The Bugcatcher cometh [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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John Sullivan
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 3:05:29 GMT
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A long net's rod hit the soil in front of the almost desolate home, a firmly standing youth staring down the wretched hive of scum and villainy.

The sweet lady that sold flowers near the homeless shelter had mentioned that a bunch of bugs had been getting inside her shop recently. She had no idea why; she had taken the proper measures and precautions to keep her shop free of pests and vermin...

It was soon discovered that the home besides hers, a half collapsed building which had yet to be repaired, had become a nest for bugs.

Now, Doug was a bug catcher. Best of his generation, he liked to think. He was a firm believer and advocate for bug rights- but he could not condone them making suffer this poor old lady just trying to sell flowers.

Mostly cause she was kind enough to give him free berries from time to time. She was too nice, man.

"Attention, all bugs." He said in his most authoritative tone, stance widening. "You have until the count of 10 to go away before I am forced to deal with you... the fun way. You ready?"

"One... fiveeightTEN! LET'S WHOOP THEIR ASS, MOTHRA, ZAC!" He said as he turned to face his companions, Mothra the swiftly regretting her choices in trainer Larvesta, and Zac the Vlogger.

Now, why was he so gunho about kicking the asses of his favorite type of pokemon?

Well... Bug types were mostly weak to fire.

Larvesta was a fire spewing bug.

And Larvesta needed... a lot of combat experience in the absence of a lengthy lifetime in order to evolve.

Larvesta deeply lamented what she was about to subject her brethren to.

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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 14:58:36 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

When Doug had invited Zac on another 'Bug Mission' he had gone out and bought more pokeballs and a net, but as Doug and his Larvestarushed into the condemned building shouting something about whooping ass, Zac calmly set his net and flammable goods to one side and sent out Turtonator.

"You don't mind a touch of heat now do you?" he asked the turtle. In reply, the Turtonator sent out a little jet of flame at Zac, as if to ask him the same question.

"That's the spirit. Now stay close buddy, who knows what Doug's planning on doing with that flaming beast. He might end up bringing this whole place down on us."

And with that the pair headed in after the bug catcher and his fiery moth. The building was decrepit, to put it mildly. Rotting wooden beams sagged above them, and the walls all bulged in odd places, filled with untold, crawling horrors.

"Wait up Doug." Zac called, feeling a thousand faceted eyes watching him. There sure are a lot of highly-flammable pokemon in here. I hope he has a plan for how we're going to get out.

NOTES: Fire? I hardly know 'er!

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 16:36:29 GMT
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It took Zac a while to catch up.

"Right'ere, dude!" He said cheerily, his voice echoing inside the shack, for it could not be called a home. He too could feel the many eyes on him- but he was used to such stares by now. "Oh, neat turtle. Nice to meet'cha! ... Oh, right. Here's our options."

"We can either burn this place to the ground, forcing them to leave... Oh, and don't worry, this place is already set to demolished, so as long as we keep the flame to this shack alone, we are peachy."

He seemed mighty confident in his skill for controlled Arson. That... hopefully inspired confidence?

"Or we could try to find the Queen." He said, humming as he cupped his chin. "Bug type pokemon are just like any other pokemon- they've predators, they've prey. A whole lot of species wouldn't come together in a single coven. Chances are, there's only a few closely tied species here- and they'll all be under the control of one Queen."

He grinned up at Zac.

"If we net the Queen and leg it, they'll be running behind us for weeks until they get their Queen back." Or die- but he wasn't super into that.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 2:24:04 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

"The Queen, you say..." Zac said, eyes lighting up. "Well, if there's some big mother bugger up in here, then it sounds like we've got some hunting to do."

Zac looked around, squinting in the half light before sending out his Heliolisk
The lizard started glowing immediately, lighting up the inside of the decrepit house with harsh sunlight. "That's the way buddy."

A few bugs, startled by the bright light, flew in too close to the electric lizard, and received a sharp burst of electricity for their troubles.
"Hehe...bug Zappa..." Zac laughed. 

"Okay Doug, lead the way. It looks like there are stairs up and also a a set heading down into the basement. Where is this big beautiful bug likely to have made her nest?"


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 16:12:33 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Usually depends on the species, but..." He said as he glanced up, tilting a brow. Most of the roof on the second floor was caved in, and it just looked like it would collapse in general. "Definitely the basement."

The Queen's protection was paramount for the hive. A caved in roof was just begging for a dangerous flying pokemon to swoop in, and the collapsing second level wouldn't last long once the queen began laying eggs.

With Zappa brightening up their path, Doug lead the way into the basement, the steps creaking the whole way down. Many bugs skittered about on the walls, somewhat big but cowardly, zooming away from them before the light could completely illuminate them.

He didn't need to see them completely to know what they were, just from how swiftly they were to run away.

"Yeah, that makes sense." He said to himself. Slateport was a seaside city, after all.

They could smell it before they reached the bottom; a dank, stale air. Maybe they could even see it before they arrived.

How the basement was flooded with water that probably reached up to Zac's own neck. And... It was sea water. How had they even gotten this here?

"Yep." He said, now certain. He didn't need to see it. "Definitely a Golisopod."

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 14:19:21 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

A shiver ran down Zac's back at the mention of the name. Golisopod.

Monstrously strong, and a terrifying ambush predator, the only thing more worrying than facing one in battle was the concept of having to snag one. 
Despite their size, they were notoriously slippery buggers. 

"Okay, well you know how it works with bugs then, lets smoke 'im out."

Zac turned to Turtonator, but then thought better of it. No, these little devils can just hide underwater. Instead, he grabbed a pokemon he had caught a few days prior while out in Slateport: Weezing.

The Galarian forme pokemon emerged in a puff of clean, violet air, which improved the smell of the basement immensely. "Stop that mate, it's no time to be cleaning up." The Weezing shut it's mouths.

I'm gonna need you to waft some of that wacky wind out along the waters here. Really fill the basement air. That smoke is nice and thick, so it should coat the water nicely." Weezing began to belch dual clouds of shimmering, effervescent pink fog, which quickly covered the surface of the water. The STRANGE STEAM created the appearance of false floor to the basement, as if they could step out onto a layer of cloud.

"Nice work. Now, sink a couple of SLUDGE BOMBS into the water." He turned to Doug. "Might wanna step back buddy, once this goo hits the water the, uh, well I can't imagine whatever is in there is gonna be happy. I imagine the Queen and all her little minions will be looking for an exit." Zac pointed to the stairs on which the group was standing. "And I think this is the only one."

NOTES: Top hat, top tier.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 1:55:23 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Smoking 'em out is a good idea. Though..." He said as he cupped his chin, brows furrowing slightly.

He only had slight doubts due to the sea water. He had no idea how they could have gotten the sea water here without anyone noticing anything.

Unless it had flooded in from somewhere...

Well, he supposed that if it had, they would accomplish their purpose all the same.

Or well, they would have- if the Queen had chose to run. However, as the water surface rose and then broke, washing over the armored silhouette of a large, imposing bug, he couldn't help but breathe in sharply at the sight, suitably wow'd, bug maniac that he was.

"Damn, she a beaut awright... as you would say." He said after a moment of silence and being glared at by the Golisopod, who's gaze had been analyzing them and their pokemon for a good moment...

Before she unleashed a deafening screech that felt as if it had made the entire structure quake.

Her furious gaze snapped to Zac's wheezing as she suddenly began charging through the water like a jet.

"Holy shit!" Said Doug as he scrambled on the steps, tripping more often than not as her looming form grew nearer. "String shot, STRING SHOT!"

He said while holding Larvesta in that general direction, the little larva squealing in terror much like her trainer as she unleashed a mass of webbing intended to slow down the advancing, furious Queen.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 5:16:44 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

As the furious Golisopod burst from the water and into the pink steam, it staggered. Surging forward on unsteady legs, the Queen took a swipe at the Weezing just as Zac returned it.
"Uh uh! Not so fast!" He chided, as the confused Golisopod looked around for its prey.
A thick stream of string shot down the stairs, roping out of Larvesta and entangling the marine monster. It roared again, ripping at the bindings.

Can't hurt her too much or she'll try to retreat back into the water! We need her to follow us.

"C'mere ya big brute!"
Zac taunted the Queen, who was still ripping at the sticky thread, dazed from Weezing's smoke.

At Zac's command, Zappa blasted the wall behind the Golisopod, hitting a few of the huddling wimpods with lightning. They fell squealing into the water, and the Queen roared again, shaking the foundations. She thrashed harder, crashing against the wall as she stormed up the stairs towards the group.

"Lets get outta here guys! She's about to charge up into the house!"

NOTES: Top hat, top tier.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 13:27:16 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Waaay ahead of you!" He said as he grabbed and tried to pull at Zac's arm, His little Larvesta held under his pit like a soccer ball in the other, facing backwards.

She kept screaming, getting louder with every crash and bang made by the Queen chasing behind them, throwing string shot after desperate string shot to slow down the screeching Golisopod.

They stumbled back onto the first floor to rattling, trembling foundation, the very house seeming to come alive with the Queen's roars, the previously timid bugs squirming along the walls now seemingly incensed by their mistress' fury, a mass of them moving to stand in their path, if not outright attack them.

Doug gripped Larvesta more firmly before rearing back, shouting.

"Yer up! FLAME WHEEL!" He said before chucking at her like a basketball, the little bug squealing the entire way even as she became a fall of rolling flames, getting some of the previously incensed bugs out of the way out of terror.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 3:36:10 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

The thrown Larvesta squealing as it flew.Thick spirals of flame licked outwards from the little bug, clearing a path straight for the exit, and leaving in its wake a scorched path of ash and burnt wings.

"Nice toss!" Zac said, shouting to be heard above the flames as the group sprinted down the corridor. Behind them, the Queen roared, rattling the foundations. She lunged into action with a CRUNCH of splintering floorboards.
"Zappa! Slow her down!"
The Heliolisk chirped in affirmation and spun on its heel, flat feet slapping down the corridor towards the charging Golisopod. A flash of saffron light cut through the flicking red, and Zappa merged with the lightning of his PARABOLIC CHARGE.
He thundered down the corridor and looped around the Queen, his electrified form bursting with uncontained electricity that arced across the Golisopod's body, forcing her muscles to activate unnaturally.

The Queen struck out, smashing through a wall but missing Zappa, and his curving trajectory carried him back to the party just as they reunited with the projectile Larvesta. 

A few steps further and they reached the door, now with a sizable lead on the confused and still sparking Golisopod.

NOTES: Ashes to ashes.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2020 13:22:19 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Thanks! Been practicing!" He said as ducked and swooped up Mothra while running, grasping her firmly under his pit once again before they managed to break out of the dilapidated home, a rush of cold, fresh air greeting their faces as they emerged from it.

Realizing the confused, paralyzed queen was being slow to chase, the panting bug catcher glanced down at the bug under his arm, grinning.

"Good girl." He said, and she huffed, bumping her head against his side in protest. "Ack! Okay, okay! Last time, promise."


A booming crack thundered in the night as the Golisopod tore through the house's doorway with a furious roar, her body trembling erratically as she panted hard, staring at them down furiously before she began to clang and grind her claws together, glaring furiously at Zac's Zappa specifically.

"Let's put a pin on that." He said, patting Mothra placatingly while staring hard at the Queen. He leaned closer to Zac, muttering hard.

"We can't touch her anymore." He said, not looking too thrilled about it. "One more scratch and she's back in her nest."

He pretty sure there was some sort of hole or opening into the sewer that would let her escape them indefinitely in there. Little things were faster than a Golisopod making an emergency exit.

"What to do now..." he wondered, brows furrowed.

The Queen decided for them- by roaring as she charged, claws flashing as rushing water seemed to gether around them.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 1:36:54 GMT
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zac ramsay

For the Swarm
Upper District| Mission

The Golisopod charged, crunching through the weakened front steps and storming across the ground with frightening speed. Zac reached for two pokeballs.

She crossed the ground in half a breath, a freight train of talons and hardened plating that bore down on the terrified Heliolisk.
Zac dropped one of the pokeballs, pointing the other at Zappa. "Return!" he shouted, hearing the words tumble from his mouth as if in slow motion.

The lizard disappeared in a flash of red light, the Queen's claws passing through the space where his neck had been. A wake of brackish water washed across the lawn, soaking Zac up to his knees before fading into the unkempt grass.

The Golisopod reoriented on Zac, hard, predatorial eyes fixing on the vulnerable target. She took one wet step towards him. 
"That's right." Zac said, voice low, goading. "Come get me you beautiful, terrifying bug."

Almost in range, she lunged at Zac, but something stopped the monster dead in her tracks.
The ground under her feet was churning, the soft lawn being replaced by a silty maw of quicksand. The Queen fell to the ground, sinking further into the trap.
The Golisopod roared, thrashing at Zac with her vicious claws.
He laughed, stamping on the wet ground to communicate with his Trapinch.

"Nice work TBD." Zac called "Hold her right there."

The Queen slashed and tore at the pool of quicksand, but her claws were made for murder, not digging, and she sunk another few inches into the roiling pit. 

"Well Doug, what do you think? Doesn't look like she's going anywhere soon."

NOTES: Dirt to dirt.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 13:00:02 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Yup." He said, coming to stand near the arena trap made for the Queen. The harder she struggled, the deeper she sank- it certainly seemed like she wasn't going anywhere. "That's a trapped Queen awright."

About that.

"Guess we are doing this the hard way after all." He said dryly as he turned his attention back to the home, which was now rattling and crackling as if it were alive.

The youth tipped his hat and clicked his tongue, fetching another pokeball before throwing it forward, bringing his Scyther out for a rumble.

She glanced around curiously, her eyes finding the struggling Golisopod inside the trap, and her ears picking up the rattling ahead. Her eyes widened in horror.

"Sorry 'bout that, Kama. Mind helping us out?" He said with an apologetic smile, to which she shot him a dirty look. Doug winked in response, before underhand throwing Mothra forward, who landed right next to the Scyther with a look of abject horror in her face. "Don't worry guys, we have the best of the best on our side! Zac here is gonna help us out!"

He clapped Zac's back with a smile. Then remembered he hadn't explained himself.

"Oh, right. 'Member what I said about netting the Queen and leggin' it? I was hoping we would get a bit further away. Maybe the park or the beach? But this place works, too."


"For the battle with every other member of the colony, I mean."

Kama harrumphed, grinding her scythes against one another. Mothra whimpered.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
The Bugcatcher cometh [m]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 14:39:24 GMT
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The bugcatcher cometh
Upper District | Mission


"Well I guess that's nothin' for it then." Zac said, sounding overjoyed at the way things were escalating. He grabbed around in his bag for his pokeballs as the buzzing in the house rose to a shuddering roar.

With a huff of satisfaction Zac threw out a pokeball, letting out his Galarian Weezing, which at his command spewed the twin clouds of STRANGE STEAM towards the house.
Then came Zappa the Heliolisk, who crackled in anticipation, and Boshi the Turtonator, who looked annoyed at being returned in the first place.

"Well that's the backline secure." Zac said, looking around at the line of pokemon the two of them had formed on the lawn. "So how about we bring a bit of fight to them."

He tossed his last two ball like a star pitcher, sending them deep into the burning house.


"And that's the frontline." As Rhydon and Onix tore up the house from within, a load-bearing support gave way in the house and the roof started to sag. 

With their hive coming down around them, the dam burst and the buzzing horde spilled out into the front yard like biblical plague, many of their number spinning out of control as they succumbed to the confusion effect of the steam.
They were a tiny portion of the whole, and those remaining swept the clouds away with their sheer mass.

"Tear 'em up guys!" Zac shouted, and lances of flame and lightning knocked apart the swarm. "Lets send 'em runnin'."


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
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5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 17:00:18 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug wasn't as gungho about going nuclear on so many poor bugs- he had been hoping to scare them off, not cook'em.

"Oh dear, this looks..." He said, tugging at the neck of his school shirt, before blowing a long breath. "Oof... Okay, that's enough. We gotta do our part."

The faster they finished this, the better.

"Get in there, Kama! Keep it to Vacuum Wave!" Concussive force would be better at keeping them in one piece... hopefully. "Mothra, struggle bug!"

The Scyther leapt high in the air, wings fluttering swiftly behind her as her blades flashed and she swung them in wide arcs at the oncomming swarm. Invisible walls of vacuum wind slammed into the swarm, sending many flying about with screeches.

Mothra's five horns came to life with a green glow as she reared back onto her stubby rear legs, shouting cutely before unleashing several beams of neon green light that swept into the swarm like snakes, seemingly taking random swings and arcs about them as they smashed into the crowd.

Of course, this had little on the rays of fire and lightning slamming through the crowd undeterred. Several bugs were being sent flying high by every attack, all of them landing about them knocked out.