ghost in the machine

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 19:42:01 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

I don’t seek redemption.

Lulu was by no means religious.

But what did one do when their body took over and killed four people of its own accord? What then, when you become such a monster that there is literally no going back, and no longer any self-control?

She sat in the backmost pew, as though the image of an icon on the furthest wall behind the altar might come to life and send her away, or worse.

I won’t ask for your forgiveness.

Amber eyes stared, the color of her truth which no one saw these days.

“Arceus: Help me.”

If one god listened, maybe another would as well.

I just can't endure this guilt forever.

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 14, 2021 4:40:47 GMT
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The chapel was full—of people, of prayer, of whispered words. But despite the resounding sound and presence, it was empty of the one thing all of them were searching for.

“God isn’t here.”

Chryssa Glasgow slid into the pew beside , holding one of the eighteen legendary Plates of Arceus.

“We meet again, Ms. Mystery.”

God wasn’t here.

God was out there.

Arceus was in the moments when you made a choice you couldn’t turn back from. Arceus was in the first step on a path you never wanted to tread— and the last. Arceus was in first kisses and deathbeds, in tears and tragedy, and in temptation.

God was behind her. God was before her. But here, in the present, in a church which had already exploded on her once—a place where she’d signed a declaration of war with reality itself—

Well, perhaps the best place to hide was in plain sight.

“I didn’t peg religion for your weakness...”

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 4:34:53 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Those around her sang together in unity, in a way which she had never heard before. She faded into harmony. Regardless of what she believed, or didn’t, it was something to be beheld.

The organ.

It was comforting.

It swaddled her. She heard a voice, perhaps that of a caretaker who was not her mother. This person didn’t have a name, and they were faceless. Why couldn’t she remember?

“God isn’t here.”

The organ stopped in her head, all of the sudden. Her chest caught, and all of the people were gone except for the strange seventeen-year old sitting next to her.

He’s right in front of me. He’s staring at me. I’m scared.

There came a hard sigh, and she attempted to collect her thoughts. She looked over begrudgingly, caught in something which felt taboo, and somehow not surprised at this point by what a small fucking world it was. “It’s not.”

She stood her ground. She wasn't sure which region her feet were on.

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 23, 2021 13:27:06 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

In a room which brimmed with music and melody, Chryssa's voice cut through with a strange clarity. Despite her lack of reverence, she was no outsider here-- it was as if she knew the words, but was simply singing the wrong part of the song.

"Oh, really? First time, then?"

There was something a little darker, duller about Chryssa today. The clever gleam in her eye seemed flat, the usual note of challenge in her voice subdued. 

She looked down at her lap. She found herself reflected dimly in the metal tablet, faceless and forlorn. "Tell me... what brings you here?"

The girl looked up, eyes crinkling without humor. "Here, I mean."

She swung her legs on the edge of the pew, tilting her head upwards to gaze upon the huge mural which covered the ceiling of the chapel. The Original One's wheel-like insignia was emblazoned there, thorny and cruel as a giant eye.  "This isn't just any church, after all."

She wouldn't say his name.

Her hands tightened on the plate.

No. It doesn't matter. One way or another.

"What brings you to Arceus?"

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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
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Lulu Flint
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 25, 2021 4:39:54 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

She could escape anything.

This place was holy, supposedly.

There was something about this child.

“I’ve hurt people, love.”

“And I don’t know how to take it back.”

The time machine. That was how—perhaps.

Maybe Arceus would allow that. The eye in the stained glass told her different, though, in a certain way the sun hit which rejected her and stung her freshly healed eye. The harmonies in the songs that echoed off the walls too made of stone were somehow yet too thin.

She didn’t understand.

Perhaps this comfort was not meant for her.

“What is this church, if it’s not just any church?”

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON May 31, 2021 0:19:38 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

“This church?” Chryssa tilted her head, eyes vague and unfocused. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s like every other Church of Arceus. Just... a shell. Its ghost is long gone.”

The walls reverberated, as if they were trying to trap it all inside. The lights, the organ, the voices. They swelled and ebbed through the hall like water through cupped hands.

But even this song would not raise the dead.

I’ve hurt people.

“Do you think those people would hurt you too, if they could?” Chryssa asked suddenly, still facing forward in her pew.

“I wonder if they’re angry.”

She wondered if they’d strike back if given a chance. She wondered if they hunted the woman in black like predators hunting prey, following their own blood trail back to the hounds. She wondered if they could forgive what they found if they saw her here, searching for receipts of spent chances.

Chryssa didn’t know why she sought Arceus anymore. If she wanted revenge, or remorse. Compassion, or compensation. If she truly wanted him dead, or if she just wanted to live.

Killing him wouldn’t save her.
But it would make her feel better.

“If so, I think the fact that you’re suffering,” Chryssa said, “Would make them very happy.”

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2021 2:07:53 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Amber eyes found red and green stained glass, glaring. How could the ghost be gone? The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, feeling something not meant for her.

They had to be here. They had to be somewhere, and They weren’t anywhere out there in the world. She had seen the world.

She’d seen Galar.



Now, Hoenn. She’d seen the worst of it all. She'd been the worst, even.

Arceus was surely nowhere, if not here, in Their hallowed matchbox temple, above Their pawns and believers; above Their Wooloo.

Chryssa’s question caught her off guard. She didn’t have time to answer, but it lingered in her mind, piercing through her mental like a bullet sailing in impossibly slow motion.

’—and I want you dead, too.’ The sound of Rinc’s voice—the voice of his ghost—echoed in her head. It had been a nightmare, but every day, for some reason, it felt more real.

The final words were the explosion. Fragments, lodging into every frail board nailed around her own self-loathing and insecurities. Unworthy survivor. What would she make of herself? Would it ever be enough?

There was no retaliation, or ill will towards the girl. No fist, or cutting of the eyes. Not even a sigh.

In fact, her breath stopped entirely for a moment. Her heart hiccupped.

“Perhaps you’re right about that.” She sniffed and looked over to the girl’s neighboring knee. “What’s your name?”

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 10:49:31 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

Instead of answering right away, Chryssa wordlessly handed Lulu her phone. The dark screen was awash with cracks of light, a grid of fractured neon trails that formed a composite, apocalyptic picture.

Red. Green. Yellow.

"You don't remember?" 

The girl's touch was soft as she pressed the image into Lulu's hands. Gentle, but unyielding. Uncompromising. "I remember you. Aren't you curious about what it means?"

It had been months since Chryssa had thought about the Beheeyem's warning. At the time, it had just seemed like yet another mystery.

Now, it felt like a prophecy.

"You asked me where God is," Chryssa said. Her eyes were gray as ghosts. "All these people will give you a different answer. In the church, in your heart, in your faith. If you ask me, he's right here."

She touched the spot of darkness on the brightly-lit globe. It was the negative space Beheeyem had drawn for them between teleports and flashes, as if something massive had obscured the light.

"The Eye is Closed," she said softly. "God is leaving, Miss Mystery.  The universe is expanding. Arceus is moving on. He bears no responsibility for the cruelty of creation."

She didn't know where the words were coming from. They fell from her lips like liquid. Chaos. Bitterness. Even in her darkest moments, knowing Arceus watched over her-- toyed with her-- had been a kind of comfort. Now after finding the Plate, spending weeks agonizing and wondering what it could mean, what God was trying to tell her--

It felt like static. It felt random. It felt like chance and happenstance, meaningless, irrelevant. Whatever happened to fate? To destiny? 

"This pain is his doing."

Maybe destiny and deities walked different paths.

"If you really want to make things right..." Chryssa started, speaking almost to herself. "What you've done, what's been done to you-- you'll have to bring him back." Her hands twisted in her lap, refusing to fold. "If suffering is a cycle, the cycle ends with him."

It all ended with Arceus.

If the world didn't need him... might as well END him.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
ghost in the machine
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 22:57:28 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

What was her name? She couldn’t remember. It hadn’t mattered at the time.

She allowed the phone to be pressed into the palm of her hand, peering into the vision it offered. A mind deadened by hopelessness then began to spark. Curious. Always.

What was the cause of pain? Where did it start?

At the beginning.

What was the beginning?

Where was the end?

Her face turned to the girl, looking her in gray, different eyes. She was as bizarre as space and time—a spirit, maybe. Something else. Someone, and something, perhaps, calling upon her to unlock the latch of destiny’s gate.

“You'll have to bring him back.”

She looked up again, away, to stare into the stained glass behind the organ and the pulpit. 

The Face of God.

“Then I will.”

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ghost in the machine
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 0:04:04 GMT
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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