have your cake and eat it too [m/c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
part of
TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 3:02:51 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




lilycove city

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

"On the way here I counted at least six wild Pokemon staring us down."[break][break]

Suzume clutches her picnic basket to her chest obsessively, knuckles nearing to white in her ferocity. These Pokemon had all but disappeared the moment she mentioned them, but her protectiveness yet remained. The woman glances at her brother, green eyes flashing.[break][break]

"And seriously? The beach? You're asking to be picking sand out of your ass crack for the rest of the week."[break][break]

But her belly is growling in protest and the nicely made-up sandwiches they'd put together were calling her name. Even the woman's Spearow had made himself comfortable on top of the basket. He pecks at the woven wicker and she shoos him away with the back of her hand. He protests by pecking at her hand and squealing.[break][break]

"Greedy bastard."[break][break]


notes: panic! at the picnic - mission



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played by


december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
128 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 6:53:27 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

There are times when he forgets everything that's ever happened, times when he no longer feels the burn of raw flesh or drowning sensation in his chest. Many times when he finds this peace of mind, he finds it in the presence of her - , the one who's received his promises and the only one whose existence he shall damn himself for.
"Only six? Perhaps, the hunger is dulling your senses." He jests, ruffling her hair. "Or maybe, you're just too short to see the ones above us." Mischief colours his words with a life rarely seen, his eyes flicking to the skies as he eyes the numerous Wingulls that swarm overhead. "Still, sand is better than dirt and insects. Imagine those little wrigglers and bugs creeping up your sleeves... into your food... Extra protein, am I right?"
When was the last time that they'd gotten a chance to let loose like this? Between the shelves of manila files and metallic contraptions, chances to spend time together had been rare and few in between. But now that he has her so close, now that he's been given the chance to remain by her side and offer the helping hand he's never been able to give...
"This should be a good enough." Up ahead, Skadi barks with impatience, angrily kneading the ground as she struts around the chosen spot - Tucked under the canopies of swaying palm trees, shying away from the harshness of the sun. Laying the mat down, Ryuuzaki calls out his Buizel and Lapras, watching as they dive into the ocean like fish to water.
"Alright then, shortstacks. Feel free to dig in before you lose your meal to the birds."


made by gimmick

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played by


December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
part of
TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 17:51:05 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




lilycove city

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

"Wha-, Ryuu, I'm not that short. I'm perfectly average, you bastard."[break][break]

She swats at him, ducking down and out from under his hand when his fingers muss up her hair. But she catches that twinkle of mirth and she finds that it is grounding. Suzume is at peace standing next to her brother, free of burdens and of worries- if only temporarily. The woman's gaze follows his, past the horizon to the screeching Wingull above them.[break][break]

And just like that, the peaceful feeling in the pit of her stomach is replaced with exasperation and annoyance. Though Ryuu's suggestion of eating bugs by accident certainly would have ruined the mood just the same. [break][break]

Suzu sticks her tongue out in disgust at the mere thought.[break][break]

"Thanks for that incredibly disgusting mental image."[break][break]

Her attention shifts to her Spearow, however, who seemed more than happy to chow down on some bugs. Unfortunately for him, however, there were little to none to be had out on the beach. Regardless, the feisty bird abandons her to go and rest in the shade of the tree. He tucks his head beneath one wing, and Suzu returns to Ryuu.[break][break]

"Tch-- you'd better dig in before you lose your meal to me."[break][break]

But the woman sets herself down on the mat before promptly digging into their basket of prepared sandwiches and snacks. She wastes no time in politeness or letting her brother take his pick- she was hungry.[break][break]


notes: panic! at the picnic - mission



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played by


december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
128 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 4:19:02 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

He stands there and takes her hit with a mouthful of laughter, cautiously turning his head to the side as if trying to cough into his sleeves. "Your Spearow doesn't seem to mind. And I'm just letting you know of the possibilities in this world. After all, the chances may be slim but never zero~" Though uncertain if the way she retorts so easily is actually a result of his own doing, Ryuuzaki never misses the chance to return to that goofy dumbass from so many years back.
In a sense, he feels relief when he sees that rare spark of life in her eyes, indulges in her little tantrums with the serenity of an elderly man minus the walking stick and the lawn. While he knows that he has yet to undo the knots that tie her to the underground, there's just something about this genuine moment of peaceful idyllism in their life that he wants to hold onto forever.
If only they could just shrug off the burdens that weighed on their souls.
"Relax, I ain't gonna take your share. Did you skip dinner or something? You're going at the pace of a Munchlax... What if you forget about any food you've stuck into your pockets?" Speaking of Munchlaxes, he's reminded of the numerous baby pokemon he has to see at the clinic tomorrow... Ah well, he can worry about those little buggers later.


made by gimmick

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played by


December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
part of
TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 25, 2021 19:39:58 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




lilycove city

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

"You're disgusting! I would never eat a bug."[break][break]
And frankly, the idea of her Spearow eating them wasn't particularly appetizing either. Thankfully, the bird mostly did that in private. [break][break]

She shudders at the thought, breaking past self-control to delve into the basket. The moment she gets her hands on food she digs in, hardly waiting for her brother to take his pick.[break][break]

"I don't keep food in my pockets, Ryuu. Well- except this, but I was saving it for you."[break][break]

She shifts, pulling out a chocolate bar. At this point it's a little melted as a result of her forgetfulness and the heat of her butt on the warm sand. But the thought is there.[break][break]

"Just.. been a while since I've had a real, home-made sandwich like this. I've missed you, Ryuu."[break][break]


notes: panic! at the picnic - mission



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[newclass=".punkianger-suzucredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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played by


december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
128 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 4:08:52 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Never implies a future of not eating a bug. However, it doesn't quite imply that she hasn't done it already. Giving her a cheeky grin and a quick shrug, Ryuuzaki leaves that fact out for the sake of preserving her appetite. He can afford to talk about it some other day.
"Awh, you really shouldn't have." Though melted and somewhat misshapen from their little journey, the chocolate bar is something that he thoroughly appreciates. "Reminds me of the times I had to sneak into the cabinets downstairs for your late night munchies." Those were the days of getting caught red-handed and learning new tricks to get away with his little crimes each time. There were times where he had to resort to recruiting his own pokemon in his master schemes but hey, it all worked out in the end!
But the rush of sentiment she exudes catches him off guard, a brief second of silence filling the air as he tenses and tries to come up with an appropriate response.
"Technically, you made most of them. I just sat there and checked the expiration dates. Then chucked out about... almost the entire fridge while you weren't looking." When was the last time he had gone to the grocery store? After the sandwich making and spring cleaning, he recalls seeing one lonely sprig of chives sitting in there... Add that one to the growing to-do list.
He grows quiet, awkwardly picking at the wrapping as Skadi gently exhales on it.
"I've missed you too, Suzu."
While he's great with jokes and messing around, Ryuuzaki undeniably struggles when it comes to expressing his emotions through words. His gaze flicks to the distant horizon, drawn to the line where the ocean meets the sky as he hums to fill the silence. What is he supposed to talk about after they've been separated for so long? Their lives thus far is no doubt a rough topic to discuss, the scars of Kanto still way too fresh for him to be comfortable with tracing.
"So uh... how have you been settling in so far? Hope the room wasn't too dusty or anything... But if you need any help or wanna get some decorations, you can just let me know." He recalls how her room had once been devoid of life, filled to the brim with cardboard boxes and several ring files regarding old patient entries but he had tried his best to clean it out before she'd arrived!
Arceus forbid he mention Skadi's stash of odd pinecones and small creature bones he'd found in the dusty corners of the room.
"I know a few places to get fairy lights or small potted plants, if you're into that... And the city lights outside your window are pretty nice, especially when we've got festivals or events going on."


made by gimmick

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December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
part of
TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 15:18:30 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




lilycove city

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

"Hey-- that was all of your own volition, I never asked you to do that.. or to get caught."[break][break]

She frowns, but there is a note of mischief in it, fondness in the memories. Suzu watches him for a moment as he fidgets with the wrapper. Eventually, she returns to her sandwich, relishing in the crush of lettuce and the smoked cheese.[break][break]

Her sighing as she eats is indicative of her enjoyment. It might very well be the first time in a long time that she's truly relaxed and enjoyed herself. [break][break]

"Sure, but it was your almost-expired food I made them with."[break][break]

The change in attitude from her brother catches her off-guard. Mid-chew, the woman reclines on her butt, cross-legged sitting position to watch him. As children, the two had been inseparable. It had been easy for them to tell each other just about anything- including their thoughts and feelings. So to see him now, reluctant to reciprocate.. felt strange.[break][break]

It put into perspective how drastically things had changed. How quickly the two had drifted apart. [break][break]

Ryuuzaki deflects, redirecting the conversation back to her arrival in Slateport. She lowers the sandwich, using her thumb to whisk away crumbs.[break][break]

"Good! Yeah, its been nice."[break][break]

She muses over his suggestion to decorate and she chuckles, glancing at Skadi.[break][break]

"What, and replace those lovely piles of bones Skadi left for me? You'll hurt her feelings, Ryuu!"[break][break]

Yes, she had found a few left behind even after his deep-cleaning. And no, she hadn't minded much. [break][break]

"I like it here, Ryuu, really. It's been nice to have someplace reliable to come back to."[break][break]


notes: panic! at the picnic - mission



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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
128 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 6:13:21 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

"Just because you didn't ask me to doesn't mean... okay, you have a point BUT STILL."
He doesn't mean to put emphasis on how far they've drifted, but he's gone ahead and done so anyway with his brief moment of hesitation. With guilt comes a need for distraction, her sighs of enjoyment and willingness to go along with the topic allowing him a moment to take a bite of the frozen chocolate.
"That's good... I was worrying you wouldn't be comfortable or it was a little too bare. I have tons of books for you to borrow if you're ever bored." The gaze Suzume gives the Glaceon is one that is met with a sly grin and a puff of her chest, a reaction that tells Ryuuzaki to brace himself for whatever he's about to find out. "You found more? Skadi, I thought I told you to stop leaving them in her room!"
Ah, but the princess is far too enthralled by Suzume's acceptance of her gifts, gently clawing at the sand as she attempts to find yet another one for the collection.
"Reliable is an overstatement, Suzu. You'd be lucky if I remember to stock the fridge at least once every few months." He shudders, reminding himself to do exactly that on the way back home. "And you haven't had to deal with the fosters just yet... You never know what pokemon I'm bringing home from work until you get home yourself."


made by gimmick

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December 23
Solaceon town
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
105 posts
part of
TAG WITH @suzu
Suzume Amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 30, 2021 3:17:28 GMT
Suzume Amemiya Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




lilycove city

my cruel friend is a

funeral bell

Suzu regards him thoughtfully, fondly, as he takes a bite of his chocolate. She was relieved, really, with how easily the two of them had fallen back into familiarity. As if nothing had changed. As if she hadn't been gone for the past two years acting as 's little sparrow.[break][break]

But the cage had been opened, even if only temporarily, and for that she was grateful, she realized. Having the freedom to do as she pleased was like she had finally come up for air. She had missed this, missed the feeling of wind of her face, of Ryuu by her side.[break][break]

And yet that switch was still there, just waiting to be flipped.[break][break]

"Of course I would be comfortable, you dumbass."[break][break]

She takes another bite of her sandwich, brushing hair over her shoulder as she repositions into a comfier cross-legged sit.[break][break]

"Hey-- that's what I'm here now for, yeah? I'll make sure your fridge stays stocked, don't you worry."[break][break]

She winks, alluding to mischief. His mention of fosters, wild Pokemon he lets into his home, doesn't bother her. In fact, she would continue to berate and bully him regardless- and she honestly had a bit of a soft spot for Pokemon.[break][break]


notes: panic! at the picnic - mission



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december 25
solaceon, sinnoh
too far from home to call it quits
128 posts
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TAG WITH @ryuuzaki
ryuuzaki amemiya
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 30, 2021 4:17:34 GMT
ryuuzaki amemiya Avatar
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Dumbass... The word hits hard like a brick, twists hard like a knife in his heart as he clutches at his chest and gasps.
"Not me being a dumbass..."
Skadi thoroughly agrees with Suzu's sentiment, barking almost contentedly as she finally stops digging and instead moves to yank something from the sand. Watching as even his own companion turns to bully him, Ryuuzaki can't quite do anything but accept his fate. He's like a wounded puppy, acting up with watery eyes and a small pout as he takes yet another small bite of his chocolate bar.
"Can't believe I'm being bullied by the two I care the most for..."
But he jests, breaking out into laughter as soon as Suzu attempts to swat at him or Skadi kicks his shin. Here in this safe haven, they're no longer people tied down by duties, just the same old Suzu and Ryuu all the way back from Solaceon.
And he'll pray that they'll stay the same, no matter what future lies ahead of them.


made by gimmick

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October 13
808 height
808 height
38,720 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
have your cake and eat it too [m/c]
POSTED ON May 30, 2021 23:19:14 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


