whistle while you work [ mission / open ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tachibana homura
whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2021 21:30:36 GMT
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watering can in hand and duckie by their side they were working as a team to get these big berry plants all watered up. there had been a few plants like this in kanto but it seemed like hoenn was a lot bigger on growing them all over the place instead of in nice neat gardens. not only that but apparently the people here would give you a berry for free if you were willing to do some watering for them! it didn't seem like that hard of a job really.

dumping some of the water out of the psyduck shaped pail onto the ground she realized it was empty. of course the only solution for that was to have duckie fill it back up... instead of course of having the psyduck do the watering herself. because that wasn't what the job was. the job was to use this can to do it instead.

open mission!
berry patch kids!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2021 23:13:28 GMT
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she was used to this fieldwork, having raised berries and other foliage at the ranch. it was a ranch though, so their focus was raising livestock. but they did veggies and fruit on the side to sell to farmer's markets. get a little extra money to help.

Tallulah would walk to the area she was supposed to help with, seeing a young girl already there. "hey" she raised a hand to her, impressed with the girl's tenacity and devotion to the job "I'm Tallulah, the Ranger HQ sent me?"

maybe she didn't know, but the woman was League so that made it less awkward. with her was her new Blastoise, tugging along best he could to keep up. "are you Homura?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tachibana homura
whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 10:31:22 GMT
tachibana homura Avatar
homura nearly dropped the pail when someone came up to them, talking about rangers or something. they didn't know anything about that really. just that they were going to get more gum money for watering these things. but they knew that the rangers were supposed to be good guys here. which was good. it meant that they were probably here to help water all these plants. "yes... i'm supposed to water these berries." holding up the now full pail of water they dumped some of it on another one of the dry plants, the psyduck staring at the new person that had shown up to help. as psyducks often did.

berry patch kids!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 23:12:49 GMT
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"it's nice ta meet you, Homura."

ironically, Tallulah chewed gum. unknown to the girl's wishes for more money for the item, she'd pull out a stick of tropical flavored gum. plopping one into her mouth, she'd offer the girl one. her Pa did chewing tobacco and she wasn't really one for that. gum it was. kept your mouth occupied while you worked.

"Blastoise can fill your watering can when you're done. I'll start over here, okay?" she jerks a thumb at the opposite end of the berry garden. Tallulah didn't want to get in the girl's way at all. she says this all expertly around her gum, making sure to not reveal the squishy candy while she talked. it was rude.

taking a stray can left for whoever needed it, she'd get her Pokemon to fill it with fresh water and begin to water.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tachibana homura
whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 21:26:39 GMT
tachibana homura Avatar
gum was always a welcome addition to their inventory really. it was good to chew on and kept you quiet when you needed to be. back home they needed to be quiet a lot while their parents did important business work.

"duckie can fill water cans too." after all it was a water type and that was what she was here for. that's what they were both here for. so they took the gum and began chewing on it slowly and carefully as they began to dump water on another plant.

"you work with the league?" that was the ones that weren't rocket. if they remembered right. and only people who were with the league would want to water plants super good like this. rocket only liked ruining them.

berry patch kids!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 0:52:50 GMT
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"aye? sorry about that, Duckie" she flashes a smile at the Psyduck "you're such a good little Pokémon, not makin' a sound... barely saw you there." quiet, obedient Pokémon were always welcome to befriend. Tallulah would have liked to pat the Psyduck on the head but resisted. she didn't know how it was with strangers.

she waters as Blastoise watches for any signs of predators wanting to eat the crops. when Homura asked about her affiliation, she'd glance up. a brow was wiped idly. "yeah" did Rocket have Rangers too? she wasn't so sure about that "do you?" she asked, not really caring either way. though she would be anxious if the girl was indeed a Rocket.

there was some dangerous criminals out there. this sweet little girl didn't seem to be bad. strange that the League might employ children.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tachibana homura
whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 8:26:41 GMT
tachibana homura Avatar
their mom had gotten them duckie as a birthday present last year. and the year before that gemmie and coolie had come as a duo for their birthday. they had technically been homura's "starter" pokemon as it were. their life had been a little bit more complicated than the average trainer who went to the lab and got a special pokemon and all that stuff. but that was because of rocket. it was always because of rocket.

"i helped blow up a pirate ship." it had been a weird experience and an accident that they had even been there. but they'd still done the job. duckie wadded over to one of the un-watered plants, spitting water onto it like the watering can did.
berry patch kids!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 1:49:50 GMT
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that... wasn't really an answer, but she'd take it. Tallulah chuckled as she began to re-water whatever spaces she had missed or looked a bit dry already. "a pirate ship, eh?" sinking it was no small feat she supposed.

approaching her Blastoise, he'd tip his water canons forward to allow Tallulah to re-fill her own empty watering can. returning to the vast fields, the woman was reminded of home. the acres of foliage being grown. the smell of manure.

they had been cattle farmers mostly, raising Pokemon more than berries. but it still happened on the side. she remembered going to the farmer's market with her Pa. how excited she had been as a girl when people bought their produce.

it was happy memories.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tachibana homura
whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 9:24:27 GMT
tachibana homura Avatar
they were pleased with the amount of work they had done, a bell ringing in the background where the main house was. it was the sound that the farmers had told her to listen for for when the work was all done. "oh, the bell!" carefully they put the watering can back where it belonged. back in the spot they had picked it up from in the first place. "i'm all done now." the psyduck waddled beside them as they headed for the gate. it was all the work they were supposed to do for now.

berry patch kids!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 19:40:03 GMT
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she knew that sound.

Tallulah wipes her brow, careful to not stomp on the freshly watered patch of earth as she made her way to the edge. shooting the girl a smile, she dips her head. "same here." she wanted to say 'take it easy' but didn't want to mother the child.

"see ye around!" she adds instead. Tallulah was going to clean up before leaving, her farm slash ranch chores kicking in. this was a mode she didn't expect to get back into so soon.

5/5 + end
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whistle while you work [ mission / open ]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 3:21:17 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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