licorice twists [SD]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dr glynn
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ecological geneticist
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Cefin Glynn DOLLARS
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Cefin Glynn
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 18:40:38 GMT
Cefin Glynn Avatar

Here for romance, sure, at Ceri's request, but Cefin was also here for business. He wasn't the only one, but his reasons seemed perhaps a little stranger than others. His "business" was mostly focused on finding people who might have interesting pokémon that he could take a look at, perhaps even study. Mars' shiny Meowth, for starters, had provided some interest.[break][break]

He approaches his next match, a young lady. Hopefully she's also here for business - she looks about the same age as his niece, and even if he was into women, that would be a little weird. He takes a seat and offers a smile.[break][break]

"Hello, I'm Cefin. How's your evening been?"




speed dating 3


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[newclass=.izrigidpokes img] margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
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Jessica Manner
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 22:33:39 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
The people Jessie met were interesting. She had been so engulfed in the gang life that she forgot there were people from all sorts of walks of life in Hoenn.

She had been in her own little world until now.

It was kind of fun, but it was also a bit exhausting, even for an extrovert like her. She sat at the table, waiting for someone to approach. It didn't take long. She nudged her Delphox with her foot, who sat his head up.

"Hi! I'm Jessie. I'd say it's been a busy evening, for sure. But enjoyable. How has yours been, Mr. Cefin?"
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dr glynn
may 1st
circhester, galar
ecological geneticist
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Cefin Glynn DOLLARS
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Cefin Glynn
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 20:28:34 GMT
Cefin Glynn Avatar

Cefin wasn't an extrovert, but not quite so much an introvert either - big situations like these were exciting, but he'd always feel more at home tucked away in the mountains surveying Tauros and the like. Everyone had brought a pokémon or two with them tonight, and his match was no different. Jessie's Delphox drew an interested gaze from him.[break][break]

"Ah, it's quite a busy evening indeed. Many more people here than I'd thought! I suppose everyone's looking for love and whatnot" He laughs gently, taking a seat opposite her and helping himself to a macaron that had been lovingly laid out. He offers the plate to Jessie, too.[break][break]

"I'd say mine has been quite enjoyable, as well. I must mention, by the way - your Delphox is quite the beautiful creature. I've seen shiny Fennekin before, though never had the honour to meet one fully evolved."




speed dating 3


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[newclass=.izrigidpokes img] margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
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TAG WITH @jessica
Jessica Manner
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 1:12:28 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
Jessie, of course, reached for a macaron as well when it was offered, humming excitedly as she snacked on it.

"I guess so. February always makes people go crazy, don't you think?" she said with a small chuckle.

Of course, she found an interest already in Niko. She was here for her own amusement, and she wondered if he was doing the same, or he was there for a potential spark.

"Thank you. Finn is my pride and joy. I've had him since I was a child."
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dr glynn
may 1st
circhester, galar
ecological geneticist
mae pob lliw yn dod gyda stori
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Cefin Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cefin
Cefin Glynn
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 18:00:51 GMT
Cefin Glynn Avatar

He wasn't necessarily searching for a spark - the last time Cefin had been in a relationship was nearly a decade ago now, and even then he'd fallen into having a boyfriend almost by accident. But if he could wander haphazardly into romance before, he could probably do it again. So who knew what tonight might hold, for the future![break][break]

"At least all the stores selling chocolates can make quite the profit!" He chuckles, placing the plate back in the centre of the table.[break][break]

"He's really quite a wonderful specimen. Was he gifted as a Fennekin or did you hatch him? It's lovely to have had pokémon from such young ages - I have a Vivillon I raised from a Scatterbug, when I was a child, too" He shifts his gaze to the Delphox, unable to hide the glint in his eyes - shiny pokémon were his life's work, quite literally. He'd written his thesis on this kind of thing.




speed dating 3


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[newclass=.izrigidpokes img] margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
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Jessica Manner
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 18:26:17 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
Jessie spotted some candy on the table, picking up a little lollipop and plopping it in her mouth. She rolled the stick around with her finger before speaking.

"I caught him, actually. He was a feisty thing, caused my dad and I a bit of trouble catching him. But once he gained my trust, we became besties."

She couldn't help but notice how interested Cefin was in her Pokemon, rather than her. It was amusing to say the least. She chuckled, the smirk evident on her face as she spoke again.

"You know, if you ever want to observe him or something, I can give you my number. We can arrange a meet up or something. You know, as long as you give me something in return."

Jessie pulled the candy out of her mouth with a pop, winking. She left it up to him what that meant. Knowing her, it could mean anything. But, in reality, perhaps she was hunting down some extra cash.
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dr glynn
may 1st
circhester, galar
ecological geneticist
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Cefin Glynn DOLLARS
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Cefin Glynn
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 20:51:08 GMT
Cefin Glynn Avatar

"Ah, what a lovely story. I bet you have a lot of good memories with him, then" He smiles, well aware that he's focused far more on the fox pokémon than he is on the young lady he's been matched with to date... but it's hard not to be excited.[break][break]

"Oh! You would? That would be lovely" Cefin smiles, then nearly chokes on the bit of macaron he's nibbling as she... propositions him? "O-oh! I... see!" He squeaks "If you... need... payment? I'm of course happy to reimburse you for your time... though if you need any other kind of, erm, payment... I'm not sure I'd be of much use" He clears his throat and laughs a little.[break][break]

Even excluding the fact that he was gay... some bookworm scientist in his thirties? He's not sure he could keep up with a young lady like Jessie. "...I have a feeling you'd eat me for breakfast" Cefin says with a grin.[break][break]

With that, the bell dings and orders them to separate.[break]
"Ah, I guess it's time to move on" He stands and brushes his sweater off a little, giving a polite nod to Jessie and her pokémon. "If you would like to meet up sometime, though, miss Jessie, I'd love to. It's been lovely to meet you"




speed dating 3


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[newclass=.izrigidpokes img] margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
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TAG WITH @jessica
Jessica Manner
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2022 20:56:57 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
Seeing Cefin become so flustered just by taking her statement in the direction she was steering it in, though it wasn't what she desired, was entertaining. She couldn't help but laugh.

"You do look like a tasty morsel, but I already have someone in my sights. Consider yourself lucky," she teased.

With the dinging bell, she smiled innocently despite her teasing.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cefin. I look forward to hearing from you again some time soon."
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
licorice twists [SD]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 5:06:49 GMT
shiv Avatar


Parfum Palace - Pokémon X & Y OST

A BELL DINGS, announcing the curtain call for round one. Immediately, a shuffling of chairs and flustered movement can be heard. Awkward goodbyes accompany the brisk steps of Pokémon partners as they cascade across the polished flooring.

Before you leave your table, perhaps you'd like to take a sweet treat?


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay