taistelu [ battle ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 17:49:52 GMT
a new league initiative helmed by none other than alexander himself, is to train their officers to be battle-ready at any given time. the regular training routines just won't cut it anymore, not when rocket's at their door waiting to break it down. officers need to be ready. people need to be ready.

so, one of the new initiatives is to have impromptu battles with gym leaders in their respective cities. the phone will buzz with an alert and the officers will be asked to visit the gym as soon as possible.

that happens to be the case for mister lopez, who received an alert to visit the rustboro gym not two hours ago. alexander stands at the ready on an open battlefield with his eelektross in front of him.

"i like what you have done to your hair, cadet lopez." smiling, alexander gestures to the battlefield. eelektross slithers forward. "you can have the first move."

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2019 19:40:18 GMT
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He grabs the hair in front of his eyes as he comments about it. "It's not my favorite color, but thanks. I like it too."

Impromptu battles were troublesome. He brings his Poochy team most of the time, with majority of them being unsuited to single battles and are more likely to thrive as a secondary threat rather than a main battler. They were weak, at least compared to the larger and more popular ones. He supposed it was the reason why they are more likely to form packs than hunt independently in the wild. Kyle decides to shrug off his insecurities, knowing that he might just be making excuses for himself.

"Guess I'll have to thank you for giving me the first attack too."

A Mightyena is released from its Pokeball, valiantly sizing up its opponent as soon as it was introduced. He was the right choice, he hoped. Kyle didn't really have anything to deal with Electric-types out of his Mightyena team, with most of their kits fitted for certain scenarios instead of having battles in mind.


Bravo starts to regurgitate something from its stomach. The Dark-type hasn't enjoyed using the move, which led to the visible lack of comfort when executing it. Regardless, a spray of poison comes out of its mouth, covering a wide area against the Electric-type.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 3:13:50 GMT
TOXIC like hoenn's discord server, the mightyena spews purple venom out of the deepest parts of its stomach and projectiles it straight at the eelektross. no orders to dodge it come from alexander, so the electric-type holds his ground as the acid stains his skin, burning with vigor; and yet he does not question his trainer's decision.

alexander wants his team to familiarize themselves with different attacks that will come their way; familiarity will give them an advantagr, so as gruesome as it sounds, the pain that comes from each attack will help them in the long run.

"boost and go."

if eelektross could speak he would, but all the electric-type could muster up in the form of a response is a harsh grunting noise followed by unnatural slithering towards the mightyena. right before striking, he COILS himself up to boost his stats before swinging his sharp CRUSH CLAW downwards, looking to hurt.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 4:08:06 GMT
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Moreover, Mightyena weren't biologically designed to take multiple heavy hits. Thick fur could only stand so much damage compared to tough hides and natural plating some Pokemon have. The only way to win this battle was to stall things out with Toxic taking effect.

"Play defensive. Sand attack."

Powerful as the attack may be, the Dark-type's keen senses allow it to anticipate the attack. The moment it took the Eelektross to coil gave the Mightyena enough time to ready himself for the next split second. The claws still graze the Mightyena's front side as the canine hops backwards despite the canine's precaution, clipping part of its fur that Kyle had groomed on his free time. This was no time to think about the wasted efforts that went with it though.

Claws scraped across the floor as the Mightyena skidded from the momentum of the dodge. Chipping the flooring, any loose particles would be directed towards the Eelektross's face. Anything that prolongs the battle would tilt the scales to their favor.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 4:32:15 GMT
the temperament of such a creature as eelektross, a natural born predator, is simple: aggression dictates its every move; eelektross is no different. the poison that erodes at his skin is nothing short of painful, yes, but it is the pain that acts as the motivator that makes eelektross move with more vigor and grit, looking to strike down his foe.

mightyena's SAND ATTACK is nothing but a nuisance. with the accuracy buff from COIL now cancelled out, eelektross' attack barely misses and clips the ground instead. but, as mentioned before, missing just adds to the aggression.

no words need to come from alexander. mightyena may have created distance by leaping backwards but it won't be enough to stop the eelektross from closing the distance within a second. attack buffed from the earlier COIL, eelektross slams his CRUSH CLAW down once and swiftly turns his body to swing his tail down for a second CRUSH CLAW (or tail).

the poison eats away at him, but he will survive.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 4:56:06 GMT
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The command confuses the Mightyena, but its loyalty to its trainer overrides the doubts that the instruction implies. It was a direct opposite of playing defensive, as what was told to him earlier, but the Dark-type nonetheless complies with the command.

Legs scrambling against the gym floors, the canine would charge towards the Electric-type's attack. The Mightyena would slow down, thinking that he had dodged the attack, before throwing himself at the Eelektross. It was only then that he saw the tail. Bracing himself for impact, the worried look on its face immediately went blank as soon as he heard his trainer's next words.


A protective bubble surrounds the Mightyena. The attack hits, throwing the Mightyena across the battlefield with the impact and once again regaining distance from the adversary. A yelp sounds from the canine as soon as it lands, finally reacting to the fear it felt earlier. The shield dispels itself the moment it hits the ground, although it wouldn't matter much as it has already done its job.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 5:51:26 GMT
cadet lopez plays an interesting game of delaying the battle to allow the poison to seep all the way through until eelektross succumbs to the pain. alexander sees through the plan immediately but is unable to do anything about it, because as aggressive as eelektross is, mightyena poses a threat with its defensive capabilities and speed.

for instance, how its PROTECT blocks the second attack from connecting. the impact throws the mightyena across the battlefield, soaring, and even before it hits the ground eelektross is already preparing for his next attack.

the poison builds and builds but it has yet to reach the point of no return. for now, eelektross remains standing with his mouth wide open, jaws unhinged as he aims it directly at the thrown mightyena
just as the dark-type hits the ground and the PROTECT breaks, eelektross lets loose a powerful ZAP CANNON.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 6:43:27 GMT
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"Activate Quick Feet."

The Mightyena remained shaken for a moment and was unable to react in time for the Zap Cannon. Time wasn't something he could alter, but the Dark-type's agility some something he could. Bravo quickly realizes the need for the next move, and as unpleasant as it would be, it seemed like the only way for them to avoid the Zap Cannon given the distance and speed of the projectile.

Bravo immediately moves out of the way the next moment, much like a blur. Another Sand Attack at the Eelektross ironically tells the opposing Pokemon of his location. He starts breathing heavily, but remained lacking of any visible injury nonetheless. Moving to a corner of the room, he vomits out purple liquid from his insides. Toxic has taken effect, the same slow poison affecting the Eelektross now targeting his systems as well.

"We're going offensive soon,"
he forewarns

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 6:56:00 GMT
eelektross' rage stems from how the mightyena so nimbly dodges attack after attack, evading everything the electric-type seems to throw at it with enough ease that it makes him feel inadequate. he slams his two fists into the ground, shrieking a piercing sound that lasts only for two seconds before being replaced by purple liquid.

choking, vomiting, eelektross spews out the venom from within him that's slowly crippling his system. alexander is tempted to recall the electric-type, seeing it writhe in pain, but as he reaches for his pokeball the eelektross lets out another sharp sound that alexander can only assume means no.

"last attack."

alexander is aware of his pokemon's limitations no matter how aggressive they may be. the SAND ATTACK is cancelled out by another COIL as the electric-type slithers forward once more, no longer relying on ranged attacks as he attempts to take advantage of the vomiting mightyena.

one last CRUSH CLAW.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2019 18:16:23 GMT
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Bravo gets excited with the previous words Kyle had uttered. They could continue stalling and secure a better advantage with each passing moment in a safer manner, but since this was a controlled environment anyways, Kyle found nothing wrong with taking the unnecessary risk. It wasn't like failure meant anything here.

"Parry with Protect."

The Dark-type's legs could still function, but the debilitating poison in his body would make it harder for the Mightyena to concentrate, or at least, that was how Kyle would interpret the situation. Bravo remained stable in his footing at least, waiting for the right moment before erecting another barrier.

The shield doesn't stay in tact for long. The immense strength behind the attack is apparent when the Protect immediately cracks under the pressure. Kyle does not need it to stay up for too long, however. A split second was enough as long as it breaks the Eelektross' attack's momentum and allows room for the Mightyena to finally get an attack in.

"...And then go for the kill. Not literally though."

Crush Claw crushes the Protect. Quick Feet allows the Mightyena to move in as soon as the attack connects all throughout. Bravo chooses to go underneath its peripheral and into the more sensitive parts of its body. Without wasting a moment, the Mightyena brandishes his teeth and lunges for the throat with Crunch. He remembers his trainer's follow up statement and gets careful not to tear the flesh.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2019 7:23:12 GMT
tense fingers wrap tightly around the red sphere, ready to react at any given moment. alexander watches as the eelektross slithers forward for his attack, and at the sight of the PROTECT, he knows the shield won't hold. but he also knows the mightyena is quick enough.


a single order projects across the battlefield, possibly changing the outcome of the battle. eelektross reacts immediately, almost in sync with when the shield breaks, and COILS himself around the body of the mightyena. the way the electric-type twists and turns allows him to evade the CRUNCH that goes for his throat only to return an attack with the same robustness.

mouth snapping wide open, eelektross swings his CRUSH CLAW into the body of the mightyena. purple seeps through his skin and looks to taint the enemy, sharing the effects of the poison.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2019 16:31:29 GMT
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The unforeseen movement allows the attack to miss, teeth chomping on empty space. The Eelektross moves itself in a way that restricts the Mightyena's routes of escape, limiting the Pokemon's chances to dodge the incoming attack. The self inflicted status move makes it much less hopeful, had it not been for the kick of adrenaline it brings in the Mightyena's system.

The nonchalant expression in Kyle's face soon twists into one that properly reflects the thrill of a fight. Brows furrowing and a lip tugging his one side of his smile to a playful smirk, he would utter the next command without the intent to win, but the aim to make a spectacle out of the show instead.

"Toxic, into Play Rough."

The combination of moves did not make sense in the Mightyena's head, but Bravo knew the constraints of time in a battle and had blindly followed the command at the spur of the moment. Poison was spewed, coughed from his bowels forcibly, as the liquid was sprayed all over the Mightyena, and by extension, the Electric-type coiled up around him.

Quick Feet and the lubricating function that the sludge insinuated made it easier to maneuver within the closed space. There still was only one exit though, which was through the Eelektross' attack. The Mightyena squeezes himself and launches himself in a corkscrew motion towards the attack. The claw gets a gash on the Dark-type's side, causing a bleeding, but had otherwise allowed him to narrowly miss the fatal blow.

Much like its opponent, the Mightyena feels more exhilarated as he receives punishment. They were seldom used for battles by their trainer, and the rush of adrenaline and the need to seize the moment fills him with determination.

The Mightyena attempts to latch on to the Eelektross afterwards, its own claws trying to get a hold of the Electric-type's skin in order to finally sink its teeth onto it.

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2019 16:41:48 GMT
the mightyena may be slick and slippery, but alexander will not allow it to deliver the final blow. a red beam of light shoots straight at the electric-type, engulfing it whole just in time to avoid being bitten down by some rabid dog that's covered in purple goo.

alexander notices the wound on the side of the mightyena's body, too, and soon calls out to cadet lopez.

"your mightyena is bleeding and poisoned. it should not continue battling." 

humble advice aside, alexander is frustrated at how easily the mightyena dodged every attack thrown at it. but on the plus side it gives him an opportunity to learn his pokemon's weaknesses and strenghts. for eelektross, his aggression counts as both.

"do you want to continue battling?"

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taistelu [ battle ]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2019 18:44:21 GMT
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The Eelektross is recalled, prematurely ending the build up of excitement in Kyle. He is somewhat ready to see another Pokemon pop up on the other side of the field, continue the battle, make the best use of his Mightyena before it falls down...

What the gym leader had said was right though.

His expression mellows down again as he observes his Pokemon. Its legs could hardly support its weight, struggling to even keep his consciousness in tact as the poison contaminates its body. It looks paler than normal, with a rugged appearance that contradicted the groomed look it had before the battle started. Bravo should not continue battling. Faint wagging of the tail suggested the dog wanted to keep going, but they were often stupid and did not know any better. Perhaps grit had been the only thing keeping him up.

"You're right." Kyle recalls the Dark-type back to its ball.

He takes one glance at the ball before returning it to his holster. "I think I'm done," he says as he turns to Alexander. "I don't think I have anyone else that can keep up with pressure like that." He had trained his party of Dark-types to work as one cohesive unit instead of a combatant, much like most trainers who battled for sport. The specialties do not align well.

"Besides, the rest of my Mightyena aren't suited for one-on-one battles. I'd have lost too, if it weren't for me getting the first attack in."

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POSTED ON Mar 7, 2019 6:19:23 GMT
"give yourself more credit, cadet lopez. both you and your mightyena looked like you were ready for more. that spirit should not be overlooked." 

it is that spirit that could prove to be the separation between life or death. when both parties have their backs against the wall, what matters is who perseveres longer than the other; who is willing to give more. cadet lopez has that fire inside him.

"thank you for the battle. it was well won." 

cadet lopez is interesting. so alexander pokes further. "how long have you been battling?" the mightyena moved with precision and willingly listened to orders, which must mean that lopez holds the alpha role.

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