moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2021 0:40:36 GMT
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another day another mission! or rather this was her first real ranger mission. cleaning up the beach had been something that anyone could do but here she was going to be able to help pokemon directly! pulling the light jacket around herself she worked on trying to warm herself up a bit. after all it was important that she stayed warm and alert to look out for flying type pokemon that wanted to nip at the bugs that were just trying to make... baby bugs. with a small sigh she looked at her phone to see what time it was. whoever was supposed to be here to help her would probably be there soon.

sir used aromatherapy to try and keep everything good and calm as the bugs began their nightly flight. it had been difficult deciding who she was going to bring, originally wanting teagan to tag along. but then she realized that bringing a bug type to defend against flying types probably wasn't the best of ideas. the sound of wings beginning to flap made her realize that things might have been getting ready to start much sooner than she had hoped.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
giselle has sir using aromatherapy to keep pkm calm

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2021 1:56:02 GMT
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    It didn’t take much to arouse Rowan’s interest when it came to exploring the natural beauties of Hoenn, rarely having been outside of Wyndon when he was still living in Galar, which is exactly why he found himself hiking through the Petalburg Woods at this time of night. Having been in Slateport a few weeks now, he’d overheard that there was quite a spectacle to be seen during this time of year, the mating season of the Ledian and Ledyba. Normally the idea of watching Pokemon procreate wouldn’t have been something that dragged him out of the comfort of a bed in the middle of the night, but he’d been told of the majesty that came with the dust they produced, how the moonlight reflected off of it and created a sight like none other. Of course, he couldn’t convince Mistral to come along with him but that would have been more of a hindrance having the ill-tempered Piplup scaring off the bug Pokemon.

    “I suppose this is it.” Rowan pulled off his book bag and set it down next to a conveniently located stump, taking this opportunity to allow himself a short rest before the phenomena began. It was then that he spotted a girl standing among the foliage, a bit older than himself and seemed to be anticipating something other than a show of brilliance. That was when Rowan remembered that he’d heard something else about this mating ritual, the existence of predators that took the opportunity to acquire food and the job of the Rangers to help belay as many casualties as possible. It appeared that this girl was on her own, and planned on taking out the encroaching horde of beating wings by herself. An idea popped into Rowan’s mind, one that could benefit them both with relative ease. “Excuse me.” Pushing himself up from the stump, he approached the woman with a Pokeball in the palm of his hand. “You look like you could use some assistance, and my friend here could use a bit of training.” Rowan offered with a friendly smile, releasing the Pokemon that was held within.

    Bijou let out an exaggerated yawn as it was released, the Alolan Meowth giving both of them a rather indifferent look at being called upon at this time of night. “What do you say?” Rowan figured it was a good enough offer, after all, what better way was there to stop birds than with a cat? It was practically turning the hunter into the hunted, and this would put the advantage into their hands.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2021 23:27:22 GMT
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giselle was a little bit startled when she heard someone call out to her. of course she was expecting someone else to show up but she didn't know if this was the senior ranger who was supposed to help her or just some random passerby that happened to be watching the ledyba and ledians go back and forth with their mating dances. though with the way they approached she assumed it was the latter. but she didn't mind. as long as they were willing to help out the pokemon she would accept some help for sure. after all the more the merrier. plus maybe it would get them interested in helping out more from here! even the littlest thing could inspire someone after all.

"some help would be great! we just have to make sure the bug types can do their thing. oh, and make sure not to disturb their dust too much! they need it i suppose..." she hadn't really asked why they were supposed to leave it alone but she was sure it had something to do with all of the... dancing the bugs were doing right now. finally it seemed as though a flying type was going to be brave and sir was on it faster than giselle, calming himself and then using psybeam to knock the creature on the ground. "good job sir!" so far so good... though that was just one of them.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
howdy howdy! sir uses calm mind and psybeam to knock a pidgey out of the air.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2021 3:04:39 GMT
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    “Gotcha.” Rowan nodded in acknowledgement, accepting these simple enough instructions in stride, not having planned on disturbing any of the mating rituals in the first place. “I’m Rowan, by the way.” He offered her a smile before taking a couple of steps towards the tree line, attention fully affixed on the incoming predators now. “Bijou, you ready?” The Alolan Meowth let out another soft yawn, appearing disinterested with most aspects of what was happening except for getting to hunt the flying types. “Alright, you know the drill then. Just like we practiced.” Rowan gestured with a finger to a nearby tree, causing the Meowth to spring into action at a surprisingly rapid pace for how lethargic he’d seemed before. It only took Bijou mere seconds to scale the entirety of the tree, looking for a perch on one of the high branches to await the signal from his trainer. “Ten o’clock, Murkrow!”

    Bijou spun his head and quickly locked on to the swooping form of the Murkrow, releasing a rallying cry before leaping from the tree branch towards his target. “Now!” Opening his mouth wide, the Meowth clamped down on Murkrow with a mighty BITE before it was able to close in on the unsuspecting bug Pokemon. Bijou used the momentum to land on the branch of another tree, quickly shaking his head back and forth with the Murkrow still caught between his fangs to render the Pokemon unconscious. Once it stopped moving, Bijou let the Murkrow drop to the ground on the tree line, letting out a satisfied purr at a prey successfully captured. Rowan couldn’t help but smirk to himself, finally starting to see the benefits of his training with his Pokemon paying off in real situations. “Get ready for another one, Bijou!”

Notes: Bijou used BITE and fucked up a Murkrow.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 20:51:32 GMT
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battling was still something that she wasn't quite used to, especially not against wild pokemon. and most of the time she had sir do the battling which meant very little of it was actually physical. so seeing the meowth actually physically bite another pokemon was a strange sight indeed. though she supposed that was just how it was done. she'd have to get over the shock if she wanted to be a good ranger. after all wild pokemon were just that, wild. and sometimes you just needed force to help them to settle down. "your pokemon is strong, have you been training together long?" if they were going to be working together for the time being some chatter probably wouldn't be the worst thing. after all they would have to cut the silence in between wingbeats. giselle hated silence.

as she tried to chat and focus on the task at hand all at the same time she noticed multiple of the flying types trying to advance at once. "disarming voice! go!" sir took a deep breath and yelled loudly at the group of pokemon, startling them out of their approach and breaking their concentration on a couple of the bugs. it was then that they began turning their attention to at least that part of their competition, beginning to circle sir and giselle. but neither of them were worried about it. after all that was what they were here to do. draw the attention.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
sir uses disarming voice to distract them and gather's attention from the flying types.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 6:05:57 GMT
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    Rowan nodded in response to her question, attempting to keep his attention focused forward on the task at hand, not wanting any of the hungry predators to sneak through while they weren’t paying attention. “Bijou and I have been together for a while, though not as long as Mistral and Wonder.” He mentioned the names of his Pokémon as though she wasn’t a complete stranger, hesitating for a moment before correcting this mistake. “My Piplup and my Ponyta, respectively.” There wasn’t much time to be embarrassed by the faux pas, as the sounds of beating wings began to overtake the ambient sounds of the night once more. Multiple were coming and they were going to be closing in fast, growing slightly uneasy knowing that Bijou could only take down one at a time. Suddenly the inattendance of Mistral caused more trouble than he thought it would, realizing that he was best equipped to deal with a horde like this. When he got back home, he’d have to remember that the two of them needed to have a conversation about cooperation and coming along on trips even when you want to sleep at home. “Next best option, then.”

    Bijou returned to his Pokeball in a streak of crimson light, not wasting any time before grabbing another from his waist and releasing the Pokémon within. “Sigma, make things more interesting for them!” Rowan’s newly acquired Metang appeared in the place of his Meowth, raising itself off the ground and into the air with MAGNET RISE. There hadn’t been much time to train with Sigma as of yet, making its appearance on the battlefield somewhat of a wild card gesture for Rowan. It was risky, but Metang was powerful on its own right, meaning the risk had potential to bring them great reward. “...tang…” It’s eyes began to glow, focusing on the swarm of flying Pokémon that circled nearby, as though it was individually targeting each one. After a few moments of this, psychic energy burst forth from Sigma’s body in a powerful wave of CONFUSION that aimed to cause discourse among the Pokémon while they were distracted by Sir. It didn’t take long before the energies began to take root in the various flying types, suddenly beginning to turn on and fight each other for a moment before flying off to carry out their aerial brawls elsewhere. “Huh…” Rowan had to admit, that was pretty cool.

Notes: Rowan switched out Bijou for Sigma. Sigma used MAGNET RISE on itself and CONFUSION on the flying Pokémon.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 13:26:18 GMT
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she understood the feeling of having pokemon that had been with a person the longest. though she didn't like to admit it sir had a special place in her heart. after all he had been with her for the longest. but she still absolutely loved all of the pokemon on her team though even with that special bond make no mistake. "i've never seen a piplup in person before." giselle hadn't seen a lot of pokemon in person now that she thought about it. but she wasn't able to dwell on that thought for very long as she threw her arms up to push a murkrow away that decided to dive at her personally.

she didn't blame it going for the weak meat of the group and she didn't cry out loudly as its clawed feet grabbed at her arm a little. she didn't have time to see if it was bleeding though as her thoughts were distracted by the giant pokemon released. "wow... what's that?" it looked like a power house and the fact that it had confused the hell out of all the birds flying around. she wondered if sir would be strong enough to do that with some of his moves one of these days.

"that should keep them busy for now! though we disturbed some of the dust i guess it couldn't be helped with all the damned wings flapping." at least it still looked extremely pretty out there. "i think we can have a small breather in this sector at least. don't envy the rangers in another area having to deal with that swarm once they calm down..." sir focused his energies on trying to calm the frightened bugs, aromatherapy doing its work to help get them back in their mood.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
sir uses aromatherapy to calm the air around them again

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2021 2:11:03 GMT
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    “...tang…” Sigma replied to the question in its usual monotone, though Rowan could tell that it was perturbed by the fact that Giselle didn’t seem to know what kind of Pokémon it was. “Sigma here is a Metang, it's what happens when two Beldums fuse together.” Rowan answered quickly as his eyes darted around the tree line, expecting retaliation from the flying Pokémon at any moment. Much to his surprise, the attacks seemed to have ceased for now, confirmed by Giselle herself. “Seems like your job is done, then.” He flashed Giselle a friendly smile that quickly shifted into a frown when he noticed the blood that was dripping from her arm, reaching towards his belt to pluck free another Pokeball.

    “You’re injured...” Rowan began, tossing his Pokeball onto the ground and letting free the Galarian Ponyta that was contained within. “...Wonder, would you mind taking care of that for her?” Wonder stepped towards Giselle before stopping only a few feet shy, gazing upwards into her eyes for what seemed like almost an entire minute before closing the remaining distance. “Not sure if you’re familiar with Galarian Ponyta, they are a bit different than their counterparts here. It’s been said they can see into your soul through your eyes, sense if you have evil in your heart. If they find darkness, they are known to shy away from the person. Guess you’re pretty good.” Rowan smirked slightly and watched as Wonder motioned for Giselle to lower her arm down to their height. If Giselle obliged, she’d begin rubbing the side of her horn against the wound, healing energy transferring to her flesh that caused the cuts to seal themselves closed. “They also can heal people with their horn, which is pretty useful.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 19:04:22 GMT
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metang weren't exactly pokemon you saw around high society parties so of course it was surprising for her to see one. there were all sorts of pokemon she had never seen before and that was just part of learning all about the world. something she was determined to do. there was plenty of time to do it in too. after all she was well on her way to becoming an actual part of something other than high society tea parties. it wasn't until the other person mentioned she was bleeding did she really start to feel the pain in her arm. it stung and she was pretty sure that murkrow had been out for even more blood than that.

"i'm actually from galar..." it was nice to see the kind of ponyta she was familiar with rather than the one that was running around on fire. it made her feel a bit uncomfortable to see it honestly. but she couldn't help but be fascinated as well. after all it was a horse on fire. she leaned down so that wonder could see her arm and hopefully fix it up well enough to tide her over at least. "you did really well you know. have you considered signing up with the rangers?" it was partially just trying to make conversation and partially trying to get to know more people in the region.

"my name is giselle, and this is my partner sir." she really hoped that she'd managed to do well with all of this. if she had it would lead to getting more missions she hoped. though in the back of her mind she worried about getting too much attention. the last thing she needed was information getting back to her father somehow.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
> just chatting <

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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POSTED ON Mar 29, 2021 5:24:41 GMT
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    “You’re from Galar?” Rowan considered asking her for more information out of sheer curiosity but quickly realized he wasn’t willing to reciprocate in kind were she to ask. He’d left Galar for a reason and the last thing he needed was information getting back to his family as to where he was living now. “I’ve never considered joining the Rangers, to be honest.” Rowan didn’t know much about them other than their mission to protect the Pokémon of the region from a variety of threats, and the fact that they were contracted directly through the League. “Not really sure if the job is for me, but i’ll keep it in mind.” Working directly under the League was how you ended up on registries, reports and documents. These were all things he was attempting to avoid so that he would be allowed to live his life in the freedom he desired, though he felt bad about directly turning down someone who had been rather pleasant to him.

    “I’m Rowan Wrynn, this is Sigma and Wonder.” Rowan would gesture to the Metang and Galarian Ponyta respectively, before returning them both to the safety of their Pokeballs. “I should be going, though. Remember that Piplup I was talking about? He doesn’t like being left home alone for long.” He chuckled slightly and shrugged, taking a few steps backwards on the path that exited the forest. “If you ever need someone to hang out with in Slateport, look me up. I’m sure Mistral would be happy to meet someone who had never seen a Piplup before.” Rowan turned around and stopped for a moment, looking back to offer her a friendly smile. “You did good too, by the way.” With the final comment, he was ready to move on, unsurprised that another visit to one of the natural wonders of Hoenn had been interrupted by something strange but pleased that he’d at least made an acquaintance out of it.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2021 15:10:06 GMT
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she knew that not everyone was interested in becoming a ranger but she could at least try to recruit a few people along the way. after all the more the merrier and all that. plus it was nice to make friends and work together with them. at least to her. "it was nice meeting you today, you really saved my hide. i hope we can work together again in the future too!" even if he wasn't going to be a ranger that didn't mean they would never see each other again. hoenn wasn't that big of a place after all. "i look forward to meeting mistral!" with a wave she gently patted Sir on the head with her stiff arm. it was time to get out of this forest and back into the motel room she'd paid for to get cleaned up and take a long as hell nap.

doing the sparkling spawning ranger mission
> mission completed! thank you! <

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moonlight hold tight. [ mission/open ]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 1:19:00 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


