the sleep n' plot

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 26, 2018 15:50:52 GMT
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Gonna stick to my guns

Protective, ambitious, sassy, and a little reckless, Vera's a friend who'll allot herself as your adviser and guardian while needing just as much help (and she'll never admit to it). The tough front is mostly an illusion, she's actually pretty soft for both people and pokemon. She won't hesitate to kick you to the curb for being stupid, but killing or mortally wounding someone (physically, emotionally, mentally) is out of the question. As a friend, she can be a bit much at times, especially when alcohol is in the equation, but she's always got your back. Additionally, she's a big nerd for interesting pokemon-human interactins (field of choice) and pokebiology (working on mega stuff) so if you're into that then it'll be peachy.[break]



Holy hell, I can tell

The sarcasm and rapid-fire judgements won't be brushed off by everyone—or most sensible people, really. Most enemies are brushed under the rug, labelled too immature or annoying to be worth the time except when she feels like poking a metaphorical bear with verbal sticks. But there are enemies who she takes seriously, legitimately fears and despises, and those are people from her past who know about her failures or had a hand in them, namely high-ranking scholars and corrupt League employees. She's trying to rekindle it now, climb up the ranks without getting her hands dirty and use that power to make things right, but it's a task easier said than done, and Vera has no time to waste on people who try to get in her way.[break]



keep me up, keep me waiting

Vera's a busy lady. The most intimate relations she's been having so far are fluctuating one-night stands during vacation days, mostly taking place at her apartment in Lilycove. She does plan on settling down one day but that's a matter of when she finds the right lady and a time when she's not balancing over the League tightrope.


[attr="class","ion-lightbulb"]LOOKING FOR...

I'll be fine, I'm alright

Surrogate Kiddos First step to Vera learning to get her shit together is to have people she needs to be an example for. Can be younger, or just someone who needs the guidance.[break][break]

Rivals Competition! Vera loves to play one-up, and she's not such a bad loser as long as she likes the other person enough. Or maybe she doesn't! Preferably with someone also interested in science. Or, if you really want to see her dramatically rage, someone into gardening. She... tries. Her hands are just cursed??[break][break]

Bar/Shopping Buddies Self-explanatory. Alcohol and fashion are Vera's favorites.[break][break]

Voice of Reason She needs a better conscience. Pls help.[break][break]

Crushes You got a pretty looking lady or one that's cuter than a button? Immediately smitten. Prepare for the flirting, and she doesn't exactly stop even when rejected (it'll devolve into teasing dw, she doesn't push).[break][break]

Fuck It Up?? Okay so Vera's kind of too idealistic right now (although her Audino dying has kicked that down a peg). If she's to achieve her dream of success and creating great change in the region she's going to need to face the facts: Some people and pokemon aren't worthy of forgiveness. Rockets are a bigger risk than she thinks, and perhaps certain moves of the League (no matter how controversial and assbackwards at times) may be necessary. This one will need some ironing but feel free to go for it if you've got an idea![break][break]







The scientist. The Alcoholic. The Failure. The Mother to-be. At twenty-eight, she's only ever tread a single path, yet desires the world, convinces herself it's not her own, that it's for the future, for the little ones, the ones in need, and only time will tell if she'll realize her own greed.


all my love's wrapped in shades of red

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i will embrace your bubbles

Edith is a sweet, well-mannered little lady who will treat anyone with courtesy and great compassion—unnerving compassion, really. Being raised in a cult has made her very (naive) accepting of anyone, including the most despicable of criminals, and she's more than happy to do favors if you promise it will help in the fulfilment of your short, precious mortal life. With such a crooked moral compass, Edith can be persuaded to commit heinous acts for the benefit of her friends, sometimes without their knowledge. She just really wants people to be happy. She's pretty sheltered, but takes great interest in ghosts, horror, and literature.



i will squeeze out your evil

Edith is soft-spoken and considerate of everything except her beliefs. Such beliefs are based from the now-defunct cult 'Children of the New Realm', namely:[break][break]
1. All people will pass on to the Spirit World[break][break]
2. Humanity has strayed from their path and need guidance from the New Children and the Dusknoir[break][break]
3. Ghost types are human lives who had passed unsuccessfully, either through dissatisfaction or a grave mistake in life. They are considered to be the only pokemon to have souls, and the cult aims to ensure no one is cursed with becoming one of the Damned.[break][break]

The Unovan cult followed 'cycles' where members would, er, 'pass on' en masse save for a chosen heir. These rituals are typically done when the heir comes of age and is kept secret, but involvement of the police had forced Edith's previous Leader to execute the ritual too soon. Edith refuses to acknowledge she has motives beyond Spreading The Truth, but the incident had left its mark on her very young mind, and she harbors a deep-seated hatred for the people who, in her eyes, had 'ruined everything'. Now she's kind of become this crazed, deluded criminal hell-bent on rendering her judgement on the people. Her involvement with Rocket is fuelled purely by necessity; they had provided her a new start after all, and they pay her for the grunt work.[break][break]

This kinda got rambly but basically if your character doesn't like people who think they have the power to decide when others should die or people who treat non-ghost types like soulless garbage, then they're probably not going to like her.



i won't fight or make you cry



[attr="class","ion-lightbulb"]LOOKING FOR...

whatever you need

boss/mentor Edith is new to the Rocket scene and would love to follow in someone's footsteps. Being a criminal means more than just murder and fraud after all![break][break]

followers Although the cult is technically defunct, Edith's long-term goal is to basically revive it for the next cycle, as is tradition. Could be an old member, could be a converted one, but if you wanna join the crazy spirit club then Edith's more than happy to help.[break][break]

probably someone who's too nice to live Edith's still young, so it's possible to stop her from basically digging a thousand graves in the name of The Old Times. Someone too nice, too precious, and probably not all that right in the head for thinking she can still be saved.[break][break]

cops Edith's left a few bodies in her wake. At this point, the file must be buried, but the people who mourn won't ever forget. Maybe someone is trying to find her and serve justice. Maybe Rocket won't be able to stop them.[break][break]







The cultist. The orphan. Leading everyone into the light, she'll be with them as they burn one in the same.



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Making a garbage boiiii the garbage will come soon very soon indeedy




stuff about enemies goes here! make sure to use break tags when starting a new paragraph.




stuff about romances goes here! make sure to use break tags when starting a new paragraph.


[attr="class","ion-lightbulb"]LOOKING FOR...


stuff about other plots go here! make sure to use break tags when starting a new paragraph.







upon my side where it is felt, i pack a little pistol on my pistol belt. i think it might be fear of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid. under the skin, against the skull, they put a little chip so that they know it all. oh, i think it might be fear of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 27, 2018 3:53:37 GMT
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is the alcoholic lesbian wife we all want but don’t deserve. i love her crusade against corruption, and she may come against my . his ‘acquisition’ and overhaul of slateport’s shipyard came with rumours of underhanded negotiations and his councilman husband’s influence in the process, and i’m sure his tenure as overseer has brought other speculation. malcolm is careful but he has future goals that he will pursue regardless of the cost.

it’s likely they’d have met! he regularly interacts with the league’s scientists, and vera has herself a reputation. her nonchalance and sarkiness would clash with malcolm, a man who very much gives the impression he has not laughed at a single joke in his life. but mal may threaten her depending on her future actions bc jsyk i adooooore tension!!!! and i’d love to do a mission with both of them in the future just because i luuuuuuuurve clashing. tell me yr thoughts!
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POSTED ON Sept 29, 2018 22:39:19 GMT
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Hello, hello! Thanks for reaching out. I was intending to post in ’s plotter myself eventually so this is perfect.

League parents unite; how does declaring them “official unofficial work spouses” sound? Alex would respect all the shades of Vera’s character. Her no-nonsense approach to the league’s seedier elements, alongside her otherwise easy-going attitude. They’d get along perfectly, and I think every idea you suggested should be incorporated into their dynamic. Tag-teaming, co-drinking, trading texts, and shit-talking the league for black-balling her back in the day. He’s also happy to give her advice regarding her Audino, of course.

I think the most interesting bit of complexity we could add to their relationship would be some bad blood or hard feelings down the line? This might change depending on how the other council members decide to approach team rocket as a threat, but I generally plan for Alex to be one of the council members who’s willing to overstep some ethical boundaries in the fight against them, going as far as torture, blackmail, ect. Assuming Vera would be totally against that, this difference in opinion can manifest itself, for now, as simple hypothetical debates between them, just to add a little bit of tension to all the fun times they usually have together before things potentially fall apart later on. I want them to be extremely close friends, who might have to slow burn into reluctant professional rivals down the line, basically. What do you say?
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persephone amavi
the sleep n' plot
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2018 12:19:06 GMT
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be my new mum.

but also hello! here's perse, a fellow substance-abusing pseudo-scientist. maybe vera knew perse's actual mother when she was alive? or, uh, maybe she was a temporary student assistant when she was studying at, like, hoenn university? not sure how vera would respond to perse's host of issues and stubborn refusal to stop actively making bad life choices, however! i could also see perse having one of those one-sided admiration crushes because vera is so cool for about a week before she forces herself to get over it through sheer willpower :')

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 2, 2018 0:43:47 GMT
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SLEEPY MATE i’m so sorry this took long i had a super busy weekend that meant i was totally away from my macbook. i’ve returned from the depths of socialising to say that “i would punch you if it was not unlawful” is an absolutely fantastic tension. that wonderful suspicion about each other but they’re not going to thrown down – no, not yet anyway. but, js, malcolm will not shy in confronting her if she is not subtle about her investigations. he is not a man of subtlety either.

rrr i’m looking @ the current missions & i don’t think the ones available would rly suit the pair of them. ia that rocket stuff or infiltration would be so fun but i think a science-themed mission could be good… :thunking: maybe raincheck on the mission for now, tho i may spam you on discord with a “I HAVE THIS IDEA” bc i’m brainstorming!!

tho tension aside, vera’s repute will likely lead to malcolm taking a genuine, curious academic look @ her work! no joke. he’ll have his secretary print out her thesis that he can take to with a highlighter, pen and cup of tea when he’s off work later. vera’s presence may be seen as a threat to some league activities, but malcolm is a nerd who listens to the pokemon equivalent of radio 4/npr for fun. FUN!!!! perusing dissertations is recreational for him. brings him back to pokemon grad school days, okay. essentially, vera and mal at each other’s throats, but he respects her academic rigour.
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august 12th
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2018 7:02:17 GMT

if you're fighting corruption then you're going to be an eventual pain in the ass. but, you're also a scientist so you'll be needed to. although not nearly as intensive, fernando has the privilege of being educated. might wanna exchange notes and silph info if he can get some good stuff in return.

raid results might influence how this goes, but couldn't hurt to do some introductions?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2018 8:20:12 GMT
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Dude no, it's okay, I understand! Life can get busy. ^^ But oh man I'm also excited to start writing with Mal! The fact he respects Vera, at least in an academic standpoint, is going to make her feel so... conflicted. Like how come the asshole with evil vibes and underground connection gives me more respect than my own colleagues? Any case, I don't mind waiting until an appropriate mission/plot comes up for them to meet! They might even meet during the raid. c: I hope you like "It's SCIENCE, BITCH" with your facts, because Vera is chock full of 'em~

Oh holy shit yes?? you're onto something great since Vera's research is, well, it's got some things that Silph as a company would probably want in order to make uncounted riches - that being the ability to create technology that will allow full communication with any pokemon. Pokemon and Human Communications, have you ever wanted to talk to a god?

Nah but that technology is still far, far off from being fully developed. Vera's been getting the itch to make this specific tech since she first tried talking to a wild Rhyhorn as a kid but has been too preoccupied and completely lacking in resources. Plus, it puts her on the fence morally, especially when it's become apparent that some people want to use pokemon for evil.

During her 'League downtime' (a.k.a she got kicked off the League for trying to out the corruption and was basically barred from any government position or organization), I'd imagined she worked for private companies and clients. Selling off research and assisting in developing their gadgets; it's possible that Silph was one of them and she would have old friends there. Fernando may have known her from then?

And yes, the raid would be a pretty big determining factor in how this will play out, but an introduction isn't too far off! ^^ I wouldn't mind having a short social thread. If any of these ideas may need tweaking, feel free to tell me!
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august 12th
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POSTED ON Oct 4, 2018 6:31:49 GMT
oh shit that works so well. it's funny actually cause he'd be all over it but also think of it as being useless at the same time. like, of course everyone wants to buy it but then he has to actually humanize his pokemon and shit like that (he's a pretty savage tamer so there's that). i could see hella threads about that, even if it's just the scheme / planning stages.

if she's working private then definitely an easy way to connect them w/ some established history. since the raid is ongoing, we can either wait it out or maybe do a flash back thread? i'm down for whatever.

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she / her
november 23
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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POSTED ON Oct 6, 2018 17:34:20 GMT
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oh my god, sorry for taking a while to get back to you 🙏

but i love literally everything you said?! vera's such a sweetheart aww. i actually like the idea of her knowing something about persephone's father too! idk how much perse would necessarily care at this point because she's Grown Up now, but maybe she can attempt to weasel that info out of poor vera at some point c': actually, maybe i can grow this into a valid plot point later depending on who the person is..... maybe i'll think of something hmm.

you know, the irony is that if perse gets even an inkling of vera's alcoholism she'd feel as though she has to look out for her, too. i think that kind of caring is, presumably, something they're both lacking and it'd be pretty nice to have someone there to look out for them. incidentally, perse is sending girls to vera too! she's telling her to make a poketinder or whatever lol.

i think maybe a duo wild for some banter in like... the shoal cave to get samples of ice and because i want an ice-type might be nice??

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2018 21:38:05 GMT
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@scott &

At first, he'd be like, oh lol you hot but then when he realized that he wasn't exactly her type he'd sob, then once over it he'd pretty well adopt her as his mother. I can see these two getting along decently well. Maybe drinking buddies? Because of his recent loss, Scott's been taking to being an alcoholic himself so.

@ainsley &

She's hot. She's blonde. She's got big breasts-- honestly, Ainsley would try and sleep with her.
I know, I know, there's like a seven year age gap, and that's fine! But could you imagine Vera at the bar seeing this lil thing and maybe they flirt or something and it goes to far whoops next morning Ainsley's makin' fucking pancakes because bitch knows how to treat a girl??? o-or is it just me?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2018 8:19:44 GMT
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Plotter has been updated~
Lil' horror child has been added to the roster.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing