Fragments of Power (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2021 7:26:59 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

It felt like he'd been waiting here for hours. In reality it had only been pushing about forty-five minutes. Time would pass by much faster if he could meditate but if he meditates who knows what might be able to sneak up on him in the darkness of this cave.

He'd been left behind to protect the findings of some fragmented meteor shards.

With the right pokémon by his side he would have been tempted to try to extract them himself. If no one showed up soon, he might do just that.

So long as he didn't end up bringing the cave down on his own head it didn't matter much if the shards were removed from the site "surgically" so long as they got back to the league and didn't fall into enemy hands it was all the same.

So with that in mind, Sénon began counting down until he stopped waiting and starting drilling.

"1000... 999..."

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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
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Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2021 11:47:31 GMT
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What a couple of weeks it had been.

She’d still yet to contact much—just the occasional text to assure him she was ‘okay’ or ‘fine’ or ‘better’ or ‘just cooking, you know’.

Crying. That’s what she’d been doing. But no one knew the lieutenant to cry, and that wasn’t going to change now. That was for the comfort of her dingy Rustboro apartment.

But, something did give, finally.

She’d seen his name. She’d wondered. Was it him?

And when she saw him, she knew it was. So, when she got close enough to see his face, she ran, broke the distance, crashing into him a bit maybe, and wrapped arms tight around him, burying her head into his shoulder wordlessly at first.

She never thought she’d see him again. These days, all things considered, seeing an old face felt like a miracle.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2021 3:55:02 GMT
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It was dark in the cave so it was hard to see, or maybe Sénon needed glasses.

The crystals gave a little light but they didn't make it easy to make out the face of someone you hadn't seen in years.

In less than a second his body tensed with the impulse to defend himself against the 'attacker' only for flashes of familiarity to come from their movements, her movements.

Then came the hair he would never forget, waking up next to its color in his youth. When she hugged him, her scent took him back an entire decade.

The hug he wrapped her in was involuntary; a hand on her center-back the other on the back of her head.

Reveling in the nostalgia of her presence he closed his eyes. Her embrace telling him things before her mouth could, buried in his shoulder. "Here of all places. . ."

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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
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the whispers in the trees are getting near
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Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 7:56:41 GMT
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“It’s a really long story,” she muttered into his shoulder.

She was taken back in time as well—to a place in Kanto, several, several blocks from where she’d stayed. A nice place, where she’d learned how to make food she’d never eaten before. It had become the thing she gave; how she connected with others.

Cooking was a gift that had changed her life entirely, and she had Sénon to thank for that.

But food wasn’t all. It was the hair, the smell…

He’d grown, though; no longer a kid. He was broader, stronger, older.

She pulled back, getting a good look at him. Her face wasn’t smiling, although her heart was happy to see him. There was pain in her expression. She looked tired.

“You’ve grown.”

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2021 23:49:53 GMT
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He lifted her from the ground in his hug, embracing her for just a while longer before letting go.

In a set moment in time, when he was more than a boy but still not enough to be a man, etched a place in his soul; somewhere between sister, friend and lover.

He cared for her so uniquely that he could lovingly send her away, to a greater love and yet couldn't turn his back on her.

He'd let himself think she was somewhere safe and happy in the silence of their communication but it tugged at his heart to see the weariness on her very being didn't match joy he could hear in her voice.

What could you do for someone you loved who seemed to have suffered since your last sight of them?

"You haven't." The least he could do is make her smile.

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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
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the whispers in the trees are getting near
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sagira mosse
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2021 9:55:22 GMT
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“Yeah.” Back on her feet, she looked down at herself, and then up at him with light scrunch of her face. “Maybe not, huh?” Her smile leaked laughter and warmth which slowed too soon to a trickle, nearly dried up.

She’d always have it for him. There was a special place in her heart which he filled and would never leave.

As much as she wondered about his story, it was almost too much to ask. Kanto had been the last time she’d seen him—before it had fallen. Before absolute tragedy had struck their region down. She’d wondered time and time again if he’d made it.

“I’m so glad to see you safe.” Eyes fell to her hands a moment, and her head shook in regret, or something that felt similar. For what, she wasn’t sure. For whatever she hadn’t done that she should’ve or could’ve, even though she’d felt at the time that she’d done it all.

With a sigh, she willed herself towards difficult conversation.

“What are you doing here? You’re League, now?”

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 20:50:29 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Oh right, friendship did go both ways didn't it. He couldn't worry about where she'd been without her doing the same for him.

"I uhhhh." He was so used to shouldering his own burdens and pains he had to be reminded, though subtly, that he had any.

"-lost my old team." Huh. The wall wasn't as high up as it used to be, he could talk about it now without the guilt.

She'd known all of them, helped him fed them, battled against them. They were all crazy about her. If Sénon and Sagira had once been two kids playing 'House' their pokémon certainly filled the roles as their children.

"Gan and Kiri survived." His Ditto and Tirtouga, respectively. Ever the survivors they were still putting in the work and setting the standards of performance for his teams today.

"But Jakka and the others, they didn't make it." It was a wound like no other for any kid to lose their starter pokémon. For a Kantonian from Cinnabar Island of all places who loved fire-types, losing his Charizard after more than a decade was terribly painful. "Team Rocket."

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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
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the whispers in the trees are getting near
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sagira mosse
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2021 20:42:28 GMT
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The dark and strange of the cave around them now seemed more apt. Just as during her reunition with , a story of tragedy fell between them. How could it not? From where they’d come, few had good stories to tell of such a time in history.

Her eyes hung, solemnly. There was so much guilt for having left the fight.

“I’m so sorry, Sénon.” Her apology was for more than just him, and for an abundance of things he couldn’t yet know. There had simply been too much loss, spread too far, to mourn specifically anymore.

A hand went up to lay on his shoulder familiarly. Comforting, sincere.

Regardless of her own numbness, she remembered how much they meant to him, and that was the part that saddened her the most.

“So… you’re here to fight them, then?”

To stop the spread of the disease that had ravaged their home.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 1:48:13 GMT
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The hand on his shoulder eased his latent woes over what he'd lost. It felt good to have back something from back then again.

In regards to Rocket his intentions were straight forward; cut holes in their pockets, put shit in their shoes, and learn everything he could about them as his own pace.

He had no grand designs underway to take them down, being an effective nuisance was enough, for now.

"Something like that." In an official capacity Sénon Game was the Head Ranger and Kanto's Ambassador to Hoenn by doing both of his jobs with competence he was fighting Team Rocket. Yet it was his entrepreneurial work in opposing Rocket that he really wanted to make a dent with.

He couldn't lie to Sagira about his intentions but he also couldn't hit her over the head with all the details, it was bad protocol to talk shop anywhere the subject happened to come up. 

"Come on, help me extract this meteorite and we can grab a bite, try to adjust from the whiplash of nostalgia." It really was a hallmarked moment, to have her back in his life.

Now that he was a man and life had properly tempered his expectations he didn't want to get ahead of himself thinking Hoenn was her new home and she'd be sticking around for a while but with any luck it was, and she would be.

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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
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the whispers in the trees are getting near
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sagira mosse
Fragments of Power (M)
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2021 22:16:25 GMT
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Something like that. She eyed him with the smallest trace of suspicion, but didn’t press.

She’d come to reunite with , but it had turned out that they really weren’t meant to be together, after all. Seeing Sénon, now, gave her a glimmer of hope again. Of longing for companionship, and she tried to push the warm back down; snuff it out under the weight of reality and level-headedness.

To Sage, food was more attention-grabbing than the rock they were about to dig up—not that a meteorite wasn’t interesting.

“Sounds good. Bet you know all the best places, huh?” A smile, and she reached for a pokéball to release one of her oldest partners, but still not one Sénon would have recognized.

“Cacturne—use INGRAIN to loosen the dirt.” She pointed. “There.”

From beneath the plant-man’s feet, thick roots began to push their way through the ground and create a much softer, easier site for extraction.

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October 13
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2021 2:35:54 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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