What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 21:29:12 GMT
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The mentorship program had always been a hit or miss, with a lot more misses than hits. Most mentors tended to treat him like he was helpless, try to teach him really obvious stuff he’d long-since learned. He could only tolerate so many reteachings about how to throw a Pokeball, how to treat his Pokemon, to always make sure he had a Pokemon with him when walking through tall grass.

But this one? He wasn’t sure yet. As far as he could tell, he was an older gentleman. Older trainers tended to be a little more lax with him, but a lot harder for him to get away from if they were too boring. At least he didn’t seem like a mean one.

So what are we going all the way out here for?” Hideo asked, his shoes crunching against dead leaves. He’d been to Route 110 so many times by now, he’d practically memorized every path and stone along the way. Still, he had his cane tapping around, just to be safe. And had his Dewott out, who was dutifully attending to anything that could trip his trainer.

At least the weather was fairly pleasant; a little chilly, but that was to be expected with winter. The sun was out, nice and bright - not that Hideo could appreciate it.

Are we out here to catch Pokemon? ‘cause I already got a full team with me, and a PC full of others.” Not that he’d mind getting more, but that could dissuade any attempt to teach him something he already knew.

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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 21:42:40 GMT
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"We're almost to the spot, trust me." Skids responded in a happy tone, a bit smile on his face.

A mentorship had been something he didn't consider but since he was new to the league yet a older trainer, it seemed to give him a bit of leeway to try this. Of course, he read about the kid. They were blind sadly, so much of the world would be denied. And yet it also opened up avenues for this child. They couldn't see with their eyes but that didn't mean they couldn't see in a more unique way. They came to a more open spot and a excited 'ah hah' left Skids as he headed into the opening. He made sure no wild pokemon or people were around before that smile of his grew more and he proceded to remove his backpack. Listening to the lad's question.

"Oh no no, you don't need me to take you to catch pokemon. That's usually the first thing someone teaches another." Skids answered, his voice full of energy. "Plus you already got a good handle on that as you said, you already got yourself new party members an more."

Nope nope, he wasn't gonna force the lad through something so obvious. Skids wanted to see what the lad could do. They were a trainer for a reason, more than just their desire for it. They seemed to have a talent for it, hence being in the league so young. But Skids knew he couldn't give the boy anything helpful unless he knew just what they could do. And there was another way to figure that out rather than asking.

"I want to see what you and your pokemon can do." Skids explained as he reached into his bag, pulling out three pokeballs.

Tossing the three into the air, the sound of the pokeballs opening would sound off. A houndoom and sandygast landed easily on the ground, their distinctive cries were low and calm. And then there was a louder roar as a heavy mass landed on the ground behind Skids, the large and old salamence rested there and cast their gaze around. The large smile on Skids' face remained as he folded his arms.

"We're gonna have a pokemon battle." Skids answered finally. "We're going to do several excersises with these battles. But in order to make sure that you are being yourself and operating under your own instincts and plans, I'm not gonna say what those excersises are. Knowing what they are will make you think differently. When a trainer shows up, there's no knowing ahead of time what is going to happen. So we'll handle it sort of like that. Any questions?"

The older man's voice was full of energy and enthusiasm, despite his issues with tournaments. One on one battles were in his comfort zone still.

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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 23:56:38 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Alright.” Well, at least they were close. Not like he was getting tired; no way he could travel around Hoenn if he got winded from this walk.

He stopped once the man spoke again, staying in place as he heard the man walk away. This spot did seem to lack any leaves or grass around where he could feel; an arena maybe? He knew there had to be plenty of these around here with how much people liked to battle.

Hideo smiled as the man seemed to respect his skills. “You’re right~” he hummed, though that left him with a lingering question: what did he intend to do then?

The answer: to test him. It was pretty uncommon for his mentors to actually assess him first. Most just assumed he still knew nothing; maybe the people running the program told them to expect that.

Whatever the case, Hideo was optimistic about this guy.

He heard several Pokeballs open up at once. The exact number, he wasn’t sure - it was definitely more than one, but he didn’t know how many the man sent out.

The Houndoom, he recognized immediately; his eldest sister had one just like that for as long as he could remember. The Sandygast, however, he didn’t recognize; it definitely had a unique cry, but it was one he hadn’t heard before, so he was at a loss there.

But that last one caught his attention the most; he could hear it land on the ground, even from as far away as it was. And that loud roar caught him off guard, making the boy jump - even his Dewott was taken aback. It must have been a big one.

If the man had sent out more Pokemon than that, Hideo didn’t know.

It took a moment for him to regain his composure. “I’ve done plenty of Pokemon battles before!” he boasted, digging through his pocket to get a couple more Pokemon out. If this guy was gonna use some big guns, he’d do the same.  "I'll let you see just how good I am at them!"

He chose his Pokemon, letting them out simultaneously; his Ferrothorn’s feelers hit the ground hard, sinking in slightly as it adjusted to the soft ground, while his Perrserker landed with considerably more grace. Both powerful Pokemon, more than ready to duke it out. Hideo wanted to make a good impression.

Even if these two were a little harder to control.

He lifted up a single hand, raising a single finger. “My only question is this; what’s the first exercise?

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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 0:41:44 GMT
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The smile made him feel even better about agreeing to do this. He heard from others that since the kid was blind, that he had to take it easy. That would only work so long before Hideo grew tired of it and begin to distrust everyone at the league. That wouldn't be a good thing. This child was part of the future, one day he'd get to help others with the starts to their jounrey. Help them grow.  Two pokemon emerged from seperate pokeballs, the strange feline he didn't recognize. It looked to have a metallic theme...hm...strange. But good! This was a pokemon he'd never seen, it meant he was going to learn some things too in this battle. He recalled the other pokemon but vaguely. Wasn't it a grass steel type? He'd have to take the risk in thinking it was.

"The exercises won't be to faint the other through all what I'm going to test if multiple rounds are needed." Skids explained. "In order to keep your reactions and planning fully your own, I'm  going to keep that secret for now. I will tell you at the end, so please bear with me. Even though we've released our pokemon for this, there are still surprises in store."

Was this lying to the lad? In a way yes, but when you meet a random trainer you might not see their pokemon before you approach. You don't really know what they have unless you know that trainer and then there's always the variable that they might rotate their party. Creating a new unknown scenario. That was what was going to reoccur in these tests. The unknown factors and instincts.

"Now, which one of your pokemon is your true starter? The first one you picked up from the pokemon lab, hatched from it's egg, or received through other means? Which holds your strongest of bonds both in battle and outside of it?" Skids asked, his voice never lost it's enthusiasm. "Don't say it outloud just yet. Think on it."

He wanted Hideo to feel hyped up, to feel excited! To get into this with his heart even if it was mock battles. Waiting a few minutes to give them time to ponder it, Skids rested a hand against Salem's head.

"Now which pokemon is your wild card? A powerhouse in it's own ways but one you haven't had much time to train with, not much time in order to form that strongest of bonds yet?" SKids questioned. "What I want you to do, is compare your true starter with this wild card without naming them or their species to me. Tell me what makes them different?"

There was a reason for this but...he needed the information in this way so that way he couldn't fully plan against types.

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Blue Star

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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 2:15:49 GMT
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Hideo nodded as Skids explained what they’d be up to. “Makes sense. Not every battle has to be until someone’s ko’d.” He had fights with his siblings to know that. And he could understand keeping a tight lid on what they’d be doing exactly; there’d already been plenty of times where he had to think on his feet.

Hideo opened his mouth, ready to answer the man’s question, only to stop when informed it was merely rhetorical. Rocky was the first Pokemon he ever got, when he was just a little Rockruff. But even then, Rocky was always fiercely protective of him. He was strong, loyal, and knew how to help when he needed to. Hideo could always rely on him.

Unfortunately, Hideo hadn’t brought him this day. Reliable as he was, he did need a break every so often. And Hideo trusted the Pokemon he had with him well enough.

As for the one that was also strong, but he didn’t have fully trained? That, he did bring with him. In fact, he had it out right now; Sir Fightsalot was a strong Pokemon, and the first Perrserker he’d ever met, but he was also incredibly rowdy, always trying to get into fights with his other Pokemon, and tended not to listen to him.

Of course, were he to think about them further, he’d realize they were a lot more similar. But that wasn’t something he wanted to admit.

Well...they’re both really strong, but my starter listens to me a lot better than my ‘wild card’.” His Perrserker rolled his eyes, looking over Skids’ Pokemon, picking out which one would be a good fight. “I knew my starter since he was a- well, not evolved. My ‘Wild Card’, I caught evolved. My starter is always keeping an eye on me and knows when to take things easy, but my ‘Wild ‘Card just wants to battle all the time.

He thought he could tell where this was going. “I guess you want to help teach me how to better control my ‘Wild Card’ Pokemon?

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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 3:53:54 GMT
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"That is one thing we will touch on. Do you have your starter with you?" Skids asked as he stood there.

He had listened to the lad's answers and what they said lined up pretty well. Course a wild card could listen just choose not to. So it really depended on the overall pokemon involved and how the trainer responded to that challenge. Compared to how they responded to their starter already listening to their commands. Powder Sugar moved along on the ground, dragging the dirt with their sandy form. Though they were already going back to Skids's leg and used their stubby arms to hold onto his pant leg.

The salamence gave a low growl, sort of a grumble. They clearly weren't in the mood already and Skids gave a light sigh as he stood there.

"Come on Salemn, it's not that boring." Skids remarked, watching the dragon type just take to laying on the ground and looking away from their trainer. "Fine fine, but you know that's not a good spot to take a nap at. You'll have to move in five seconds probably."

The feeling of the dragon's tail lightly hitting his back registered and Skids knew the dragon probably wouldn't coperate for much in this. Well...that was just a risk he'd have to take. Salemn could get serious for fights but they'd both been out of it for a while, so who knows at this point.

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Blue Star

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Hideo Kino
What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 22:00:40 GMT
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Hideo shook his head. “Nah. I felt like Rocky needed a break. He’s a Lycanroc - the Dusk kind. People say they can be pretty hard to keep under control, but he’s been pretty good to me. We’ve been doing a lot lately, and he’s been battling a lot, so I wanted him to have some time off.

I guess the closest I got to a starter with me right now, is the first one I ever caught. Here, lemme show you her. Lemme switch Slaps out real quick.” He drew his Dewott back into his Pokeball, letting his Ariados out to take his place. “This here is Squeeze. She-

He was interrupted by her near-pouncing on him. She wrapped her forelegs around his body, hugging him tight.

She earned her name. She used to outright jump on me when she was a Spinarak, but we had to compromise after she evolved, since she weighs more than I do now.” He brushed against her head, scratching behind her ears. “She’s gotten pretty strong too. She also likes to keep a close eye on me, and she knows when to take things easy and when to get serious. She’s even a lot friendlier than Rocky!

That earned a happy "riiiiii!" from the spider.  “So I guess for this exercise, we could treat her like my ‘starter’. Sir Fightsalot is my ‘Wild Card’.

Said Perrserker was sitting down, extending and retracting his nails as some way to pass the time, staring straight at Skids' Pokemon.

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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 22:43:14 GMT
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Good the lad knew when to give their pokemon breaks, taking a initiative for their health and safety. Sometimes trainers pushed their pokemon too hard and too far, even if they didn't mean to do such a thing. So seeing a young soul taking great care like this made him happy. There was still kind people being trainers...it was a good thing. A relief to his old heart.

Hideo released another pokemon, a large spider like pokemon that was very affectionate given how it embraced it's young trainer. Sounds of happiness leaving them and the child was comfortable within the spindly limbed grasp of their friend. He gave a nod of agreement to the lad's suggestion. There was nothing wrong with substituting a pokemon he felt was similar to his starter. It meant he'd handle them in similar ways but still unique to this pokemon's style and needs.

"Very well then." Skids started, taking note of what they said about their wild card.

The houndoom's gaze went to the strange cat, narrowing it's gaze at the cat that seemed too intent on staring at her and her new pack. Holo was still getting used to this group, the alpha was a old male...while experience was better than none, the fire type doubted just how well he could last if things got dangerous. The old lizard was a similar issue but she held more faith in the salamence being able to handle itself better than Skids. In a way, the lizard was like the beta, a second in command that was more capable. And then the weird...sand thing. It behaved like a pup in her eyes, terribly defenseless and clingly..

So for the strange cat to be eyeballing the group, already sent the dog onto the defensive. The houndoom straightened her body out and positioned herself to try and block the cat's gaze from being able to take in the entirety of the sandygast that was still by Skids' legs. In a way she was also positioning herself to defend her leader. Gaze still narrowed, she gave a low growl at em. Not advancing toward them but just waiting, a small warning for em to keep their beedy stare to themself. Holo would be willing to bet that this weird cat could still feel the pain of fire.  Salemn was unbothered by this entire thing, relaxing on the ground with their back to everything. Course they were listening, just not seeing a reason to interfer currently.

"Alright, let's see what you and Squeeze can do then." Skids announced, before looking to Holo. "Ready Ho...Holo? What is it girl?"

He raised a brow at his fire type, strange...she wasn't always this onguard...

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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 20:07:55 GMT
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Hideo couldn’t tell what Fightsalot was doing, but he was pretty sure Skids’ Houndoom wasn’t growling for no reason. He could tell his Pokemon wasn’t fighting yet - he wasn’t the quietest Pokemon, and his main way of fighting was just rushing in, so he’d know if he ran in and started a fight. But whatever he was doing was agitating Skids’ Pokemon

It probably just served to show how much rougher he was than his Lycanroc. Rocky would just try to scare people off before getting into a fight. Even with Pokemon, he wouldn’t strike unless he thought a fight was going to break out anyways.

Spiker, can you make sure Sir Fightsalot doesn’t do anything 'till it's his turn?” He received an affirmative grunt as the massive Ferrothorn stomped its away over him, standing by the Perrserker. Fightsalot scoffed, but lied down on his side, content to just watch for now; at least he’d get some contentment from watching a fight.

That should keep him under control.” For now. “Sorry about that. Perrserkers have their name for a reason. Goes to show why he’s my wild card, huh?

A joke to hide his embarrassment; he would’ve just pulled Fightsalot back into his ball by now, but Skids seemed like he had plans for this. And he trusted Spiker enough to keep him in line if he acted out.

Alright, Squeeze, time to start with Mr. Lawrence’s first lesson.” He pet the massive spider on the head, gently pushing her in front of him. He didn’t actually have the strength to push her - he struggled enough prying her off as a Spinarak before learning a trick to making her let go - but she got the message, letting him go and walking in front of him. “Though I do gotta warn you; she’s got a mean web game!

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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 21:50:51 GMT
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"Don't apologize, this is another thing that a trainer eventually learns about their pokemon. I've only had Holo for a little while, so I'm not sure why she's behaving in this manner." Skids answered. "Something that each trainer has to handle is how different their pokemon are from one another. We learn these differences in order to help them get along with each other as well as ourselves."

Bending down, he set a hand onto Holo's back. Causing the canine to glance at him but she shot the strange feline one final glare before she moved away. Her spade tipped tail flicked behind her as she did so. Standing back up, Skids glance to Powder Sugar. The sandyghast released his leg and shifted over to Salemn, resting beside em. Though it was clear that she wanted to just stay close to Skids.  At the lad's words, SKids smiled. It was good to see they had faith in their pokemon.

"Good to hear, I look forward to seeing it!" Skids replied eagerly. "Let's go with a Fire Fang, HOLO!"

Holo perked up at the command and spun herself round in order to charge at the spider from the side. Flames danced in her muzzle before she neared and she attempted to sink those teeth into the large spider. Should he have waited till Hideo was truly ready? Maybe but like a battle with a stranger, the moment pokemon were out, the fight would start. So here they were, the mock fight starting and Skids was paying as much attention as he could to this.

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Hideo Kino
What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 18:28:59 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
I guess you’re right,” Hideo added, though it didn’t really do much to alleviate his mild embarrassment. He’d been able to get other Pokemon to behave faster than him; heck, there’d been a few he caught after Fightsalot that were behaving better. His Perrserker was rough, but he felt he should’ve gotten through to him by now. “Guess it’ll just take some more time.

Hopefully, that really was all he needed.

So with Fightsalot secured, it was time for them to start the lesson. Hideo’d expected them to get set up, like a proper Pokemon battle. Not for him to just immediately order his Houndoom to attack.

It caught the boy and his Pokemon off guard. His Ariados tried to move out of the way, but was too late, catching a spicy hot pair of fangs to the side. That “Riiiiiiiiii!” she let out was a lot less joyous than the last.

But that shout was enough to get the boy to his senses. “Squeeze, get him back for that! Smack him real good with your Cross Poison!

Of course, she was already preparing the attack by the time Hideo ordered it; her forelegs glowed purple as she crossed them in front of her. She turned around as they reached their peak brightness, ready to fire off the purple X towards the Houndoom.

Squeeze was hit by the Fire Fang
Squeeze is attacking with Cross Poison
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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 23:57:33 GMT
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Each pokemon was different, Skids had Salemn for years. And the ol dragon still would act up. Some pokemon were just very hard to tame, some were just stubborn or instant on staying the way they were. Perhaps he could try to help Hideo out with that wild card of their's? He did want to see how they operated in a pokemon battle with em. For now though, his focus was just gonna be on this battle. And the battle was kicking off now with the fire fang landing and the general shock fading.

"Pull back a little, make a gap between you two!" Skids ordered, causing Holo to take to her speed to move away from the spider as they were prepping their cross poison.

The glowing of their limbs was a clear thing to be wary of, cross poison was a attack that was launched at the opponent. Thus...speed was honestly the saving grace with such a move. Holo's four legs carried her swiftly and soon enough the purple X was launched into the air. It sailed through the air to approach houndoom.

"Turn roun quickly, let lose a flamethrower!" Skids ordered.

A sharp back left Holo as she spun to the side, narrowly escaping the floating X. Alright, so that was something he was going to have to watch out for. Holo had speed on her side but that didn't mean she was skilled enough to out maneuver every cross poison that came her way. The dog pokemon took in a deep breathe as she came to a halt, a burst of flames left her maw as Flamethrower was unleashed at the opponent. Flamethrower had a long reach too, just like how Cross posion would sail through the air except for one difference, the flames still remained connected to Holo as she released the compressed torrent at the other.

Holo dodged Cross poison
HOlo used Flamethrower against Squeeze
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Hideo Kino
What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 0:02:51 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Squeeze’s attack was a clean miss, her opponent dodging before she could even get the attack off. But even with the miss, the attack did its job; the Houndoom was off her, and even a good distance away. The pain from the bite lingered, but fortunately that pain was all that remained.

Hideo didn’t even have time to ask Skips what the point of the fight was; another attack was already ordered, a Flamethrower attack. He didn’t have to be familiar with that one to know what it would entail. “Squeeze, dodge it!” he ordered.

That bite had left Squeeze much more wary of her opponent, in particular of her mouth. So when she saw it start to glow, she immediately complied with Hideo’s order, leaping to the side the moment her opponent opened their mouth. It was a narrow dodge, and she definitely felt the heat, but Squeeze managed to avoid getting roasted.

From what Hideo could hear that fire from, that Houndoom had gotten a good distance away quickly. Faster than he knew Squeeze could move. Speed was certainly on his opponent’s side here; it would be best to neutralize - or at least limit - that advantage. “Well if you’re gonna move around...Squeeze, use String Shot! Tie that Houndoom down!

With little fanfare, save for her head cocking back for a moment, Squeeze shot the white web forth from her mouth, aiming to wrap the Houndoom up so she’d be a much easier target to nail down.

Squeeze dodged the Flamethrower
Squeeze is using String Shot
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Skids, Uncle
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 3:14:26 GMT
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Good, the two of them were working together. And Skids was sure that they caught onto how the flames from a houndoom worked. With the string shot, the web traveled at a faster speed than the cross poison had. So the stick substance grappled onto Holo's hind legs. Causing a loud and sudden yelp to leave them before a snarl left them. A very angry gaze was directed at the spider. Welp...perhaps Holo wasn't fond of sticky things on/in her fur? Hm...noted.

"Good call!" Skids praised, his high energy still there. "Let's spice things up with Inferno!"

Asnarl left Holo as she seemed to take in a deeper breathe, her eyes glowing like embers that just got hit with the fire bellows and thus they sparked to life. However, no flames escaped her maw. Instead the ground under Squeeze heated up and if the spider didn't skitter on fast enough, a torrent of flames would burst from the ground that would swirl around her.

Stringshot hit Holo, her speed has been slowed
Holo is using Inferno (for how the move looks, I'm just going off of pictures I've seen.
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What's Left to Learn [Battle/Private]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 19:56:13 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo felt a small bit of satisfaction hearing the string shot land. It wasn’t a harmful attack on its own, but it would give Squeeze a better chance with her other attacks. And slowing down opponents was her specialty.

But of course, it wouldn’t come without retaliation. Hideo could hear...something happening, from where Squeeze was standing. It didn’t sound like it was hurting her yet, but he didn’t want to wait and find out. “Squeeze, move!” was his order, quick and curt.

It took her a moment to respond, too busy basking in the satisfaction of her success. She looked down to see just what was brewing, noticing the growing flame. She leapt ahead, attempting to get away from the incoming blast.

She managed to escape...most of it. She hadn’t gotten all of her body out by the time the Inferno erupted, and her back half ate the attack. She squealed as her butt got roasted by the flames, and was just about crying by the time the fire died out.

Didn’t help that there were lingering burns afterwards, not that she (or her trainer) could see it.

Hideo didn’t hesitate to order another attack. “Squeeze, get her back for that with Pin Missile!

Several glowing orbs appeared on the Ariados’ back, firing off with a green trail towards the Houndoom. However, they weren’t going to hit with full strength; that burning pain was distracting.

Squeeze was (partially) hit by Inferno and was burned.
Squeeze is using Pin Missile
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