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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 4:28:42 GMT
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Lulu was livid.

If she ever found whatever Loki-level punk had decided to play such a prank, they would surely die a thousand times over by the godly power of terror itself.

Ghoulish laughter reverberated through the laboratories as several Rotom wreaked recreational havoc on Rocket’s computer systems. An announcement was called over the intercom.


A team of her own were lined up, preparing to dive into their digital dimension. At the end of the lineup, the scientist crouched, pep-talking PZ-01, who was twitching around erratically in the air. Its software had proven seemingly impossible to salvage, but its presence on the field was a risk she was willing to take—barely.

Alarms would become audible from even a good distance from the lab, in hopes to inspire the urgency of others.

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june 5th
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 15:36:14 GMT
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of course they would get a call for porygons when he was trying to get his nails painted. it fucking sucked that he was going to have to go solve a crisis with half a hand painted but he also knew that thanks to silph co porygon were few and far between. so that meant his party of two was going to have to get some work done. again. joy-con and sprite were going to have to help with whatever chaotic bullshit was going on.

entering the lab he'd realized he'd never really been in this part of the base. there hadn't been any real reason for him to since most of his work was shitty grunt work that sometimes he ended up doing extra stuff for. like downloading information from the slateport aquarium. all of that data had been sent off by joy-con to one of these labs and to someone else. but he was excited to see a porygon-z in person. even if it was glitching the fuck out for some reason.

"hello, i heard you need some porygon assistance?" releasing joy-con and sprite from their pokeballs they joined the other synthetic pokemon in the line, figuring that was where they were supposed to wait. "someone did a nasty with these computers. gross."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 5:04:17 GMT
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After her pep talk had ended, she raised to her full height, shaking her head and assessing wildly flashing holograms, error screens, storage units gone haywire…

“I really can’t believe this shit. I can’t believe it. All I do here. All this research. Long hours…dealing with these fuckin’ prats…”

She raised her hands, promising matter-of-factly to the room, “I SWEAR IF IT IS ONE OF YOU, I WILL FIND OUT, AND I WILL KILL YOU.” Lab workers and their assistants scrambled at the sudden bass in her voice. If Lulu hadn’t scary prior to her avatarship, she most certainly was now—and to top things off, she was much grumpier these days. Sure, she’d gotten quieter—until combustion cycled back around. Lulu’s personality had somehow polarized entirely without warning. She was a different person. It didn’t take much to set her off, anymore.

A hand dragged across her forehead in exasperation, preparing to send in her lot before a couple more showed up beside them. Finally.


She then addressed all of them at once.

“Go. Do what you can. Salvage the research first.” Her fingers gestured behind her loosely as though she couldn’t take another look, finding the need to pacify herself for a moment. This was why she hated ghosts. This was why ghosts weren’t allowed in the lab. She couldn’t defend against her technology. They were intangible. Computers succumbed no matter the software, unable to detect or read them. There was no way for her to counter, except to send more pokemon in.

After commanding the Porygon, the head scientist looked up at the grunt who had volunteered not one, but two. Interesting. “It’ll be the death of them.” she deadpanned. Dark circles were particularly heavy today under her wild eyes.

Then, something rather rare happened. She introduced herself, right off the bat, and she even asked for a name.

“I’m Lulu. You are?”

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june 5th
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ghost.exe [c]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 12:40:45 GMT
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"be good you two." he added an extra warning to lulu's instructions. joy-con had a habit of downloading everything it could get it's data center on and he was still trying to get a feel for sprite. it was a new addition to his team and while he was always grateful for a porygon in his possession he knew that some of them had a little bit more bug than coding on the inside. his pokemon disappeared into the computers as they were apt to do, phasing in through some miracle of technology that for some reason they had been designed into. he didn't know how it fucking worked and he wasn't about to question it.

he noticed that the lab leader looked tired and wondered if it was because her brand new darkrai buddy was keeping her up at night. it was entirely possible after all. wasn't it the nightmare pokemon or something like that? but he didn't think that now was the time to ask about the legendary. "glitch, unironically i mostly work with tech and information." it was the first thing that people thought of when they heard his name. how funny it was that he worked with that sort of thing. but it was a tired joke and he liked to nip it in the bud as soon as he could.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 8:38:00 GMT
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The Porygon disappeared one by one, like a line of synchronized swimmers diving into Rocket’s infiltrated, loudly protesting machines.

Glitch. Huh. It might have sounded endearing, and caught her off-guard more pleasantly, had they not been in the situation they were. Instead, the ridiculousness of it only served to be mildly annoying. It was a self-deprecating name. She wondered briefly if he’d picked it himself. If so, that was especially unfortunate. “Well. I’ll try not to take that as an omen.”

Lulu reached into a pocket of her coat for a cigarette. She wasn’t teleporting to the shore for a smoke. They could all kiss her ass. The cigarette would surely look and smell out of place, but the woman would bear such an air of authority and volatile rage that no one would dare look twice.

“Tech and information, eh? What’s your skillset?” She held up a gleaming steel lighter, still simmering as she side-eyed the technician and summoned a spark.

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june 5th
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 20:52:39 GMT
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he was used to people being judgemental about his name so the side eye from lulu meant absolutely nothing to him. he liked his name and that was what mattered. it was better than the weird and unfitting name his parent's had chosen after all. glitch also had absolutely nothing to say about the smoking. everyone had their vices and he knew better than to ask her about hers. or judge her. throwing rocks in glass houses and all that or whatever that saying was. whatever. he didn't care. "information theft and infiltration mostly. i recently downloaded the slateport aquarium inventory and stock list while pretending to be a volunteer there. the information was uploaded to one of the labs i believe."

meaning she should have seen it somewhere if it was worth anything. which he knew it was. the slateport aquarium was just waiting to be robbed. "i also caused the power outage at one of the the slateport casino blocks to reset the machines so people would lose games and bonuses accumulated." he'd had a partner on that one but really that guy had been pretty well useless to his own personal plans and had nothing to do with the fun parts.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
ghost.exe [c]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 0:27:56 GMT
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“Huh. That was you.” She acknowledged with a lilt. They were of the same breed, hunting through data centers. Lulu had never abandoned it. She spent hours in the evenings these days, tearing through the dark web like a sharp-toothed ghost, collecting opportunities, casing, up to old tricks.

Two nerds would bond.

It was the variety of skills required to pull the two different tasks off which really piqued Lulu’s interest. A good hacker carried a large bag of tricks. She would know.

She hit the cigarette again. “Where’d you learn all that, I wonder? Self-taught?”

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june 5th
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2021 20:37:06 GMT
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you could do any matter of things with information. sell it. use it. just, containing it. he'd never met someone else who had the urge and craving to just hoard whatever information they could get their hands on and tuck it away for later use. or maybe not even for use at all. just simply to have it. digital hoarding he supposed it was. but that was just the fun of it. having everything at a fingertip away and no one to stop him. it was the biggest of thrills. "and i plan on doing more as soon as i can." any job he went on he would try to get whatever he could out of it.

"i was bored with regular school so i taught myself something more interesting. you can find how to learn to do anything with just a little nudge." it wasn't that hard really. all you had to do was be able to work through the math and walls of it all. and that was the fun part. "i stole my porygon shortly after i left school and my porygon2 was a difficult find." since usually people wanted to know where and how getting those pokemon came about. "you can do anything with information." and he was ready to do anything and everything to get and use it.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
ghost.exe [c]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2021 23:46:27 GMT
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“A most valuable currency.”

Glitch was gaining points, steadily. The shy corners of her mouth curled, despite the howling chaos around them. A puff of smoke soothed her, as did the rare instance of a casual conversation which held her attention.

“You sound a bit like me, if I'm honest. I used to hack universities and steal presentations and lectures; lists of materials, all that. Sort of hodgepodged a curriculum, I guess.” She took a hit of her smoke. From a carefully-crafted collage of interregional syllabi spanning an array of fields, she’d likely completed enough work on her own to amount to several degrees—albeit awkwardly short of a sturdy foundation of prerequisites in all things that did not interest her, such as history, and language. Nonetheless, “Schools are still my favorite hits. My own library is digital.” She considered a moment. “Quite up to date with the latest in academic research on computing from around the world, too. All translated. I’d be happy to share it if you’re interested.”

She took another puff and then turned on a heel to assess the situation behind them for a moment. “Where’d you steal your Porygon from, if you don’t mind my asking? And where did you find the second?”

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june 5th
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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 23:33:47 GMT
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he loved the idea of having access to a mass amount of information. after all, what was the point of hoarding it if you didn't use it? and sometimes share it. and if lulu was willing to share this information then he was absolutely down for it. after all the more he knew the stronger he would get. the stronger he would get the more he could do whatever the hell he wanted. and really that's all he wanted out of life. to do what he wanted. "i'd love to have a look. after all there's probably loads to learn from that sort of cultivation." both in technique and content. he wanted it all.

"my parents forced me to go to a trade school fair after i dropped out, one of the directors brought a fresh batch of porygon to show off to all the lowly children who were going to be factory workers. i started a fire and stole it in the chaos. i'm sure they looked for it but we were long gone and it hadn't been assigned an internal id yet. they never expected something like that to happen." it had been better than sitting through those boring demonstrations about how great all these millionaires were to work for and how all of them needed to be excited about a future on a factory line. there was no way in hell he was going to subject himself to that. "it's a little bit broken because of smoke damage i think since it tries to download anything and everything it can get near. it's why i had to tell it no downloading when it went in."

as much as he wanted the information hidden in the deeper part of the servers he wasn't about to bother with it now. not when it could be traced back to joycon on stealing it.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 12:22:38 GMT
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She pulled a notebook from the pocket of her lab coat, along with a pen. The page on top which was written on in cubical lettering without spaces, looking more like some sort of code than actual letters—evidence of a form of dysgraphia. She turned it over a horizontal coil to a new leaf. “Write down a good email. I’ll send you my browser and key.”

His story was met with the further curling her smile. “Well. That’s taking an opportunity.” She saw herself in someone younger who was not afraid to take a risk to get what they wanted.

“Would you be interested in letting me have a look at it? I’m pretty good with this sort of thing. We could work on it together, even.” She was interested in getting to know him. It wasn’t often she was met with someone in such a field within their ranks. Their science department was truly a mixed bag, and she found herself alone in her specialties more often than not.

“Appreciate your pro-activeness in that, by the way.” A good Porygon parent.

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june 5th
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POSTED ON May 1, 2021 15:38:06 GMT
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scribbling down his email he heard a ping on his cellphone. it was the ping that joycon had found something interesting but was waiting on instructions. he loved having his little guy connected to his phone. "oh, i would like that! but some of its little quirks are fun to work with." digging out his cellphone he showed lulu the notification. "see, this means it found something and it's waiting on instructions." it was a little icon of a porygon dancing on his phone. cute and functional. the two things he loved the most. "means it might have found the signature of whoever dropped the rotoms or the source of them. or information it thinks i might like to have." sprite wasn't hooked up as internally to his equipment as joycon was. he hadn't had the porygon2 quite as long as the original by any means. the original little guy would always be his number one tech buddy.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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POSTED ON May 4, 2021 20:17:42 GMT
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She took the email.

The corners of Lulu’s mouth twitched at a smile her rage was too proud to show when Glitch offered a glance at his programming. Cute. It was skillful design elements like these which utterly evaded her. Except for those elements which served a clear, functional purpose (to her), Lulu lacked an artist’s eye.

At Glitch’s announcement, she raised her brows. “Well. That would be great.”

The pokemon were all scouring on the inside, and eventually, one by one, several Rotom were booted from their technological playgrounds. They tumbled back into reality, and the chilly sub air; into the sound of the chaos they and their trainer had created.

One got too close to Lulu and, overtaken, she grabbed a nearby clipboard and swung it. Of course, it phased through the Rotom, who cackled and left down the hall. Seething, she blew bangs out of her eyes and glowered. “Report back if you find a name.”

The Porygon reappeared and the sirens died. The head scientist looked back at Glitch, continuing, “I’ll keep in touch either way, and get that library to you. In exchange, I’d like to see more of you around here. Curious to see your projects.”

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POSTED ON May 17, 2021 22:09:14 GMT
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he was glad that she could appreciate the fact that he worked hard on the design. it was one of his favorite things to do was make things cute and functional. that meant that he wasn't taken seriously most of the time which was fine with him. if he played the dumbass then people were generally more forgiving if he made "mistakes" to get them to lower their guard around him. but part of him was also glad that lulu saw that he was actually extremely useful. "as soon as i get the information i'll send it your way. though if they can get their hands on this many rotom i'd want to know where they came from." after all he could use one of the little electric weirdos for his work. even if they were tiny. he recalled sprite back to it's pokeball when it came out but joycon settled into his bag once more where it usually was. he'd download the information from them later on when he was back in his dorm room. "i'll see you around then ma'am. let me know if you need any more of my porygons for work." with that he gave a small and cute wave as he turned on a heel and headed back to his room to decompress and let his porygons rest and recharge.

thread over ty ty ty!

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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ghost.exe [c]
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 23:11:30 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Lulu wanted to know where they came from too. Once she’d found out this perp’s origins, she would burn the town.

Or maybe he meant the Rotom. He probably meant the Rotom.

Lulu didn’t give a fuck where the Rotom came from. Burn that town too.

“It’s a bloody fuckin’ mystery, hell if I know…”

At his offer, the edges of her lips curled with the lowering of siren echoes. Peace. The offer of assistance; one armed with something actually useful. Cool.

“Could always use more around here. I’ll keep in touch, like I said.”

She didn’t return the wave. She didn’t do cute things around here.