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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 5th
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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 19:24:55 GMT
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this was a stupid fucking job to be honest. when they said he would be working in a casino he figured that he'd get to wear one of those cute bunny suits or whatever. but no. they had to be rigging the reels in the only fucking casino in the world that had ugly ass uniforms. it was so dumb. plus this job was way easier than it should have been in his mind. it almost felt like cheating considering he had a porygon that could just, do what porygon's did to technology. "joycon that machine has been winning a bit too much, do your thing you little techno shit." it was a machine down on the opposite end of where he was sitting which meant the porygon would have to ghost through a couple other machines to get there. not that it mattered. what mattered was he was supposed to have a partner here to keep an eye out on the machines and he still wasn't around. or maybe he was and he just absolutely did not stand out enough to matter. both were valid.

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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 19:45:39 GMT
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He was completely out of his depth. Jonah was a smuggler, and even counting his civilian resumé, he was a line cook at a mob-owned restaurant. He wore a mustard-yellow boiler suit over his rocket uniform, completely unsuited to the warm, temperate climate of Slateport. He stood out like a sore thumb, and clearly belonged more in Mauville, working on power lines. His face was completely covered in sweat, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he entered the air conditioned casino. Seeing that the other rocket grunt was already working slots, he'd excuse himself to the video slots, and work a slightly more subtle grift. [break][break]

He let out his  Manectric, and sat with it under the nearby table at his feet. The constant low-level static started to undo the rat-tail braid in the front-left corner of his hairline, and even affect the machines. A nearby participant's video poker machine short-circuited, and rebooted after a moment, giving them what appeared to be a free reroll. Factoring in house advantage, the invigorated customer would probably lose more over the course of the day.
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june 5th
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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 20:14:15 GMT
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while joycon was working he was absolutely bored which meant the only thing he could do was harass his co-worker. sliding off of the stool he was sitting on he headed into the video slots room, winking and waving at the other rocket who had come in. oh! he had a puppy. that was cute. electric type pokemon were cute even when they weren't massive. he wondered how many buttons he could push, especially since his coworker didn't really look like he fit in. they'd need an excuse for why someone who looked like that was walking around in here. "honey! i didn't know you were coming to visit for my lunch break. you're a little bit early though. my shift is still going." with a grin he flopped down next to him, patting the stranger's hand. "i love when you surprise me like this." it was fun fucking with people.

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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 20:35:45 GMT
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While Stunner was at work, he felt like he could relax for a moment. The machines nearby continued to flicker every so often, giving customers free slot rerolls, or a fresh poker hand. He took off his black beanie, and held it in his hands, for a moment. Clearly, with house advantage in play, these people would lose whatever he gave them. He tried to pet his manectric, and the static cling made his beanie fall off of his lap and cling to the large electric-blue hound under the table. [break][break] And then, some stranger beelined towards his table, and started talking at him. Jonah had a grin spread across his face, and pushed all of the hair out of his face. By now, his braid was fully undone, and the locks of hair were tucked over one ear with a thumb. "Oh, yeah. I got off work early today. I'm a little concerned about my hours, but I could use a little walk, every now and then." He then felt a hand over his. Jonah looked up at them, and raised a brow, slightly. He was unclear about how much playing along had to be done. "Thanks. It means a lot when you say that."
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june 5th
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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 22:39:58 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
joycon moved onto another machine, its brain working towards the ones that were naturally putting out too much cash in people's pockets. of course it knew what they were doing here. it was pretty much a machine itself. a man made pokemon and all that shit. it had cost glitch so much work to steal it. after all it was the best pokemon for an asshole like him. but glitch was more concerned with his own work at the moment. a sugary sweet giggle and batting his eyes at his coworker, leaning in to whisper in his ear so that lookey loos would just think he was whispering sweet nothings. "you stick out like a sore fucking thumb... is this your first time doing covert work?" of course he had made it work but that wasn't the point. what if a lesser rocket had been the one to work with this guy?

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catello casimiro
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june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 3:18:03 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar
With Stunner causing little mechanical errors with its constant low level static field, Jonah was free to address the jab made towards him. Unlike the stolen and trained Porygon, his Manectric laid down under the table and panted, gently pawing at the legs of the table. He'd raised this hound for quite some time. He winked, and shook his head a little, trying to look flustered. Jonah craned his neck a little, putting his face right by Glitch's ear, not unlike an older Italian kissing each side of someone's face. After all, they had to keep their act up. "Every day is covert work for me. The Rockets use the walk-in freezer of the bistro I work at for smuggling. I put a closed sign in the window so we can have meetings at the tables. I unload the truck. I'm gonna try to make this look more convincing." The nerve. He then stood from the table, and pulled a black denim wallet from his pocket. He hadn't gotten paid recently, so opening it was like in a cartoon; a loose smattering of coins at the bottom of the fold, and a fly coming out as he spread it. He pocketed his wallet and started walking towards the counter with a fistful of loose change, hoping to exchange that for some slot machine coins and win a rigged game himself.
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june 5th
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glitch maverick
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 20:14:26 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
he wasn't going to let his game go so quickly, not when it was more entertaining than having to watch over a porygon electrocute some games. so glitch followed his pretend boyfriend over to where he was going to work on one of the machines himself. he knew the feeling all too well of being broke as hell. but he had managed to pick pocket a couple of extra sloppy gamblers to have a little bit of cash on him. when the other pink haired fella sat down glitch wrapped his arms around his neck from behind, watching the screen intently. "gonna take me out to dinner if you win it big baby?" lunch did sound good right now. especially since he had been stuck in here waiting for people to get robbed blind.

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catello casimiro
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june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 4:07:04 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar
All in all, the mission wasn't over yet, but it felt like a total bust. His plan to invigorate customers by making machines reset and give them a do-over would lead to a slower rise in the rate of profit than Glitch simply reducing win rates at specific machines. Furthermore, people were gonna start asking questions about the Manectric under the table. He sized up the attendant at the counter counting out his coins, and knew that in a heartbeat, there'd be a dozen officer Jenny types on his ass if he tried something. The least he could do was humor the other Rocket, who hadn't yet given up like him. "Yeah, babe. Dinner's on me." He said with a weak grin, patting one of Glitch's arms that wrapped around his shoulders. He pocketed the coins, and started to walk back towards the table he sat at initially. He pocketed the coins, and dug out a pokeball from another pocket on his jumpsuit. He pressed the button on the middle, calling his Manectric back inside. He then pocketed the ball, and sat down for a minute. Now, he just had to remember which machines were rigged to lose, and which ones weren't before he played.
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june 5th
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glitch maverick
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 16:06:16 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
it was boring that his partner was giving up so soon. especially when he was already bored as is. the last thing he needed was to have to deal with another rocket being a boring guy. he was a pain in the ass himself but at least he wasn't a boring one. with a small hum he realized that his teammate wasn't going to be any fun. he was too worried about other things instead of having fun. so, glitch made a small walk around the room and found someone whose wallet was sitting a little too loosely outside of their pants, grabbing it with a casual sense of ease and then making his way back to his partner. "it's okay, i can buy dinner." and as he said that the power in the building flickered once, twice and then shut off. only to come back on a few moments later as all the machines reset and glitch stood there, grinning. "i think my shift is over now." all the bonuses on the machines were now reset and anyone who was about to get lucky well... found themselves without. plays were lost and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 2:27:42 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar
Well, his shift wasn’t over, but he’d ran out of things to do. This was like running the bistro on a slow day; loading trucks and pretending to be busy in the moments between shipments. It seemed even more ridiculous to have to pretend to be busy in the middle of a casino; flanked on all sides by machines beckoning for his money and people egging him on. Looking resigned for a moment only had the benefit of peeling Glitch off of him. “Thanks for being here. It means a lot that you did that.” He said, looking up at them with a weak grin. Normally he’d smoke and play solitaire with a deck of cards in one of his pockets, but then a surge of power came through the machines, seemingly undoing their tampering from earlier. Jonah stood up, and walked over to a slot machine. He sat down, trying to make his act a little more convincing. He fed a little fistful of coins into the slot, and pushed the garish, flashing button on the front. Three wheels, adorned with big sevens and pictures of various pokemon. He cranked the lever three times, stopping each wheel. nd0karoJ
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june 5th
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glitch maverick
bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 1:18:51 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
this guy obviously didn't care much about the fun of these missions and seemed to be taking it waaaaaaaaay too serious. the power outage was fun. resetting the machines win rates on people who were getting too close was funny. so what if a little bit of their work was lost along the way. the amount of plays lost made up way more than that. with a roll of his eyes he plopped one of the quarters he'd found on the ground into the machine to try and press his luck. "you should lighten up a little sweetheart. nobody needs to take life this seriously." he pulled the lever, hoping to get something good before he simply walked out of the casino. ugly uniform and all.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 20:36:51 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-gift"]




THE EASTER LOPUNNY HAS ARRIVED! from its basket of eggs and gifts, it grants you the following item:[break]
(ooc: you do not need to engage with the lopunny icly).[break][break]

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bubblepop [ mission ]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 21:13:36 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


