we got this and other lies we tell ourselves [social;closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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we got this and other lies we tell ourselves [social;closed]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 2:35:28 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
It had been a long damned day.

Chu-e groaned when he finally sat down on a bench nearby the pokecenter. He was sore as hell and ached in places he hadn't felt in years. Probably looked a mess, too, dirty and haggard in general from travel. Still, he was content with himself despite all this. Might be best to hunker down for a day or two before continuing to Lilycove since that would be one hell of a hike, too. Wouldn't want to get worn out too quick and die in a ditch.

For now, he was thinking about dinner. His hotel room had already been bought for the next few days so that was one less thing to worry about but he was starving. The oats from this morning and his handful of granola for lunch just weren't doing him anymore. Glancing around, Chu-e tried to pick out a passerby that might know where he could get some grub...

"Hey! Kid!" Target acquired. "Yeah, you with the dark hair! Come here!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 3:51:27 GMT
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It was too cold out here, to be walking around in only basic men’s kimono and a thin cloak. He probably looked quite the oddball among the regular citizens, with his muddied, patched clothes and dirty face. He’d been travelling nonstop for days, and even now he travelled the city, looking for any kind of odd job that would allow him to work for a hot meal, and perhaps a bath. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d washed with water that wasn’t freezing cold. His Pokémon could use a good long rest, too. But it seemed like finding work would have to wait, when a stranger quite clearly picked him out of the crowd and called him over.

The boy was wary, and didn’t like the look of the man. Upon further inspection he realized the man was as dirty from travel as he, and reluctantly approached with a firm grip on his one Pokeball, hidden in his sleeve. His Absol remained hidden there, though the rest of his Pokémon trailed after him. More than a few people gave him a wide berth, likely due to a combination of his dirtiness and the Pokémon following him. But that was no matter. He had to find someone, somewhere, kind enough to help him out in this city. He had to.

He kept his eyes on the man the entire time he was approaching, the odd collection of Pokémon trailing no more than a step behind him, while the Murkrow rode on his shoulder. “Yes, sir? I’m afraid I must keep moving, what do you need?”
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 11:18:50 GMT
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Chu-e had an idea on why he picked this kid out of the crowd: he reminded him of himself when he was younger. He remembered not-so-fondly of being a runaway, doing whatever he had to do to survive in a cold place that didn't care about him. This also probably meant he was probably going kind of soft if he was picking him out at all. He had that familiar sort of grunge to him that regular trainer types didn't have.

"You want a job, kid?" Which is why he said that instead of what he was planning on asking before. Let it be known that Chu-e Choi was going soft. He stood up slowly and with an audible moan of pain, the places on his sides and chest acting up. He kind of looked like a stiff breeze could knock him over which wasn't too far from the truth. The man was sick.

"I gotta get to Mossadeep. I ain't in the shape to get there on my own anymore. I'll pay for hotels and food and shit like that. You free?" He sighed and tried to stretch the best he could to get any cricks out of his body from sitting down for so long. He had been quite exhausted. "Call me 'Ki', by the way." At least he remembered to use his code name this time, unlike he had done with Miss Alfric.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 20:14:39 GMT
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The offer of the job, as well as the moan of pain when the man stood afterwards, had Lan tilting his head quizzically. In that moment he looked a lot like a puppy, confused and dirty. He didn’t say anything at first. His mouth hung open, and he shook his head to clear it. After a few moments, he managed to find his voice. “I- yes? I can help, I guess. As long as you don’t mind most of my Pokémon not having balls.” He’d respond, still a little confused as to why he’d been picked. But damn, this man looked to be in bad shape. He’d have trouble, unless he could convince the man to rest for the night before going anywhere.

“Call me Kaori.” He said, giving a fake name of his own in response to the stranger’s obviously fake name. He didn’t know why he was given a fake name, nor did he really care. Accommodations and food were more than enough reason to go through with this, especially since it was getting colder, and getting harder to find outdoor work he could do. “If I’m going to help you, though, I suggest to rest the night first. You look ready to collapse and as strong as I am for my size I don’t think I can outright carry you. My Pokémon wouldn’t be much help either.”

It was with this that the boy’s Pokémon came crowding over, the poochyena especially taking a great interest in sniffing at the man before he decided he was alright and letting out a soft woof in response. The canine sat, each Pokémon that was out curiously inspecting “Ki” before moving back to give a little room. Lan didn’t need to study the man much, though. He was exhausted and wary, but offering food and temporary shelter in exchange for help, and that was enough to judge the person before him as someone okay for now. If he was wrong later, he was sure Yume would have fun with a little battle.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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we got this and other lies we tell ourselves [social;closed]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 20:39:55 GMT
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"Oh, hell yeah. I already got a room. Hope you don't mind sharing this one time.... " He grunted some and smiled to the Poochyena, leaning over to offer his hand for it to sniff. There was a pretty good chance it could still smell his Litten on him. "I don't really care. Mine usually don't chill in their balls too much, but it's been a long day." He shrugged that off. "I'm starving. Pick somewhere for us to eat and lead the way. Price isn't an issue."

He moved to walk next to the boy, holding onto his own side and giving slight winces with each step. "I might need some help getting up and down the tree stairs. I'm not as fit as I used to be, Kaori." Chu-e didn't really notice or particularly care if the name he was given was fake or not. That was 'Kaori's' business as far as he was concerned.

"So, how long you been on your own?" He said it with a toothy grin. Maybe this guy just had poor hygiene but Chu-e just had a hunch. He had been one of these kids himself, after all, and his tenure at Rocket saw more runaways and people down on their luck than actual bad guys. Just desperate people looking for an out, like he had been once upon a time. But that was a long time ago.

Still, he offered his elbow to the teen so the other could practically drag him around. It's mostly what he needed at the moment.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 22:18:17 GMT
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”Any roof over my head at all, no matter how temporary, is worth sharing even if I have to share.” Lan responded, glancing over at his poochyena and Ki and smiling when he saw that the pup had taken a liking to him. Usually, the small canine wasn’t half so friendly with strangers. It was a good sign. The pain the other man was in was pretty obvious though, so he shooed his Pokémon to make a little space as he contemplated exactly where they could eat. There were a few restaurants he’d tried to beg work from, but one look at his dirty face had had him being brutally rejected. Maybe they wouldn’t kick him out now that he was with a paying customer? It was worth a shot at least.

And then the strange man asked a question he knew was probably coming, how long he’d been alone. How long he’d lived like this. “Three years” was all he replied with, he wouldn’t share too much unless asked. Even now it still stung that the foster homes had been so cruel. He took the elbow offered to him, trying to be gentle but keep a firm grip so the other wouldn’t fall over. His concern mounted the more he watched the other move, it was pretty damn clear to the teenager that he’d have to be badly hurt to move so slowly and painfully. He didn’t comment, though. Unless the man was actually dying it wasn’t his business to interfere with.

Instead, he quietly led the man to the closest of the restaurants he remembered, a small and rather homey place offering Japanese food. As soon as they entered, the owner scowled, looking at Lan like he was nothing more than dirt beneath his shoe. “I told you to get out of here,kid. Don’t need some dirty brat bringing his dirty friend in to scare my customers.” With a roll of his eyes, the teen would ignore the man for a moment as he picked a table out. He didn’t really care why the man thought, his stomach was growling and it was heavy work supporting another human being up stairs. “We’re paying customers this time. By all means, kick us out, but you’ll only lose profit from it.”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 0:45:34 GMT
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Chu-e hummed in reply as if he wasn't paying too much attention. Really, he was noting that down how the boy said it... well, it was a shame. "Don't let nobody take advantage of you with that mentality, kid." He could remember his own days of having a similar thought process. There were a lot of people who would take advantage of you if they thought they could get away with it, pokemon or not.

"Eh. It gets easier." Was all he replied with to his question, since it seemed the other didn't want to talk about it. May as well offer his own seldom advice. He didn't really want to to think about his lost years, either. Plus it seemed kind of messed up to just dump all your trauma on someone you just met.

The idea of Japanese was nice. He hadn't had any in a long time. But, the poor reception made him snarl his lip up in disgust. "I dunno, kid." He said, not bothering to hide his disgust. "This place doesn't seem really peachy." Even then, he still made sure to flop down and spread himself out all comfortable in the seat. As if to spread his 'filth' around on the leather. He idled over the menu and a wicked grin spread over his face. Looked like the owner might be getting some type of nasty trick.

"Kid, you order whatever you want. As much as you want. Hell, order extra. This fucker is going to learn the price for judging books by their covers."
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 4:08:44 GMT
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”If I think I’m being cheated or taken advantage of I leave. Besides, if people decide they want to hurt me I keep a knife close by.” He responded, defending his reasoning. “You’re a bit too hurt to really do much to harm me, but don’t think I’m not watching you, too. I’ve had enough of people taking advantage of me in my lifetime.” With that, he went silent until they reached the restaurant. The confrontation with the owner afterwards was unpleasant, but he could see Ki getting ready to make a little trouble and decided he may as well join in. “Hmm, I don’t think I’ll need a huge meal, but my Pokémon could use a treat. I think they’re tired of hunting and foraging. What do you think, Yume?” The boy would ask, releasing his Absol right in the middle of the restaurant. She seemed to make a noise of approval, following by echoed noises of excitement from his other four.

Lan climbed into the booth on the other side of the man, who he was already growing to like. Smirking a little, he ordered a big bowl of ramen for himself, with a random drink on the side, and as many smaller dishes as he could for his Pokémon. The only excessive thing he thought to get himself was a side of vegetable tempura, which he hadn’t had in years. Hell, he hadn’t had Japanese since he was a kid. None of the foster homes let him have it, and he hadn’t been able to afford it on the streets. Now that there was someone to pay for his food... he sure didn’t mind splurging a little. And besides, it would be funny to watch the owner serve his Pokémon their food on the floor of his restaurant.

“I don’t care that he’s rude, really. Most of the restaurant owners in this area have already kicked me out of their shops, at least this guy is only being rude. Rude I can deal with.” He eventually said, closing his eyes momentarily. While not the most comfortable seat in the world, it felt wonderful to sit down for a bit, and he visibly relaxed into the leather. Nothing could beat a warm meal after weeks of scraps and whatever random things he found foraging in the wilds. Ah, he could almost get used to this arrangement. Assuming this guy really was being sincere, that was.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
we got this and other lies we tell ourselves [social;closed]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 4:48:07 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
There was more that Chu-e could have said to Kaori but it could be left to lay between them for now. It was good to be wary and especially to be wary of him- even if Chu-e had no desire to harm or otherwise bother the other guy. Guess that the kid would just have to learn that for himself.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out three pokeballs and tossed them out. An Igglybuff, Ralts, and Litten all three stretched out or yawned. The trio looked a little haggard, most likely from where they had been traveling earlier, but they perked up when they saw the other pokemon. They were all three quick to make friends, Pompom, the Igglybuff, vying for the Absol's attention while Puff, the Litten, sniffed at the Poochyena and looked ready to play. Prince, the Ralts, took more interest in Kaori himself, trying to snuggle up to the other human.

The owner looked red in the face and was probably two seconds from kicking them out. Then Chu-e opened up his wallet and pulled out a card. Not just any card, but a limitless credit platinum card, which he smirked and slid over to the man. 'Ji-Hoon Ki' was printed on the front. Maybe he hadn't been lying about his name...?

After he ordered, a curry katsu for himself and whatever his pokemon wanted, Chu-e gave a malicious grin. "This service better be perfect or you'll be hearing from more than just me, mister." He spat out the words, looking downright vicious. The owner in question took the card and backed away, scurrying away to bring them their food.

"I hate people like that." He grumbled when the owner was gone. "They always think they're better than you because they have more."[/blokquote]
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 5:32:16 GMT
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The brief lull in their conversation was enough to allow Lan to get comfortable, and for his Murkrow to decide that now would be an excellent time to pick through the boy’s hair in the most obvious display of grooming possible. His other Pokémon seemed eager enough to meet Ki’s, Yume bending down to sniff at the igglybuff and the young poochyena letting out the high pitched yap of an excited puppy. He was quickly doing laps near the table, barking and wagging his stubby little tail at the Litten. Lan winced at the volume of the barks but allowed it, knowing that the annoyance was just another thing to teach this guy a lesson. Lan himself ended up looking down at the Ralts that approached him, reaching down with one hand to pat the little creature on the head. Cute.

Then Ki pulled out the card that made the owner’s eyes widen and had him hurrying to serve them after a brief warning from the man. Lan didn’t know what made the card special, having not had a credit card of his own before, but he recognized that it wasn’t something just anybody would have from the owner’s reaction to it. While he raised an eyebrow, he didn’t say anything about the card, more interested in the little Ralts who’d rapidly burrowed into his side for cuddles. It made him smile to see such a friendly little Pokémon.

And then aki spoke again and the silence was broken. He sighed, agreeing with the older’s grumbling but not voicing it out loud. “Unfortunately, it’s the way people are. For every kind person there is a greedy, pompous one like this man here. While that type is annoying, they’re also the kind who are very easily messed with or provoked.” He said, grinning a bright but somewhat impish smile. “After all, people like those are usually insecure about something else.”
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 15:44:22 GMT
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The pokemon seemed to be having a good time which was nice. Pompom took a deep breath to inflate herself, hopping up and 'flapping' her little arms so she could land on Yume's head and snuggle down into the Absol's fur. She giggled to herself as she 'pet' the much larger pokemon. Puff, meanwhile, seemed just as excited by his new friend as the Poochyena did about him, oversized paws chasing around the puppy pokemon in a playful manner and swatting at his tail. Prince, lastly, cuddled as close to Lan as he would allow and seemed to beam up at him from the pats. One thing was very clear: all of Chu-e's pokemon were just babies.

"They are... you're pretty smart, kid." But he frowned and picked at one of the napkins. "People like that are why people like Rocket manage to get in so deep. You take desperate people like I was when I was a kid, they get mixed up in some shit over their head because they have so few options. People who choose kindness get spit on and ridiculed when they're the ones who chose the harder path. Makes me sick." And the way he spoke about it made it seem like he had some personal type of experience with all this.

"If I wasn't so messed up, I'd love to try and change some shit for the better. But I'm just one asshole who has to take a break after I walk a small set of stairs." Chu-e looked like he had more to say but was cut off by the owner and a waiter bringing them their drinks and the platinum card back. The owner eyed Chu-e with some wariness but didn't say anything, just gave a tight smile before going back to the front.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 20:01:38 GMT
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Yume seemed perfectly content to allow the “pets”, shifting to a more comfortable position and purring at the igglybuff on her head. Motherly as always, the bigger Pokémon simply watched the others play. The poochyena, as young as the Litten, was happy to let the cat Pokémon chase him. His tail was wagging hard, and anybody could see how excited the puppy was. The other three of Alan’s simply watched, the Pawniard’s blades and the sneasel’s claws too sharp to really play roughly.

Lan himself allowed the Ralts to snuggle closer, cooing gently at the little thing for a bit before looking up when “Ki” started talking. He nodded along to his words, not wanting to interrupt the rant, though he did pay close attention to the words. Rocket? Desperate? Sounded like this man hadn’t exactly had the easiest life, either. Unfortunately, Lan didn’t really have a response to that, and went quiet until Ki spoke of wanting to change things. “The only ones who can’t make change are the ones who say they can’t, and refuse to try. You are one person, yes, but you can easily make a change. After all, you picked the most obviously homeless and alone teenager off the street to help, didn’t you? You could’ve asked anybody, but chose me. That little bit of kindness is enough to prove that you can make a difference for some, even if it’s small.”

After that little speech, the young man quieted again, their drinks having come. His was some odd soda he’d never seen before... what on earth was Ramune? And why was there a marble stuck in the top of it? Staring intensely at the bottle as if it could give him answers, the boy bit his lip and attempted to figure out how exactly he was meant to open it. Why had he ordered randomly, again? He already didn’t like this.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
we got this and other lies we tell ourselves [social;closed]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 16:05:09 GMT
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Chu-e had put himself into a mildly sour mood, but he did listen intently when Kaori was speaking... it did make him feel a little better, too. He couldn't hide the grin on his face, quiet and letting the words sink between them as he picked up his own drink. Just a plain iced water. Too much sugar was bad for him, now, and caffeine would mess with his medicine. He got a long drink and sighed lightly.

"You know, kid, you're too smart for your age. Aren't you, like, ten or something? Don't show an old man up." But his words were playful enough as he said them. "Hmm... my husband... used to live in Mossadeep." He glanced down at the golden ring on his finger with a bit of wistfulness. "I got real bad hurt on a mission in Kalos. All the stuff that's been going on here happened, I was laid up in a hospital bed in bad shape.... I don't know what happened to him. I miss him."

Glancing out one of the windows, Chu-e's face softened a bit. A touch of vulnerability shared between them. "I guess... Even if he's gone gone, I want to just live peacefully in Mossadeep like we always wanted. I know that the island is in real bad shape right now, too. Maybe I'll see if I can work to keep it safer. I used to be one hell of a trainer."
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 20:09:35 GMT
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Until Ki smiled, Lan hadn’t relaxed, having partially risen from his seat at some point. Embarrassed, he sank back down to the leather and focused on letting Ki talk, trying to figure out how to open the damned soda as he did. Well, until the man called him 10. That got an indignant response out of him. “I’m 19! I know I’m short okay?!” The boy nearly snapped, though he quickly clammed up when Ki talked again. This time, he pondered hard, noting that Ki had said husband instead of wife.

Maybe they were more alike than Lan had thought. Sighing, he looked at the man. “I hope he’s out there somewhere, you seem like you really love him. I couldn’t imagine losing a partner. Not that I’ve ever had one, but it seems... nice. I’ve always wondered what it’s like to have a boyfriend of my own. But even if he’s not, protecting the place you both loved... I’m sure he’d be proud. I know I would...” he said, voice soft as he finally managed to open the Ramune.

“In some ways I envy you. You have someone you love, a place you can call home, and money. But I suppose in other ways I don’t, especially your injuries. Not because you’re hurt, but because I’d hate the lack of freedom and mobility.” He said, and was about to say more but was interrupted by a waiter arriving with their food. Switching focuses at the drop of a hat, the boy eagerly grabbed his ramen once his Pokémon had had their food distributed correctly. Man, he was starving.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2020 16:00:08 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e couldn't help barking out a surprised laugh at Kaori's reaction. He wasn't the tallest guy around himself. Taller than the other, but it's not like he was a beanpole or anything. It was funny to see him react so strongly. He thought their conversation could continue in a moment, since their food was coming; he hummed as he tucked into his curry. He wouldn't be able to finish it all on his own, food was a challenge for him some days, but it was delicious at least.

"You'll get there, kid." Finally he said, between spoonfuls of curry. "I didn't have all that stuff when I was your age. And you're already doing better than I was, in your own way..." But that wasn't here nor there. He didn't really wanna go over his trauma over dinner. His was Tragic Backstory was pretty rough. "It took me getting hurt to appreciate what I had. I did stuff I'm not proud of. I'm only not like I used to be because someone showed me kindness I didn't even know I needed. It's really..." He trailed off and made a vague noise.

"I'm not really sure what exactly I want to say or how to say it, I guess. Just that it gets better." He nods. "And if you're good company, and my house is still even standing when we get to Mossadeep, I might not mind letting you crash in the spare bedroom. I feel like the house might be... lonely, even with my pokemon around."