Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 6:44:25 GMT
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Ezekial did not see himself as a man of action. Yet, with the damage this poor region had suffered, he felt remiss not to do what he could to help. While not strong, he was still fairly young and able to make small changes in what was around him. This is how he found himself staring up a tall powerline, trying to will the large nest on top to vanish. It felt cruel to run the poor pokemon family inside from their home.... but this was getting in the way and causing more harm to others.

His own pokemon were currently in their balls as he waited. As luck would have it, Ezekial would not be alone. This made him grateful, unsure in his own abilities to accomplish this task. He did not know who would join him but he had shown up early to make sure they didn't have to wait. He hoped they knew more about these things than he did.

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 9:39:30 GMT
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TFruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission


Zac was a man of action, and though he didn't know anyone personally effected by the rampaging Megalopolans, it would be remiss of him not to help in the cleanup, especially when it was just some simple pokemon removal.

As a Ranger, this sort of thing were Zac's bread and butter, and as an educator by trade he had jumped at the chance to take a rookie along for the ride.

"Hey there!" He boomed, catching sight of his partner, who was looking up at the nest they were scheduled to remove, "Name's Zac! Nice to meetcha!"
He held out a massive hand for his new friend to shake.

"Bit of a doozy isn't it? Gonna be a fun one i'll say that right off the bat, if you'll pardon the pun." Zac continued talking, happy to fill the would-be-silence with the sound of his own voice.

"I heard about something a bit like this in Alola, but I don't want to spoil the surprise if you haven't figured it out yet...well go on then! First impressions!" he said, pointing up at the massive nest that had been formed around the power pole. "What do you thinkl?"

TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 13:49:26 GMT
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Ezekial couldn't help from jumping slightly at the loud voice but quickly turned to face the other. Ah, it seemed that this was his partner. He graciously accepted the hand offered and gave his own firm shake in return. "It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Ezekial." A quick answer before the other started talking again. It gave him some relief that Zac seemed to know what he was doing. In that case, it wouldn't be likely for him to mess this up somehow. That made his shoulder straighten a little with a renewed confidence he wasn't even aware he had been lacking.

"Ah... it is rather high up. I wonder why a pokemon would choose a power line over a nice tree, I suppose." Turning back to the pole, he raised a hand over his eyes to squint at the nest. Zac seemed to have some idea of what it was already which was a good sign. Ezekial's own knowledge on pokemon was a bit lacking if they hadn't been the ones around his home back in Sinnoh. Well, regardless, it wouldn't do them much good to simply stare at it.

"I suppose our pokemon will be the ones to take it down? Unless you're good at climbing." He laughed softly at his own joke and plucked two pokeballs from his hip. "Yew and Lotus should be able to get up there." A moment later a Xatu and Dragapult had materialized next to them. The Xatu seemed content to stay still and simply stare into space, unblinking. The Dragapult gave a massive yawn and turned over in the air, floating on her back, before giving a snort and gliding closer to Zac. The dragon pokemon seemed very inclined to hover over the redhead's hair and try to snuffle against his scalp.

"A-ah, sorry." Ezekial started, flushing lightly at his pokemon's actions. "Lotus is very... affectionate." The dragon grunted at that and tried to push her sharp face against the other.

Before Ezekial could attempt to pull his pokemon away from the other, the Xatu suddenly raised it's wings high and let out a piercing shriek. It's whole body glowed with energy, eyes turning to flat planes of reflective blue. He held the pose for a few moments before the glowing stopped, followed a moment later by him tucking his wings back against his body and going back to staring into space.

Whatever had been in the nest didn't seem to like that, the whole thing starting to shake rapidly at being disturbed...

Yew used.... some type of attack?

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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 14:09:44 GMT
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TFruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission


"Ah... it is rather high up. I wonder why a pokemon would choose a power line over a nice tree, I suppose." Ezekiel had asked. 

"A good question, an a very understandable one, but in this case it's a little bit off the mark." Zac said, looking up at the shaking nest. "You see, that power line is the tree." 

As the Dragapult snuffled around his head, Zac pointed out the faded markings banding that ran the height of the 'power pole'. "This isn't some human installation Ez. It's an Exeggutor! Poor guy must have poked his head through the lines and now he's stuck!" 

He looked at his new friend, not needing to voice the reproach. It was clear that Ez had acted a bit too quickly in this situation.

Zac kicked a piece of the nest that had come loose from the pole's shaking. From a distance it has been easy to mistake the foliage as branches and leaves, but up close it was plain to see that it was a palm frond. "See this? That poor guy is so terrified up there that he's started to drop all of his leaves!" 

He looked at the sky, which was bruising to the reds and purples of a Verdanturf sunset. "And we'd best be hurrying up soon too. It's autumn, which means that fella's gonna be covered in ripe coconuts, and once sundown hits there will be Noibats all over him!"

TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 14:28:25 GMT
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"Is the tree...?" Ezekial repeated back slowly, turning from his pokemon's antics, since Zac didn't seem to mind, glanced back at the pole again. Ezekial had... never seen Exeggutor before. The name vaguely rang a bell but he couldn't really place it. However, taking in a more critical look at the 'pole' showed that it indeed had some type of feet. If he squinted, since the leaves were moving now, he thought he even caught a glimpse of some type of yellow fruit occasionally. He felt terrible he had just been ready to wallop the poor thing. Maybe this 'Trainer' thing wasn't really meant for him.

"Oh, that poor dear... How do we get him loose? I'm not sure any of my pokemon could safely touch the power lines. Maybe we could get him to sit down and he would slide back out?" That might only work if the 'tangle' wasn't too serious around the other pokemon, however; this would all be for naught if they broke the lines in the process of freeing the pokemon. "Maybe one of us could catch him and then release him?" Something about that seemed a little too convenient, though, and if the Exeggutor broke free from the ball, it could also risk getting tangled up worse, breaking the lines, or both!

Stepping a little closer, Ezekial chanced to reach out and pat the pokemon lightly where he could touch. Not the safest move where it was wild and stressed out but he felt do bad for it! "It's okay! We're going to get you free!" He called out to the pokemon, not even sure it could understand him.

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Zac Ramsay
Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 1:18:30 GMT
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Fruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission


As soon as Ez touched the Exeggutor, Zac knew he had the makings of a ranger.
He had the natural instinct to reach out and touch those around him, even to if it put him in danger. He had made the leap just to try and bring some peace to a creature in trouble.

That was the first step to becoming a ranger, and it was something Zac himself had done more times than he could count, and he had the scars to prove it.
But it was only the first step. In some ways it was the easiest part. Next, you had to be smart. That's the bit that Zac had trouble with. For him, good plans took time, and they didn't have a whole lot to work with.

"How do we get him loose?" Ez had asked, and Zac scratched at his beard, surveying the issue. He thought for a minute, the sky darkening around them, before giving his answer.

"From where I'm standing we've got two options, four if you're not opposed to a bit of light property damage." Zac held up three fingers to illustrate his point.

"One, we get some pokemon to hold the lines apart and then bring him down through the gap."
"Two, and this is the property damage one, we break a transformer somewhere abong the line and short circuit the lines, and then we cut him free."
Zac sighed, hesitating before listing the third option.
"Three, we knock him out. It's tough removing a startled pokemon, especially one as big as this guy, and having him unconscious would give us a lot more freedom in moving him without causing damage."

"So what do you think Ez? What are your instincts telling you?"

TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 7:57:38 GMT
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"My instincts?" Ezekial wasn't really sure he had real 'instincts'. He must wanted to do what he could to help in most situations! "I know I don't want to hurt him or frighten him worse than he already is." So that ruled out the third option.

"Hmm... the second one would knock out the power connected to these lines. We don't know what homes and businesses rely on this line to run and we don't know when they'll be able to fix it." Especially given the general status of the region as a whole currently. They were still recovering from so much...

"I like the first idea, the main issue would be having pokemon that could resist getting shocked themselves.... none of my pokemon fully resist it; Lotus being the only one who isn't hurt as badly by it." In fact, two of his pokemon were weak to electricity. Lotus would still get hurt but she might be able to hold out...

"... could we... lift him out....?" The widest part was already stuck. If some strong pokemon could lift as well as grab his head and pull... but Ezekial didn't think he could do that on his own.
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Zac Ramsay
Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 13:39:21 GMT
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Fruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission


Zac nodded in agreement as Ez talked through the options. "Yeah i'm with you mate, lets see if we can get him out without any damage." 

"... could we... lift him out....?" Ez asked, and Zac ran a hand through his hair, thinking. "I'm not a big flying pokemon guy, but I've got one..." He tossed out a pokeball, and now there were two Dragapult's sniffing his hair. "Okay you little jokers, get out of it." He waved them away. "Think you can lift that?" He asked the pokemon, pointing to the Exeggutor pole. 

Zac's Dragapult did a looping little flight in the air, which seemed to indicate that Zac was absolutely off his rocker. "Yeah yeah. Well, worth a shot."
He looked over the pokemon he had available, before selecting two balls from his bag.

"I've got an idea. Maybe we don't need to lift him out."
Zac threw one of the pokeballs, sending out a little orange pokemon with big, gnashing jaws and beady eyes. "We could push him out."

TBD the Trapinch found a patch of dirt nearby and swiftly chewed a tunnel over to the pole, stopping right underneath the Exeggutor. He retreated back along the tunnel, and Zac returned him, tossing the second pokeball. 

There was a crash and screech of grinding rock, and a massive snake of solid stone appeared, coiled around the group. "Okay Kev, follow that guide tunnel carefully and see if you can't push this here tree up a few metres, yeah?"
The Onix grumbled in confirmation, and smashed into the ground, ripping along the guide tunnel before emerging underneath the pole, rupturing a section of the street as he raised Exeggutor ten feet into the air on a platform of concrete and asphalt. The tree was now level with the power lines, and had managed to remain calm during the extraction process. 
"Look a that! Beautiful! Now all we need is to get him up another foot or two, over the lines, and down onto the street safely. Easy as Applin pie." 

As Zac was exclaiming over a job half-done, the sun finally set, and something made the hairs on the back of his neck raise. An ultrasonic burst of noise was rising from the nearby caves, that could only mean that the Noibat were approaching, and starving.

NOTES: Do vampire fruit bats eat blood oranges?
TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 7:17:08 GMT
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When Zac proposed pushing the pokemon out, Ezekial's eyes lit up. Yes, that would work even better! "Ah, damaging the sidewalk or even the edge of the road isn't nearly as bad as taking out the power. It will be a nuisance for a little while, at worst!" Which meant that Zac had the priest all in on this idea.

"Oh my." Was squeaked out at seeing the Onix, being unused to such large pokemon. He took care to move away quickly as the tunnel was started, making sure to give the Exeggutor one last pat before he moved out of the way. "That shouldn't be too bad! I'm not sure how much my pokemon can help get him out."

He winced at the noise, his hairs also standing on end. "... ah, but I suppose time is almost up. The poor things are just hungry... but I'm not sure we have much to offer them. Unless you have a better idea, I don't mind taking the offensive till you get him free."
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Zac Ramsay
Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 11:26:31 GMT
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Fruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission


"Good plan Ez." Zac said, as the shrill squeaking of the Noibats filled the air. "You hold 'em off, and I'll deal with the big fella...somehow."

Okay Zac. Think. This one's all you buddy. Now how do we get TWO of those Onix lifts. He frowned, trying to picture the scenario in his mind. Onix gave a low roar of annoyance. "Yeah yeah gimme a sec you bloody whiner."

He looked around for anything that could be of use. They were pretty close to a building. Could he lift Exeggutor up onto the roof? Would that even help? Think! 

Zac got it. 

He threw out Boshi the Turtonator. "Okay Bosh, stand right there." He said, indicating a spot just to the side of the power lines.

"Yeah. Perfect. Now hold still. This'll just take a sec." Zac said, and he sent out Shin the Rhydon on top of Boshi. The Turtonator groaned and shot flame in protest. "You can do it mate, won't be a moment."  

The stack of pokemon reached almost up to the top of the wires, but were still a far cry from being able to retrieve the Exeggutor.

"Zappa, head on up there and bridge the gap." Zac said, and the lizard chirped skeptically. "Hey! Trust me, alright? I've got this."

The lizard scampered up an actual power pole and out along the lines, its footsteps throwing up little sparks and it positioned itself between the Onix lift and the pillar of pokemon. "Now. Onix! Tip over the Exeggutor. Shin. Catch it."

NOTES:  Give me an Exeggutor long enough and a Heliolisk on which to place it, and I shall do something really stupid.


TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 13:57:22 GMT
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With something like a plan now set in motion, Ezekial tosses out one more pokemon to join the fray. Ginger stretches, the mienshao only glancing around briefly before his ears perk up and he narrows in on the incoming crowd of noibat. Without moving, Yew Teleports to be standing between his trainer and the oncoming hoard. Ginger also takes up point and Hones his Claws before taking up a battle stance. Being a close range pokemon, he would need to wait before he could strike.

Lotus is the one who takes the most initiative, it seems. She lets out a high pitched cry and shoots a volley of Dragon Darts. The missiles end up missing one of their targets, too far away, but hits another and takes it down easy. As it turns out, while the Noibats are numerous they are also fragile.

Ezekial is about to call out a proper attack for his pokemon, but then suddenly a low ringing starts up. He feels goosebumps raise on his skin at the sound, but it is followed by a small ball of white and blue forming in the middle of the cluster of Noibat. As quickly as it appears, the balls expands in a mass of energy, engulfing much of the swarm. The noise rings out louder before suddenly imploding on itself, an explosion following. Then it's gone, leaving most of the Noibat falling to the ground in singed lumps, unconscious.

"What was.... Yew! What did you do?!" Remembering his Xatu acting strange earlier, he turns to the psychic type. For what it was worth, for a pokemon that did not move, Yew seemed to have a very smug aura about him in that moment.

xatu used teleport!
mienshao used hone claws!
dragapult used dragon darts!
the future sight hit!

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 16:44:26 GMT
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Fruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission

There was a low ringing from off to the side, and Zac rubbed at his ear thinking he was hearing things, just as a flash of light materialized and knocked most of the Noibat swarm out of the sky.

"Nice work Ez!" Zac shouted, not taking his eyes off the delicate operation unfolding in front of him.
Onix's head tipped to the side, and the rigid form of Exeggutor tilted, the pokemon stumbling on the raised patch of asphalt. 
"Bit more Kev! One more tip and he should just-"
Onix tilted further, felling the palm tree, which fell squarely onto Zappa, the little pokemon catching it with a shower of sparks. Heliolisk chirped in protest, struggling to keep the neck of the tropical monster above the wires, meanwhile Turtonator was sagging under the weight of Rhydon.

"Come on Bosh! Push up a little, almost there! Shin, grab the top and swing it over. Like a baseball bat, yeah?"
Shin looked tentatively at the cluster of confused coconut heads that had just dropped right in from of his face. He reached out, grabbing a tuft of palm fronds. "Perfect. Now Kev, push up, swing that tree right over the top!"

Kev surged upwards with a HEAD SMASH, Rhydon hanging on for dear life as the Exeggutor swung up and over him, crashing down next to him on the other side. Shin let go of the fronds and the palm tree staggered, disoriented but alive and, most importantly: free.

We did it. Zac realized, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Fantastic work everyone! Easy as that, huh?"

Four pokemon and three coconuts looked at him with extreme skepticism. "Oh shut up the lotta you." Zac said, returning Shin, Boshi and Kev while the freed Exeggutor wandered lazily down the street.

He was about to return Zappa too when a deep basso not throbbed through the night, making the chill air quiver.
"That's not a Noibat." Zac said, looking out over the city to where the caves were. Ez was still fighting off the swarm of tiny fruit bats, but a larger shape was winging its way towards them, unhappy at the prospect of losing its captive prey. 

The boom came again, and Zac oriented on the winged figure.
"That's a Noivern."

NOTES: They're gonna need a bigger bat...
TAG: @ezekiel

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Fruitbat Fanatic [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 12:29:56 GMT
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While the flock was considerably thinned out after the Future Sight, there were still a half dozen or so of the Noibat flying around. Since they were closer now, Ginger squatted down and tensed before he kicking himself high into the air. He aimed himself downwards to slam his full weight on top of one of the bats in a Bounce. Yew was also busy, finally moving to lift his wings and flap in place, picking up speed as he did. His eyes glowed like they had before, a knot of air forming before shooting out in a concentrated blade of wind. The Air Slash hit one of the Noibat and knocked the wind out from two more, making them lose their balance and drop to the ground as well.

Lotus snorted, grinning wide and staring down the last three of the Noibat. She shot out another Dragon Dart, the missiles surging forward and slamming into two of the bat pokemon, knocking them out of the air to join the rest. The Dart narrowly missed the last bat, who was surging forward as fast as it's little wings could carry it, a sharp Screech leaving it's lips. The three pokemon braced for a hit but were surprised when it zoomed past them - right at Ezekial.

"Ah!" The bat was smaller than the others and slammed him right in the face. It kept making angry sounds and clawed at his head, only really succeeding in pulling some of his hair in it's little paws. He quickly reached up and grabbed the pokemon, taking a moment to pull it off of him (and taking a few strands of hair with it). It struggled and cried in his grip but couldn't really get free. These things really were very fragile...

Despite knowing that maybe handling a wild pokemon was dangerous, Ezekial felt pretty bad for the creature and tried to gently shush it, pulling it close to his chest and moving to cradle it like one would a baby. "H-hey! It's okay, it's okay..." It did calm down it's struggling, at least, but kept up the chattering and squeaking in frustration. He didn't really know what it was saying but he could guess. "You're hungry, right? That's all this was?" Shifting the pokemon in his arms, he reached into his pocket and dug around. He didn't have any food on him, but he did find one of the butterscotch candies he gave to the kids who came to his story times at the park. "Here, this might make you feel better." He fumbled to unwrap it and passed it off to the pokemon's little claws, who eagerly started to gnaw at the hard candy and calmed down.

"Lotus! Go make sure the other Noibat are okay!" With that Ezekial also called back Ginger and Yew while the dragon type flew off to sniff at the bats and menace them to fly away. With that, Ezekial went to see how Zac was doing. He only made it a few steps towards the other when the bass note made him flinch and the Noibat still in his arms squeak and try to hide it's sticky face in his armpit.

"Noivern?" He glanced out to where Zac had been staring to see if he could catch a glimpse of whatever creature was making the noise. "That's... what these guys evolve into, isn't it?"

mienshao used bounce!
xatu used air slash!
dragapult used dragon darts!
ezekial used candy!

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 0:55:55 GMT
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Fruitbat Fanatic
Verdanturf Town | Mission

The deep note rang out across the city, rocking the buildings and making the loose stones dance. Just as Zac was getting used to the throbbing bass note, it changed, coming at them in a wave of SUPERCONIC squeaks and twitters that made his head ring.  

Zac held his head, trying to block out the noise, and beside him Zappa chirped in protest. The lizard shuddered, light building, before firing it off at the approaching Noivern.

His aim was off, shaken by the confusing noise, and the LIGHTNING BOLT went wide, streaking past the startled Exeggutor, who was still wandering down the street. 

<TOOOOOOOOR!> shouted the three headed tree, and it shook violently as it shot dozens of glowing green fruit from its peak, scattering the SEED BOMBS high into the air.
They rained down on Ez and Zac, and the big ranger, lurched to the side just in time to avoid one of them detonating right where he had been standing. 
Well at least we didn't cause that bit of damage. He thought, looking up and around at the devestation caused by Exeggutor's attack.

I hope Ez was okay in all that.

And then he saw Zappa, lying crumpled at the side of the street, his dull yellow form covered in pollen bruises and shot through with asphalt dust. 
"Zappa! Buddy no!" Zac shouted, running over to his unconscious pokemon. "It's okay mate, we'll get you some help soon." Zac said, scopping up the lizard, who was lighter than he remembered. He pressed the pokeball to his scales, and the Heliolisk disappeared in a dull stream of red.

Zac looked up at the shadowy form of Noivern, who was still harrying Ez and his pokemon, swooping low and slashing them with AIR CUTTER. 

"I have an idea." He said, sending out TBD. He told Trapinch the idea, and the little pokemon gnashed its teeth in understanding before burrowing off towards Ez. 

"Get him low to the ground!" Zac shouted, as he ran towards the rookie trainer. "I'll take care of the rest!" 

NOTES: The man with (half) a plan
TAG: @ezekiel

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 2:11:00 GMT
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The supersonic left him a bit disoriented. He could certainly understand why it had the effect it did on pokemon since his hearing wasn't nearly as good. The Noibat in his arms whimpered and he gently shushed it and pulled it closer. The Seed Bombs were also a little much, but thankfully where he was slightly farther away from Zac and the Exeggutor, he didn't have to do too much to be able to get out of the way, at least. The bombs rumbling the ground on top of the Noivern attacking didn't make this process any easier on him mentally, though.

The Noivern seemed to have taken interest in Ezekial more than Zac for the moment, swooping down to try and grab him. He narrowly managed to duck out of the way in time, feeling a bit of the cloth of his shirt rip from those powerful talons. Lotus, having none of this, shrieked and charged in to defend her Trainer from where she was. She didn't use an attack so much as full-body tackle the other pokemon. It was just in time for Ezekial to avoid being picked up by the shoulders as well, which was a lucky shot for him while also showing the loyalty of his pokemon.

Lotus kept surging forward, pushing the other pokemon even as it ripped into her shoulder with a Bite. "Lotus!" Ezekial called from below, worried for his pokemon but standing firm. "Do what Zac said! Get that pokemon on the ground!" Lotus squealed in reply, grasping onto the Noivern the best she could. Instead of flying down, she forced them both upwards. When she reached high enough, she turned and aimed them both straight at the ground as picked up speed. The Noivern seemed to realize what was happening as they were both enveloped in a sickly green glow and scrabbled to try and get loose. A Dragon Pulse was screamed in Lotus' face at point blank, making the light falter just as the two of them hit the ground.

The dust cleared quickly enough, revealing that the Noivern was still conscious while Lotus was lying in a heap. The Dragon Pulse in combination with falling had knocked her out cold. Ezekial made a wounded noise and quickly called his pokemon back into her ball to avoid further damage. The Noivern seemed dazed, at least, and whatever plan Zac had, now was his moment to enact it.

dragapult used u-turn!
lotus has fainted

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