Behind The Gains (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2021 9:45:38 GMT
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He was drenched in sweat but the annoying feeling of a clingy soaked shirt made him able to punch harder.

What's more was the moisture made the breeze feel colder which nice with how hot his body was running.

He couldn't afford to overheat yet; after some weeks, he was finally starting to notice.

Every move they made, their eyes told him before hand.

It wasn't an easy thing to learn. Man could learn to box but Mankey did it from near-birth.

Going a round with a Primeape was punishment, going a few rounds with his Primeape was corporal punishment.

But, there was no getting around it. He needed his skill sharp and he needed his development kept discreet.

At the approaching sound of his love and lunch, the ranger let his guard down.

-and was decked to a brief sleep, leaving his sparring partner less than pleased.

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cait alfric
Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 12:54:07 GMT
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when he came awake again, he'd find himself settled upon the ground in a comfortable position; his head cushioned upon the dwindling space of his fiancée's lap. her scent permeated all round him; the potent fragrance of mint and spices breathed in by the red-headed male. her gentle fingers worked their way through his beautiful mane, eventually returning to his scalp to massage the flesh there.

he'd discover that there was only a barely noticeable tenderness present in his face, the flesh soothed before bruising could be allowed to settle. 

"you should be more careful," cait chided, noticing once he stirred into wakefulness. 

his meal had been temporarily set aside, the food made by her own hands. it came in the form of a calorie-dense pasta with crumbled meat from locally hunted wild game and home-made sauce. there was also a few slices of homemade bread and a mason jar of sweet and thoroughly chilled lemonade to go along with it.

sit up so you can eat.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 0:52:20 GMT
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He came to serene and subdued.

Those triangulated pupils disarming and allowing him the peace of mind to be vulnerable.

In her care, he didn't have to treat his wounds like a mere itch.

Her advice to be more careful falling on deaf ears. "You're the one who walked in looking like that." The twins were filling her out in all the right places.

Even now speaking from her lap and looking up at her, he'd moved on from gazing into her eyes.

"Are we doing breast feeding or formula?"

Yeah no, he wasn't sitting up any time soon.

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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 5:01:39 GMT
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her disapproval was obvious as she frowned and glanced at the basket filled with the man's lunch. she feared it'd grow cool if he delayed eating it.

still she answered his question, noting his gaze. 


both of them had noticed the changes in her body, but it felt as though her chest was the most obvious. her breasts had increased a cup size; becoming a little uncomfortable as well as occasionally itchy due to the sudden growth. she had to purchased a new set of bras to accommodate the change, though she fancied wearing none within the confines of home and property.

'thank goodness our genetics don't allow for stretch marks.'

she was absolutely certain sénon wouldn't mind - but she was happy to do without any markings that marred her belly or chest. 

it's tradition at this point. i was breastfed and so were my siblings."

curiosity arose in the wake of the inquiry.

were you?"

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 5:31:27 GMT
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Hot Damn. Cait wouldn't see it beyond his gameface but breastfeeding wasn't the answer he'd hoped for. "Science found a way to spare my mother the burden of my 'gnawing', as she put it." -and he turned out fine. He was waging a secret war on terror, using 'not-not-terror' as a weapon but everybody had their coping mechanisms.

Now he'd have to maneuver carefully to satisfy the needs of all parties, broaching the sensitive subject of a mother's preference to breastfeed her own offspring and why as a father, for the sake of the family he preferred the formula alternative.

Such a challenge in preference had to be presented and requested delicately and with a tender consideration.

"I'd like to retain exclusive oral rights to your chest." Nailed it.

Far be it from him to use more colorful language in front of Primeape.

"I'm willing to cut you a good deal on the inconvenience." His expression was smug; It was always fun getting into these negotiations with her.

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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 6:05:31 GMT
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"you'd like to retain 'exclusive rights to my chest,'" she parroted, visibly bemused.

cait had expected he'd easily accept whatever decision she'd reach. but he appeared to have other ideas in mind, the man bringing up his personal desires.

"you don't seem opposed to sharing when we have other women over."

while the flow of sexual partners had dwindled dramatically to a barely there trickle as of late; it didn't change the fact that she had been intimate with women in senon's presence. 

the only alternative i have in mind is pumping. it's uncomfortable keeping it all to myself. and i want to avoid leaking into my clothes.

she didn't shut him down entirely. instead the woman decided to discuss it at length. 

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 6:52:27 GMT
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She had him in a bit of bind there but not one he couldn't get around. "That's different; the ladies understand how to be gentle, I don't wanna share you in that way with couple of professional areola abusers.

-loss of some maternal connection aside.

That last part felt like the real fault in his preference.

He'd expected her to get up from his phrasing and leave him to hit his head on the hard earth.

Always the good sport he rewarded her humoring him with the best part; what was in it for her.

"I'll move in the cabin." He practically lived there now but all his mail, identification, assets and holdings said otherwise.

He didn't mention getting rid of apartment in Slateport because of course he wasn't doing that, but making his primary residence the place where his children lived and slept sounded like the right call.

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y o y o

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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 7:09:45 GMT
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she sucked in a little breath, stilling momentarily as her gaze flicked away. him officially moving in would add another layer of permeance to their relationship - which was ultimately ideal.

'i just don't understand one thing. he's offering a lot for something so... inconsequential?'

"jokes aside," she began, tentatively. "
why are you so against me breastfeeding the twins? it might be uncomfortable in the long run - especially when their teeth start coming in - but it has to go beyond that, right?"

'or did it?'

cait didn't know - but she wanted to. so she verbally prodded the man, seeking his gaze. 

elaborate for me, baby. and i just may consider pumping or formula instead."

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 16:57:43 GMT
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She had him in a bit of bind there but not one he couldn't get around. "I told you why." He had to tilt his head out for their eyes to find each others; her new curves blocking their link.

Much to Sénon's not-minding-at-all.

"Its a purely physical, visual thing." He couldn't argue against that innate connection between mother and child that breastfeeding would better facilitate. "I'm being a dude right now aren't I?"

With a deep inhale he sat up, all things considered.

Grabbing the plate and the drink she'd brought him, he opened his legs and crab-walked himself closer to her until there was no more space between them.

"New offer; I yield on the breastfeeding, we uphold Aelfric tradition." he enunciated in the manner proper to the context, as he'd heard her do over the year. "But you have to, upon rare request, feed me too;" He handed her the plate; the pasta was still just above room temperate. "-starting now." So much taller than she was he carefully encircled his legs behind her.

Figuratively, 'animalistically', his body marked the boundaries around her as off-limits to anyone but himself.

Primeape seemed to be eating something from Cait so he didn't care what the two of them were doing now.

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y o y o

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Behind The Gains (M)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 23:27:37 GMT
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her expression was a familiar combination of amusement and affection.

"it's a deal."

she found that underlying possessiveness to be an overwhelmingly attractive quality. it always made her feel wanted - cared for - and safe. arceus had given her a partner that tended to those specific needs; which was something she was ultimately thankful for.

'i should make him eat,' she thought.

cait stifled a chuckle after realizing he'd be fed regardless. and her face warmed as she realized she had never done this particular 'activity' before. the mere thought of it excited her in a multitude of ways, so she eagerly opened her arms to envelop him as her eyes gleamed. 

come a little closer, baby..."

and her grin turned slightly wolfish in quality. 

[ end thread ] 

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 7:54:19 GMT
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