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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 16:13:45 GMT
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cait considered a day like this one to be nearly perfect; the weather superb and the warmth that saturated the airs and wind hinting toward the magnificence of an oncoming spring. she had grown far more lively as of late, her formerly dampened spirit having flared to life when she had glimpsed signs of the new season.

'only a month or two left before weather like this becomes a near constant.' 

she'd welcome spring with a song and a dance - as was tradition. but for now, she impatiently awaited its arrival.  

"here you are, meganium."

the young woman gingerly placed a freshly crafted crown of leaves upon the grass-type's head. her fellows were also in possession of the accessory,  their mistress having lovingly crafted each. the grass-types surrounded her in a loosely gathered circle, appearing at ease as they enjoyed time spent outside of their respective capsules.

'moments like these feel so... rare, nowadays.' 

her daily schedule had been filled to the brim, the little time she had to herself spent either resting or conducting research of a personal nature. when she wasn't focusing on her work as an assistant; she invested time toward strengthening her team or adding to their number.


cait rubbed at her face which was presently marred by a small frown. 

"i have today for myself," she murmured. "i might as well enjoy it.

she scooted closer to her meganium before leaning against the creature's large and warm body with a sigh.

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 16:42:18 GMT
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why hello, we meet again. /also Lars is low-key jelly at all those Grass-types!

He’d gotten so much done today, and was looking to unwind and relax.

After helping out that fire out, as well as assisting with driving back that gigantic Drampa to wherever it was going to stew (at least until it started causing trouble again) he was more than a little tired and decided to take the long way back to Verdanturf.

Which meant he’d be passing through the Petalburg Woods, and hopefully he’d be able to scope out the place. He was still looking for some certain Grass-types; despite already having a Cacturne to call his own. Maybe the goal he was chasing was a little hard to attain?

Maybe I shot myself figuratively in the foot… why did they have to be rarer than rare? He thought crossly, having shaken and wiped down most of the soot on his face…and unfortunately that meant he had to wash his hair down in the bathroom in the back of Petalburg’s local Pokémon Center. Once he’d gotten that fixed, he’d wandered out to the Woods proper…

…wait, did he see something…?!

A flash of movement caught his eye; and he decided to track it, following it as quietly as possible. Unfortunately, he missed a branch, and as he stepped on it, a loud snapping noise probably alerted his presence to any and all Pokémon that were in the area—scaring them away.

“Ah, shit,” he groaned a few moments later.

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 17:03:21 GMT
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the young woman had dozed off as anderson neared, her eyes having fallen shut and her breathing having slowed to a noticeable degree. her meganium remained firmly in place, unwilling to disrupt her mistress's slumber even as a sharp noise originated from someplace near. the pokemon present glanced at one another before the herbal pokemon instructed chesnaught and sceptile to investigate the disruption's source. 

those whom remained formed a tighter circle around their oblivious mistress, protective and straining their senses as they peered all around them.


it wouldn't take terribly long for the aforementioned pair to cross paths with anderson, the ranger a meager stone's toss away from where their party rested. they peered in the direction of the unfamiliar human, a notably hostile air about them as they stepped closer. chesnaught soon raised himself to his proper height alongside sceptile, the fighter attempting to dissuade the human from stepping any closer as he released a noise akin to a growl.

charged with defending their group, the grass-types had little issue with potentially ejecting anderson by force.

[ sceptile and chesnaught want to battle ! ]

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 17:35:13 GMT
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w e l p

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he groaned a few moments later.

There went his cover, blown out and completely ruined! All because of a stupid branch he’d accidentally stepped on! Mentally berating himself, he groaned—but not before he saw two figures approaching him.

His eyebrows went up at the sight of one of the two—there it was, one of the Grass-types he was looking for! But… why was it accompanied by another?

Surely there’s someone out here, he thought idly, watching as the two continued to approach him. They didn’t look like wild Pokémon, he’d immediately know if they were…

“Oh, come on,” he groaned again, touching his right hand to the still-fresh wound on his forehead. Seeing as he was about to be backed into a corner, he had no other choice…

Fine, if that’s what you want to do… he thought crossly, quickly reaching into his soot-stained jacket and pulling out two particular containment units. While his Pokémon had been refreshed thanks to the trip at Petalburg’s Pokémon Center, he was hoping that this wouldn’t have to be a battle to the death.

“Ro, Alpha,” he called out, tossing the two marbles forward; watching as the popped out to full size and launched a Metagross, as well as a Lucario from their depths. “Be careful. I don’t think they’re just any ordinary wild Pokémon… he said as the jackal-like humanoid Pokémon hovered closer to him; while the Metagross took the vanguard point position.

“Don’t strike unless they attack first…” he added, knowing that Ro was itching for a serious fight and wanted to butt some heads. His Lucario? Not that bloodthirsty, thankfully.

Lucario and Metagross are out on the field!

Both have been instructed not to make a move unless the other party attacks first.

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2019 18:08:16 GMT
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sceptile's right claw began to exude a potent glow as he prepared to initiate the battle, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the metagross and the lucario. despite the power the pair exuded, the pokemon appeared undeterred. 

both of the bipedal grass-types stiffened, surprise settling across their facial features as they heeded the command of their mistress. they stepped aside as they sensed her hurried approach, the young woman slightly bleary-eyed and bedraggled as she emerged from a thick clump of shrubbery. 

"what in arceus's name - ?"

cait's vision cleared as she blinked rapidly, the girl trying her best to regather her muddled senses within the span of a few seconds. 

"who - ?"

she'd squint in the direction of anderson and his pokemon before releasing a tiny gasp, comprehension dawning upon her.

"anderson? it is anderson, right? what are you doing out here?"

cait frantically gestured for her pokemon to stand down, the power gathered at her sceptile's paw fizzling out immediately after. the woman's pokemon began to emerge one by one then, with venusaur and torterra being the last to lumber into view as they joined their mistress. 

"i'm so sorry," she apologized, her face hot with embarrassment. "they didn't attack you, did they?"

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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2019 16:07:50 GMT
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He kept his eyes on the Sceptile, hoping that the other wouldn’t lash out first; but it was looking rather grim on that front. Just as he was about to command his Metagross to use Telekinesis on the Grass-type to make it yield, he heard a familiar voice calling the Pokémon down.

Wait, I’ve heard that voice before… he thought as he backtracked, recognizing the voice. Before he could even form a sentence, a succession of questions were thrown his way.

“Ro, back down,” he began in the Metagross’ direction, before the dual-type hovered backward and came to sit near where the Lucario was now squinting at the Grass-types, watching in silent surprise as more and more came out to join the young woman.

“I was looking for Grass-types, actually. I know there’s quite a number of them lurking around here… but I wasn’t expecting to meet an actual Sceptile all the way out here… and then there’s even more,” he continued, answering the first of the young woman’s many questions.

“Thankfully, no. This one was about to, though, he added with a bit of a chuckle, tilting his head in the Sceptile’s direction. As he took quick inventory of the Grass-types that had joined their companion, he recognized the other one—the Decidueye. While there was also an evolved form of a Servine present among the crowd, it took him a few moments to consult his PokéGear to check…

“You… you have all of the known Grass-type ‘starters’?” he asked her a few moments later.

“How were you able to find them all…”

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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2019 12:29:29 GMT
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it was anderson - his reaction only confirming it. his gaze soon shifted from her to her companions, a hint of awe surfacing upon his handsome features as he presented her with an inquiry regarding how she had managed to acquire them. 

"i - "

she glanced at her grass-types, each still possessing their own crown composed entirely of leaves to match her own; though her venusaur's was slightly lopsided. she'd move to correct the positioning of the accessory with a quiet hum, visibly considering his question as she did so.

"i guess i just got - well - lucky," she said, shrugging. "that and i've always had a penchant for grass-types. i'd have gathered all of them, eventually. i guess it just happened sooner as opposed to later."

cait faced him again before eyeing the metagross and lucario that accompanied him. she'd recognize the former metang, and smiled her approval as her gaze swept across the steel-type's superior form. it served as visual confirmation that anderson was a trainer of quality if he had successfully managed to raise such a powerful beast. 

'i doubt i'd be able to do the same.'

additionally, she was thankful he hadn't been offended by her pokemon's actions, his lack of anger causing her to experience a surge of relief as her small smile broadened out some. 

"you said you were looking for grass-types? maybe i can help. what kind of pokemon are you looking for?"

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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2019 16:06:24 GMT
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lessee how many is he looking for...

“What other types do you specialize in asides from Grass?” he asked her, returning the conversation her way as his gaze traveled over the gathering of Grass-types she had following her. All of whom had flower crowns, and one of them was lopsided, at least that’s what he noticed.

He recognized the Sceptile, and the other (Decidueye) from their previous mission work together, but it was the serpentine Serperior that had his attention. Doing quick math in his head, he held up three fingers.

“Three of them, actually. I’ve already met one of them previously, one’s native here to Hoenn… and the last one, the serpentine-looking one…” he enumerated, tilting his head slightly in the direction of the three Pokémon he’d mentioned.

“…wait, make that four, I’m also counting that one, the one with the lopsided flower crown you fixed a few moments ago,” he added a few moments later.

“I’m looking to build several well-rounded teams for Ranger work. Can’t just keep relying on one team all the time now, can I?” he went on, a hint of amusement on his features.

“Also, no need to apologize for their reactions—it was my bad. I didn’t know you were here, so… he continued a few moments later.

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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2019 19:07:12 GMT
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"don't apologize!"

cait raised her hands and waved them in mock surrender, the woman attempting to dissuade the male from apologizing for his actions. 

you were just trying to defend yourself - it's your arceus-given right."

she paused briefly to consider his words, her gaze shifting to settle upon the pokemon he expressed a desire to own for himself. 

so you're looking for something that's good for 'ranger work'," she asked. "i'd definitely recommend a sceptile, then. that and a decidueye since they're very good at covering a lot of ground in a short period of time."

serperior were also notoriously fast - that much could not be denied by the woman - but their speed was best utilized in combat.

i also handle bug-types - but i've begun to entertain taking in fairy-types to more effectively patch up my team's weaknesses."

the decision had made for a difficult one, but she doubted she'd come to regret it.

how's your career coming along, anderson? it honestly feels like its been ages since we did our mission together."

her memories of the lake, the floatzel and the linoone weren't particularly fresh but they still somehow stood out enough not to be completely forgotten.

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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 18:32:00 GMT
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he's embarrassed, still

“Right now?”

His lips curved into the beginnings of a smirk, which he quickly changed to a smile. Truth be told, he hadn’t been doing too much…or was he?

“Been working with Stormy, I don’t know if you know her, over several other missions that’ve been coming up here and there. I didn’t know she was afraid of water… hell, I know she hates the cold,” he answered, his mind flashing back to the times they’d worked together. “And then there was that little fiasco with the Commissioner out at Slateport’s outskirts…” he added a few moments later.

How could he forget the little band of Interpol Agents that had literally crashed down and what else had happened afterward? That was unforgettable, to say the least.

“It’s always a good idea to invest in other types, that much is true,” he agreed. “At least when you come across anything that’s a Dragon-type, the Fairies can cover you. Although… that leaves you with a glaring opening for Fire and Flying, since you have Grass and Bug-types mostly,” he added a few moments later. “Just an observation of mine,” he hastily added a few moments later, hoping that he hadn’t insulted her.

“When I’m not busy I’m usually delivering packages out to those who need them delivered. Even letters, but that’s around Lavaridge and Fallarbor mostly. May not pay much in addition to being a Ranger but it helps pay for my food and keeps a roof over my head. What about you? Have you been busy as of late?”

It was time to return the question back at her, now that he’d answered it to the best of his capacity. Looking over at his Metagross, he then watched as Ro folded his four legs and then hovered much closer to the ground, while his Lucario had decided to do the same, sitting down cross-legged on the ground and slipping into a meditative state.

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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 19:06:26 GMT
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"yes," she confirmed. "very busy, actually."

cait had responded to his constructive criticisms with a polite smile, very much aware of how simple it was to exploit her team's weakness.

i've climbed in rank," she continued. "i'm a sergeant at the moment - and i've only just acquired the official title of gym leader."

her accomplishments were considerable, but she had only managed them due to her ability to be both political-minded and career-driven. she also held some influence due to her having stacked up on credentials whilst maintaining an attitude that was considered appealing among her superiors. and acquiring a position as 's assistant as well as currying favor with had very effectively propelled her up the ladder. 

so you're a courier?

she surmised that that was likely the sole reason for him having yet to make leaps and bounds in his career. cait had no doubt in her mind that it'd be difficult to advance when one was actively managing two jobs as opposed to one.

i wish you luck on your endeavors, anderson," she continued, dipping her head. "it must be difficult. is league not paying you enough or do you simply enjoy working as a mail carrier?"

his mentioning of stormy hadn't been lost on her - but she decided that she'd mention the woman again further along in their conversation.  

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 12:33:31 GMT
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a challenge, issued?!

“I guess congratulations are in short order, then,” he began with a hint of a smile on his face, lips curving up into a knowing grin as he raised his right hand in salute. “To be honest, really… I don’t pay attention to ranking much. I just get out there and do whatever the hell I can. Especially when it comes to Pokémon being mishandled,” he continued after a few moments of silent contemplation.

“Oh, please, feel free to call me Lars,” he went on. “After all we did work together at some point, I’d rather be more informal when it comes to talking outside of an office cubicle like this.”

It was true: he detested paperwork. Especially when it came to filing reports about Pokémon migratory patterns and the various small-time offenders that he’d encountered and let off with warnings. Sometimes the paperwork just got to be way too much and that drove him nuts…

“It’s actually the latter. I get to chat with the little old ladies over at Lavaridge and Fallarbor when they specifically look for me to deliver their letters, because I get it done twice as fast,” he said with a sheepish chuckle. “The courier company knows I also work as a Ranger, so they give my schedule the flexibility of working around when I’m patrolling out on the western side of the region…like this,” he explained.

At the mention of her being recently promoted to being a Gym Leader…

“Which city’s your Gym in, if I may ask? I might drop by there sometime when I’m not too busy… speaking of battling… he mused quietly, looking over at where his Metagross was now lazily sunning himself in a nearby patch, “…I’m curious as to how you battle. Are you free?”

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 19:56:14 GMT
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"mauville," she answered. 

cait understood his point of view, and wondered if she'd have adopted a similar thought process. initially, she hadn't been at all career-oriented; content to maintain a meager rank while still doing her part to help win their war. 

and i am - well.

the woman sucked in a breath, her gaze wandering while she considered her schedule.

i won't say no to a battle," she continued. "but it'll have to wait. i'll be free next wednesday, i think."

if memory served - and it usually did - she didn't have much at all to do on that day in particular.  her busiest days would be the following monday, but the remainder of the week was relatively light on work.

we'll meet in mauville," she said. "come to my gym in the afternoon."

cait glanced at his pokemon, made a mental note, and bid the man a farewell. 

i look forward to seeing you again, lars."

[ end thread ]