hell ain’t a bad place to be [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 22:16:57 GMT
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The bottle was handed to Lu with a swift movement of her arm, but not before Skyler downed some more rum. It carved a path of fire down her throat that felt strangely pleasant. The other woman's laughter made Skyler's lips twitch with the beginnings of a smirk.

Skyler followed the path of the smoke before it curled away into the night, but quickly shifted her focus back to Lu's face at the ominous 'maybe' that left the woman's lips. The blonde's eyes lingered for a couple of seconds - her drunken mind conjuring images that she swiftly shoved away - and then there was a gun. Right in front of her. 


Was that the jolly roger symbol?

Skyler immediately leaned forward to take a better look at the gun, grabbing onto the edge of the seat when her balance failed her. "The real deal, huh?" Skyler looked up at Lu with a raised eyebrow, but her eyes were gleaming with something akin to a challenge.

Then she was laughing, leaning her body against the seat, the column of her neck exposed to the moonlight.

"Guess I should surrender now." Her hands were up in a mockery of a surrender, an indolent smirk gracing her lips. The world was spinning around her, but she didn't care. Her eyes were preoccupied with the other woman in the boat. "But pass me the rum first. I ain't walking the plank this sober." Sober was something Skyler definitely was not. "Privateer Lu."

Skyler seemed awfully at ease, and it was partly due to the alcohol - but only partly. "Those won't do you much good in the water. You need..." She kicked the lower half of the seat, and something broke loose - revealing gleaming silver. A harpoon gun. "Something like this."

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 23:07:33 GMT
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when skyler put her hands up, lulu swayed a little and then raised a hand, holding her fingers in a ‘gun’ shape and ‘shooting’, mouthing ‘pew pew’. “i don’ take any prissners.” she slurred theatrically. when skyler reached for the booze again, lulu's face turned into a drunken pout. she took another swig and handed it over.

lulu stood up, challenging herself for no reason and losing her footing, falling a bit into the wall of the boat but righting herself. “do you even have a plank?” she hassled. she continued to wander across the boat, one foot carefully in front of the other. the ground was moving. she turned, ready to ask what privateer meant, before her eyes homed in on the harpoon gun.

“wooahh.” she managed appreciatively, the word running a little long. “that’s better than a plank.” she wobbled over, putting her hands out to touch it, examining it as best she could with double vision. she found skyler’s eyes again. “can i shoot it?” her bloodshot eyes were pleading. she poked at the sharp end of the harpoon like a four year old who couldn’t keep their hands off of a friend’s toy.

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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 23:47:27 GMT
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A snort left Skyler at Lu's theatrics, but when she took the bottle with a slight flourish, it almost made her fall forward. "Oops." Skyler swallowed the giggle that threatened to rise to the surface and shook the bottle after drinking a few gulps. It was growing dangerously low on liquid, which was highly annoying. No matter. She still had some champagne in the cabin.

Her eyes followed Lu's movements as the woman prowled around her boat. Well, stumbled is the more accurate word, really. "Nah, don't need one. I just shove people overboard when they annoy me." It had only happened once, but it still was one of Skyler's most cherished memories. 

Skyler could admit that her harpoon gun was a beauty - if you were into those things. "Way better than a plank," she agreed with Lu, running a hand over the gleaming metal. 

"No," Skyler replied to Lu's question, voice low and commanding. She put herself between Lu and the harpoon gun, taking Lu's wandering hand and making sure it didn't accidentally grab the harpoon. 

And so, it could've been a much simpler, easier night (but probably more boring) if right at that moment Skyler hadn't hesitated. Her eyes searched for Lu's and they stayed there for some seconds while an idea took root in the sailor's mind. 

She leaned forward, eyes shining quicksilver in the moonlight. A corner of her lips was curled into a wicked smirk. "Not unless ye teach me how t'use yours." The worlds blurred together somewhat, vowels becoming difficult for Skyler to pronounce.

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2020 3:19:10 GMT
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lulu bit her lip a little at the gun, feeling mischievous, until skyler stepped in between them. lulu looked up at her disappointedly, hearing the sternness in her voice, but then she picked up her hand, and the world spun for a moment. she felt something she wasn’t used to, a warmth in her cheeks and her ears. the captain leaned in, and lulu only realized after skyler pulled away that she’d been holding her breath the whole time.

at skyler’s suggestion, lulu smirked toothily. “ok, fine.” this sounded like fun, and she had zero concern about the dangers of it. she reached in her strap and pulled out one of the sword cutlass pistols, handing it to her. she then went to grab skyler’s hands again, moving her fingers into place. “waait wait… what hand do you use?” the words were slurred and very confused. meaning, which was her dominant hand? she held the sailor’s hand in hers still, and idly stroked it once, totally piloted by alcohol and forgetting where she was for a moment.

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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2020 17:10:24 GMT
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Lu's reaction to having her hand grabbed went right past Skyler's head. The sailor was already oblivious by nature and even more so after having drank a copious amount of vodka and rum. She did notice the toothy grin on Lu's face, the way it lit up her whole face. 

The pistol felt heavier in her hand; heavier than she thought it would be, at any rate. Her expression was that of open curiosity, and she moved her hand so that she could study the gun. The way the moonlight made the steel look so pretty and-

Oh. A small spark of electricity ran up Skyler's arm at the sudden contact of Lu's hand on hers. She wet her suddenly dry lips and did her best to focus on the other woman's words. It proved more difficult than she would've thought, partly due the alcohol and partly due the sound of her pounding heart in her ears drowning out everything else. 

"Ah, both. I'm good with... with both," Skyler spoke slowly, her voice going ever so slightly breathy. She inhaled sharply when Lu's fingers brushed over her hand, the gun almost slipping from her suddenly lax fingers. Shit. Shit shit shit. 

Her feet stood shoulder apart, but the rest of her posture was all over the place. She was also swaying lightly and had to lean on the other woman momentarily when her balance decided it didn't like her anymore. 
"So, what're we shooting, Lu?" The grin on her face was positively fiendish, yet her eyes were warm with another emotion. 

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2020 2:43:01 GMT
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lulu was taken aback by the captain’s response. she was also ambidextrous. it was the reason she was able to wield two pistols at once with such accuracy. they were like two drunken unicorns at sea. deciding on the right side and maneuvering her hands into place, lulu let go and watched the woman struggle to stay upright. seeing the gun almost slip, lulu suddenly reacted with a lightning quickness to catch it, her instincts firing through the alcohol. when it was back in hand, she slouched drunkenly once more, as though it hadn’t happened.

then, at the woman’s shifting stance, she shook her head. “no, no, no.” then, going around back of skyler, she unabashedly put her arms under hers, around her torso, to hold the gun over top of skyler’s hands. she looked around her shoulder at her finger placement and moved them around some. “there. that’s it.. loosen up your wrists.” but as she was doing this, the warmth of skyler’s body and her scent was distracting. she was fading from her focus. using her strength to support skyler’s arms at a straight angle, she nudged her index finger to the trigger. “nothing really.” with that, she squeezed skyler’s finger over the trigger. a loud bang, and the gun popped up a little in their hands, lulu making sure to guide them through the kickback, her body instinctively knowing what to do despite her inebriation. the bullet ricocheted across the water a distance away like a skipping stone.

“now,” she slurred in her ear, “since ya got two hands..” a hand fell from around skyler and she reached into her other strap and pulled out the gun’s twin, holding it up again from underneath the captain’s arm, gesturing for her to grab ahold of it with her other hand. before she got any further, however, her body seemed to do something else.

something lulu didn’t typically do.

something lulu hadn’t done in years, actually.

she hadn’t been this close to someone by choice in such a long time, and the warmth of another body was enough to make her own crave more in its drunken state, despite her typical nature. she leaned in and her lips lightly brushed the back of skyler’s neck. though she continued to hold the guns up, her arms slackened, and her night was quickly fading into blackout territory.

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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2020 10:56:25 GMT
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In the time before one blink and the next, Lu had moved to catch the pistol slipping from Skyler's grasp, so fast the sailor had barely been able to see it happen. Maybe it was the alcohol making her sluggish, yet the same problem didn't seem to be afflicting the other woman. She'd definitely moved like lightning. It was... kind of hot, Skyler thought, feeling the cold metal of the pistol pressing into her hand yet again.

Skyler stopped breathing when Lu moved behind her to correct her stance. The feeling of arms going around her torso and sliding under her arms, bracketing her body, made her feel faint in the most pleasant of ways. By the time Lulu was moving her fingers into the right position, the sailor had about lost the ability to speak.

The only warning Skyler got was the slight tensing of the muscles in Lu's arms before the woman squeezed the trigger and a shot rang out, the kickback throwing the sailor back a little. Lu was there, her body stabilizing Skyler's own, clearly at ease with the process. "That... was awesome." Adrenaline was a living wire inside Skyler, sharpening her erstwhile focus. So was desire.

The woman grinned at Lu's words, her eyes shining with the thrill of holding two pistols in her hands. How badass was that? "I'm- I'm goin' to be as badass as you now, Lu." She had no idea why she was whispering, but it felt - right. Had her voice lowered an octave?

She was about to grab hold of the second one when Lu shifted behind her. 

Everything else around her faded to nothing when Lu's lips brushed the back of her neck. She inhaled sharply, shakily, her pulse jumping to a frenzy. Skyler felt her arms shake, and it was a good thing that Lu was holding onto the pistols.

"Lu..." Silver eyes closed shut and a faint whisper left her mouth. It felt like like a question. It felt like a plea. Maybe it was both those things.  

She wanted to move, but Lu's hand was still around her own, around the pistol. So she reached with her free hand and grazed her fingers softly over the skin on the inside of Lu's arm, beckoning.

The alcohol was making this whole experience surreal and strangely intense - Skyler was used to flirting, but she couldn't remember it ever feeling quite like this. Then again she was quite drunk.

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 2:50:56 GMT
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she could feel him. he stood in front of her, facing away, looking out across the factory rooftops. her lips glided across the beautiful dark skin that was left exposed out of his loose black t-shirt. she felt happy. a breeze rolled through motostoke, and tousled her long hair around them both. it was oddly salty, she noticed. the unnatural sky turned from its chemical rainbow into speckled dark as the sun suddenly set in an instant, and her hands were not where they had been moments ago.

when reality hit, her arms fell to her side as though they’d only suddenly realized the weight they were baring. she stumbled back a step and assessed the situation as best she could. “fuck.” was all she said, before she messily shoved her guns away after a couple tries. her face was unreadable as she reached for the bottle near them, and took a generous swig. she eyed all three of skyler from a short distance, swaying, her eyelids heavy. then, she took out another cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag and blowing out an opaque cloud before speaking again.

“sorry. uh..” grace wasn’t with her this evening. “i dunno.” her head was swimming with nonsensical emotions and none of them could accurately portray themselves on her face. the result was something like uncertainty.
she'd forgotten about the harpoon gun.

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 9:38:31 GMT
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She'd been cocooned in warmth, a pleasant simmering sensation running through her veins, when it was ripped away from her all of a sudden. Skyler's eyes flashed open as the cold of the night crept in and a vaguely confused expression took over her face.

The world spun around her as she turned around to face Lu. In any other situation Skyler would've grabbed the woman's arms and closed the distance between the two of them for a kiss. In any other situation she wouldn't have hesitated before grinning in challenge and running her fingers through the woman's tresses. She was ready to do all of those things, but despite being drunk, the expression on Lu's face stopped her cold.

Lu's expletive summed up her present feelings pretty well. 

She watched as the woman took a generous swing of the rum, her eyes drifting to Lu's neck without meaning to. Shit. The adrenaline was still running through her veins, along with other things.

Lu was close enough that Skyler didn't have to move much to swipe the bottle of rum for herself, hoping the alcohol would drown out the warmth in her belly whenever she looked at Lu. Her eyes wandered to the water around them. If that didn't work, she thought, she could always throw herself overboard. At least she'd be able to cool off.
The option was sounding more tempting by the second.

"Y-you don' need t'apologize." She ran a hand through her hair. "I-it was..." No, Skyler, don't say it. Control yourself. "It felt... really good." Damn it.

Skyler stumbled past Lu and sat gracelessly with her bottom on the floor, leaning her back against the railing of the boat. She pulled her legs up and rested her arms on them. 

The bottle of rum would be good for a few more rounds. Skyler slid it towards Lu and patted the floor next to her in a clear invitation. Her head leaned back against the railing with a dry 'thump.' "I ain't movin' from here. Don' think I could 'nyway. Wanna grab the harpoon gun?" 

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 6:02:49 GMT
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she was about past any sober moments, but her mood had decidedly gone south and dark rather quickly. it had been well over a year that she'd drank so much, and it was waking up a few demons.

her eyes were doing something between dead and thousand-yard-stare at skyler while she looked out over the water.

then, the captain's comment made her heart skip a beat and sink. why had she done that? things felt suddenly complicated and weird and the world was still spinning, only it wasn't as fun now. the water looked inky and sinister, and so did the sky. skyler registered as a stranger in her shifted state of mind, and nothing more.

she watched her with heavy eyes as she made her way to sit close to her. at the mention of the harpoon gun, she quirked a brow. she decided she wanted to shoot something. familiar, simple. happy thoughts.

wobbling over, she reached for it, dragging it out from under its place and bringing it back over to sit next to skyler. she was careful not to brush skin, and looked entirely distracted from the other woman, as though she'd done a complete one-eighty. the alcohol and the situation had rendered her wordless, and she was barely there. she held the steel of the gun like hands on a teddy, waiting to be instructed, or perhaps she just felt contented by the comfort of holding it.

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 22:04:07 GMT
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If not for the slight quirking of a brow, Skyler would've thought Lu had gone catatonic. There was a - well - dead expression on her face, like when for some reason fish types washed up ashore, bulging eyes faded and slightly rotted - and it was better to stop the metaphor right there before she threw up.

Do you know when you're in a car and you expect the car to go a certain way and suddenly it goes into a different one? Your body and brain get slightly disoriented for a second, expectation and reality warring for only a moment.

That was how Skyler felt at the moment. Except that the world kept spinning and she felt like she was floating.

A sigh left her mouth as she waited for Lu to bring the harpoon gun back. She'd been expecting the trigger-happy woman to just point it somewhere and instead-

- was she hugging it?

Skyler groaned and let herself slid a little further down, using her hands to cover her face. The friendly, playful atmosphere had all but faded away, replaced by something strange and heavy that even Skyler couldn't ignore. And definitely was not equipped to deal with, especially with all the alcohol in her system.

She suddenly stood straight and took the harpoon gun into her arms, observing Lu as she exemplified the right away to shoot. With a silent mettalic sound, the harpoon shot forward, a rope attached to it, and hit the water. A mechanism on the side of the gun pulled it back and Skyler set the harpoon back into place.

"Now you." The harpoon gun was practically shoved into Lu's arms. Skyler pointed at the expanse of ocean around them. "If you manage ta hit tha' buoy, I'll let ye keep one o' the harpoons. Not the gun though, thas mine."

Skyler's smile was more bite than any she'd ever given Lu before.

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 1:41:38 GMT
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lulu’s drowning amber eyes didn’t follow the captain until she took the gun from her hands, at which point her stare was merely glued to the weapon as it traveled away from her.

she watched skyler with a still dead expression as she shot the harpoon out into the water, reeling it back in after. it was reminiscent of a shotgun. Having worked in a weapons smuggling ring for years, there were few things she hadn’t seen or shot yet. A harpoon gun wasn’t one of them; she just liked to shoot things.

comfort washed through her with the gun back in her hands, and she looked skyler in the eyes again, finally speaking. “no problem.” she slowly pushed to her feet and slowly made her way across the boat, in the direction of a buoy. then, instead of shooting it the correct way, she hoisted up the heavy gun with a single hand, centered it, and pulled the trigger.

a clang sounded as the harpoon sailed into the buoy. she stood still for a moment, lowering the gun. the wind blew her hair.

finally, she turned and stepped back towards skyler. her hand reached out to hand the gun to her, and she continued walking past across the deck, eventually pushing herself up towards the dock, with parting words, “keep your harpoon, capt’n.”

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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 15:05:22 GMT
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Skyler's thoughts were chasing each other around in her head like inebriated pikachu. She peered curiously at the wide ocean while Lu slowly pushed herself to her feet and made her way to the edge of the boat. 

When Skyler's eyes came back to the other woman, she blinked in befuddlement. That was not how one should shoot that gun. "Wait, wait, that's not-" She tried to get up and warn Lu, but it seemed gravity held a grudge against her and wouldn't let her stand up. Before Skyler could even finish her warning, Lu had pulled the trigger.

And the harpoon went straight into the buoy. Holy shit. Holy shit.

Skyler scrambled to see the metallic arrow stuck deep in the floating object. Had the woman even taken the time to aim? Was it just luck? Was she even drunk?

Questions compounded themselves in Skyler's mind as a few seconds passed in utter silence, the wind messing with Lu's hair. Skyler couldn't help but think about how striking Lu looked just standing there, gun in hand, while the rest of the world slumbered far away. 

The captain accepted the gun back in a sort of astonished daze, her eyes following Lu as the woman stepped away from her boat. She was still sitting, but she rested her crossed arms over the railing, peering at Lu from half-lidded eyes. "Safe travels, Lu," she said softly, the ghost of a smile on her lips. The world was spinning too much and her eyes felt heavy. Before she could see Lu leaving, she blacked out right there.

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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2020 4:35:29 GMT
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