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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2021 11:56:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
It wasn’t cute and it wasn’t hers. Maybe that made her shallow, but due to those two factors, Violet did not care too much about the little one’s plight. The fact that it had seen fit to attack her, personally, just to get her attention? Well, that certainly did not help matters at all. She was not quite vindictive enough to kill over something like that. But she certainly was not going to risk anyone or anything she cared for to save that one. “Togekiss, go and get the kid,” she instead ordered and the flying fairy took the command to heart.

Once the skittering below was clearly focused on the distracting little thing, Togekiss took off in a swift dive, heading straight for the one it was after. There probably were other victims that could be freed. But she was not here to save those. And, frankly, a lot of wild Pokemon, when startled, would be just as liable to attack her as the spiders were. No, she would not risk it. Instead, she shot some Fairy energy ahead of herself, bursting open the bubble of captivity, right before catching the delirius human on her back.

However, the Pokemon was still a bit more heartful than her trainer. Not enough to outright disobey, but after picking up the human with a grunt, she would turn around and fly back towards Violet. Though instead of doing so at a safer, higher distance, she made sure to fly a bit lower, in order to give that man a shot at recalling his Carbink. It was not a rescue operation, but she wanted to give him the option regardless.
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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 4:10:48 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Freedom in a flash of pink.

Remiel gasps for air after the bubble pops, and finds that air stuck in his throat as he freefalls towards the pit below. Thankfully, a Togekiss swoops in to catch him upon its back. He struggles to regain his bearings at first, capable of little else besides holding on firmly and being carried along for the ride. It was his Carbink's screeching that snapped him out of this stupor, and he looked over the edge to see it being swarmed by spiders.

Recalling the little rock, he watches as the spiders grow even more aggressive with their failed capture, scrambling to climb back up out of their pit and give chase.

With haste, Remiel slides off the Togekiss' back and unlatches another luxury ball from his belt after placing away the other. "I don't know who you are, but thank you." He nods, slicking back his wet hair with a free hand as he summons a black Tyrantrum with the other. Likely one of the largest the girl had ever seen, its landing on the ground below shakes the earth, the huff of its nostrils  blowing tree leaves clean off their branches.


"If you'd like to stay and help me clear this den, you are more than welcome to. I can pay you back at Verdanturf. Otherwise, I suggest you make a quick exit." He warns, rolling up his sleeves. "Things are about to get much worse."

His Tyrantrum roars, thirsty for action.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 17:11:29 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, so it was all about some dude.
Well, that was all she could call him, not at all knowing who this was or why he was here. But he was saved for now, he recalled his little rock, and….he started up a fight. Vio arched a brow at that. He’d literally just almost died to these things and was just getting away. But his first thought was to just turn around and fight them? That was just…silly.
Then again, he was a guy and those were all about it. That huge Tyrantrum just spoke to that in more than one way, indicating that he was compensating for something at least.
So, Violet shrugged, before climbing atop her Togekiss for the time being. “I could use some of my fire Pokemon, but I probably should not burn down this forest. I guess for now I will just…hang back a little and see how this plays out. Didn’t save you just so you get yourself captured again. Don’t get overwhelmed down there.” And with that, she would take on some more altitude, getting herself out of danger for the time being but keeping an eye on him anyway.


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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 23:28:57 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

The ambassador raises a brow, watching as the young girl mounts her Togekiss. Rather than clear the den and get paid, or leave the danger zone altogether, she had opted to watch from above on some misguided idea that he was still in her care now. He'd still compensate her for saving him, of course. Though not as much.

"I'll do my best to spare you the trouble, stranger." He nonchalantly responds, turning back towards his black Tyrantrum as the aquatic spiders began to climb over the edge of their pit and rappel themselves upward with strings of web clinging to the canopy of branches above. With a wave of his hand, Remiel utters his first command.

"Rock Slide."

The giant t-rex digs its clawed feet into the ground with a ferocious pair of stomps, eyes glowing as chunks of rock from all around the forest uproot themselves from the earth and gather in the sky just below the girl. As Araquanid hiss all around, some of them preparing themselves to leap, bite, or LEECH LIFE from the prehistoric tyrant, Blackjaw rears his head with a snap of his jaw before sharply casting it back down. The action is paired with an utterly destructive assault from above, boulders and rocks of all sizes crashing down like meteors with a great clamor, squashing bugs and snapping entire tree trunks.

In that chaos of it all, the Araquanid scatter and seek refuge in or against the trees as the pit they call their home begins to cave in on itself. A few retaliate with defiance, soaking the Tyrantrum with water (SOAK) from branches nearby and pelting it with water (WATER GUN). Others scramble towards the top of the trees they climb, where they find atop her Togekiss nearby. In an aggressive state such as they are, several of them LUNGE towards the pair and attempt to snag them with STICKY WEB.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Sept 25, 2021 12:11:36 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Well, why start now?” She teased him a little on that note. After all, between the two of them, he was the one who had already gone, challenged these spiders and lost. As far as she was concerned, he didn’t exactly have a leg to stand on and act this big. Then again, he was a male in the presence of a beautiful maiden. So, obviously he would try to act the hero in this endeavour. It just made sense, really.
But that wasn’t her problem. She and her Togekiss took their flight a bit higher, especially when some of the spiders he’d missed tried to go for her as the easier target. But that was something they had half expected, so Vio held tight to her Pokemon, which swerved left and right, sending air-slashed out that cut through webs and bugs alike, before gaining even more altitude. Left the boy more on his own, but they would soon outrange the others. “Seems like you already missed a few!”


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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2021 6:37:06 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

A thundering roar echoes throughout the forest and shakes the very foundation of the earth and trees. Angered thoroughly at the spider's attempts to down him with water, the black Tyrantrum whips its DRAGON TAIL across and strikes many of the pesky bugs that had been surrounding it. The powerful act snaps a tree in two, as well, sending it crashing upon many Araquanid before spiraling into the pit nearby.


This mayhem continues for a few minutes longer, filling the forest with prehistoric roars, the gnashing of teeth, and savagery. Remiel is content to ignore the young woman's heckling above, focused on not being captured again and commanding his Tyrantrum from the sidelines. When it's all over, leaving spider limbs, corpses, and entrails scattered across what now looks like a meteor impact site, the pair exit to a grassy plain outside.

| | |

On a grassy plain just outside the border of Verdanturf Town, Blackjaw the black Tyrantrum snacks on a large Araquanid corpse it has carried in from the forest with its jaws. Remiel stands just a few meters away from the abnormally large, prehistoric beast. Arms crossed, the royal looks up to the sky to see if his rescuer will bother to come down and introduce herself. Otherwise, he's content to head off to Verdanturf and go about his business.


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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2021 17:11:12 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Well, this was violent. And even though her name was pretty close to that, she did not want to be caught up right in the middle of that. Hence, Vio kept hovering above, using her Pokemon to stay out of reach and dodge the occasional attack being thrown her way. She had no real reason to attack these things, after all. They had a nest so close to the city. And judging by the fact that no army had shown up to exterminate them, they had to have been rather passive towards humans. Except for this one, obviously. But given how he immediately went into a murder rage towards them, it was entirely possible that he was not exactly innocent in this matter.
Still, he was a human that could be communicated with and they were not. So Bio watched him slaughter them before descending once more. “Well, it appears that you have been victorious. Guess I won’t have to save you again~.” Sure, she was teasing him. But she was also making sure he did not forget that he pretty much owed her, to some extent. “But really, how did you get caught here in the first place with that much power? Did you try to train the little one by having it fight all the spiders instead of your big dino?”


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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 1:30:41 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Before long, the lass comes gliding down from the sky atop her Togekiss. Blackjaw hardly pays them any mind as he continues having his meal, tearing off one of the arachnid's bony limbs with an easy, yet equally as satisfying, snap. Remiel, on the other hand, indifferently watches her land.

"It's a rare occurrence: saving me. You're one of a handful, so I suppose you should feel special." He remarks, his nonchalant expression unchanging despite the joking tone of his words. "My Carbink and I were tracking a deposit of special stones," The royal answers, still internally debating whether he should share more information or not. "We found a piece of what we'd come for... but the Araquanid had set a trap."

That was still a fairly dumb and embarrassing mistake on his part, no doubt. His eyes casually shifting away belies as much. And, though his next inquiry is genuine, one can't help but wonder if he's eager to change the subject from his blunder, too.

"What's your name? I'll make sure you're compensated."



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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 14:34:23 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Oh, look at that. He definitely was full of himself, now wasn’t he? Almost made her pout just to hear him like that. Especially since it was kind of pointless. There also were only a handful of people that had ever saved her in any capacity. But that didn’t make them special. It just made her good at avoiding the worst of trouble, really.
But she just lightly shrugged and accepted that instead of trying to fight him on that one. It was pointless trying to convince people so full of themselves. She should know. Vio was one of them. “Oh, don’t worry, I feel special all the time,” was still added, though it wasn’t quite a spicy as she would have liked to throw at him. Again, for the sake of not making a mountain of a molehill really. “So that’s why you were so dead-set on wiping them out, so that you can come back and mine your stones?” Well, probably. If she was him, she’d want to get at them asap – just in case others might also stumble across them. Or that the authorities might recognize what was available so close to town and decide that it was theirs to begin with.
“Either way,” she then continued, briefly bowing a little. “Violet Fairbanks, professional tourist in this region.”

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Remiel Calcifet
greenwood [s]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 8:34:23 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

Remiel raises a brow, almost certain his teasing had flown over her head. Regardless of that, or her attitude, however, he managed an inch of a smile. "I'm sure you do..." He'd met her ilk before: the flawless 'do no wrongs'.

Sauntering towards his black Tyrantrum, the royal shook his head after she suggested they'd massacred the colony of Araquanid to mine further. "We chose to eliminate them to prevent any future attacks," He explained, recalling the mounds of bones he'd found amidst the dig site, and the tattered clothing of missing persons. "The stone we'd come for is already in my possession, and it seems this territory has no more to offer."

Upon reaching his dinosaur, it bows its head and accepts a series of firm pats against its cheek. A low, pleased grumble comes from its throat as Remiel shows it this affection. He only stops and turns over his shoulder to regard the woman's bow. When she utters her name, a gleam of realization flashes in his eyes, but disappears as quickly as it came.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Fairbanks. My name is Remiel Calcifet." He replies, turning his whole body to face her once more. "You make a... profession out of being a tourist, then? Are you a travel blogger, perhaps?" He inquires, brewing more questions still.



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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 16:18:03 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Now that made her chuckle. “No, no, I am not quite as desperate for attention as these people. I am perfectly content only being known to those I meet.” After all, having too high a profile would make it quite difficult to con people, now wouldn’t it? Leaving that kind of trail on the net would be a bad thing, ultimately, and she preferred to focus on interpersonal interactions in order to attain her goals. And in order to satisfy her own needs for attention, after all. She just wasn’t very desperate for it was all.
That Remiel guy at least seemed to think he had figured her out. Which would probably make it easy to get more out of him, too. Only she was not quite sure if she wanted to. Anyone who almost died for some random stone, no matter how pretty, was probably not that valuable an asset.
But then again, she was in science now, so she probably should not dismiss it out of hand. “I am merely travelling, gathering experience and furthering myself. Granted, no one is paying me, but I have enough money put away to allow me to do this, at least for a good while.” Which was as true as anything, really. Though in a roundabout way, it did describe her situation rather well, actually.
“That must be a very unique stone then. I take it you were not just looking for it because it looked pretty?”


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Remiel Calcifet
greenwood [s]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2021 19:18:23 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
few experience what you really are

A traveler. Hoenn certainly didn't lack a great deal of trainers who made a living from Pokémon battles as they challenged the League. Though he doubted she cared much about the League challenge herself, really. From what he'd seen, she didn't seem like the type to commit to anything worthwhile for long.

"Ahh, I see..." He answers, unclipping his Tyrantrum's reinforced luxury ball from his belt before returning it. It hums as it dissipates into light, satisfied with its meal and its bout of mayhem and violence. Once it disappears, Remiel clips the ball back onto his belt and turns to redirect his full attention onto the female once more, briefly (and internally) debating sharing more information than he had to. "The stones are vital to a mystery regarding an ancient cataclysm that may have struck Hoenn ages ago." He explains.

There's a pause then, and he takes that moment to dust his shoulders and arms free of forest debris as he considers Violet's situation. "I could use an assistant, you know— in the field, I mean. Less paper-pushing and answering calls... more along the lines of watching my back and helping locate dig sites." Finished with his self-care, his sharp cobalt eyes lock onto her own. "It'd pay fairly well, if you're interested."

The fact that she'd saved his life lent itself to a bit of a bonus in pay.

notes: $$$
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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2021 17:50:43 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

An ancient cataclysm? She hadn’t quite heard of that yet. However, given just what kind of events she had experienced over time, she could at least imagine it. While she was only pretending to be from another region, she had not truly experienced her home for the longest time. Only recently had she started to get involved with bigger matters. Though it was probably best to not be too forthcoming with information in this regard. Rocket would probably not like it too much, after all.
Speaking of, if she had gotten a job offer like this a few months ago, she would have eagerly taken it. Well, she would have considered it more thoroughly at least. However, as things stood? She probably could not take it either way. Still, it could prove useful, so she was not going to outright reject it out of hand. “Hmm, a job offer. Obviously, I would need to know a little more than that and then think it over. Anything else would probably be insulting both our intelligences.” She chuckled a bit, saying that. “I could give you my contact information then you could send me the peculiars and I will consider it. That sound fair to you?”



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born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
greenwood [s]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2022 20:03:05 GMT
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"That's sound," Remiel nods in agreement, pulling a thin wallet out of his pocket before producing a business card. Stepping forward, he hands it over to Violet. "Call or e-mail me at your convenience. My assistant will arrange a meeting, if you're interested."

With that being said, the ambassador walks past her, casting a half-hearted wave over his shoulder. Verdanturf lies on the horizon just ahead, and the promise of a hot bath and dinner at the Raltz-In Inn.


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October 13
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40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
greenwood [s]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2022 5:54:09 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP