aleryllis [SD]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 5:37:55 GMT
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A finely dressed pirate sits at the table, one leg crossed over the other as he enjoys a strawberry margarita and narrows a curious, fox-like eye at his incoming date— the other, of course, is obscured beneath a black eyepatch.

His SHINY CLEFABLE sits on a chair between his and hers. It struggles to reach for a platter of confections placed at the center of the table, just beside a ticking timer. Its wings flutter as it squeaks; irritated.

"Why hello there!" Her master expresses to his date in the meantime, raising his glass in greeting. She looked far cuter and sweeter than his previous. "My name is Alevander Elspeth. I suppose I'm the man lucky enough to be your date for the next few minutes." He smiles.

💕💼 TURN 1/4

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amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
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amaryllis karneva
aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2022 3:11:12 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


slateport || theme


"Was there a theme for this round?" She quietly laughs, taking her seat and allowing time for her Espeon to climb onto her lap. "I'm uh... probably a little underdressed for a pirate party, huh?"
Dianthus watches the Clefable with mild interest, gently waving her tail as she lifts some treats with her Psychic powers and drifts them over.
"I'm Amaryllis, but you can call me Lis! And well... uhm... not to be rude... you look to be about as old as my brother? Older even?"
Great start, she reckons, definitely not out here gaining the ire of complete strangers from the get-go!
"That's not saying you're ugly or anything! Th- I- uhm! You look really handsome... I just-"
She's fumbling, covering her face with her hands as she desperately sinks back into her seat. Her ears burn a bright red, her shame knowing no bounds. She's usually much better at talking to people than this, she swears.

[attr="class","boxo-notes"]@lev || speed dating: hot mess edition


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2022 8:36:07 GMT
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Alevander chuckles. "No, dear, I'm just a pirate, is all." He answers with a whimsical air. Nearby, Lunalea is granted her treat through telekinetic intervention. She thanks the Espeon with an endearing cheer before munching on the cookie in her hands.

The cute girl goes on to introduce herself shortly thereafter, then prompts Lev to choke back a gasp when she guesses his age on appearance alone.

"I-Is it the eye-patch? I'm told it makes me look more mature for my age." He asks, worry smeared across his expression as he sets down his margarita and leans in from his chair. "How old is your brother, anyway? H-Hey! Please don't hide now, poppet!"

These were very important questions!

💕💼 TURN 2/4

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amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
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TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 21:37:25 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


slateport || theme


"No no! It's more like... your aura? The vibes you give off?"
Dianthus yowls in laughter, nearly tumbling off her trainer's lap as she rolls over. And this only serves to embarrass Amaryllis further.
"H- he's uhm... 29?" She murmurs, gently pressing her palms together in a prayer as she rests her fingers upon her lips. "Not that old really! Wisdom comes with age and all, right? You're probably quite wise... Most likely with a bright future ahead, kinda deal?" She pauses, a little flustered as she tries to think on how to change the topic at hand. "Do you uh... believe in star signs and stuff?"

[attr="class","boxo-notes"]@lev || speed dating: hot mess edition


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[newclass=".boxo-notes a"]font-family:arial narrow; font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2022 23:18:07 GMT
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The yowling Espeon goes unregarded as Alevander desperately seeks an answer to his question; his pride wounded by such a cute and seemingly docile little thing! Though he settles back into his chair when she reveals her brother's age. Resignation is exhaled from his lungs.

"I... I'm twenty-nine..." He remarks in a mutter, seizing his margarita once more as he leans back to analyze his date with narrowed eyes. Did she really think that was old? Her words fail to assuage him or his judgement.

"Oh? Did someone tell you I'm an astrologist?" He suspiciously asks, eyes narrowing further as the Clefable happily continues to eat her cookie beside him.

"More importantly... do you date older men?" The pirate asks, his serious expression suddenly breaking with a suggestive, devilish grin.

💕💼 TURN 3/4

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amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
121 posts
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TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 11:23:58 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


slateport || theme


She feels bad for making such an awkward situation, hurriedly sipping her own hot chocolate to mirror his actions.
"You're an astrologist? I rarely hear of anyone in that line of occupation! What kinds of things do you do?" A brief break perhaps, but one that is quickly swept away with the next question posed. She has to stop herself from spluttering, swallowing her drink as her cheeks burn pink from the effort.
"I- uhm... I've never dated before... Have you?"

[attr="class","boxo-notes"]@lev || speed dating: hot mess edition


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[newclass=".boxo-notes a"]font-family:arial narrow; font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 4:58:16 GMT
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Bah! Talk about those stars could wait! Right now, in this instant, the only stars he cared to see where the ones hiding somewhere in her eyes. Nothing less after the embarrassment he'd just suffered!

"I- uhm... I've never dated before... Have you?"

With a slight kick to get him out of his seat in one smooth motion, Alevander sidles up beside her. Leaning against the table with a single hand, then leaning down, he responds:

"Loads of times. Care to give it a try, love?"


The timer rings. The date has concluded.

💕💼 TURN 4/4

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amaryllis decker
she / her
july 24
sootopolis city
wish we'd known before it all went by
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TAG WITH @amaryllis
amaryllis karneva
aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 7:24:53 GMT
amaryllis karneva Avatar

[attr="class","lyr1"]Where did your
[attr="class","lyr2"]heart go

[attr="class","lyr4"]Lost in a daze


[attr="class","lyr6"]summer of


slateport || theme


He's leaning close, far too close for her own comfort. Her heart skips a beat, then tears into an erratic rhythm, speeding up and tripping over itself as if trying to run away.
"M- maybe next time!" Gently pushing him away, she builds a little distance before reaching to grab Dianthus. Her fingers move to tuck loose strands of hair behind her ears, her eyes darting away as she readily shuffles away. "Was great meeting you though! I- uhm... If you ever want to chat again, I run a bakery in Sootopolis... and uhm... see you, I guess?"
With that, she's bolted off to her next table.

[attr="class","boxo-notes"]@lev || speed dating: hot mess edition


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[newclass=".boxo-notes a"]font-family:arial narrow; font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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October 13
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aleryllis [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 4:53:58 GMT
shiv Avatar


Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing