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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 6:25:33 GMT
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The full moon was a splendid sight to see at the end of a long fortnight.

The days had been long and the nights loud but now the silence was golden.

A tourney along Route One-Hundred and Twenty drew his interest. He lost the archery competition but won the falconry challenge.

When it seemed the dawn would be coming with no more blessings, he was provided but one more; lush and fertile the gods sent him a gift; a Verdant Queen local to the land.

They had their fill of drink, dance and jest and now through a garden they strolled under the twilight; her woodland keep not far from where the tourney was held.

Though having just met, their hands saw difficulty parting.

"You've been quite kind to me this night, your Grace." He smiled upon her, feeling as at peace in her presence as he felt in his homeland.

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cait alfric
Reach & Realm (M)
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 13:58:42 GMT
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despite her lordship's presence the lady appeared preoccupied with the mechanisms of her own mind, her expression one that betrayed her distraction. odd - as she had thoroughly prepared herself to appear both satisfactory and attentive. the dress she wore was soft and flowing, the fabric appearing velvety and meant to accommodate the swell of her stomach.

the heirs she'd gift him would arrive by spring, the pair meant to be birthed in the comfortable warmth of the new season. such thoughts should be at the forefront, along with musings of their sire; yet images of the lady silph remained steadfast.


the lady blinked rapidly as she pulled herself free from thought, having failed to capture the good fellow's words.

apologies," she murmured, seamlessly slipping back into her role. "i fear my mind is wandering."

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 19:44:40 GMT
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The sky was too bright with stars to ignore.

It was hard to see the stars at night in the Port of Slates.

As he walked along with his intended in hand, he pondered the childhood he'd known.

Truly, the Cinnabar Isle was a treasure of rarities; its advancements and technologies was the rivalry of any kingdom built on the sciences yet, like the Fort of Trees the stars were large and bright most nights.

"If you let it wander too far," At the end of the garden two steeds awaited. "-you'll lose it." His, and hers.

()  ()

It was on the rarest of occasions in which they could actually ride by horseback together.

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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2022 19:05:27 GMT
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sénon had invested the effort to ensure that her rapidash was both present and was in possession of her reigns and saddle. typically the mare was utterly intolerant when anyone but herself handled her - yet cait's fiancée had become an exception within a year's time.

which meant her infuriatingly stubborn espeon remained the odd-one-out.

"i suppose," she murmured.

she reached out and ran her hand down her pokemon's muzzle, the equine responding favorably to her touch. 

can you help me up?"

cait would have no trouble if she wasn't in such a delicate state. but she was limited movement-wise as of late, her body's proportions having shifted as she entered her third trimester. 

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2022 10:52:48 GMT
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Her response wasn't one of indulgence.

Wherever her mind wandered to, she came from it easily enough, back in the moment with him. Yet, it seemed some of her stayed with her thoughts, wherever those thoughts were.

Processing her request his slightest of smiles warmed to her as he cleared his throat, implying Cait had forgotten something.

This was Role-Play Date Night after all, and Renaissance was the theme.

"'Can you help me up...' ?" He did have a formal title, even if it was just for their little night out. Prince of the Cinnabar Isles; a callback to their time with .

Stickler as he was for dialogue he didn't wait for the new script to do his duty.

Crouching down to level his face with her belly she might have missed the creasing of his facial lines as he pondered in milliseconds the two lives forming.

The hand he smoothed over her stomach was gentle and considerate.

Wrapping his arms around her thighs he carefully stood up straight, rising from his crouch and sitting his belle sideways on her mare's saddle, helping her turn and sit in proper riding form.

()  ()

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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 10:14:45 GMT
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"thank you."

her mare accepted her mistress's slight weight with ease. despite her minimal gains from her pregnancy, the change was barely noted. cait settled into her position with a hint of awkwardness, her coordination suffering as she neared her due date.

'it won't be long now,' she thought.

cait winced as she felt the increasingly familiar sensation of a kick - followed by another.

your heirs are... restless," she complained, shaking her head as she played the part of a noble lady. "keeping me awake at all hours of the night. they're no different from their sire."

their mounts began at a slow space, the ride made to be a comfortable one as cait followed senon's lead. 

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 15:46:52 GMT
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"Am I really that bad?" He took a moment to actually consider it. It came back from the processor in his gut feeling more true than not.

When he couldn't sleep and the throbbing made him restless he did start to nip at her neck until he got what he wanted.

Laborious as it might have been for Cait to humor him, they both slept better afterwards.

Or they used to, which was her point, she had two others keeping her up now. "Did I thank you, Your Grace?"

He couldn't recall that he had.


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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 16:27:57 GMT
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cait barely stifled a chuckle.

"you can be," she confirmed.

she looks at him and her memories of the past few months shuffle themselves to the very forefront. the couple was still going strong following her abrupt announcement of her pregnancy. the bond they had forged having intensified by a sizeable margin as their blood combined to form a healthy pair of twins.

images of him finishing the nursery, making sure the pieces of furniture were properly assembled and placed, joining her at every doctor's appointment and ensuring she kept up with her pre-natal care came to mind. and despite the swell of her belly, their physical intimacy had remained as it had been before; remarkably intense. 

thank me for what, my lord?"

the brilliant greens of her eyes gleamed in the darkness - her orbs not entirely dissimilar to dark emeralds. 

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Reach & Realm (M)
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 16:56:13 GMT
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"For what we've made, " Trotting ahead a pace or two to lead he turned to face her once again. "for what we have." A strong principle he was raised on, to be grateful for what you had.

Aside from Team Rocket existing and his entire homeland being occupied by them aside from his hometown which was savaged by the volcano it was built under, life wasn't so bad.

He could imagine his life without her now, and it was bitter bloody and angry. Expletives and explosions.

If she was bringing that much to his sense of peace and stability, saying thank you was in the shallow end of displays of gratitude.


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y o y o

may 15
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cait alfric
Reach & Realm (M)
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 4:25:23 GMT
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she is silent for roughly several beats, her expression betraying her musings. from her perspective he was the one who should be thanked. he had been willing to give her everything she could possibly want. and there was no denying that he was a gift sent by arceus themselves; the godly being rewarding the woman with a loving companion and children.


cait opened and closed her mouth, uncertain of how to respond. her eyes stung a little, but she quickly calmed as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. she appeared pleased by his show of gratitude, a hint of bashfulness resulting in her silence. 

'you're everything to me.'

a comfortable and quiet peace settled following his words as they traveled down a cobbled path, enjoying their nearness and the serenity of the moment. 

[ end ] 

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POSTED ON Feb 1, 2022 7:42:27 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!



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