Cinnamon || SD

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
121 posts
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TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2022 2:39:20 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


upper slateport || theme


Colourful... and perhaps a little too crowded. The more Amaryllis looks around, the more she finds herself daunted by the thought of heading to her own table. Meeting a stranger? Talking to them?
She looks to Dianthus for any signs of help, only to receive a look that tells her that she's on her own for this one. Idle fingers begin to tap against one another, her gaze kept solely on her trimmed nails as she quietly kicks the air under the table.
Maybe she'll get someone nice.

[attr="class","boxo-notes"] || speed dating


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played by


March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
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TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2022 3:46:49 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar



Speed dating always seemed like an exhilarating concept but never one she thought she’d attempt herself. Then again, people used to always say spontaneity was her middle name. Being bored on the weekend with nothing more to do than study or French kiss her pillow as she slept, led this young socialite to make reckless decisions. [break][break]

Desperate times called for desperate measures…[break][break]

After triple checking her outfit she quickly made her way to the required meeting place. It seemed they were taking this event seriously just looking at how everything was decorated. She was impressed to say the least. [break][break]

Because she wasn’t sure who she’d be meeting she aimed to dress to impress. Fluffing her blonde and pink tipped locks she checked in and decided to head towards her table. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited, even if it was just a little bit. [break][break]

A cute girl in a black bop awaited her at the table. For a moment Hailee questioned if she had been running late. No matter, she took a deep breath and quickly approached the table with a smile. “Hi there, I’m Hailee. Nice to meet you.” she said as she held out her hand for a shake. “I love your outfit by the way.” she added as she took a seat across from her.

+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: ^.^[break]


hailee +

made by gimmick

[newclass=.sidelongscreditsajay]width: min-content; margin: 30px auto; [/newclass]
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played by


amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
121 posts
part of
TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2022 5:46:54 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


upper slateport || theme


The more she looks around, the more she begins to question if she's a little underdressed for such an event. But before she can consult her dearest Espeon on the matter, her partner arrives with grace and a smile, taking a seat across from her and patiently awaiting her hand.
"O- oh, uhm... I'm Amaryllis, but you can just call me Lis!" She chirps, gently shaking Hailee's hand and quickly letting go. If anything, she just prays that the other doesn't notice how she's shaking from her nerves. "You look nice too! I mean, your outfit is really cute... Do you like fashion, or anything?"
She's quick to take her cup of tea and nervously sips, quietly leaning back into her seat and wishing she could hide away. Even Dianthus struggles to offer her encouragement, simply nuzzling her cheeks against Lis' calves as she purrs. Not even a few seconds in and she's already stumbling... How is she meant to last several minutes?

[attr="class","boxo-notes"] || speed dating


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played by


March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2022 11:09:47 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar



"O- oh, uhm... I'm Amaryllis, but you can just call me Lis!" she said swiftly as she gingerly took hold of Hailee’s extended hand. Carefully trained orbs seemed to have a mischievous glint to them as she silently assessed the flustered woman before her. [break][break]

“Lis.” she repeated with a smirk, “Has a nice ring to it, I like it” she complimented her before she adjusted the bow on the front of her top. "You look nice too! I mean, your outfit is really cute... Do you like fashion, or anything?"[break][break]

Hailee couldn’t help the way she perked up at that sentence as a smug grin briefly passed over her features. “I love it. I actually go to school for it.” she said as she picked up her own cup of tea. “There’s something about putting together an ensemble that I fell in love with. Now I can’t get enough.” she chuckled. [break][break]

“What about you, Lis?” she asked as she took a sip of tea from her cup. “What do you do in your free time?"

+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: ^.^[break]


hailee +

made by gimmick

[newclass=.sidelongscreditsajay]width: min-content; margin: 30px auto; [/newclass]
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played by


amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
121 posts
part of
TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 1:01:08 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


upper slateport || theme


A fashion designer? In her mind, there's this aura of grace that seems to be tagged to that job title. Being able to set the newest trends and making statements that go against expectations... or perhaps, being unordinary had become the standards for an ordinary fashionista.
"I uhm- I design stuff." She answers, "Decorations for cakes and sweets and all. I mean, I bake in my free time but that's also kind of my job and well..."
She's rambling, her cheeks flushing red when she realises her mistake. Taking a hurried sip from her cup, Amaryllis winces as the tea burns her tongue.
"I like reading too, all kinds of genres. But mostly romance and adventures..."

[attr="class","boxo-notes"] || speed dating


[newclass=".skep-holder"]width:500px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".boxo-notes a"]font-family:arial narrow; font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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played by


March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 2:18:56 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar



"I uhm- I design stuff." Lis answers, "Decorations for cakes and sweets and all. I mean, I bake in my free time but that's also kind of my job and well..." At the mention of sweets Raijin poked his head out from below the table before climbing on top of Hailee’s lap. [break][break]

Hailee chuckled before sitting back a bit to allow him a better view of his target of focus. Lis’ cheeks flushed before she quickly retreated to her tea cup. "I like reading too, all kinds of genres. But mostly romance and adventures..."[break][break]

Hailee smiled. “Nothing wrong with baking and certainly nothing wrong with reading. I enjoy a good romance myself.” she said as her eyes twinkled while looking at her. “Emmoo” Raijin spoke up from her lap. “And this one adores sweets. Seems like you have a little fan already.” she said with a giggle.

+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: ^.^[break]


hailee +

made by gimmick

[newclass=.sidelongscreditsajay]width: min-content; margin: 30px auto; [/newclass]
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amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
121 posts
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TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2022 7:58:26 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


upper slateport || theme


A fellow sweets lover is always appreciated, an Espeon carefully standing on her hind legs and resting her front paws on the table as she eyes the Emolga. Laughing, Amaryllis can't quite help but slide a cookie over to her, ruffling her fur as she looks to Hailee.
"I don't really have any treats on me at the moment, but I'll be sure to make some for you next time we meet!" Making use of the given notepad and pen, she quickly scribbles down a number and hands it off with a nervous smile. "If you'd like to meet up again sometime, that is..."

[attr="class","boxo-notes"] || speed dating


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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
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TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 22:34:51 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar



The head of a cute Espeon poked up and caused Hailee’s grin to grow wider. "I don't really have any treats on me at the moment, but I'll be sure to make some for you next time we meet!" Raijin quickly perked up and turned to look at her, practically begging her with her eyes to accept. [break][break]

Hailee laughed again before turning her gaze back to Lis, who was busy scratching away on the notepad. "If you'd like to meet up again sometime, that is..." she said with a slight blush as she pushed the paper with her phone number over to her. [break][break]

“Of course. Raijin here would have a fit if he couldn’t try some of your treats.” Hailee purred as her eyes twinkled mischievously once more, “Besides, I wouldn’t mind getting to see your pretty face once more.” [break][break]

No sooner had she said that did the bell ring signaling that their time together had come to an end. “Aw, over already?” Hailee said with a pout. “I wouldn’t have minded chatting with you a while longer.” she said as she turned her gaze back to Lis. [break][break]

“This was fun,” she said with a wide grin as she rose from her seat. Hailee tapped a nail to the paper with Lis’ number. “I’ll be sure to hit you up later. I’ll be looking forward to our next date.” she said with a wink as both her and her Emolga waved goodbye to the pair.

+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: ^.^[break]


hailee +

made by gimmick

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Cinnamon || SD
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 5:30:57 GMT
shiv Avatar


Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing