a girl's best friend bby [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 1:56:22 GMT
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'Hey doll <3 wanna have some fun 2nite? ; )'

Is the text that Amuro should have gotten from Chu-e. There was cash to be had and a department store to rob after hours and Chu-e was brimming with excitement to do so. Unlike some people who rose through the ranks of Rocket, he preferred to most of the dirty work himself when he got the chance. Kept him from growing too restless.

For now, Chu-e was played the part of a lackadaisical youth, bored and taking the world where he could. He popped big pink gum bubbles and tried to keep his combo up in the cookie themed game he had recently found cute enough for his time, being as inconspicuous as possible while he waited for his friend to arrive and the real fun to start.

let's get some gems my dude

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 2:14:57 GMT
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Amuro groaned loud enough for the Servine at his side to leap off the pillow it's been sleeping on, as if something had happened. If only something did happen. Amuro would be thankful to hear that something– or just anything happened. "Come back, Serv. We aren't going anywhere now." The Servine seemed upset. But not because of what Amuro said, but mostly because he spoke.

If he knew that this Servine was going to be such a headache to deal with, he might've not bought it. Or at least he liked to think so.

A noise from his phone echoed inside the hotel room, and immediately, both Amuro and Servine looked at the device. Was this it? Was something finally happening? No matter what it was, he was ready to go.

'wanna have some fun 2nite?' Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes.

'hell YEAH! i was starting to think you forgot how to text. where & when are we going?'

He didn't even ask what they were going to do. Instead, he went to dress and called out for his Gallade, ready to ask the Pokemon to teleport him to wherever Chu was going to come up with.

⋆ amuro is r e a d y ⋆
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 2:23:59 GMT
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Chu-e grinned at the prompt reply. He could always count on Amuro.

'gem heist. rn. lilycove department store.' Was his reply, followed by a lazy selfie to show he was sitting on one of the fountains around the side of the building. He was sticking his tongue out and was making a 'peace' sign, for good measure. A Gardevoir was sitting next to him, just out of frame; ready to go grab Amuro himself if the other suddenly forgot how to teleport.

After it sent, Chu-e also sent him plans- schematics he had downloaded, weak spots in security, a few pics of what they were actually after... this wouldn't be too bad. Chu-e was usually prepared when it came to shit like this.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 2:37:29 GMT
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'omw' Short and sweet. That's all they needed.

"Gallade, I got an address." Amuro's Servine wasn't about to admit that it was interested, yet still, it lifted its red eyes to stare at its trainer. Half-intrigued, half-asking to join. Though without actually asking. "You can come too, don't worry." Amuro rolled his eyes at the grass-type who was now very content. Almost as much as its trainer.

"Lilycove's department store, Gallade. We passed by there before going to the museum, remember?" Saying that aloud reminded Amuro of a certain, whiskey-drinker rocket– but it was best not to think about boys right now. At least not boys like . He distracted Amuro too much during their mission, and it'd be too embarrassing if the same thing was to happen today– with Chu-e here to witness it.

Nope. Not happening.

A faint, blue-ish glow announced Amuro and his Pokemons' arrival. He looked around for his friend, and then called out for him, "This wasn't the first thing I had in mind when I thought of where I should spend my Friday night, so it better be good, Chu."

⋆ ok last one before i sleep, GNIGHT ⋆
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 4:02:01 GMT
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"We're not just common cat burglers tonight." Pulling up some pictures, Chu-e turned to his phone around to his friend to show. "Rumor has it they have good shit in there, better than your normal super mall. Maybe if you ask nice I'll even let you keep something shiny."

Standing up, giving a stretch, Chu-e hummed and motioned to Prince. The Gardevoir stood as well, nodding to his trainer and glancing at the Gallade. Judging in his own way.

"There's a blind spot on the cameras that Prince can Teleport us, too. There's a big metal door but we can't teleport inside. My pokemon that are strong enough to bust it down are too big; can Gallade or any of your other pokemon take care of it? The alarm will sound and we'll have to be quick grabbing what we can and getting out." It wasn't the most eloquent plan but it would get them somewhere.

he's so excited lmao

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a girl's best friend bby [m]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2019 14:58:55 GMT
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Amuro's head nodded intuitively as Chu-e spoke. He should've probably paid more attention, but one of the rings shown in his friend's phone caught his eye. He really liked shiny things– but blueshiny things? Oh boy. Those were absolutely the best. So sparkly.

Gallade however, unlike his trainer, wasn't very excited from looking at Chu-e's pictures. In fact, he wasn't really excited about anything. Amuro has known him ever since he was a little Ralts, but somehow, he still haven't found something that truly makes his partner happy.
The brunet hadn't really noticed that his Gallade was a little (and only a little) excited to see Chu-e's Gardevior. Weird.

"Metal door.. Hm." He paused, thinking for just a few seconds. "I think I have an idea, I just hope he isn't too big for this place." A couple more moments passed, and then Amuro decided to continue. He turned to face Gallade. "He will probably feel better if you aren't there, Gallade. I'll see you later." The Gladiator-pokemon said nothing and waited for Amuro to return him to his Pokeball.

He retrieved another Pokeball during that time, apparently ready now.

"Okay. Teleport us inside."

⋆ ok but amuro is excited too?? ⋆
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