Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 18:03:58 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “Should really work on security around here.” Leon said with a smug grin as he stepped into his dormitory, casually tossing the decorated Pokeball up and down in the air with a hand. Why had he decided to steal this from Chu-e Choi’s office? Well, Leon didn’t have time for that kind of self-reflection and psychology, but he knew that the endeavor had been far easier than he’d expected. It was as simple as lifting the office key from the Underboss while stripping them of their clothes during their sexual encounter in one of the empty dorms, able to be done without notice of the other thanks to his skillful hands. “Wonder how long before he notices?” Leon asked the question rhetorically to the Eelektross that currently slept in the corner of his room, not even awakening at the words of his trainer. “Good talk.”

    Leon lay backwards onto his bed, tossing the Pokeball upwards and catching it repeatedly while he waited to be confronted by the underboss, exactly what he was expecting to happen. Originally he told himself that this act was intended to prove his worth as a skilled thief, but he’d begun to realize that he honestly just wanted to get them alone in a bedroom again. Repeat performances weren’t usually within the scope of his preferences, but he couldn’t deny how good the first time with them had been, finding himself thinking about it more often than he’d liked.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 6:39:30 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Tension would build. The Jaws theme. The feeling of someone stepping on your grave. A chill down your spine.

The door would slam open with psychic force, slamming metal on metal and screeching as a Gardevoir ran inside. A half a hand missing, furious. The psychic pokemon did not pause at the doorway, just stomped over to radiating malice. Hands would grasp for his collar, try to lift him up, one hand rearing back and knotting into a fist to try and slam into the blond man's face. A cry of fury and pain and anguish as he pulled back his fist again.

Only for the pokemon to vanish, sucked into a pokeball, held by Chu-e leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed. He raised a brow at Leon, seeming more amused by his pokemon's show of violence than anything else.

"So. You stole my dead pokemon's pokeball because....?"
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 7:12:52 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “What the fuck?” Leon jumped slightly as the door to his room burst open suddenly, slamming against the wall that stood behind it. An eyebrow raised as this Gardevoir strode into the dormitory with purpose, able to see the rage in their features even from a distance. “Hey, hey, wai-...” Words were forcibly knocked out of his mouth as the fist of the Pokémon slammed into his mouth with enough force to send him careening to the floor, the Pokeball that was tossed into the air landing harmlessly on his mattress. Leon could have sworn he heard a mischievous cackle come from his Eelektross as it watched from the corner of the room, reminding him later to reprimand the Pokémon for letting him take the blow without intervention.

    Gardevoir reared back it’s fist for another strike, only to disappear into a Pokeball held in the palm of the exact person he’d been waiting for. “Hey there, belissimo.” Leon spit some blood onto the floor of his room, reaching up to wipe the remainder from his lip onto his sleeve before pushing himself onto to his feet. “Dead Pokémon?” Auburn eyes glanced towards the decorated Pokeball sitting on his bed, not having realized the significance of the embroidery until this moment. “Fuck me, I thought it was just some fancy ball.” Leon offered a small shrug and picked up the Pokeball, stepping over and handing it to Chu-e with a smile lining his lips, despite the split in one of them. “Would you believe me if I said it was to get you alone, again?” 

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 7:27:40 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Yeah, died protecting me. Also Prince's boyfriend. I think?" Chu-e didn't particularly think too hard about the sexual antics of his pokemon or their relationship statuses. He wasn't some weirdo who wanted to make love to his Greninja or something fucked up like that.

Kicking off the wall, Chu-e met halfway, taking the offered ball and slipping it into his pocket.

Then he hauled back and punched Leon himself.

Not like Prince had, not as hard since he wasn't very strong anyway, but a good slug on the arm.

"Don't steal shit from me again, asshole." But he laughed, seeming to be more amused by the fuck up on Leon's part than offended or upset. "Horndog. Guess I should be flattered my ass was that good." But Chu-e still flopped down on Leon's bed like he owned it, pulling his legs up and under himself as he gave a languid stretch.
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 21:53:56 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    Leon didn’t seem visibly phased by the punch to his arm, considering the weakened state that Chu-e was in, instead only serving to turn his smile into a soft grin. “Feisty as always, that’s what I like about you.” Shutting the door as they entered, Leon leaned against his desk and grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the surface. Sticking one in his mouth, he offered the pack towards Chu-e with a raised brow before lighting up his own cigarette. “How else am I supposed to get you to come to my room, then?” Leon flashed a teasing smirk towards them, blowing cigarette smoke upwards towards one of the ceiling vents. “No more stealing from you, understood.” He made sure to emphasize the ‘from you’ part of his sentence, not intending on giving up his thieving ways anytime soon. “Your office key is over there, by the way.” Leon nodded towards the stand next to his bed, sure enough was the key sitting on top as though he’d been waiting for Chu-e to come and take it back.

    “Good? Bellisimo, you shouldn’t undervalue yourself. Your ass was great.” Leon pushed off the desk and stepped towards the bed, a salacious look in his eyes as he observed the lithe body of the underboss. “Which reminds me, when are we going again?” Standing next to the bed, he lorded over them like a predator would watch its prey, protective yet so very hungry. “But first…” Leon took a measured step backwards, leaning against the wall near his bed with a mischievous yet curious look on his face. “...I don’t usually fuck twice without knowing more about the person i'm sleeping with. So, Chu-e Choi, why don’t you tell me some about yourself?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 0:19:19 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The offered smoke was refused with a raised hand and shake of his head; Chu-e had enough health problems as it was. Plus, alcohol was more his vice of choice.

"You could ask? I'm not some princess in a castle. You know where my office is." A brow was raised before he glanced over at the key. His gaze flicked between , his body mostly, and the key a few times before he shrugged. "You keep it."

When Leon approached, Chu-e tilted his head up and met his eyes, his own half lidded and amused, his own brand of mischief there. It had been a while since someone could hold up to his brand of flirting. It was surprising enough the first time. Chu-e had honestly expected the other to not care too much about him after he got what he wanted. In this moment, though, if Leon thought himself of a lion then Chu-e wasn't the prey. He was the lioness, preening and unafraid yet unwilling to be tamed. Animal allegories were hard.

"Pretty bold to assume you'll get it in again." Was all he said at first with a small snort. Since Leon didn't seem to want to use the rest of the bed, Chu-e flopped over, making himself comfortable on his stomach and pulling Leon's pillow under his chin. He sighed. "Man, these things are kinda uncomfortable." Half muttered.

"Before I answer, I gotta know. What do you think I'm into?" He would wait long enough for Leon to answer before continuing. "I like baking and reading. Knife tricks. I do drag sometimes. That what you expected?"
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 2:36:59 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “I wouldn’t call it boldness, more like...confidence.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he watched the underboss stretch out across his bed, nodding in agreement with the sentiment about their comfort. “Don’t need to tell me, I can’t wait to get a place off this hellhole. I feel like I'm losing my mind down here.” A question was posed that made Leon tilt his head to the side, confused at the intentions Chu-e had behind asking it. “What do I think?” Someone actually caring about what he thought, that was new. “Hmm, I don’t know…” Leon began, crossing his arms over his chest and thinking for a moment. “...I tend to not draw conclusions about people before getting to know them, intimately.”

    Sliding down the wall, he’d come to a crouching position so that his face was on the same level as his bedroom guest. “I think you are unpredictable, chaotic and outside of conventional definition. I couldn’t pin you down even if I tried…” A smirk stretched across his lips, the innuendo in his words quite obvious as he looked into their eyes. “...unless you wanted me to, that is.” It wouldn’t be long after that Chu-e provided his answer, certain that he wouldn’t have been able to assume most of the items he was given. “Interesting.” Leon took a drag on the cigarette, blowing the smoke away from the underboss towards the other side of the room. “Knife tricks isn’t surprising, after all I found plenty on your person.” He snickered slightly, reaching underneath his bed to produce a bottle of vodka from the space below, giving it a small shake in front of their vision. “Want a drink?”  Leon took a quick swig of the bottle before handing it over to them, if they were interested. "What is drag, anyways?"

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 20:12:03 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Now was talking his language. Chu-e took the bottle and knocked it back, not caring to swap a little spit with the other man- they'd already swapped plenty more before this, after all. He crinkled his nose at the burn before letting out a sigh and offering it back.

"Pin me down... hmm... only if you think you're brave enough, big boy." He grinned again, winking, before a small laugh escaped him. "Drag is... you know when gay guys dress up as women and get on stage and put on those big shows? That." Shifting around, his phone was dragged out of his pocket and unlocked, pulling up a few pictures before sliding it over for Leon to see. Chu-e made for a pretty woman.

"Go ahead and put your number in there, too."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
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It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 5:20:19 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “My father always told me, nothing brings people together quite like sharing a drink.” Leon accepted the bottle with enthusiasm, taking another significant drink to numb the throbbing that persisted in his lower lip. “Course, my old man said a lot of dumb shit.” His tone became deeper as he mimicked the voice of his father, obviously in a mocking manner. “You can’t make a living as a criminal, Leon. Those cigarettes are bad for you, Leon. Stop disgracing our family by being a homosexual, Leon.” It would be difficult to tell if he was being serious with these comments, or attempting to be humorous, though the immediate inhale of smoke afterwards would tell its own story. “Fuck ‘em.”

    A smirk replaced the grimace that plastered on his lips as the phone was held out towards him, letting out a sharp whistle as Chu-e showed himself off in the picture. “You make a pretty woman, belissimo. Might even be enough to make me go straight, If I hadn’t met you like this, first.” Leon snickered softly, taking one last drink before passing the bottle off to the underboss in exchange for his phone. “My number? I suppose you are challenging me to pin you down, then?” Typing his number into the contacts, he’d make sure that his name was listed as 'Amico di Cazzo (Leon)', leaving them to figure out the meaning in the language of Pasio in due time. “Here you go, mi amor. I hope you put it to good use.”

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 15:50:49 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Oh fuck, and the homophobia? Yikes." The bottle is taken when offered again, another drink knocked back before he leans over to put the bottle on the table. A small grin slid over Chu-e's face at the compliment. Some people did say he looked better as a woman than a man...

"Need it for official Rocket business. Can't get railed bent over my desk by myself." A small wink and he glanced at the words, not sure what they meant. Between the nickname and the 'mi amor' it had to be something good, right? "So, you know all about me now, mister thief. Tell me about you. Other than having daddy issues and a nice cock, I don't know too much."

Another small stretch and he flopped his head down, already feeling a little warmth in his veins. Nowhere near drunk or even tipsy, but it was a crying shame that Chu-e couldn't hold his liquor that well anymore.

"Rub my shoulders while you tell me. Fifty-fitty shot I'll either suck your dick or fall asleep in return."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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TAG WITH @leon
Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 18:32:37 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    “I like those odds, bellissimo.” Chu-e’s proposition was enough to arouse interest in Leon, among other indecent things. Climbing onto the bed, the mattress sunk slightly as he positioned himself over the underboss, hands already beginning to work into their muscles with a gentle but firm touch. “Not much interesting to tell, to be honest.” At least, he didn’t think there was much that was fascinating about the life he lived, not to others. “I grew up in Pasio, and spent most of my life in Centra City. My family wasn’t exactly poor but we didn’t have money to throw around either, which is why I started stealing what I wanted.” Leon smirked slightly, fond memories of being chased out of stores and stalls after having pocketed the usual items children coveted.

    “Guess you could say it turned into a career, ‘cause by the time I was out of school I already had a nickname among the police. They called me ‘La Volpe’.” There was a moment of silence before Leon realized that Chu-e wouldn’t have any idea what that meant, quickly adding on an explanation. “It means, The Fox. I’d break into high profile places, take all the good shit and disappear without a trace. I always thought it was weird, because it wasn’t like I wore a Thievul mask or anything like that, but I guess they found me just as cunning.” It may have seemed like a brag, but his tone was more explanatory than stroking his own ego for once. “I used all the money I made stealing to party, drink and fuck pretty much every night. At least, until I got caught.” Leon shrugged, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Broke out of custody but I had to leave the region, and that's why I am here. Broke, homeless, and sleeping on a fucking submarine.”

    Leaning down, Leon pressed his lips against Chu-e’s neck before whispering softly into his ear with a seductive tone. “It’s not all bad, though.”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 6:56:41 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The attentions being given to his perpetually sore body is very welcome. He sighs, seeming to melt against the bed, becoming relaxed and pliant under 's touch. Shame he didn't have the energy to get frisky. He felt warm and taken care of as Leon spoke. If Chu-e were a cat he would be purring.

"I dunno... sounds kind of interesting to me." He hummed, sleepy and languid drowsy; looks like Leon wasn't getting his dick sucked.

But, Chu-e did tilts his head when Leon whispered in his ear. Lifting his shoulders, turning his head, reaching back to try and hold Leon in place by the back of head. Twisting to try and catch the other's lips. It was uncomfortable and a position he couldn't keep long without giving himself a crick in his neck. So, after the quick tease he would pull away, drop his weight back onto the bed, but shift so he could roll onto his back.

"Damnit. Stop doing hot shit. I can't do anything but lay like a dead fish tonight."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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TAG WITH @leon
Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 20:29:01 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    A small tease wasn’t enough for Leon, he wanted an entire taste of the man that lay underneath him and they soon gave him the perfect opening. As Chu-e turned over, Leon moved to properly engage their lips this time, his tongue looking to meet their own and become intertwined. He held the embrace for as long as he could manage, only pulling away from them when his lungs began burning for more than the small breaths he managed in between, his breathing heavy now as he looked into their eyes. “Last one, promise.” Leon offered a wink and flopped down onto the bed next to them, laying on his side and propping his head up with an arm.

    “I don’t mind, it’s not often I get to have a work of beauty sleep in my bed.” Leon gently ran a hand over their torso with idle motion, looking to keep himself busy so he didn’t get any more uncouth ideas. “Better than getting drunk and passing out, alone.” He smirked, fully intending to just spend the rest of the night laying next to them while they slept and until he eventually did as well. "I'll be here when you wake up."

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 2:12:02 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
 An extended hum left Chu-e at the kiss. When parted, breath rough, he only chased his lips for a moment before flopping his head back against the pillow in a huff. His own chest hurt, lungs craving air, the taste of vodka and cigarettes still on his tongue.

At the compliment....

To his own surprise, a blink, and his face twisted up a bit and his face suddenly flamed up red, all the way to the tips of his ears. He had only met Leon twice, both times had been very sexually charged, sure, but holy shit, when was the last time someone called him a beauty? Leon probably was just doing it to worm his way into his pants, but shit...

"Gack." His hands were raised up to cup his face and he quickly rolled over, back to Leon, to hide his embarrassment further. Muffled by his fingers, Chu-e huffed before speaking again. "You can't just say stuff like that, holy shit..."
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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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TAG WITH @leon
Leon Vercetti
Playground Tactics [Social/Closed]
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 2:13:13 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    Surprise registered on Leon’s face at their reaction to being genuinely complimented, an eyebrow perking upwards with curiosity and mischief. “You don’t get told nice things often, huh?” Rolling over onto his stomach, Leon could better observe the embarrassment on their face, a wide smirk presented on his lips. “I’m not bullshitting you, just so you know.” A hand reached out to gently run fingers through their hair, both to comfort them and further their embarrassment. Leon couldn’t help himself, the underboss was cute when they were like this.

    “You are beautiful, Chu-e. Anyone would be lucky to pin someone like you down, in either meaning of the phrase.” Leon grabbed the bottle next to the bed with a free hand and took a small drink. “So, i’ll continue to say things like that. You’ll just have to kill me if you want them to stop.” He knew that Chu-e possessed the capacity to indeed murder him, but there was a sneaking suspicion that they wouldn’t.

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