Johanna's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Johanna Joy
Johanna's Plotter
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2022 13:07:57 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna Joy
23 | Female | Homosexual | Team Rocket


[attr="class","dmoolah"] [break] APP

[attr="class","dmoolah2"] [break] TRACKER

[attr="class","dcointext"] FRIENDS


[attr="class","dcointext"] ENEMIES


[attr="class","dcointext"] LOVERS


[attr="class","dpennytext"] Johanna is a girl who vies for acceptance. This is especially so when it comes to her social circles. Meaning she is very friendly to just about anyone who’d give her an ounce of their time. She will do just about anything to be in good standing with whomever she sees as a potential friend. Though she can be a bit shy at the start, and given her upbringing and wanting to live up to certain expectations she might even seem uncertain or inflicted by decision paralysis. But if you first become her friend, you got a friend for life.

[attr="class","dpennytext"] Given that she is wanting for acceptance and true friendship, becoming an enemy of Johanna is rather hard. But one of the sure-fire ways to do it is to hurt the friends she already has or her family. And in Johanna’s case, Hell Hath no fury like a Johanna scorned because she has a whole lot of bottled-up frustration and anger just waiting to get released.

[attr="class","dpennytext"] Due to her family circumstances, she is afraid of letting people into her heart. Afraid that doing so might lead to disappointment. And so, while she wants love and a partner that understands her, she is afraid of opening up enough to actually find someone like that. And given that she prefers people of the same gender, she feels she is already letting her mother down by not being able to form a bond of love that could produce an heir. So she has issues even just accepting the love she wants.

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