
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 23:40:59 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the night almost breathes life into this part of the city. twinkling lights, warm lanterns, moonlight just barely hidden behind passing clouds. it's vibrant in a way that feels like floating, as if she's drifting through a nebula of light and wares. truthfully, it brings a little more pep in her step, just enough for her to feel uplifted. worries and responsibilities can't weigh her down here, not yet anyway.

"see anything you like?"

it's thrown over her shoulder, paired with a glance that could be deemed suggestive in just the right lighting. the warm lights pair well with her comment, bathing it in just the right hint of spice. and as if to propel her point further, she rotates on her heels to face the heir.

"i think i do," she flashes a teasing smile and then turns back in a whirl of blonde and pink hair.

somehow, she didn't exactly expect him to accompany her for a shopping trip. he doesn't owe her much of his time, besides summons in the dead of night for more carnal happenings. there's fading marks still etched into her skin from before, little reminders left to be replaced eventually.

halfway through wandering, she stops and turns. a store just beyond the market draws her attention, like a moth to a flame, and who is she to ignore such a calling? her body begins to move toward the store, as if knowing he'll follow where she goes.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 1:25:45 GMT
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few experience what you really are

Why was he here? Quite frankly, a night out on the town seemed long due after their repeated visits. There was something to be said for the way the glittering city lights gleamed off her, too. Illeana Reyes dressed up quite nice.

One hand rests idly in his pocket as he follows her along, wearing a pair of casual navy trousers, a neat white polo shirt, and black shoes. His medium length hair is a bedhead of black instead of its usual combed state. Partly because he's tired of combing it every day for work. Partly because he'll be damned to comb it if she'll only undo it soon enough.

He examines the wares upon the latest stall they've chosen to pause at, then shifts his gaze onto his date as she asks him a question with a familiar, enticing gleam. The way she spins around serves to draw him in further, and he isn't given enough time to formulate a response before she answers the question for him and continues onward.

The prince smirks as he calmly follows her along close behind, like a guardian overseeing their charge's eager adventure into the city. "There's plenty of things I'd like to see on you," He blatantly remarks as they maneuver through the light crowd of night market customers. "Though nothing quite yet that I find particularly... fitting."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2021 1:01:03 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"oh?" she can't hide her amusement, not even a tiny bit. it bleeds into her tone, her smirk, her composure. "is that so?"

possibilities rise, fall, and she's almost considering pulling him in a different direction. she doesn't, however, as he speaks again and she glances over her shoulder to raise an eyebrow.

"looking for something in particular?" the thought is nice but the ideas? enticing little things that have her swiping her tongue across her lips for a moment.

she slows enough to join his side, to flash a smile in the process of reaching for his hand. too many people leave her mildly concerned about losing him in the crowd. besides, it's easier to tug him into the upcoming store when they're connected. fairy lights twinkle overhead, bathing them in warmth even as they drift into a different part of the market. the store she wants to see is closer, now, and she doesn't stop herself from smiling a little wider at the sight. various clothes and wares decorate the shop windows, some a little spicier than others.

"come on," she murmurs, leading him toward the entrance. something tells her they both might find something they like within.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2021 7:17:51 GMT
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few experience what you really are

Equal parts pleased and intrigued, Remiel eyes her smirk with a gleam of devilish pride in his narrowed eyes. "I'll know it when I see it, darling..." He answers, strolling along the street and briefly recalling a particular night in Lilycove... before shaking his head and casting that troublesome memory away.

Tonight, the moonlight shone on a new chapter.

The distraction is made easier when she slows to walk by his side, grasping his free hand before their fingers lace themselves with one another warmly. The royal turns to regard the action with the hint of a smile on that otherwise nonchalant face. He takes notice of the shop up ahead, and the wares displayed behind its front windows, and chuckles. 

"You know... something tells me we're headed in the right direction."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2021 2:04:04 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she mulls over his answer with a soft hum, as if tasting the notion on her tongue for good measure. it's satisfying enough, sure, but something in her wants to push it. press any button she can with a tease, a grin, a little show of skin. subconsciously, she raises her free hand to brush her hair off her shoulder. bare skin flashes beneath fairy lights, twinkling with faint traces of pearly pink mist.

"will you?" she decides upon, then, with a glance in his direction. there's almost a coy air to her, as if she knows exactly what he's hinting at but half of the fun is getting him to admit it. "are you sure about that?" her smile is mostly warm with a hint of teeth. a mild display of aggression, perhaps, or a promise of later. either works, really.

his hand is warm, comforting, grounding. her fingers grip around his a little tighter, soaking in whatever affection she can find between spaces and lines and feelings unsaid. it's easy to guide him, easy to settle in mild silence with the busy atmosphere around them. the store welcomes them with an open door and she's grinning by the time she fully turns her head to look at him.

"i think we are," she murmurs. two meanings could be found, perhaps, if she cared to look harder. instead, she finds herself immersed in the wares as she steps through the door first. funny enough, her hand doesn't leave his in favor of wandering. no, she sticks close, her free hand rising to tap an index finger against her bottom lip in consideration. too many goodies, too many options.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 8:32:22 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Illeana is alluring and magical in the shine of those fairy lights and mist. It's almost unbearably maddening how poorly that serves to hide the devilish temptress beneath. But, of course, only he really knew to what extent.

It takes all of his mental willpower to keep himself from pulling her away into an alley or hotel nearby. She's teasing him with a grin he's all too inspired to wipe away in a variety of creative means, after all. And, worse, she knows it. But the royal remains steadfast and composes himself. Tonight, he wants to enjoy her like this for a little while longer.

Punishment will be left simmering for later.

They enter the store together, hand-in-hand, and are immediately welcomed by a chorus of soft, titillating music playing over the speakers. The wares filling the mysterious store's dark shelves and racks are certainly... odd. The royal had never seen such a bizarre collection of gifts and merchandise together in one place like this.

From novelty mugs to strange imported jewelry, hues of cobalt were drawn to and fro as he soaked it all in. Just as he wondered whether the 'Grow Your Own Oddish' box he'd just passed was making a joke of itself or not, he stops to regard something on the other side of the aisle, prompting Illeana to stop as well. "What do you think about this?"

He reaches out with his free hand to slide his finger down the silky black fabric of a maid outfit hanging from the rack. He smiles, devilishly so, before looking at her.

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
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to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 22:42:34 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]a fairy in a store of trinkets, drifting from one thing to the next. it's sensory overload in a strange sense, as if the way organization exists in the bare minimum picks at her nerves. an odd sort of array, sure, but somehow it makes sense in lines she can barely string together. odd, definitely odd.

she stops when he does, goes when he goes. hands connected and intertwined like a tether in a sea of curiosity. idly, her thumb strokes at the back of his hand in small circles and a hum to whatever tune lingers in the background vibrates in her chest. one could almost say she looks serene, blissful, happy.

"hm?" she murmurs, drawn away from whatever oddity had caught her eye previously. he pulls her in the direction of a maid outfit, blue eyes darting up and down the attire as he reaches out to brush it. it's pretty, really, but is she fitting enough for such a thing? no, she decides with a smirk. she's definitely not as tame or serving as the outfit requires. there's a bite to her and the next outfit over has a better vision to it. she tugs his hand in that direction, stepping close enough to brush his side as she shifts toward it. "you'd prefer that over this?" her free hand reaches out to fiddle with the ears of a cat suit. her smirk widens, if only a fraction, when she half turns her head to regard his reaction. "are you sure about that?"

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 21:53:56 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Oh? Had her submissive nature from the night before evaporated? Or had it been an illusion all along? Nonsense. He'd felt it; demanded it, even.

Perhaps this simply wasn't the kind of submissive she catered to. One could still be self-serving as one practiced being of service, after all. A maid, however, exemplified devoting one's self wholly to her master. A cat, on the other hand...

He steps closer to her after she tugs, their bodies parting briefly before pressing gently against one another once more. Yes, he thinks. Yes, this will do nicely. For once, his expression isn't as nonchalant as usual. That thought is easy enough to read in the glimmer of his eyes; the way his fingers squeeze her petite hand, claiming her firmly.

"Take it." He nods, looking at her seductively. "It's only missing one thing."

She was no stray cat, after all. Not entirely. Not anymore. She could still come and go as she pleased, of course, and even enjoy the company of others if she so pleased. But, at the end of the day, she always had his home to come back to. And he would make sure she had a physical representation of this claim, something she could wear to signify this.

So, with a tug, he leads her to a selection of collars nearby.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2021 0:38:21 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]ah, just the reaction she was searching for.

a pleased hum escapes when his grip around her fingers coils and tightens. there's little hesitation when he prompts her to pluck the outfit from the rack, even less when her body settles back next to his. shifting from one foot to the other, her entire side bumps his gently and lingers. purposeful, playful, like a cat rubbing against the legs of an owner.

"oh?" an eyebrow raises and her head is turning before she can stop herself, curiosity getting the better of her. "what could that be?"

instead of an answer in the moment, she's met with guidance. he tugs and she obliges without protest. more than content to allow him the lead for now, their hands stay connected as he steers them toward a nearby section. only when they get closer does she begin to put pieces into the puzzle. the resulting grin is downright wicked.

"i see," she murmurs. it's soft, as if holding something back, something she can't place right then and there. eventually she'll come to understand, come to recognize the mild flutter in her chest. right now, she chalks to up to desire bleeding through. "staking a claim, are we?" a chiming laugh follows, echoes, and fades. her eyes are bright and muddled all at once, a mixture of blended emotions difficult to sort through. one sticks out in particular: amusement.

"i didn't know you wanted to turn me into a house cat."

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2021 19:16:04 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

The chime of her fairy-like laughter draws the piercing gaze from his cobalt blue eyes. That sounds less like a question and more like an invitation. So, with little pause, Remiel draws her close, until he feels the heat of her soft body press firm against him. Then he leans in to seal this deal with a kiss as his free hand frames her face. 

"Surely you're not too surprised," He coos in a whisper against her lips. Side-eyeing one of the cameras peering at them from the ceiling above, the royal slowly backs away afterwards. It wouldn't do to see them kicked out. "Perhaps I have a predilection for seeing you roam about my house, doing as you please... taking what you like." He smiles, tenderly outlining her round chin with a single finger before bringing it back.

Looking back to their selection, he examines each for a split second with careful decision before ultimately finding the one he preferred: a band of black latigo leather with a heart locket at its front and a D-ring at its back. Nothing more than an endearing piece of jewelry to most if worn outside, assuming the choker's D-ring was obscured behind her hair.

But a statement to the discerning passerby's, friends, or flings in the rest of her life. He'd only need to have it engraved.

After plucking it from the rack, the crown prince lifts it to her neck to preview the sight. The devilish gleam of satisfaction on his expression should say enough. "How do you like it?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
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to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2021 2:38:41 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]somehow, he continues to surprise her.

she expects less than he gives. the squeeze of a hand, the brushing of their bodies together. something tame, something less affectionate. her reaction is slow, as if her brain is shocked into a giddy lull. where he pulls, she shifts like a puppet on strings, eyes widening a fraction. it's an odd feeling, really, to be kissed so publicly again. his free hand frames her face, which is surely a soft shade of pink to match the mist she puffs out when they part.

only when he begins to back away can she regain all cognitive function. the blush remains, stubbornly clinging to her cheeks. damn.

"not in the slightest," she retorts. it's only half a lie, maybe. being a house cat isn't as surprising as public affection from a man who, for all current purposes, made sure their relationship is strictly pleasure. there's a confusion in her that blossoms, wilts, and dies. "i do that wherever i go," her eyes find his for a moment when his finger tickles at her chin. it falls and so do her eyes. back to the task at hand, back to the selection. "but if you'd prefer i'd stick to your house then i suppose i could make it happen."

lazily, she'll watch him browse. each one lays out a choice and she'd be absolutely lying if she said she wasn't curious to know what his taste will provide. in the end, he settles on a particular one that she hadn't exactly expected. something more elegant would have been her guess, given his background. this one is a little more simple, pleasant, pretty.

and perhaps, a little metaphorical. she buries the thought as quickly as it comes.

she's quick to raise her chin, to offer her neck to him for a preview. and only when his hand lingers, when the collar steadies, does she glance down. there's a soft smile on her face, then, when she looks back up to find that familiar gleam in his eyes. "it's lovely," she murmurs. "i think you found a winner."

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 3:41:25 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Wherever she goes.

Something about that thought inspires an ire from a man who typically had such an iron-clad mastery over his emotions. It was the palpable want, no— need to have something so rare, so elusive, to one's self. But that was a double-edged sword, and the blade that remained from his previous union was still stuck bloody in his gut, broken off and beginning to rust. He still winced whenever he touched to pull it out.

Thankfully, Illeana seems to know exactly what to say to ease this specific brand of desire they've been partaking in. He doesn't need to nod or say anything in response. The look in his eyes and the simmering burn of his touch says enough to get the point across.

Make it so.

Remiel is pleased to find she offers her neck so willingly to his motions. He knows better than most the strong-willed, ardent woman she has become. Quite frankly, he is proud of her to have evolved in such a way. But these glimpses of submissiveness still manage to provide a sweet satisfaction unlike any other, bolstered by her attitude otherwise.

"I think we both have..." He adds, tossing a nod in the direction of the register but keeping his sharp, seductive gaze on her as he tugs her along with his firm hand.

| | |

There's a park by the night market that the royal has chosen to take her into. Peaceful and secluded, it provides a rather romantic setting away from the hustle and bustle of the vendors nearby. Starlight does its best to shine upon otherwise shadowy fields of grass, trees, and shrubbery. Moonlight endeavors to do the same whenever the clouds part from its eye. The stone-paved path they walk upon is lined with lanterns like beacons.

Walking towards a bench just afar, the ambassador turns to look at the woman who brought him along this night. Carrying their purchase in a small bag with one hand, and lacing his fingers with her own in the other, he raises a brow. 

"Was your night made better for my company?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
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to fight the alchemy?
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5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 1:21:10 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the effect of her words is lost on her. there's no detection of jealousy, of irritation, of greed. perhaps because she isn't searching for it, if only because how could she be certain it'd exist? the rules of their relationship were laid out in the mildly misty room overlooking ever grande city. etched into flesh, written in carnal hymns breathed between bodies. she doesn't question it, doesn't push for more.

after all, what good would it do her?

his touch is hungry enough to match his eyes and she's left to read between words and syllables unsaid. a need for her seems obvious given their entanglement but is she missing something? is there a piece to the puzzle evading her senses? perhaps it lays in shadows of a room or in the corners of a mind. whatever inquiry she wants to pursue fades, eventually, when their time in the store is fading and he's speaking. attention snaps away from collars, eyes darting to seek his.

she doesn't bother offering words. instead, her lips curl into a content smile. his tug is met with little resistance, sure, but she'll stall on the stroll to the register. trinkets catch her eye, little bits of gold and silver beckoning her with glances. she pays them as much attention as she does him, her hand tightening on his slightly whenever something cute pops up.


away from fairy lights and crowded spaces, they find seclusion. one could almost say it's romantic and perhaps she almost wants it to be. moonlight bleeds between spaces of trees and leaves, painting her face in flashing moments of ethereal grace. while she enjoyed the warm glow of the night market, this somehow feels better. more natural, more comfortable.

his fingers intertwine with hers and warmth floods her body. even with the mild chill, it's content. she's content. it bleeds into her every move. her smile, her fingers faintly squeezing his, even the faint pink mist she puffs out when she breathes. and yet, she doesn't turn to face him yet. instead, she tilts her head to the sky, to the moon watching them. somehow, her smile grows almost bittersweet.

"that depends," she murmurs. a pause, a heartbeat, and then her eyes are drifting toward him, head returning from the sky. "are you going to keep providing your company?" the timeline is vague, as if she's hinting at something not quite promised. coyness only gets a girl so far, perhaps.

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2021 5:44:13 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

There's something else in those words; something the prince is wary to approach. But he anchors himself to the moment instead of overthinking, guiding her hand-in-hand towards a bench by the park fountain.

"Tonight is yours and mine," He answers, his fingers gently unlacing themselves from her own— only to teach up and graze her cheek softly with his thumb. "And the next day, too... if you convince me." He smiles, stepping forward to take his seat at the bench. The handle bag he carries is placed down at the side of it before he looks up at her.

Patting his lap with one hand, he gestures to her with the other. "Come here."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
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to fight the alchemy?
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5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 22:08:12 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]there's a pang, she realizes. a gentle tug laced with something she doesn't want to acknowledge. disappointment, perhaps, or maybe understanding. tonight is theirs and perhaps tomorrow but after that? uncertainty settles in the spaces of her mind, bunkering down as easily as she breathes. overthinking is a natural trait for illeana reyes, unfortunately. and where he doesn't give into it, she does.

his touch against her cheek quells the swirling thoughts for now, sure, but when he's gone? what will happen then?

"i'll try," she offers. it comes out more flimsy than she wants, than she needs. a mistake, she recognizes. one she doesn't want to make. she masks it with glancing toward the moon as he moves, as if looking to the sky will provide answers she refuses to ask for. ones she refuses to consider. and then, he's drawing her attention back in when his eyes turn to her.

he pats his lap, outstretching an arm, and she can't turn it down. she never could. maybe that'll eventually lead to a familiar downfall. she's been down this road before and the ending leaves a bitter taste on her tongue.

she's stepping forward anyway, flashing a small smile before her gaze is dropping to watch her hand settle into his. another step forward and she's settling into him, whatever tension held in her spine slowly unknotting itself from nerve endings.

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