Cute Ambitions [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2021 14:36:04 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
To accomplish this choreography, the chosen Pokemon and Trainer must be:
> Charming.
> Charismatic.
> Flexible.
> Tireless.
> Thick-skinned.[break]
Ambition is rewarded. There is, in fact, an "I" in winner.[break]
Pay will be scaled to experience, and include a 50% cut of the client's payment.
[break]Inquire with Amber Lenoir at Chic Rebels Agency at the address below."

How long had Amber been waiting in her penthouse apartment for someone to answer her ad? She counted on her hot pink nails, and frowned as the number totaled several weeks. Six, to be exact.

Well. That was hardly flattering for a poster slapped all over Hoenn with her name on it.

Nor was it fair, in Amber's mind. She had herself been part of the contest circuit as a child with her once-Eevee for many years in Johto, even if all her awards were worthless now that she had changed her name, representation, and region.

It wasn't as if Amber didn't have ample experience to bring to choreography, though. Perhaps her language in the ad had been too aggressive, too flashy, too... Amber. In Johto, that fame had been considered radioactive by more than one person, several times over.

"Georgette Bluebottle," Amber read aloud, her eyebrows lifting in approval. If it was a stage name, it was a fantastic one -- one worth being mildly jealous over. That alone would do well with more shallow judges, perhaps squeaking in a point or two. "Oh, and her Pokemon are darling. She'll do nicely. Where is she again... Sootopolis?" Even as she said the name of the city aloud, she wrinkled her nose. Oh, no. Some grungy Sootopolis warehouse wouldn't do at all.

Slateport Park seemed a nice compromise between the two. And wouldn't it be nice to give their Pokemon a little room to breathe? Amber's little Houndour, Dante, would enjoy it she was sure. And frankly, he could stand to have a little training himself.

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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2022 21:03:11 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0456 words
Moving to a new region had brought its own challenges - namely how to earn money. Back home Georgette would have done her chores on the farm and then helped man the family store in which they sold milk, cheese, and soaps, as well as wool, and the occasional pokemon contest. Granted, it wasn't a huge sum, most of the money made went back into the farm, but it was something, and had been steady.
Now Georgette was looking down the barrel at bills she had never encountered before: food for herself and her pokemon, lodgings, an adorable wooloo-themed winter hat she had been unable to say no to. Thus, when she saw an advert looking for help with a choreography for a cute pokemon contest she knew it was the perfect opportunity to pad her bank account while she looked for somewhere to live longterm. While she might not be the most up to date with current pokemon routines, she had taken the last year off to settle everything for her impending move, Georgette was confident she knew enough about the circuit to be helpful. Her one concern was the qualification of being 'thick-skinned', but given she had survived entering pokemon contests at a young age, and her extended family for holiday dinners, whoever this Amber was couldn't be -that- much of a pill.
She idly looked over the return mail to her own reply, they would be meeting in Slateport Park which was just a short walk from her hotel room - she was immeasurably thankful that during her brief stop in Sootopolis she had left a forwarding address with the hotel there for her mail, lest she miss this opportunity. Bundling up in a warm coat, scarf, and mittens, Georgette paused momentarily before dutifully picking up her new wooloo-themed hat and stuffed it over her curls, the ivory locks puffing up around her features like a roil of clouds.
"Come along, Herschel," Georgette instructed her Wooloo, the sheep pokemon waddling contentedly behind her on their way towards the park. "Do you think you can still be cute enough," she teased the Wooloo as they walked in tandem, an offended bleat sounding in turn. "I know, I'm sorry," she then laughed out as the approached who she assumed she would be working with. Thankfully, despite the snow on the ground, the sky was clear and the breeze was relatively nonexistent, meaning it would be a perfect day to practice.
Spying a young woman who appeared to be waiting, Georgette lifted her arm to wave and call brightly in a heavy Kalosian accent, "Hello! I am Georgette Bluebottle - are you Amber Lenoir? I am here to help with a pokemon routine?"

but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2022 20:01:08 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.

That was Georgette Bluebottle? Amber had already resolved to like the person with taste enough to answer her flier, and even to forgive them for any slights in overall appearance should it come to that. After all, such a long wait likely meant she had gotten the bottom of the barrel of applicants.[break]
But instead, she got Georgette and her Wooloo.[break]
"Oh my GOD. You're adorable." With a terrifying level of excitement, the Johto celebrity ran over to take Georgette's offered hand and shake it, jumping up and down with the motion. "I'm officially obsessed with you. How do you get your hair that color?! Wait!" she said, putting up a hand, "Actually, don't tell me. That's your trade secret, and we all need one or two to make it in this business." She winked to convey her sincerity.[break]
Then Amber's attention drifted to the Wooloo and a delighted shriek left her lips. "Shut up. You MATCH! That's precious, oh my god, I can't with you both. Judges must love you." She vibrated with the urge to pet the woolly Pokemon, but kept her professionalism enough to merely look on with adoration. Ugh, it looked so soft. So cute. Perfect.[break]
Ushering the trainer and Pokemon over to a nearby park bench, Amber couldn't stop herself from bouncing on her heels as she continued in her chatter, talking so fast the words slurred one into the other. "Tell me everything. Where are you from? Who's your agent? What's your specialty in the contest biz?"[break]
Amber was talking and moving so quickly, in fact, that her little Houndour was huffing and puffing to catch up, quietly relying on Flame Charge to keep pace. Pausing to take a breath, she scooped the little indignant pup in her arms, laughing. "Oh, sorry. I'm Amber Lenoir. This is Dante, my littlest angel. He's here to help with the routine, if you need it."

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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 4:53:57 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0412 words
Georgette's blue-green eyes widen minutely at her employer's sudden outburst of excitement, a bewildered little "Oh," spilling from her lips as she finds her hand shaken. Beginning to speak, she is immediately cut off by the flurry of questions - any further attempt at conversation is forgone at the exclamation to 'shut up'.
Somewhat flustered as she's pulled along, snow kicking up in their wake as the pair makes their way towards the nearby bench, Georgette's free hand lifts to ensure her hat is held in place. Cheeks red from the sudden exertion and a touch of shock, she opens her mouth once more to speak, only to be blitzed with questions anew. A somewhat exasperated laugh spilling from her lips, Georgette reaches out and gently rests her hands on Amber's forearms, her motions slow and deliberate as she guides herself and the younger woman and her held Houndour down into the bench.
"Take a breath like I do, yes?" she murmurs with a lilt of bemusement - Georgette's chest noticeably rises as she demonstrates the action for Amber to mimic, her frozen exhale of air hanging around her airy curls like wisps of smoke. She then quirks a half-smile at her companion as she looks over the blonde woman, her eyes narrowed minutely as she tries to place the face before her.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Amber Lenoir, and little Dante," she offers warmly with a gentle squeeze of Amber's arms before fully releasing the other woman. "I do not have an agent, but I used to do cute contests in Snowbelle, Kalos, with my Wooloo, Herschel," she makes an absent little motion at the cotton ball trundling their way, the soft sound of chiming bells filling the crisp winter air. "He is," she pauses as she chooses her next words, "retired, mostly, from contests."
Seeming to sense he is being spoken of, the Wooloo in question closes his eyes as he prances the last few feet to stand before the pair, his little tail shaking the whole time. Planting his front hooves firmly, a peal of chiming from the bells woven into his forelocks, Herschel bleats endearingly; he then gives a little waggle of his head and looks upon his audience with an air of self-confidence.
"A master at work," Georgette praises merrily. With a warm smile she then asks Amber, "will Dante be the one performing the routine?"

but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2022 23:54:55 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
If Amber noticed the baffled look on Georgette's face--and in truth, she did not--it didn't show for the model's attention was, as always, focused upon herself. However, upon being directed to take a breath, Amber did so: slowly at first, her shoulders finally relaxing as she laughed herself. "I haven't meditated in ages. I forget how pleasant it can be, despite how irritating it is to remember." The amount of self-help influencer accounts that Amber had half-heartedly followed in an attempt to "brighten" her online image had certainly taught her how.

From Georgette, however, the advice didn't seem forced with a cheery fake, plastic veneer of positivity. The same was true of her greeting, which was refreshingly sincere. It was possible, in fact, that Georgette had never heard of Amber at all (something the starlet had become more and more familiar with the longer she stayed in Hoenn). There was a charm to the way the trainer studied her, one that made Amber feel secure in her choice of companion.

"Retired from contests?" Amber repeated, looking at the Wooloo with faint disappointment. "Oh, that's a shame. You two make a sweet pair, you really do." The praise was genuine; Amber didn't offer compliments lightly, after all. "We can practice with Dante, then. I'll admit, I'm a bit rusty, but I was thinking we could start with an agility routine..."

The young woman lifted a hand and jerked it in an idle motion, causing the Houndour to launch forth in a burst of fire and smoke over the snow-laden swing sets of the park. His paw prints melted into the snow with each leap, the joy on his face unmistakable as he made his rounds.

"...but I'm not sure what to do after, as this is pretty basic. I'm hoping for something new to really 'wow' people with, y'know? Hence seeking the help."

There was also the matter that the client refused to work with such an infamous personality alone, but Amber didn't feel like saying that part aloud.

(notes)⏤ Making friends!
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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 0:18:22 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0306 words
Her expression open and warm, Georgette gives a little laugh at the mention of meditation, her head tilting to the side in thought as she muses openly, "I suppose it is." With a playful wink she confides, "My mother used to tell me to breathe when I got too excited as a child." A purse of her lips follows before she then adds, "You seem familiar but I cannot place your face. Did you do contests in Snowbelle City, ever?"
A soft bleat once more fills the air as Herschel trundles forwards and leans against Amber's leg for attention, mirth touching Georgette's blue-green gaze at his antics. "Mostly," she affirms. "I have been showing him since I was a little girl. He is getting old and opinionated," confides the woman before adding towards the Wooloo, "Aren't you?" A soft snort sounds from the sheep pokemon, one suspiciously of dismissal.
Georgette then patiently folds her hands in her lap when it is confirmed Dante will be used. Her head tilting to the side, her gaze purposefully follows the Houndour's movements through the snow. Nodding absently at Amber's explanation of a lack of 'wow' factor, Georgette bites at her lower lip for a moment and then exclaims an excited, "Aha!"
She claps her hands together, standing in a flurry of movement, and beams at Amber while asking, "How do you feel about dancing?" Giving the younger woman little time to answer, she continues, "A quickstep with your pokemon would be perfect. He is fast, it should suit him. You just have to do a few steps with him and he can do the rest!" By way of demonstration Georgette's feet shuffle to an unspoken tempo in an airy and elegant display, despite the bulkiness of her clothing.
"What do you think?"


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2022 16:55:48 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
Was Amber too excitable? She thought about it for a moment, slightly surprised to realize the truth of the answer. "My mother used to tell me to just shut up and be quiet," the blonde said offhandedly, the words coming out before she realized they didn't have the same playfulness as her companion's admission. She laughed awkwardly to play it off, then cleared her throat, moving along swiftly.

"Not in Snowbelle, but elsewhere, yeah. Oh, god, frankly you could know me from anything. I used to do a ton of commercials as a kid with my Eevee. A movie or two, lots of modeling." She'd been on the cover of Johto Beat, too, and her tweets regularly found themselves in paparazzi posts. There had been the pop album attempt (a giant flop of autotune), the childhood movies and dramas as Amber Berry, then more recently the scandals, reality series, and gigs as Amber Lenoir. Saying all that, though, seemed a bit much. "You name something stupid and famous, I've probably done it at least once."

At Herschel's approach, Amber's eyes lit up and her hands ran through the Wooloo's fluffy coat with gleeful abandon. "UGH, this is PRECIOUS, he is just as soft as he feels," she gushed, squishing his cheeks. "You deserve all the opinions in the world, don't you? Good baby."

Already Amber was pleased at the feedback she was receiving from her new partner. Gigi's suggestion of dancing immediately piqued her attention -- that was something Amber had been trained to do, and could do well. Foxtrots, however, were a far cry from music video choreography. "Um... Like this?" Amber attempted to mimic Georgette's movements, but frowned as the result was not what she expected. "Maybe you could show me again." Dante snickered behind her, and she stuck her tongue out at the Houndour petulantly. "Rude, Dante. I'm practicing!"

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2022 20:06:02 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0275 words
Georgette's excitement quells noticeably at Amber's remark about her mother, the woman's blue-green gaze sweeping over the younger of the pair. Her lips pursing momentarily, she opens her mouth to speak though swiftly changes her mind; instead, Georgette reaches out to put her hand upon Amber's arm where she applies a firm, reassuring pressure.
She then nods at the news Amber has had quite the extensive career, an apologetic laugh spilling from her lips as she offers, "I grew up on a farm outside of Snowbelle City. We did not watch much television." Wrinkling her nose playfully, she confides, "Too busy sheering Wooloo and milking the Miltank, not to mention shooing Weevils out of the garden!"
The attention of the conversation, however, soon shifts to Herschel when he nuzzles up next to Amber. Bleating plaintively as if to reply, "Yes my opinions ARE made of gold, thank you," the Wooloo seems to positively shine beneath the attention lavished upon him. Soon, a little huff of a snort sounds from the aged sheep when Amber turns to his trainer and attempts the indicated dance moves - he was more interesting after all.
"Close," Georgette praises as she observes Amber's attempt at the quickstep, the Wooloo's indignant look ignored at losing his captive audience. "Go help Dante," the ivory-haired woman directs her pokemon before turning back to Amber, the steps repeated, this time much more slowly for the pair to practice. With a little snuff, Herschel nonetheless obediently trundles over to Dante, and after a few authoritative bleats, does an impressive little prance for the Houndour to mimic.

but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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Amber "Berry" (Former Stagename)
October 27
Goldenrod City, JOHTO
All publicity is good publicity, if you know how to monetize.
74 posts
Amber Lenoir DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @amberlenoir
Amber Lenoir
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2022 22:55:00 GMT
Amber Lenoir Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]The higher the stakes, the more fun the game.
If prosperity makes monsters,
I'll claw my way to glory.
Oh, no. Amber had done it again: talked too much too fast and made someone else uncomfortable. Georgette's expression was transparent enough to make that clear. Before a hasty joke and apology could leave Amber's lips, however, Georgette gently pressed a hand on her shoulder in reassurance; the unexpected touch rendered the chatty personality, for a rare moment, speechless.

Amber hadn't expected that simple kindness from a complete stranger, and it showed. When Georgette began to talk about her home in Snowbelle, the relief that the topic had changed to something else reflected on Amber's face.

"Shearing Wooloo?!" Amber gasped, clinging to Herschel in mock horror. "How could yooou, it's his coat! How will he stay warm? Look at him! He needs to be fluffy." The Wooloo basked in her attentions, brief as they were; Amber was easily distracted, and Georgette's discussion of the choreography absorbed her wholly in moments.

Georgette was a practical teacher, calm and patient, explaining each step with the methodical patience of one who has wrangled many a misbehaving farm animal. It would not be a stretch to compare Amber to one herself, given the girl's headstrong, bullish personality; the quick-step could have very quickly resulted in an angry tantrum of fits when Amber mis-stepped, and had indeed on many other occasions to her publicist's chagrin with other, less tactful instructors. Not so with Georgette's positive-reinforcement, however.

"Oh my god, the client will LOVE this," Amber exclaimed, turning to see Dante similarly gaining confidence as he danced around the much-larger Wooloo self-importantly. "Precious. Adorable. I can't with us, I really can't, this is perf." In a move so impulsive Amber herself didn't expect it, she embraced Georgette in a giant hug, twirling her around the snow-laden park with glee. "You're amazing!"

She fished through her purse for a series of glossy business cards, her voice having resumed its brisk cadence as she chattered, "That's it, we have GOT to meet again, like, it's fate, I swear. Let's stay in touch, okay? Here's my direct cell phone number, my number for fan lines, my agency number to reach me at my office, my publicist's number if none of those work, and oh you'll need my apartment number..." All the cards were flung unceremoniously at the ivory-haired trainer, with all the grace of an over-excited child.

"Ah! And your payment, of course! Duh." Amber smacked her forehead with her hand before drawing a large sum of pokedollars from her wallet and handing them to Georgette. "Will this do? It's my first time hiring for something like this."

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Pokemon Breeder
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
306 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2022 17:25:52 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

0332 words
A bright laugh spills from Georgette's lips at Amber's mock horror, her blue-green eyes bright while the Wooloo eats up the attention before turning to business. "That is what the wool is for," the woman insists, her voice imbued with a lilt from her laughter. "He would get too heavy to move if we did not shear him. But I suppose he might like that on certain days."
Wrinkling her nose playfully, the pair falls into a comfortable rhythm of explanation, practice, and demonstration of the dance routine. While each misstep is corrected, Georgette is indeed quick to praise her pupil, even clapping delightedly when Amber takes her own spin on a step. "You are doing wonderfully," the ivory-haired woman exclaims - and truthfully, Amber was. All she needed was direction and time to understand what was required.
Beaming brightly at Amber's exclamation of adoration for the routine, Georgette claps her hands together in her own delight, her voice warm when she answers, "I am glad you liked it! You were a wonderful student, Amber." Any further praise is cut short by Amber subsequently pulling out her phone and divulging a deluge of cards for Georgette to keep for further contact; she fumbles for her phone before deciding to sort through the stack in the evening when she has returned to her hotel and things are calm once more.
Looking up from her phone, Georgette blinks widely at the pokedollars which are then shoved into her hands, a bewildered, "Thank you," spilling from her lips before she can register the amount given. She falls silent for a beat as she gathers herself, a patient smile soon spreading over her lips when she speaks again. "You were wonderful to work with, Amber. Let me know how the routine goes when it's performed?"
Georgette then says her goodbyes and calls her Wooloo back over, the two leisurely making their way out of the park and back to the hotel.


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,293 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Cute Ambitions [M]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2022 0:47:44 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


