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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2020 19:35:46 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]Evangeline's superiors within Rocket weren't thrilled when she told them she wanted to work with the League on their Castform operation, even less so when she made it clear she had no intentions of pulling a fast one and stealing the Castform under her charge, but they got over it with a little bit of talking.

Apparently the gang used to be much more serious about disruption. Back then she doubts she would have lasted long; but now that their focus is on accumulating wealth and power she's able to fit right in without too much trouble. All she has to do is flash her existing money and influence and she can do what she wants. Within reason of course.

She reminded them she was making sizable donations to "the effort" regularly, and that doing work for the League publicly will allow her to keep making those donations, and suddenly it was okay. "Just this once". So after a commercial shoot in Mauville she tapped a nice Ranger on the way out of the city and asked about "that Castform thing", and he pointed her to Fallarbor, and there she met up with some nobody -- and now here she is! Trekking up a mountain in shoes she probably could have picked better, trying not to regret this decision she went through so much trouble to make.

The good press is important to keeping any suspicion off her. That wasn't a lie, but that doesn't make it any more fun to go hiking with some public servant. At least she doesn't have to make conversation. She plead laryngitis at the start of the whole thing and shot her partner for the day sad eyes and a mouthed "sorry", so they spent the first leg of their journey in relative silence. Hopefully it stays that way for the rest of the trip. Even just making interested faces at what they have to say is exhausting.


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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 1:15:18 GMT
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 who would have thought he'd get the chance to go out with such a beauty? ian really was the luckiest man alive, and now it was time to show her why he was the dandiest. though he had his heart set on one woman, there was temporary room for another: the actress who donned a hundred faces.

a beauty rated to be one of the youngest to potentially earn a star on hoenn's walk of fame. the people back at the lab would never believe this, "then again i am a pretty unbelievable man. the coolest scientist there is." ian spoke aloud his inner thought, holding onto the castform, "right, cast?" castform would agree with glee, even though it had no clue what the professor had been babbling about.

"it's a shame i have to let you go. you were a good specimen," ian's head turned away, unable to look the castform within the eyes. "parting is such sour sorrow!" women loved a sensitive, smart guy. this was his chance to show the actress he was the one for her. "so, even though you can't talk, i have a notepad you can use to communicate with us!" he'd turn to face the woman, holding castform outward toward her. in the palm of the weather pokemon's hand it would hold a pen and a notepad.
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 1:52:49 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]When it came to the phrase, "relative silence", "relative" really was the operative word. Evangeline's companion had managed to for the most part keep her from having to actively participate in any insipid back and forth, but that didn't mean he was quiet. Quite the opposite, he proved to have an exceptional talent for conversing with himself. Thankfully that kind of behavior was easy to tune out.

Still, she couldn't completely ignore him. Their charge had decided to hover near him for most of their walk so far (perhaps sensing with its animal instincts the mood she could hide so easily from people) and she couldn't say she trusted him completely to keep the Castform safe. So she looked behind herself from time to time just to make sure things were proceeding smoothly. Every time he was up to some kind of antics.

It was odd for her, watching him be so chummy with the cargo. Even after years together she rarely felt the compulsion to hug and tug her own Pokemon around. Yet he slotted in so easily with this random thing they'd never see again after this trip. It was . . . well most people would call it endearing, right? At least until his misuse of classic literature tried her ability to keep a straight face.

She took that test of her endurance as a sign to start ignoring the man again, but found herself stopped short of turning around by his sudden approach. Against her better judgement she stopped where they were on the mountain trail to let him get close, and had to stifle a groan at the gift he offered. The whole point of claiming she'd lost her voice was to avoid having to take part in the usual, annoying fanservice that hounded her in public. But of course, fans always had a pen and paper cached on them somewhere.

For a moment she turned the smile up to eleven, crinkling her eyes a little as she flashed her teeth and dimples in feigned gratitude. A distraction. At her sides, hopefully unseen, her hands flexed and clenched in a desperate bid to quell the irritation at having her plan ruined.

After a few seconds she reached out and lifted the offered items from the Castform's little . . . appendages; and with newly steady hands went to work writing a reply in large, looping handwriting.

Thank you! That's so sweet ~ : )

She held the makeshift sign right in front of her face, giving herself a chance to scowl behind it.

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 3:23:55 GMT
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though ian may have been a fan. little did she know that the professor was planning on selling that notepad on p-bay. ian wasn't a money hungry person, but this was easy money. forgive him , greed is a powerful sin. "that's great, now we can communicate!" ian stated with glee, continuing, "even a researcher of my caliber has a love for the screen, they say t.v. rots your brain but i'm the smartest man in the region." not to toot his own horn or anything, he had the credentials to back this claim. then again she wouldn't know that.

was he being too cocksure? he might have to reel it back. women hate a man who's too cocky for his own good. "t-then again that's just self-praising. after all, you are your own biggest fan! i mean look at me: handsome, cool, and smart. you don't just get this package and not flaunt these god given qualities!" he'd release castform into the air, accidentally launching it forward upon his rejoicing.

it would return, angrily puffed cheeks at being suddenly tossed, "sorry about that, little c!" ian apologized. as they continued forward, he'd look over his shoulder toward the actress, "you know if you had laryngitis no one would have been upset if you sat this one out. besides, you're a star. the minute i learned i was paired with you i thought you'd taken in interest or something in the life of a researcher or pokemon ranger." ian had wondered though if that were the case, "am i wrong?"

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 4:47:52 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]By the time the man started speaking again she'd schooled her expression and reined herself in enough to put the pad down and make eye contact again. Eye contact, smile, laugh a little at his comment. These were actions she'd had memorized since childhood and she pulled them out perfectly in the face of his weak jape about brain rot and TV's. Oblivious to this man's station in life, she did herself the favor of assuming he was all hot air in the moment.

The man started backpedaling his statement before Evangeline had a chance to put pen to paper and reply. She knew the script for this interaction too. When someone's feeling uneasy, give them a bit of a comfort. She smiled a little harder, waved her hand in an amicable display of deference and mouthed a quick "I get it, I do" -- or at least tried to. She was about halfway through the silent sentence when he tossed the Castform they were supposed to be watching into the air. Thankfully the Pokemon levitated naturally, but she couldn't help being a bit frustrated with the flippancy. Her smile wavered as she tried to change the burgeoning look of irritation into one of mere worry.

Thankfully, even if she hadn't managed the Castform demanded some form of apology upon returning to them -- and got it in short order. And then they were moving again. It was while the man was going on some monologue about her viable excuses and possible intentions that Evangeline realized maybe the pen and paper wasn't so bad. Between the man's rapid shifts in thought and the way he only looked back at her every so often there wasn't a lot of opportunity to use it even if she wanted to. By just waiting a few beats she could avoid "saying" anything for long enough stretches of time as to not be exhausting.

Unfortunately the end of his last statement was a question directly to her, and he turned his eyes to watch her expectantly. She scrambled to remember the relevant parts of what he'd been saying before quickly writing a response.

I admire public servants

She offered the message with a shy, manufactured grin before turning the page and writing again.

I always wondered what it was like

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 6:09:50 GMT
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 a crack in the facial area had shown. a sudden twinge invaded his heart, it was like being jabbed by some random invisible blade formed by word. a public servant, she saw him as a public. but the expression he donned was not one of disappointment, but shock. "to think..." he stood still, his back turned and head lowered, " think someone as amazing, talented, and beautiful as you could see me," his trembling fist tightened.

his body shifted to face her once more, like waterfalls did tears pour from his face.

"you understand my hardship!" he'd utilize his sleeve to wipe his face, "i'm literally a public servant and i don't even get a say so!" ian was speaking of his current situation being under "region arrest". "to think someone like you would notice my hardship, you're a woman after my own heart!" extending his palm before the actress, "sadly, i'm a man who's taken by his work. i can't give you the life befitting of someone so deserving of it." castform watched in confusion as the interaction between ian and occurred.

though, in the midst of it all, an unexpected incident would occur. a tree, cleanly sliced, fell tall. the noise so loud that it would shake the professor to his senses. sharply he turned for the reveal of a GARCHOMP. a dragon-type well-known for its power and temper. they weren't fun to deal with in the wild. "well that was unexpected timing, but to be expected. castform get to miss 's side!" this was the perfect time to conduct a personal research on the dragon-type, and what better match up for a garchomp than another dragon-type?

"don't worry, m'lady. you just sit tight and take care of castform, i may not look it but i know a thing or two about battling!" it was like a video game to him. with the simple toss of a ball he'd call upon his ditto, "transform!" expecting for the ditto to transform into garchomp, it instead TRANSFORMED INTO CASTFORM. ian looked in disgust and bafflement, "i meant the dragon in front of you, you tool!"

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 6:51:11 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]This stranger's response to her message was so theatrical it . . . well, it wasn't enviable, but it was certainly something. Again the way the man carried himself left her completely baffled. Weeping so openly over so little, if he were actually acting in a class the professor would be stopping the scene. For the first time in recent memory Evangeline found herself completely at a loss as to how to respond.

What was a person supposed to do in this position? She was sure even someone with a sense of empathy much stronger than her own would be uncertain. She didn't want to comfort him, it seemed too genuine a response for so ridiculous a situation, but it felt like just standing there wasn't much better.

As he began to ramble about being married to his work she just stared down at the blank notepad page she had open. Now she was starting to get a little irritated -- the thought she'd ever pursue this idiot was almost insulting -- but even that couldn't overwhelm the pure absurdity of her situation.

She found herself genuinely thankful when a Garchomp came roaring onto the scene.

Normally in this situation she'd play up her helplessness for a bit, maybe actually let the man in front of her handle the battle, but she was so desperate to escape this awful atmosphere and dynamic her partner established that she let herself leap into action -- ignoring the man's bluster and blunders.

She reached into the fanny pack hanging from her waist and plucked out two Pokeballs. One toss and they both released their inhabitants. To one side, Weezing, to the other (seeing her again made her side ache and her face burn) Toxicroak. She was fairly sure the one method of attack she'd been working on would work here.

"Weezing, Poison Gas the Garchomp. Toxicroak, get in there," she spoke for the first time since leaving Fallarbor, but made sure it was in as convincing a hoarse whisper as she could manage. Weezing sprang into action, inflating and deflating as she cycled the fumes in her heads before spewing Poison Gas in the direction of the Garchomp. Toxicroak glared back at her, as if thinking better of following orders, but proved surprisingly obedient -- rushing boldly towards the enemy in the cover the noxious gas offered.

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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 19:47:59 GMT
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 "you have no self-control, we've practiced this!" ian scolded the castform!ditto. in the midst of his scolding the false pokemon casually hovered in a circle. impishly toying with the professor all while being nonchalant, "get down her--" and that's when sprung into action. watching the actress partake in battle with a toxicroak and weezing. together ian, ditto, and castform watched.

the garchomp had been blinded by the gas while toxicroak maneuvered in. the garchomp, with guts, lashed out. DRAGON CLAW had been unleashed, sharpened blades draped within a cloak blue aura. with its ROUGH SKIN, one would do best to steer clear of being hit by the garchomp's great power. "be sure to keep your distance, physical attacks are too risky." just from ian standing afar, he was able to determine the garchomp's skin layer to have a rough surface. "a battling beauty like you doesn't need me to tell you that, of course!" he'd give her two thumbs up; whereas castform and ditto cheered her on.
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 22:06:29 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]The Garchomp was quicker to respond than Evangeline expected. Most of the wild Pokemon she'd tried this trick on were too busy choking on the Poison Gas to do much in the way of reacting to the second assailant, but the Garchomp barely let the fumes bother it. Toxicroak was only just in position when the Dragon Claw came crashing down. Too much forward momentum made retreat impossible, so she did the next best thing and threw her arms up to take the hit. An angry croak was her only response as her wrists were left bleeding from the blow.

Meanwhile her partner was being surprisingly helpful. His admiration for her clouded his understanding of her skills, but thankfully he threw her some advice anyway -- she definitely didn't know the Garchomp's ability. Certainly not from a glance through a purple-tinted haze. Unfortunately she couldn't put the advice to use. Toxicroak was barely following orders in the first place, she wasn't going to wait for an okay to strike back. She wanted Revenge. Heedless to the shredding skin of her opponent she swung a fist hard at its stomach.

"C'mon . . ." Evangeline groaned out of the corner of her mouth, wishing desperately her little lie wasn't preventing her from shouting, "Weezing, go help her out with some covering fire."

Her other Pokemon was much more patient, and much quicker to follow orders. She swayed back and forth for a moment, sizing up the distance between them, before cycling her poisons and spitting a volley of Sludge Bombs at the opponent.

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 2:58:14 GMT
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 their relentless assault was strong. the weezing and toxicroak weren't just any old pokemon belonging to a civilian. the way they fought had been on the level of an experienced trainer. "you're no pushover, the way you utilize your pokemon shows merit." ian can see that with his special sight. throughout his time traveling and meeting countless pokemon and trainers alike, or as he likes to call them "animalkind." not once has he been unable to tell when a good connection has ben established between human and pokemon.

as they fought the garchomp the pair pushed back the dragon-type, little by little. but poison wasn't enough to defeat one whose body was as durable as the earth they stood upon. luckily, ian heard the sound of a styler. as the poisonous fog dissipated, the styler of a ranger was seen spinning around the dragon. eventually, it would come to be ensnared by the ranger who'd thrown it.

"are you both alright!?" the ranger shouted from above as he came down the hill to meet the pair. "i can't believe i made it in time!" as the ranger tamed the garchomp and calmed it down. he would come to inform the duo that they had gotten word of a rampaging garchomp and were aware of and 's travels.

"it's a good thing you arrived, but i believe the lovely was handling it pretty well! i can see her working for aether foundation, hell even the league with her skills. you ever consider that?" ian asked.

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 21:26:38 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]"No pushover", that's praise Evangeline could get behind. Even if she was only responsible for about half of what was going on in the moment. Toxicroak was the one refusing to be pushed back. Even as the Garchomp's scales sliced her knuckles and sheared the surface skin off her fingers she kept up the aggression. On her own it might have been suicide, but thankfully Weezing's Sludge Bomb support was enough to keep the Garchomp from properly responding beyond the odd swing of its claws.

Still, it wasn't buckling enough. Even Evangeline could see that. It came off as more annoyed than properly battered and with each successive swing and volley it seemed to better understand what was happening. All it would take is one good dodge and a well placed ground-type move to completely shatter this cobbled together pressure. What she'd do after that she wasn't sure. Toxicroak and Weezing were the strongest Pokemon she had on her.

An answer for that question became more pressing by the second, but just when Evangeline was worried the Garchomp had cracked the code for their offensive an unfamiliar whirring sound caught her ear. A top, trailed by some odd light entered the fight and slipped nimbly between Toxicroak and the Garchomp. A few moments later and the dragon-type seemed placated. Evangeline got Weezing to stop and Toxicroak to come back to her, unsure about what just happened but grateful for its timeliness.

"He's speaking too highly of me," she croaked out in response to the man's continued praise, "I don't think I could have --" she stopped and put her right hand to her throat before coughing a few times. A theatrical ploy, and a chance to reset an expression she could tell was still too tense. After the cough she looked back with a bashful smile before quickly scrawling some words in the notepad she'd been gifted.

I was barely holding on

She flipped the page, furrowing her brows in an attempt to look concerned but still smiling graciously.

Thank you so much for saving us <3

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