Devil... Children? [M/Selena]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dr. Doug
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 0:44:33 GMT
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He had been told to come ready for the worst.

That these children had run through several other babysitters like hot knives through butter, leaving broken men and women in their destructive wake.

Spoiled beyond rotten, they were the worst of the worst, raised in the sheer, exceeding luxury that only the rich could afford.

He had been told he was not babysitting children, but demons.

"They sure sleep sound for lil' demons." He said blandly as he stared at the children atop the couch from atop the stool near the kitchen island, grinning with a tilted brow.

He had arrived at the Penthouse expecting a grueling night, but somehow, the task was over before he ever had the chance to even threaten to count to three.

Leaning back against the counter, he turned his gaze towards the one responsible for all this, giving her an appraising look.

A woman he had only seen in person twice before. Once at the church that no longer stood, and then at the press event that kept on giving.

Maybe she was just doing something she enjoyed while being suspended from her duties.

"I thought I was pretty good with the kids, but given what I was told 'bout those kids, that over there is downright magical." He said with a laugh.

"We never got to introduce ourselves to each other proper, did we? M'name's Doug. Pleasure to meet'cha."

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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 2:05:09 GMT
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Babysitting is way below her paygrade. In fact, no one is paying her the money she's earning in Vantage for looking out for children while sleeping. Selena doesn't even know why she's here.

“We never did.” She admits, a shy smile forming in her lips as her eyes travel from the sight of the devils and into Doug. She extends a hand. “I'm Selena. But I guess you already know that.”

The deal is that their "parents" are supposed to give her an interview with regards to plummeting stocks in the market. They specifically requested Selena even when she promised she could send other journalists from Vantage who are quite adept at interviewing too. When she arrives at the scene, it is only then she realizes that she is not called for an actual interview opportunity but for a menial job they think her "avatar powers" can handle.

By the time that she speaks for herself, the magnates have already gone for a vacation.

“I think that's because their parents are also magical. I still can't believe they made me do babysitting!”

She huffs a laughter as she opens kitchen shelves, looking for something to drink. Much to her surprise, they have their own stash of Desmarais brandy in their kitchen.

“You're below eighteen, correct? I suppose you're not drinking.”

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Dr. Doug
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Viridian City, Kanto
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 2:27:39 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Yah. Must be precious few people who don't know ya." He said in response, shrugging his shoulders with a grin as he watched her move to the fridge, turning to face the counter before leaning his head onto both lightly bandaged palms.

"Gotta hand to them, They've certainly got guts, Eh?" He said with a laugh, wondering just how haughty and conceited one had to be to do such a thing to a person of her standing. "But I'm personally glad they did. When else would I have ever gotten to know ya?"

Perhaps at the next plateholder meeting? Though none of them had been particularly eager to indulge in pleasantries, last he remembered, and he doubted they would be any more so after what happened to the Church following their first congregation.

His face soured slightly at the memory.

"I'll be seventeen in a month if that helps any." He said, knowing it didn't as he leaned forward. "But don't worry, I don't like alcohol anyway. Taste just ain't my thing."

"Not that I've ever tasted it, 'course." He said, winking at her.

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 3:23:03 GMT
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Selena rolls her eyes as she chuckles. “It's not like I hate babysitting. I just hate the way they forced me to doing this. I still have lots of paperwork to finish.”

When she finally learns where the glasses are stacked away, the pinkette produces two.

“Now that you mentioned it, though, we only saw each other once. During the 'plate club thing,' correct?” She doesn't recall if the boy is around the press conference. If she's being honest, her presence stood more than anyone else there, not even the League behind the table, and not for the good reasons.

“I immediately went to 's after learning what happened. That incident is still curious.” Everything seems sudden but not unexpected. For those who are around the congregation, they will learn that it is not something unlikely to happen. If anything, some people might give it to her that she should have seen that coming the moment she draws the people into Arceus's Church.

But that's not what Selena writes in her story.

“My employee and I plan to make another visit just to check up on her. I hope the girl's doing well.”

She pours the liquor into her bottle and leaves it standing on Doug's side of the counter.

“I don't want to be responsible for your own alcoholic awakening, but hey, you do you.” She smiles as she raises her glass, cheering by herself.

The children sounds peacefully asleep. As if everything's going well with their babysitting. It seems there is no problem.


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Dr. Doug
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Viridian City, Kanto
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 15:45:21 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Ah, to be an adult with their priorities set straight." He said dreamily, leaning forward. "Meanwhile, I'm out'ere procrastinating on m'studies."

He had delegated most of his tasks to the higher ranking soldiers under him, so that wasn't a problem. His Course Work, however, was something nobody could do for him.

He was reluctant to study however, given what spending vast amounts of time alone with his thoughts generally accomplished.

Whatever. He could think about it later.

"Also during the press conference. Well, I saw you anyway." He said, pursing his lips at the memory. "Didn't think it would be much worth rememberin', but now I'm glad I got pulled into the security detail at the last second."

A lot of things had gone down, and he wouldn't have believed for a second they were true if he hadn't been present to see and hear it with his own eyes and ears.

But all that was barely worth thinking about when the subject of the explosion came up.

His brow creased, jaw setting. He supposed it made sense for her to be the one covering the story, given that she had been there, technically. He couldn't help but wonder, however, if she wasn't asking for trouble in doing so, given what had happened with the other crime she had found herself entangled in.

"Do you have any idea of what happened?" Said Doug, brows creased. Obviously, what he meant was, 'who'. "I haven't been able to go back to check since the explosion."

He flexed his bandaged fingers. The burns had healed a tad since then, but the place was still under investigation by authorities. It would be a while before he and Garo could survey the scene for themselves.

As a Gym leader and as a reporter, Selena was likely to have more information than a rank & file like him.

He side-eyed the liquor left by his side wearily.

"I'll rather be sound o'mind for this conversation." He said dryly, trying to grin.

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 16:48:52 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
“We have here an investigator in the making, huh?” Selena huffs a chuckle as she downs her glass of whiskey. She tries to pilfer some more before she eventually places it back on the shelf, just to hide the fact that she did get some without the owner's permission.

“The police actually wants to pin it down on us, then on .” She dismisses the absurdity of such accusations with another sip and a grin. “But you have to admit, it's really suspicious gathering people at the dead of night, creating an eerie atmosphere with that perish song of her kricketune, then act all ominuous as if she knows everything about the plates.”

She realizes that perhaps he is friends with her, but she doesn't recall anything bad she mentions about the girl.

“In the end, the police found no sufficient evidence against her so they let it pass. I can understand how difficult it is to solve arson cases when there are no other leads to follow. It is often a perfect crime in my experience.”

The only good thing that comes from the incident is that Chryssa becomes a local celebrity. Selena hears the amount of visitor's she's getting and she's happy she's getting the treatment she deserves.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
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Viridian City, Kanto
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2021 0:02:00 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug smiled, turning his gaze down.

"Just lookin' for answers." He said, his hands squeezing together tightly, his eyes narrowing slightly.

He needed to know who had done it, and why. Did they intend to kill her? Was she just an unfortunate accident? Should all be on their guard from here on out? Should they have been from the start?

In the end, the information was not much, but it was appreciated nonetheless. He snorted at her commentary, a smile tugging at his lips.

"She's crazy, but not blow-yourself-up crazy. Police must be eager to close up the case." He said with a sigh, rubbing the corners of his eyes with thumbs soothingly.

"Oh well, last I saw of her, she was enjoyin' the attention." He said, smiling more genuinely as he turned his gaze up. "I should start gatherin' the bouquet for my next visit."

Thinking of such things helped his mood, but it couldn't last in the face of the reality: It was unlikely for anything to be found regarding the perpetrator.

He frowned at that, cupping his own chin in thought.

"Me and Garo'll be the judge of that." He said after a moment, nodding to himself. He wouldn't give up even if the police did. If he couldn't find any evidence he would seek out tracks. All options would be spent before he dared even consider giving up.

"Yer coming too, right?" He said, throwing a look her way. "We were all there. This could've been intended to harm us, or inculpate us, or something. They stole somethin' from the wreckage, right?"

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2021 7:16:58 GMT
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“They stole the scepter Chryssa showed us during the meeting.”

The artifact is vaguely memorable for Selena. She has only seen it once—the circumstances in which are not very eventful not until the incident. The only other thing she can remember about it is it dons the similar symbols of the church's stained glass windows.

“I doubt it's the case of the former. Should they intend to harm us, the explosion could have happened prior—when we are still inside. But what I'm sure of is that the culprit is probably aware of what the artifact is about and what signifance it holds to make it their target. And with some deductions, I assume the one who does it is probably aware of the palte meeting that happened.”

And that's all there is that she can indulge with the boy. All other evidence are already collated by the police and with her temporary suspension, she doesn't have that much power anymore to procure the files she needs for the investigation.

Selena is surprised no mention of Team Rocket has stroke Doug's curiosity about the case. For if there is anything that is logical in the bounds of deductive reasoning, at least according to Selena, everything boils down to Team Rocket's scheming.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2021 18:16:12 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

So it really was nothing worth harming anyone over, huh?

Didn't really matter to him what the scepter was or what it might be able to do. For whatever reason they had gotten her involved.

"Not too tall an order. Plate Club Invites weren't 'xactly a private ordeal." Said the youth with a forced chuckle. The idea had been to gather as many holders as possible while knowing none of them.

Anyone could have seen it and decided to plan around it.

And of course... They could have been involved.

But he didn't even want to think about them. Let alone entertain the thought that they had come this close to taking yet another precious person away.

He might lose his mind. But just because he didn't want to think about it didn't mean the possibility wasn't there. Cupping his head in his hands, the youth squeezed them tightly around his face, breathing out slowly before laying his gaze unto Selena, jaw set.

"I don't like even sayin' it." He said, and it almost sounded like he was already gnashing his teeth behind his lips. "But those jerks are out there. Have been out there this whole time- denial ain't gonna help."

"Ya think it could've been a rocket? That anyone present was a rocket?" He asked... his brow sunk further. "Do you think might be one?"

She had been the only one bold enough to outright steal a plate in front of everyone's faces. Brandished the power of an avatar in front of everyone, caring nothing for what they may attempt...

But she was also a Gym Leader. If she were really... one of them, then- he well might lose all faith in the League.

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2021 3:30:20 GMT
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“Rocket's a possibility.”

Selena dismisses the ominous air that is now building upon their conversation with nonchalance and disinterest. The subject of Rocket is very close to her heart, a story that she has been following for the longest of times. Of course it is something that will get her riled and revved up. But at the same time, as a league officer, even when she's suspended, she is not to cast careless opinions without the reason of evidence.

Her words should tread conversations with caution.

is suspicious, but I don't want to cast doubts on a fellow gym leader just because of her brash actions.”

But she does, at least on the inside. If what Declan says is true, then all it means is that there are league officers who harbored Team Rocket after its supposed "dissolution" in the events of dying. The syndicate could have infiltrated the league without their knowledge. Despite the attepts of league trying to salvage its appearance, they are only painted in the Hoenn's eyes as negligent at best and treacherous at worst.

“Besides, I don't think she will benefit with the church being razed to the ground if it's something that strokes her deep interest. You do remember how she speaks of the Giratina, don't you?”

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2021 16:20:44 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug gave the woman a dry look.

"She didn't have any qualms 'bout castin' suspicion on ya, Miss." He said wryly, reminding Selena of her little round with the other woman back in the press event.

It had been an entertaining sight, but given the context of the plate club meeting and the Rocket reveal, he couldn't help but wonder now...

The youth nodded at Selena's words, though he had some other thoughts as well on the matter.

"True, it really don't make much sense for'er to blow it sky high..." He said, though that merely meant that somebody else present might be a rocket. Or rather... also a rocket. "But that don't mean she ain't one either."

The youth leaned back, frowning deeply.

"Whatever Rockets fancy themselves as-" With those fake, staged videos of Kanto they had broadcasted... "Reality is, they're just a den o' thieves and murderers- and whatever she said 'bout Giratina, she's still a bloody thief."

A bold one too, clearly believing herself to be above any consequences if she had the gal to rob Zac in front of everyone.

Even if she wasn't a Rocket, they needed to bloody make sure she paid the consequences. Avatar or Gym Leader or whatever, nobody got a free pass for this crap.

The youth leaned back, frowning.

"I've no clue why the League hasn't done nothin' bout her yet. She robbed a man in front of you, an Elite 4, and even bloody . She's clearly abusin' her avatar powers, if nothing else! Isn't that what the 'A q U a InItIaTiVe' s'all about?"

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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 2:44:45 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Selena is surprised Doug recognizes during the meeting. Despite trying her best not to divulge his presence, it seems the distance he put himself from the rest of the crowd made him even more stand out.

She ignores his opinion on 's jab at her during the press conference. While it is definitely interesting and curious, it is defintely overshadowed by what Declan Walsh reveals at the end. And when Team Rocket is brought up, she comments on the matter.

“Team Rocket isn't all about that. They got dreams on their own and objectives to fulfill.” The pinkette corrects him. “For all the years that I've been following them, I've come to realize that some of them share the same desires as ordinary people. Only that their methods are barbaric and horrendous.”

Because even then, what it said to be the case of Kanto now is not a justification for all the actions they did to achieve it.

“If what Declan says is true and that they did not really disappear in the region, I like to think that they have been instrumental in driving off the Megalopolans out of Hoenn.” She makes a long pause, considering her words before she continues. “But of course we know that part of the reason why they helped—if that's the case—is because it's also what benefits them.”

The question of whether the fellow gym leader is a Rocket or not is an angle she would like to see for herself through the very end. But while Doug's suspicion of Katherine is well-intended, the fact that there is no sufficient evidence makes it difficult for it to be an actual case.

“They said anyone is innocent until proven guilty.” She huffs a dry chuckle. “We can't conclude anything about Rocket's involvement here yet. But is definitely guilty for something else. And like you, I also want to see her get tried before the court.”

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 0:20:30 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"I'm a Kantonian refugee." He states bluntly, staring at the woman blankly. "Ya didn't know that, so I'm trying an awful hard not to be too angry at ya."

The youth breathed in deeply, his fuse clearly running low on rope.

"Yeah, they are people." He said. "Thieves are people. Murderers are people. They are shit people. Nothing but the worst this world has to offer. But people nonetheless. Suits Rockets nicely, doesn't it? Just people. Just as capable of dying as all the innocents they've murdered."

The youth smiled a tight, uncomfortable smile, but there was no mirth, or humor, or even wickedness in it. Just a pained curl of the lips while his clasped hands squeezed together tightly enough to draw pain out of him.

If she was attempting to anger the previously calm youth, then everything was going swimmingly.

"But why? Why would ya 'like to think'? Why would ya want to give that band of cancerous vermin any credit?" He said heatedly, unwilling to let it go, even if it turned out to just be a poorly thoughtout form of speech. "Not all people deserve sympathy or empathy, lady. The one thing we can confirm for certain regarding Rockets and Megalopolans, is that the Rockets used the Megalopolan activity to mask their invasions on Fallarbor and Verdanturf."

He could tolerate many things- anyone trying to get him to sympathize, worse yet empathize with Rocket trash was not one of those things.

"Declan Walsh is nothing but the lying, two faced King of the bottom feeders den that is the Rockets. Seizing a chance they probably fabricated themselves to destabilize the region." He said, acid practically dripping from his maw. "The people actually believing they are here to better things are just idiots so far removed from anything Rocket has ever done they probably only ever read 'bout it on HNN."

Doug had lived through Kanto and Rocket Occupied Slateport. Read the files and reports, the many books and memoirs that had been written in a mere 2 years of Verdanturf and Fallarbor. He had read them while squeezing the books tightly enough to crack the hardcovers.

Fuck Rocket and everyone in it.

"That video they showed couldn't be more obviously propaganda if it had Walsh slimy mug kissing newborns." He said with disgust so thick it was palpable, the words almost spat out. "Rocket has started no less than 3 unprovoked wars of conquest in less than 3 years, killed thousands of people, displaced several thousands more... and they have the gall to try and shift the blame for all the messes THEY'VE created on the league? And people are STUPID enough to fall for their shit?"

The youth was panting by the end of his rant, his hand soundly clasping and uncorking the wine bottle she had left near him it with a sound pop before he threw his head back and began to chug the alcohol, which he was on record as 'not liking the taste'.

"Seriously." Said the youth as he slammed the already half empty bottle on the counter. "Fuck Team Rocket."

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 3:49:34 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
At the end of his monologue, Doug will come to realize that his words aren't just words but fury, disappointment, and rage. They come just like the bitterness of alcohol, and so when they course through the lining of his throat, it seems that all the liquor's strong flavor has gotten away. Selena listens, because there is no way she can but in from the ranting of a Kantonian refugee.

Instead, she walks out of the kitchen and into the room; carried herself the crying baby. It is not a demon afterall.

“Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to justify or emphatize or whatever.” Hers is delivered with the sweetest of tone, almost a lullaby that even with the child at her hand, it is being brought to sleep. “They should be punished for the horrendous acts they did to terrorize the masses.”

Even for Selena, horrendous is an understatement for all the things that the organization has done.

“But if you're looking narrowly on the subject at hand, your judgment might be askew to what you believe is more convenient.”

There is no better way to put it but that; the journalist doesn't believe in sugarcoating words if it would kill the intended meaning and impact.

“Would you really believe crime is innate in the minds of other people? That there's just natural good and evil?”

When the child is finally lulled to sleep, she goes back into the counter and fetches her glass.

“The way I see it, Team Rocket and League are both sides of the same coin. There is something about the status quo that makes people do heinous crimes. There is something about syndicates like Team Rocket that also brings out the worst in the League.”

Then a sip.

“As part of the Fourth Estate, I'll say both are masters of manipulation and propaganda. But no propaganda is better than the both of them but the voices of the people. I'm not invalidating your opinion about all these things, but here's a question for you: what does the people of Hoenn think?”

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
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Viridian City, Kanto
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John Sullivan
Devil... Children? [M/Selena]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 16:18:33 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Lady, we are beyond caring for their problems, because they went and made them ours! Whatever crap circumstances they were in, we stopped giving a shit when they burned our hometowns to the ground." He said, squeezing the bottle tightly.

They had problems and circumstances? Communication was a bloody thing; he and all refugees were past the point of sympathizing or empathizing with the trash that had invaded and taken over their home.

"Kanto's League and Hoenn's League ain't the same. Kanto's and Johto's ain't the same, Or Sinnoh's or Unova's or Kalos' or bloody Galar's!" He said before throwing the bottle back to his lips, pitching his head back and beginning to drink down the alcochol once again.

It came down upon the table with another bang, the youth whipping his sleeve across his lip with a huff.

"Hell naw, they ain't the same! They're all their own bloody countries with their own bloody governments! What they do is their business. If someone's got a problem with some country's government, how about they stick it up to THAT one?! No two countries are run the bloody same! If the problem was just with Kanto's league, it would've stopped with Kanto!"

But it didn't. He banged the bottle onto the table again, ignoring the crying kid.

"But that's how we know it ain't 'bout anythin' but gain for those rats! They immediately went for Johto and Hoenn too, bloody cocksure 'fter Kanto, and bless friggin' fortune, they got their asses handed to them!" He said, before taking the last remaining swig from the bottle and releasing a hissing chuckle, not a hint of mirth in sight. "Beaten into the ground and with their Head ripped right off. Serves'em right..."

The one unfortunate thing regarding the original Team Rocket Head's death was that Doug had played no part in it.

"Do ya think they are here again, after being beaten into the ground, for the good of the people? Just coincidentally after Hoenn has been hit by one unpredictable shitstorm after another?"

Of course fucking not!

"'Em bottom feeders're here for the easy pickings! They know Hoenn ain't doing so hot right now, no better time to come start another Shitstorm! Well tough luck, the only meal they're gettin' is a bullet down their stinkin' maw, just like their deadass Rat King!"

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