got wool? [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 19:31:56 GMT
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Watching sheep the whole day?

Damn, this was going to be extremely easy!

Now that he knew the concept of multiverses existed; there was potentially one out there where he’d never lost both his arm and leg, and was just a lazy-ass sheep herder who worked in some far-off boondocks of a backwater town called Resemb—

Okay, anyway.

It was sheep-shearing time, and as always, the threat of wild attackers was present. Always agitated and scared the bloody hell out of the sheep either way.

So here he was, looking out over the expanse of grazing grounds that Littleroot was known for.

Now what? Was he here alone?

His Golurk was somewhere out on the fields, napping like a giant stone statue that was slowly being surrounded by a bunch of… you guessed it:


playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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Hideo Kino
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 20:21:46 GMT
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A few Wooloo found themselves floating in the air, lifted by nothing more than the psychic energy of a single Pokemon - a Beheeyem. He had one hand in the air, focusing his psychic energy on the happily-bleating freshly-sheared horde, while he held another Wooloo under his arm, close to his chest. There was a slight tinge of red to his cheeks.

He was clearly enjoying his time here, protecting the sheep.

A much-more attentive Drampa was keeping an eye on the rest of the herd, using his height to get a good vantage point. Though he was also relaxing, his trainer lying by his side. No reason he couldn’t let his trainer relax while he did the work - not much Hideo could do to spot any intruders.

Didn’t help that Hideo was fairly popular among the Wooloo as well, a decent number lying by him as well; Hideo was distracted playing with them. And the Drampa had no intention of interrupting him.

The Drampa at least had help in that Hideo wasn’t the only trainer here today.

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 19:49:20 GMT
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The Wooloo congregating towards the Golurk was something like a living leaf pile, only instead of autumn colors they were all white and fluffy.

Arashi couldn’t help that his Golurk had a rather magnetic personality; always had the tendency to attract wild Pokémon whenever he would be spotted, like right now.

More and more clumps of white began to congregate near where the Golurk was watching over the far end of the fields, a silent sentinel, as his human companion went around the grounds and saw a Drampa that had a very familiar-looking—

“Hey, Hideo!” he called out.

He knew better than to wave, because of course the other couldn’t see him; so he would let the sound of his voice tip the other off that he was with familiar company.

“What brings you here? Another nice place to nap?” he chuckled.

playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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Hideo Kino
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 20:52:31 GMT
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Hideo was interrupted from his head-scratching when he heard a familiar voice address him. “Oh, hey Arashi!” he shouted back, raising a hand to wave. “Didn’t know you’d be here too!” The small pile of sheared sheep surrounding him scattered in different directions, though they’d eventually reconvene with the group the Beheeyem was playing with.

Hideo didn’t stand, but he did look towards where he heard Arashi’s voice. His Drampa took a quick look at Arashi as well, but returned to his vigil immediately after a glance. “It would be a nice place to nap, but I’m here to help keep an eye on the sheep.

A brief pause, to tell if Arashi got the joke.

Would’a brought my Lycanroc to help out, but uh, we’re trying to keep wolves away from sheep.” A shame too, because Rocky would’ve been great at sniffing out any Wooloo-waylayers. And they didn’t want to teach these Wooloo to be friendly with any new wolf. “So I brought my Beheeyem and Drampa along. Gramps here is doing pretty good keeping watch, and I think Elga really likes playing with the Wooloo.

A brief look would show that there were now a number of Wooloo orbiting around the floating Beheeyem, whose rosy cheeks intensified in color - and he still had another Wooloo held close to him.

I take it you’re here to keep them safe too? Doubt they’d just have one person keeping watch with all these Wooloo.

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 15:04:30 GMT
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At the crack of keeping an eye on the Wooloo, he let out a spontaneous bark of laughter.

That was the joke about it, after all.

“Ah, that’s fair,” he agreed. Since they were on the lookout for any attackers after all. Seeing the floating Wooloo orbiting around the space alien Pokémon, he let out another bark of laughter.

“Clearly they do, there’s another part of the herd gathering near where my Golurk’s out keeping an eye further out. There’s quite a lot of—” he trailed off, before an ominous howling noise pierced the air.

Right where the Golurk was, all the Wooloo that had gathered nearby began to roll downwards and away from the ‘slumbering’ silent kaiju, who began clanking and shuffling around to stand up as the Howling noises increased in number.

…and there they are. Alfons! Go!” he shouted across the way as several rolling fluffballs began heading their way.

It was time to go on a hunt, as the Golurk stood up and took aim, releasing two successive Shadow Punch attacks from both its gigantic fists.

Thankfully, his Golurk was the vanguard.

playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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Hideo Kino
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 17:56:29 GMT
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Hideo grinned; Arashi caught it.

But the amusement could only last for so long; right as Hideo was ready to fill the silence, he felt his Drampa shift, the large dragon having spotted the interlopers. It became very clear to Hideo what was happening when he heard that howl.

Sounds like what we’re here for just arrived,” Hideo said, his Drampa gently nudging him off before flying into the sky. “Get’em good, Gramps!

He raised his voice, so his Beheeyem would hear; “And keep’em safe, Elga! Stay nice and close to them!

The Drampa was quick to get in the way of the incoming wolves, physically blocking them from the Wooloo as he fired several Razor Winds to repel them. The Beheeyem, meanwhile, lowered the Wooloo he was revolving, focusing the majority of his psychic energy on throwing away any wolves that got too close.

He was still holding on to one Wooloo though.

Hideo himself would be content with his seat; it was a comfy spot, and it wasn’t like there was much he could do himself in this case. Plus, if things started getting rough, he could trust Arashi or his Beheeyem to fill him in.

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2021 18:04:17 GMT
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“There’re Wooloo headed our way,” he remarked as he squinted, watching the Wooloo that were hanging around his Golurk were now rolling towards safety, where they were.

Back out front, the Golurk suddenly veered forward in a Heavy Slam attack, catching several Lycanroc charging forward by surprise and causing the ground to tremble and quake.

Squinting again, he thought he saw several outlines breaking ranks and trying to slip past the Golurk—before the golem raised one foot and stomped down, causing a tremor of an Earthquake to shake the ground once all the Wooloo from earlier had made it out to safety.

playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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Hideo Kino
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 0:30:02 GMT
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Hideo could hear something approaching, but it wasn't until Arashi told him what it was that he realized he should prepare for it. "Oh," he muttered, standing up as the wooly horde reached them.

Just in time for one to roll right into him and knock him down. "Oof!" he exclaimed, thankfully having a soft landing, though he was quickly surrounded by a lot of Wooloo. He wasn't being crushed by the fluffy horde, but he was struggling to find space to sit back up.

Feeling the Golurk's Earthquake start, the Drampa floated up, letting the Lycanrocs deal with it themselves. He added in his own Hyper Voice, repelling a number of wolves that preferred to keep their sense of hearing.

The Beheeyem was disappointed by the loss of most of his Wooloo horde, the rosy tint to his cheeks fading away, but he could still take comfort in the one he was still physically holding. None of the Lycanrocs could jump high enough to reach him, and the Beheeyem even use a few Rock Tombs to keep them back.

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 6:33:45 GMT
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The Wooloo were playing bowling, and Hideo had gotten knocked down.

“Whoa, hey, are you alright over there?” he called out, making his way through the rest of the tide of fluffy white. Making his way through was difficult; he almost got knocked down himself a few times had he not braced himself.

He was pretty sure that some of the Wooloo had hit his left leg and had rolled away from the sudden cold metal instead of warm human they brushed up against.


Over where the Golurk and the Drampa were playing ‘whack a wolf’, the tremors came to a stop, for the moment. A few seconds later the Golurk seemingly vanished—only to find several more Lycanroc trying to sneak around the perimeter and catching them via Phantom Force.

It was the Golurk and the Drampa versus the Lycanroc pack; wolves versus the lambs.

playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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Hideo Kino
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 23:43:29 GMT
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A thumbs-up shot up from the Wooloo horde. "I'm alright!" Hideo shouted, still unable to escape the thickening mass of wool. "It sounds like things are under control!" What little he could hear under the bleating mass, anyways.

A few more Razor Winds flew from the Drampa, repelling more of the Lycanroc. Even as the Golurk pulled around to catch some of the more clrver Lycanroc, the Drampa kept up the pressure. And steadily the Lycanroc were beginning to give up on their hunt, retreating back across the fields.

The ones harassing the Beheeyem similarly gave up, in part due to it being high up to even reach. Elga gently floated towards the main group of Wooloo - finally relinquishing the one he'd been holding on to the whole time.

He looked over the horde, noticing his trainer's raised hand. Carefully, he Psychically parted the Wooloo, trying to give Arashi an opening to get Hideo up.

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Arashi Akiyama
got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2021 1:16:50 GMT
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“Thank hell that’s done,” he remarked as he watched his trusty Golurk take down and drive away the rest of the Lycanroc in record time; before the pack finally retreated thanks to another well-timed Earthquake tremor that sent the message: begone thots!

Now that the Wooloo were finally calmed down, he made his way over to Hideo and rather than offering a hand to help the other up, literally hoisted the other boy so that he was in a standing position now.

“They’re done and out,” he reported, watching as his Golurk came flying back to where they were gathered. “And hopefully this time they stay away and don’t come back!” he added with a chuckle.

Noticing that there were some grass stains on the other’s clothes, he reached up to brush them down, before patting down his own over coat.

“And the Wooloo are all safe and sound, what a relief.”

playing the part of the sheep herders, defender against wolves

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got wool? [m]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2021 1:01:43 GMT
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