First Encounters [SD]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 4:55:53 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Elaine could say she had never undergone the experience that was a group date. One like her never spent too much time seeking romance, considering such a thing would tend to get in the way of her goals. But there was also a networking aspect to it and getting a chance to meet multiple people she could possibly form some sort of business relations was definitely couldn't hurt. Heavens knew she needed a boost in a continuingly cruel world.

If she found romance, that was just an added bonus.

Well, no need to look displeased or annoyed.

Resting her hand on Titania's maw that was now resting in her lap, she looked across to the other side of the table.

Just gotta keep moving with this and hope for the best.

Hiding any displeasure with an aloof gaze, she spoke up. "The name's Elaine Highland. It's a pleasure."

Reaching a hand out before her, despite the speed dating atmosphere, she maintained as businesslike a mood as possible.


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2022 18:21:02 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

This was a great opportunity. Not just to find love or contacts, but also to test her skills. After all, the people she met here would be quite discerning – which called for all of her skills to be utilized. Some of them beforehand, of course. A lot of thought had gone into her outfit. She’d gone for a dress of shifting colours: deeper blues on the skirted part and the sleeves, white towards the middle, with small dots white to evoke a bit of snowfall. It was made for elegance, not sultriness, so other than her collarbone and legs from somewhere above the knees, she didn’t show that much skin.
And on her shoulder, there was her shiny Rattata, nestling against her neck. She still spoke unimpeded, showing that she was quite used to this setup. “It is a pleasure indeed, Ms. Highland. Elaine is such a beautiful, elegant name. Mine is Violet Fairbanks.” She took the hand that was offered, her own seeming delicate at a glance, but stronger than expected upon touch. “You have an air of importance around you, if I may say so. Surely, you must be quite an interesting person.”

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 4:29:52 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Reflection, one would call it. When one created an ambiance, it would often reflect in the other. Though, it was questionable whether Elaine was the one reflecting off the young woman before her or vice-versa. Nevertheless, what was happening right now was reality. Unlike the young woman before, Elaine was wearing the outfit that garnered the most familiarity to her, the one she always wore, and the one through which she could easily project any type of presence she required. As asymmetrical as the long sleeves over white skirt were, they were ones of the most comfort and ones which fit any form of event.

"Thank you, Violet. I would not say that I'm anything particularly special." Elaine matched the firm grip of the handshake before letting go, an attempt not to linger too long. She could hardly say she was anyone important, even if she held some decent import at an earlier age, but there was a certain sense of keeping up appearances that was always a necessity. Keeping her hand stroking Titania's maw, she continued to speak.

"Even if my experience as a detective places a wealth of experiences on me, a lot of that is still covered up. But what of you? For someone of your own presence, I could almost say the same for youl," Elaine said, letting out a smile.


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 18:43:41 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ohhh, a detective. Now that was interesting. Violet quickly perked up – mostly because detectives had always just meant danger to her. But that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, she found it exciting and immediately became more interested. “A detective? Now that is a vocation you do not see too often these days. And yes, now I can see it with this slightly retro-inspired style. Quite well done indeed,” she replied, folding her hands gleefully. She had already decided that this one was worth her attention for sure, maybe even after this round.
But, of course, she also had to answer the question. Otherwise she would immediately start this by being suspicious, which really would not do. “I wish I could call myself anything that impressive. Really, I mostly just scoot by with my name and winning personality. Guess you could say that I travel this region trying to find myself before going back to study the humanities back in Sinnoh. Though I also might just stay here in Hoenn if things work out that way. It is nice here, weird incidents notwithstanding. And there are a lot of interesting people here, like you.”

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2022 8:45:04 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Retro-Inspired style? That was something Elaine had hardly expected to ever be described as. Though, she couldn't say it as inaccurate. Her outfit, practical and versatile though it was, did exude a sense of old-fashioned and old-money style presence. Fanning out her fingers in front of herself, she chuckled as she looked at the loose sleeves for a quick moment before turning her attention back to the young woman she had been paired with.

"One could consider it a bit old-fashioned, but that vocation was who I am. Nothing else ever suited me. Though, it's not like I don't have any other ambitions, per se." Elaine shrugged in resignation as she let her train of thought run loose for a short moment.

That being said, it would also have been remiss of her to neglect Violet. After all, there was something in her words that had caught her attention all too easily—enough to make her lean in with eyes wide-open like an enthused child.

"You're from Sinnoh too, Violet?! Where from? What brought you here?! I'm sorry, but it feels like it's been forever since I've seen someone from 'home.'"

As soon as she finished speaking, Elaine quickly recoiled back to her original position, scratching at her cheek with a mild blush on her face as she realized she may have gotten a bit too enthused.


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 14:45:08 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Intriguing. It seemed like this woman hadn’t exactly considered her style in this regard yet. Violet could follow the other’s thoughts momentarily – which was a little strange, given that as a detective, the girl was supposed to be her opposite. Then again, they were both creatures of observation, deduction and anticipation. They likely had a lot in common, one way or another. Vio wasn’t sure if that was a suitable base for a relationship – as exciting as it probably would be – but just talking to this one semi-regularly might be nice. Plus, it would be training, too.
“Well, it definitely does suit you~,” she replied, teasing a little but reigning in her bad impulses still. “Though since I like being honest, I have to admit that I am almost jealous about you having found yourself a vocation that you can truly live. I am still looking, myself.” Quite a few half-truths there, but in in essence, it was true.[break][break]
Just as she liked it. Much like she enjoyed watching the other’s antics. Definitely not refined detective, but still a nice side of Elaine’s. “Near Veilstone City,” she replied, briefly laughing when the other recoiled. “And I have to also admit that you can be plenty cute. As for coming here? Really, I just needed a change of pace, new places to explore, new people to meet. What about you? Something similar brought you here?”

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 4:41:38 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Elaine took a quick moment to realize, as she had finished asking her storm of questions, just how she ended up looking as she ended up forgoing the image of elegance she had built up in a throe of curiosity. Old habits died hard. Though the façade had been dropped by that point, Elaine could still maintain some semblance on it as she attempted to keep both the smile and her poise.

"I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Not having a vocation means you have an infinite array of possibilities to reach out for. You came out this far from Veilstone City to explore your own possibilities. Though I'd say your motive is different from mine, there's nothing inherently inferior to it." There was no way she could ever say such a thing. After all, what she sought was far more outlandish than self-understanding could ever be. "After all, I have my own weird ambitions to chase. I figured I just needed to separate myself from my roots to start chasing after them."

But, before she could say anything like that, her ears focused in on a single compliment.

Come to think of it, this was a speed-dating event. The young woman who had mired herself too much in her work to delve into romance found herself caught off-guard.

"I-I'm not that cute. Besides you're the elegant one here." A curt denial and a quick reflection. How quickly the façade fell. And yet, even as this session began to draw nearer to its close, Elaine was certain that her comfort zone would be pulled out from beneath her. Life could truly be cruel.


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 18:08:51 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Weird ambitions? Intriguing already~,” she replied, pouncing on that particular wording. A cheap shot maybe, but this was speed dating. She had to take what she got before separating for the next round, simply because, well, that was the most efficient strategy for that. Hence her admittedly blunt assault on cuteness there. However, it had obviously worked out relatively well even if, to her credit, the other was getting her bearings quickly enough.
That was good. Meant she was a more than worthy opponent in this game of socializing. Or partner. Those two things really were interchangeable, to be honest. “Well, I do think you cute, just as you think me elegant. We might both be wrong, or fall victim to deception. But that doesn’t really matter, does it? As long as we believe it, there is some truth to it.” And thus, she turned this back around and brought Elaine’s assertion on the same level as hers. Would make it difficult to deny further.
Momentarily though, Violet reached into her purse and retrieved a small card. Just because the actual encounters were haphazard didn’t mean they couldn’t prepare for it, after all. And she just preferred something simple, yet tangible as a reminder of the speedy date. It beat just telling someone a number. “But we can discuss this in more detail later, if you want. I wouldn’t mind continuing this properly, so feel free to call me. Or not, if you prefer that. I would like to know more about you, but I shall respect your boundaries.” With that, she would push the card over. A small thing, white, sturdy paper with simple numbers on it.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
First Encounters [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 6:32:05 GMT
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Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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