shot a look at one another. How could somebody see the esteem leader of the Spooky Squad and think that they were a Zorua! Ashley herself would look at Robin incredulously at her claim. She wasn't a Zorua that was taking the form of something! She was a Gengar, duh! Her blonde hair splattered all over the frayed, old timey gothic dress she wore. Out from the oversized sleeves was a small hand the rose into the air, as if to pull down the heavens themself! A young finger was pointed at RObin, its owner bearing a confused expression. "Gengar." It fell onto her chest for a moment. "Gen." then moved to make the horns above her head that were totally present. "Gar."

Anyway, back to the action! The Voltorbs were all recovered from that last major attack that had been thrown at the two, and boy were they pretty peeved off! The strange lady had been pretty skilled in getting one of them away from their location before it went off. Just not in time to avoid the Discharge. The large Gengar stepped forward to shield the two of them from the brunt of it, while Ashley hopped off of its body as to not receive the same shock. "Gengar!" she cried out at her Pokémon as it would clutch up and grit her teeth. Unfortunately for her, she had hopped off right in the vicinity of another Voltorb who was halfway into beginning to charge up its explosion. Litwick came to the rescue with a well timed CONFUSE RAY to cancel its charge up and roll onto its back with swirly eyes. She noticed this and laughed in mockery, reaching to push it away before getting zapped with some of the leftover electricity.

The lone Voltorn would see its allies being taken care of and disabled, then would begin to summon as much electricity as it could around itself. The static electricity in the air had become charged while the Pokemon in front of them was ready to go full on nuclear! "Gengar!" Ashley called out to Robin. "Gargen Gengar!"

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
violent voltorbs [m]
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 7:53:07 GMT
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Apart of the massive crowd were two lone Pokemon that had been taking off with snacks and stolen goods galore! A Yamask and a Litwick would both remained busy trying to pull their bag of stashed goods away from the crowd before they had gotten caught up with the group of Voltorbs. The two of them tried desperately to move the bundle of goods that was far too heavy for the two of them, before taking cover behind Robin. The Yamask coiled around her head frantically while the Litwick hid behind her shoe. Outnumbered and outgunned, everything seemed lost of the pair! That was, until a familiar shape would come forth!

A shrill cry came from behind the group of Voltorbs as suddenly, a ghastly silhouette rose into the air behind them. Its form came cloaked in a blanket of twirling shadows and darkness. Two red eyes gazed forth at the Voltorb group from above. Atop it was a humanoid shape with their eyes whitened out and a sinister smile on their face. They let out a terrifying laugh that a woman of heightened fashion may give, cackling through the air. "Ahahahaha!~" The Gengar's hands came together as a whirling orb of energy grew from nothing around it. Just as fast as it would come into being, the attack fired at the trio of Voltorbs, crashing into the ground with incredible force. The shadow was ever present, slowly diving back to the ground as its form stepped forward.

The dust settled just in time to reveal a child rising on the back of the Gengar, who was more than happy to eye the three Voltorbs that had narrowly avoided such an attack. Ashley, meanwhile, focused on the Ranger who was nearby, then waved over to her. "Gen gengar!" she cheerfully said. Behind her was a Honedge resting comfortably on the girl's back alongside a Shuppet which bobbed up and down beside her. The Yamask and Litwick perked up at her arrival, rushing over to her side as quickly as possible. The Voltorbs began to spark again while the group of Pokemon and their apparent owner would ready themselves for a fight. "Gengar!~" Ashley said, grinning ear to ear as she clung onto the back of her Gengar, looking over to RObin. "Gar Gengar?"

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
A Spooky Walk Through Mt. Pyre! [DW]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 22:47:44 GMT
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Ashley watched Momo's display of taking on the strange Pokémon in front of them. She introduced it as a Gothorita, which made the spooky gal interested. It was kind of cool now that she thought about it! And Momo handled herself super well the way she caught it. Ashley cheered her on once she had caught the Pokémon. The Gengar she was riding and even the rest of her party did the same, offering tons of cheers of their own. "Gengar!~" Ashley said, offering her congratulations to the woman as translated by her Pokémon. The group continued forward while the graveyard Pokemon continued to roam about as the moon floated in the sea of endless night. Along the way, Ashley looked over at Jiri the Dedenne, watching him curiously. That was, until something hit her on top of her head.

"Gen?" Ashley looked up to see another Pokémon flailing about up ahead. Its body was weird. Humanoid, but kind of all tubey and made out of gold! It looked bored, just occasionally throwing gold coins around everywhere! these came down like bolts of hail, striking down everything that it could. She was offered some refuge by her Gengar covering her with its hands while she'd watch the Pokemon looked unentertained as nobody else seemed to share its whimsy. Fortunately, his answer came in the form of a blonde girl in a spooky dress.

She came with a handful of the coins he had created and flung about, looking up at it as it watched curiously. A mischievous smile etched on her face, Ashley would throw the coins in the air in front of it, letting out a shrill, "Gengar!~" as it happened. The display did make a few coins bounce off of the Gholdenego body, although it looked thrilled to have a friend to rain coins with. It used the move again and Ashley collected them all while doing her best impression of it.

After several minutes of fun, she'd hold up a Pokeball towards the Gholdenego, smiling as she shook it about. "Gengar?" she asked, hoping it would come with her. "Gar gengar gen!" The Pokemon looked at it for a moment before tapping it, disappearing into the Pokeball. Ashley cheered, tossing the ball up in celebration and then catch it on its way back down.

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
A Spooky Walk Through Mt. Pyre! [DW]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2023 10:03:40 GMT
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At Momo's agreement to go and hunt ghosts, Ashley let out a happy squeal. The ghastly girl clapped her hands together and spun back around to face her crew. "Gengar!" Despite her festive attire, the girl was always happy to find another kindred spirit! With a hand raised up, she'd let out a whistle as her Pokémon would come to attention.

"Gen gengar!" she called out to her people, with Eleanor quickly kneeling down and lowering herself down to the ground. In a single jump, Ashley hopped on her back and would be riding the Gengar effortlessly. Her small size and stature made moving around like this rather easy, and Eleanor didn't seem to mind much at all! Without much fanfarem the two were off!

They walked along for about a minute or so before a Pokemon could be heard through the misty mountains. A deep, bellowing gong that continued to emit as they walked along. Ashley was super spooked by it, although the biggest grin was planted firmly on her face. She snickered mischievously and would gaze up to see Momo's reaction. Seeing if she was as much into the season as her.

That was, until a lone Pokémon would had wandered out before them. Its black and white appearance made it none other than...Actually, she hadn't seen that Pokémon before either. What was that? "Gen?" Ashley asked the woman, pestering her on what that was in front of them, as well as asking if they wanted it.

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
A Spooky Walk Through Mt. Pyre! [DW]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 9:07:02 GMT
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Their noise seemed to have attracted visitors! Ashley swung her head over in the direction of a nearby entity as her eyes widened at what was floating in front of her. It was a Pokemon she hadn't ever seen before. The child wore an expression of many emotions: awe, wonder, and most importantly, wanting to sign her up to come be with her! Just before Ashley could start babbling to her, another woman had ran up behind the Pokemon.

"Gen?" The young ghost girl sat up from her position on top of Eleanor the Gengar, sitting upright on the bench as the older girl had come over and inquired about the noise her Gengar had made. Much like everyone else, Ashley did know ahead of time about what this would entail.

Ashley shook her head, motioning with herself with an arm. "Gengar!" she said proudly, as if showing off her ability to do a very convincing Gengar impression. Her own Gengar would look up at the other ghost type hovering about it, while the rest of the Spooky Squad watched on. Her Litwick's flame danced higher, elated at seeing another ghost-type!

Some stray Pokemon wandered about nearby, as Ashley's eye caught a stray bug masked Pokemon fly by, as well as a ball of grass rolling around!

Ashley smiled up at the woman known as Momo. "Gen~" Her Gengar would speak with the Polteageist, offering itself as a translator. Ashley introduced herself and would hop off of the bench she had been resting on, placing herself before Momo. "Gen gengar!" she said, nodding her head up and down to Momo's question, then went around to introduce her Pokemon current behind her. Once introduction were out of the way, Ashley turned back to her.

"Gengar? Gar gengar! Gen?~" she made a playful face, asking if Momo had wanted to go around hunting ghosts with her.

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October 31st
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ashley langford
A Spooky Walk Through Mt. Pyre! [DW]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 3:42:44 GMT
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Anther day, another ghostly outing to a graveyard! Out of the current residents of Mt. pyre, Ashley was hopefully the youngest here! But this wasn't any kind of visit to pay respect to people! No, the girl was hunting for more members to join The Spooky Squad! The ghastly girl and her crew were hanging around the mountain in the middle of the evening, busy hanging around some of the graves and such while she'd read the plaques describing about the people buried there.

There were a lot that were interesting, but her heart was mainly sent on finding a Pokemon!

"Gengar!~" Ashley cheered, busy sitting on a stone bench while surrounded by her ghost Pokemon. Eleanor the Gengar that would be busy letting the girl use her head as a pillow, Morgana the Litwick that provided light to everyone, Nyx the Shuppet dancing along in the dark, and finally, Alastor the Honedge that was attatched to Ashley's back as a way toi preventing anybody from sneaking up on her. Together, the small group made their way through the graveyard.

"Gen?~ Gar gengar." Ashley complained, fussing as no other ghost types seemed interested in them. And this was THE time of the year for ghost Pokémon!

"Gengar!" She called out to the graveyard, shouting out to startle anybody nearby.

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October 31st
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ashley langford
Spooky Safari!
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 1:41:13 GMT
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There it was, a lone Yamask floating around the darkened safari park all by its lonesome. Ashley watched it from a distance, intrigued by its shape. Her eyes beamed in delight, wanting to just race up and beg it to be in her party, but before she could run out of the hiding spot everyone was in, her Honedge would pick her up by the back of her dress and reel her back in for a plan. "Hmm, Gen gen..." she tapped the side of her cheek, doing her best to think of an idea. How to catch a cool ghost with a mask...

Wait, a mask!

Ashley quickly snuck over to the trees nearby and ordered her Honedge to do what all swords did best. His blade carved through the dry bark, cutting a large gap in the side of a massive tree. She'd then quickly pry off enough about bark to wear over her face and then cut out a cute mask. Then Ashley called Eleanor who would use some poison to paint the mask a little and...there!

The haunted girl walked up to the Yamask, wearing her spooky wooden bark mask, painted to resemble the one that the Yamask had. As she approached, Ashley would remain still and wait for herself to be noticed. Once the Yamask turned towards her, she'd smile to herself. "Gengar!~" she said, slowly putting the mask down and offering it to the Pokemon. A long tense silence came before the ghost type would happily accept the gift it was given, Ashley accepting the newest member of her team!

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October 31st
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ashley langford
Spooky Safari!
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 0:47:47 GMT
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Ashley stood in the safari lobby with the Spooky Squad, her team already gathered and ready to go. While normally going to play with some wild Pokémon did sound like a pretty fun idea, this time, she was determined to add more members to her team and hopefully boost the Spooky Squad's numbers. Elise had always mentioned abuot diversifying a team, so more ghost types that weren't already the ones that she had sounded like that was what she meant! The blonde Langford heiress sat on the back of her Gengar, Eleanor, and would point forward as the door was opened for the girl and her four Pokemon. "Gengar!~" she cheerfully said as their time in a spooky safari began!

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October 31st
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ashley langford
Spooky Treating [Ashley/DD]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 6:06:24 GMT
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It was the best season of the year, and that was Spooky Month! Ashley woke up in her little hidey hole near the minor league gym of and practically begged her to go trick-or-treating with her. Once she agreed, the spooky squad leader was elated for the rest of the week. She got costumes for her gang and everything! Alastor the Honedge was dressed with a fancy looked top hat and monocle to become a Mr. Rime. His scabbard hand held the cane to hold himself up as the ground would wander out. Nyx the Shuppet had two fake dragon heads on her neck and some spikes to become a Hydreigon as she floated about. Morgana the Litwick on a fake canine below her to be a Greavard. Eleanor had painted herself pink to take on the guise of a Clefable, and finally, Ashley was dressed up as as Mimikyu, her oversized hood covering most of her face.

Elise and the rest of the Spooky Squad marched along as Ashley followed behind. Her little plastic candy bucket swung side to side, ready to be filled to the brim with all sorts of seasonal treats. "Gengar!" she said to Elise, which she could easily be translated by her Pokémon as a "thank you" for taking her out and about. She had been practicing all this week so that she could perfect her language skills so that she could hit more houses! Their first stop was a quaint looking home that was just near the neighborhood they had started at. The lawn was littered with tacky decorations, with an inflatable Snorlax that would act as if it was stomping both feet at once. Ashley walked up in a hurry and pressed on the doorbell, waiting patiently. Footsteps coming closer indicated that somebody was near. The time of reckoning had come! An olderly hand opened the door as Ashley prepared herself, holding up the jack-o-latern.

"Tw-Tri-ack" Looking up at the woman with eyes full of determination.

After some candy was plopped into the bucket, Ashley hopped back along to Elise, giggling to herself. "Gengar!"

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ashley langford
Ghost Mothering [S/Ashley][Funtasia]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 22:41:35 GMT
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Ashley listened to the answer that was given to her. It did make sense that she was trying to blend into the crowd, kind of like how Elanor could turn transparent and go into shadows and stuff! As for why Elise wanted to do so, that part still confused the haunted girl. She knew that the woman who loved ghost types as much as her was somebody with a busy job since their first meeting, but Ashley still wasn't entirely keen on what any of her personal life was. Or even if she could understand why she wanted to do so.

Elise stepped in after her failure at the ring toss, offering some support as she'd make quick work of the mini game. The Spooky Squad would celebrate her victory over the game. Ashley, while a bit jealous, would participate in their celebration. Her expression brightened tremendously when Elise had asked what kind of plushie she would like. The answer, as Elise likely knew already, was evident. "Gengar!" She pointed at it as the clerk fetched it down the stage. Reveling with her new plush, Ashley struggled to keep a hold on it before a woman came up to them both.

She was on edge for only a moment, but would seem surprised when she had asked Elise if they were a mother and daughter. The royal looked down at Ashley as she met her gaze and grinned with a mischievous snicker. She slowly nodded her head and used a free hand to gently wrap around Elise's thigh in a hug. It was pretty obvious that despite the short amount of time they had known one another, Ashley cared about Elise a lot.

With the question answered, Ashley would go back to the booth and patiently wait her turn while Litwick and Honedge waited alongside Elise. This go, Ashley would try and copy the form that Elise had. The first ring sailed over the target like before, the second missed the same way. But she took a moment to practice the arc of her swing this time. When the ring left her hand, it sailed through the air before landing clean on a DugTrio. She celebrated, eyeing a second Gengar plush before her eyes honed in on a Misdreavious plush that came above it. Pointing it that one, Ashley returned to Elise before presenting it to her with a smile.

"Gengar~" She said, translated into having it be a gift for Elise. She smiled and laughed again. "Gar Gengar! Gen gen!" Which would translate into her calling Elise "Mother" and thanking her for the Gengar plush.

- Win at least one carnival game.

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Ghost Mothering [S/Ashley][Funtasia]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2023 6:58:21 GMT
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SO far, the was had been so amazing! Ashley got off the ride when it was time, begrudgingly so. But after she left, the kid rejoiced with her pals as everyone would continue to follow Elise along. But even after they decided on their next trip and began the walk there, a question was burning through the child's head. "Gen gen? Gengar?" She had asked why Elise was wearing such normal and everyday clothing. Typically she wore stuff that was way more royal looking! But now she was dressed up like any other person here, not that it was a bad thing. Ashley's attire was like something out of an old movie, with some patchwork on her own hands. She'd wait for her answer, but be content with whatever her friend would answer with.

They'd then arrived at the Dugtrio Ring Toss as Ashley was handed three metal rings to try and land them on, with the type of price depending on the ring. The catch was that they were popping in and out of holes at random, and some even moved. Still, Ashley tried her best to throw them. The first was...well, it hit the side of the tent. The second fared better but it landed way far in the back. The third and final one smacked the side of the Dugtrio hard. She stomped her feet in frustration, pouting at the man running the stall.

- Involve or reference a Dugtrio-Ring-Toss Game.